View Full Version : Antenna
- J pole question
- Antenna Questions
- Totally off topic...but, you need to be involved.
- help with wireless video link
- Common Mode chokes
- Reed Relays ? (a bit off topic)
- Antenna materials
- Feed to a folded dipole.
- Is a screw driver antenna just a tuner with a wire attached to it?
- Grounding An Antenna Question ?
- Channel Master CM4228HD Antenna
- Antenna ?
- Problem matching real Log Periodic to NEC
- Elevated vs buried radials
- Looking for ideas: 2m double-stacked full-wave loop for SSB
- Elevated Screwdriver And Radials?
- Beware of indians bearing gifts ...
- Half delta loop antenna
- Hy-Gain BN-86 balun for sale
- low noise level?
- Coax choke question
- Horizontal loop as an inverted L
- Re: Speaker cone as AM antenna?
- Increasing the size of the AM antenna
- "Ionic Liquid" Antenna
- Frequency independent
- Cecil, was it you that mention a "windom balun?"
- Legitimate use of a Tazer gun
- Art, buddy, hang in there ...
- If you are a believer..
- Tube vs Rod Steel/Copper/Aluminum
- aliance antenna rotor
- Whip antennas with coils
- Recognition of the Aether presence or not
- Superconductors and Ham antennas
- Antenna Drivers, the way they were meant to be built!
- Best plastic for antennas, machining
- Antenna rope replacement interval
- Art Unwin
- Antenna analyzers, opinions please...
- Re: vemsa3d 1.1 - a floss visual em simulator for 3d antennas
- Measuring Balun effectiveness
- Re: vemsa3d 1.1 - a floss visual em simulator for 3d antennas
- vemsa3d 1.1 - a floss visual em simulator for 3d antennas
- Hy-Gain BN-86 balun for sale
- Re: Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- Built In Telescopic Antenna In "cheap" sw Portables ?
- what length for 1/2 or 5/8s UHF NMO whip
- GHD Limited Edition Radiance Set
- BNC Tribander for New TH-F6A
- N6BT's "Vertical dipole"
- RG-6 coaxil cable
- What is the low end of a band?
- Survey
- help with antenna grounding
- From OP Re TV Antenna
- Antenna Question: VHF or UHF, and a few general TV questions, please
- MFJ-1622 antenna ?
- Vertical antenna site tradeoff
- Need HyGain TH-3jrs info
- how to cut whip of 2 meter antenna ?
- What did they do wrong?
- Slim Jim v J Pole
- The meaning of 'Radiation Resistance'
- PL-259 on satellite TV coax?
- Grounding for Gable end bracket & mast.
- Design Flaw in iPhone 4, Testers Say
- Portable H FAntenna
- V antenna paterns
- Re: what happens to reflected energy ?
- AIM4170 antenna analyzer presentations at the RSGB 2010 Convention
- Re: what happens to reflected energy ?
- Rigexpert AA-200 Software
- Antenna Question Re HF Handhelds
- coax short supply
- What could i do with this dish?
- Using a 18" Dish for Radio Astronomy Demonstrations--Need SimplePower Supply
- language and antenna gain
- HT radio
- Idea: three bar antennas for clear portable AM radio listening
- Tapering open wire feedlines?
- Ringo Ranger 2Mtr on 6Mtr
- Re: Ferrite rings help needed
- radio noise problem
- Disconne Or Scantenna Brand Antenna For Scanner Frequencies ?
- Direct connect 6 meter beam
- "Non-dissipative Source Resistance"
- Where does it go? (mismatched power)
- Re: Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- Re:Carbon Fibre
- Modelling with AO pro
- what happens to reflected energy ?
- BNC connectors 75 Ohm versus 50 Ohm?
- Resonant condition
- What to use for an underground transponder?
- twinlead tuning indicators
- Plate Resistance
- Blog Commenting Service
- Galvanized or Copper Gound Rods?
- Re: W2DU's Reflections III is now available from CQ Communication...
- Counterpoise for NMO in plastic roof?
- Question about "Another look at reflections" article.
- new question (from "system degradation question")
- system degradation question
- DIY antenna that works like MTM Loop Antenna
- Radiating coils
- Replacement for W9INN Center Connector
- @m Jpole
- Who makes this HF Beam ??
- Gamma fed or folded dipoles?
- Welcome to Name Your Baby.
- How to Test a W9INN 40/80 Dipole
- Pleasant surprise in the mail today
- Feeding System found it => Mosley
- Computer model experiment
- Variable Geometry Antenna
- Acceleration of charge
- Need source 1:1 unun N Connectors
- DX, RF radiation efficiency, and Orgonite
- Re: Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- Pondering a more effective HT Antenna?
- Active Antennas
- Feeding system name?
- Balanced antenna, unbalanced test set-up?
- Food for thought
- Food for thought
- Meandering Antenna
- What exactly is radio
- Declining river towns of the U.S.
- Re: tes <-- CONTACT!!! Bearing 6 oclock!
- Diversity antennas
- SWR on Diamond X-200A
- 2 letter calls a dead loss/incompetent administration
- Paralleling Transmission Lines
- W2DU's Reflections III is now available from CQ Communications, Inc.
- Magnetic Loop Antenna Question
- Wire glue...a possible help for using CATV line for amateurapplications??
- Saint Justin 9-27-95
- Bamboo as antenna parts and supports
- Isopole parts
- HY-Gain Trap Orientation th5mk2
- ICOM AH-4 into Hy-Gain 64 foot Aluminum Mast
- Cophasing Two Full-Wave Loops?
- Measured Velocity Factor of balanced line
- velocity factor, balanced line
- PROOF that Helicopter Pilots are IN ON IT!!!
- Radiation patterns and loss of antennas operated well below resonance
- modelling colinear antenna for 4nec2
- amateur vs pro
- lovely 27' Coronado sailboat
- Re: Measuring antenna loss: Heat balance?
- Re: Measuring antenna loss: Heat balance?
- Measuring antenna loss: Heat balance?
- Noise Prediction
- Radiation penetration/absorbtion
- FM antenna curiosity
- antenna type question
- Cushcraft MA5B Noise floor?
- ANTENNA for R20
- J pole question
- Re: Art's quiet mesh antenna
- Stealth Hex Beam
- Alliance Tenna-Rotor for sale
- Art's quiet mesh antenna
- Lossy Coax: how is energy lost ?
- Parallel tank circuit
- Re: Art in Wonderland
- Follow Up On Coax & Connectors To Use
- Re: Art in Wonderland
- Art in Wonderland
- Mesh curtain antenna
- Mesh curtain antenna
- Alliance Tenna-Rotor for sale
- Turn an FM Transmitter into a Micro Pirate Radio
- Which Coax (listening only) & Good Sources ?
- 2M Linear Amp for sale
- 2M Linear Amp for sale
- Re: Crossposting Permitted to
- Alliance Tenna-Rotor
- Military HF Ionosphere study - USAF News Article
- Cat contacting aliens using Morse Code!!
- A static field made dynamic to make Maxwell applicable
- Egg Shaped Pod For Living!
- Re: receive polarity
- Two coax as substitute for open line
- Re: receive polarity
- Choke balun on an elevated ground plane
- long wire AM antenna
- Horward Stern replacing Simon Cowell!!!!!!
- Beverag antenna
- Amateur radio on Linux
- Hello I'm new can you give me some directions?
- Zepp antenna the ultimate OCF?
- OCF: Proprer type of balun (transformer)
- receive polarity
- Why 50 ohms?
- Carl and Jerry Magnetometer
- quad spreader material?
- VNA coax recommendation
- Transmission line stuff 5
- Transmission line stuff 4
- Transmission line stuff 2
- Transmission line stuff
- HF action from a high rise apartment
- FT200-2 RF Toroid RF Choke
- Hazer for Utility Pole?
- New AR Club - Ant Loc Near Xformer?
- Cable Shielding Misunderstandings
- more RG-6 questions
- Remarkably Small Antennas - Fact or Fiction
- RG6 and RG59
- QRP is bad?
- Ice
- Re: Watering a Transmitter
- Tarheel antenna AT-100HP package WITH CAP HAT
- How to drive a mast down the road - DIY
- Which antenna.
- Dissimilar metals at antenna Mount
- 2SC2618
- Unwin Antennas
- Physics forums censor ship
- The Best Small Antennas For MW, LW, And SW by Dallas Lankford
- Maybe Art Will Explain...?
- Matching impedance on 900 MHz Yagi stacking harness
- Re: archer swr / fsm need schematic
- Science update,particle wave duality
- Re: Social Networking Interesting SPAM!
- HomeBrew Capacitors?
- Sangean ATS-909 external antenna impedance??
- Ultra-compact 2m antenna ?
- TLW Program problem
- Re:FCC Rules
- FCC Rules
- B & W 500 - A co-ax switch for sale
- Three Element Quad Reconstruction
- installing isolator on a transceiver
- need co-ax adapters
- Fractal Antenna
- Motorola Connectors?
- G3JVL's 5/8 6m Vertical antenna
- Slinkey Antenna
- More interesting than Art's drivel
- Faraday shields and radiation and misinterpretations
- Learn the RLC circuit
- MFJ-1800 2.4GHz 15dBi Yagi, again.
- radials for Cushcraft AV5
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