View Full Version : Antenna
- ATAS-120/Screwdriver question
- Antenna for Rock-Mite
- New program - Antenna Counterpoise.
- AO PRO software
- 802.11 link
- More info on old Tower
- editing 'helix' construct with 4nec2 graphical editor
- Why did this work (160m antenna)?
- Verticals versus Horizontal Dipoles
- FA: AEA ET-1 Econo-Tuner
- Get Rich
- nec simulation - what is going on with this antenna?
- A Space Suit with a 145.990MHz FM transceiver!
- help editing 4nec2 model ?
- repeater node numbers
- Homemade coils for using an MFJ analyzer as a dip meter?
- e_Y ***Hot stuff - check this out !!! e_Y
- need advice
- RFID ant cookbook link
- Increase range on 433 Mhz transmitter
- Antenna booster amp
- I am a beginner, where find documentation to use antenna?
- Missed information on plane antenna
- Questions about Plane reflector
- external wifi antennas in laptops
- Vertical ant gain vs No radials
- Coax Cable, Connectors & Adapters
- Antenna Counterpoise
- RF Ammeter
- Enter the Wireless Innovation Contest Today :: January 30th Deadline
- Re: Connecting 16th century antenna wire to 21st century coax
- New 4nec2 version
- Aluminum Free-standing Tower Wanted
- Connecting 16th century antenna wire to 21st century coax
- question on random wire anttenas
- Rotor suggestions
- FS Microwave antennas.. Video gear..
- Need AM antenna advice
- Radial Grounds
- Coax Quest. ?
- Help with J antenna design
- Pulling Cable in Conduit
- Vertical on a tower
- 8405a working and measuring resonance?
- comet vert?no radals
- About Benjamin Franklin and Lightning
- force 12
- Need Loop Advice
- what are Microwave Antennas?
- looking for antenna recommendation
- HF-Ground
- Lightning Arrestor & Protection Of Receiver ?
- Separating Coax From Active Part Of A Receive Antenna ?
- ARRL Antenna Software CD
- EzNEC Antenna Voltages
- Larger size HF antenna's
- Antenna Seperation
- Dipole and Ladder Line Matching
- Near Field Calculations
- adding some extra wire to existing antenna
- Lightning Arrestor Questions
- RadioPirates Forum Check It out
- Homemade Antenna Tower
- FS: Heathkit Manuals
- [question] current/voltage amplitude inducted in antenna
- Newbie Questions On Receiving Only Antenna Installation
- Questions about antennas for 2.4 Ghz
- Increase selectivity by a Q multiplier
- Rax bassett and Savoy Electronics
- Starting point for antenna design
- Any Such Coax Switch?
- SF Solar Flux Values: What's A Good Value For General SWL
- Inverted-L Antenna And Close Proximity Coax ?
- shorty forty (G5RV) little brother
- 8jk
- RF Connectors, Adapters & Cable Assemblies
- RE: Used little Steppir vertical price
- Re: Dick Smith Radio Direction Finder
- Re: Dick Smith Radio Direction Finder
- APRSPoint new version available !
- Home Made Hazer Ideas?
- Any experience with the G5RV multiband wire antenna?
- J-Pole Installation Questions
- radar and health ?
- Need some pointers on building UHF/microwave 50 ohm termination/power splitter
- MFJ974H
- Matching network for end-fed half wave, Q calculations etc.?
- GeoTool antenna mounts for pickup truck stake holes
- friends,please help me!!!!!!
- FCC ULS Link
- Query..
- Stupid question on twin feedline (air)
- Reflectometer measurements
- Transmission Line Reflections
- Scaling of Yagi design
- Antron 99 SWR problems - help me with this strange set up
- Impedance question
- Still have problems reading MJF-269 Analyzer
- Current and voltage distribution on an antenna.
- Why ground the transmitter?
- Why use s balanced tuner?
- FA: 1-Day-Left: Book: SPREAD SPECTRUM SYSTEMS: An Advanced Electronics/Math Book
- Use of MJF-269 Analyzer help
- Practical "ideal" antenna
- Dipoles and the rig's RF ground...
- using an HP 8405A to measure SWR ?
- 450 ohm ladder line matching (HELP)
- An Antenna for the FT-857D
- Free Competition - Last few days!
- Free Competition - Last few days!
- 2nd Floor grounding
- Schematic for HP8405A Vector Voltmeter
- Beautiful woman want to be your wife
- Philystran Life?
- Access to archive
- FM transmitter in a vehicle
- Antenna spacing
- AH4 tuner in the middle of an offset fed dipole
- 2006 ARRL Antenna Handbook
- Fried eggs and yagi in the attic
- Ideas for Inside 144/440 Mhz antenna
- Recommendation for 915MHz omni antenna
- converting dBm to uV/m
- Tri-ex vs US Towers
- SWL Antenna Questions
- APRSPoint holiday special
- coaxpair reflection coeff angle is 'zero'
- FA: Book: SPREAD SPECTRUM SYSTEMS: An Advanced Electronics/Math Book
- Searching for circuit for active antenna
- 6M stacked loops - best height above ground?
- Interaction between dipole and beam
- OT HX-50 schematic please.
- measurement error or bad coax??
- Physically short multi band HF antennas
- More connectors
- No link attitude!
- Harry E. Landsberg, Jr., CIA Maltese Falcon: Kennedy assassination, IRAN/CONTRA, UFO's
- minimum Z on a center loaded vertical?
- vertload.exe versus loadcoil.exe ??
- Antenna coupling at 915 Mhz
- Which Brand "Best" For Lightning Arrestor ?
- test
- Shorting out a transmission line
- EZNECv4 Loop Modeling
- Ant. Considerations for the FT-857D
- Effective Height of Vertical Antenna
- PAR EF-SWL Antenna
- If the ideal lenght of an antenna is 1/4 Wave lenght then way are the Car Cellular antennas are longer then this ?
- يا جماعة فى منـ* تعليميـة مجانية فى مجال برمجة الكمبيوتر
- يا جماعة فى منـ* تعليميـة مجانية فى مجال برمجة الكمبيوتر
- Connect coax shield to pipe when dipole is at top of pipe?
- reciprocity and program zl_zin ??
- Crimp, Clamp or Solder?
- anothr ant tuner question
- ant tuner question
- To Reg Edwards et al: Questions On Inverted L
- website
- Voyager Hazer ..??
- More BPL rollout. sigh...
- Sloper Questions
- antenna 'measurements' - can of worms
- Fractenna a model of real life?
- APRS users
- VHF/UHF Antenna
- 2 or more Ants. needed
- Geo coordinates -- didtance
- Device insertion loss
- grounding
- HELP: CST Microwave Studio: What means ,Maximum number of pulse widths simulated, ?
- Antenna Factor
- Thanks for antenna help.
- Standing Waves (and Impedance)
- OCF - Multiband antenna question
- Z matching of antennas
- Still looking for a Tripp Lite PR-25 (or similar) DC power supply schematic
- antenna tuner range calculators
- Dipole antenna lobes question (wifi base in this example)
- Antenna Input Impedance
- Need some help designing a receiving antenna
- Identify Old HF Vertical
- PAR EFL-SWL Antenna, & Inverted L Questions
- Trade
- Underwater
- Rohn-Loc Climbing Safety System
- Gap Antenna
- Passive reradiating antenna
- Ground Or Not To Ground Receiving Antenna In Storm ?
- Aluminum Tower Wanted
- Program GRNDWAV4
- Classic Dipole Question
- Looking for fiberglass antenna part
- Yaesu FT-101 Series Service Manual on sale.
- WTB Outbacker Mobile HF Antenna
- New Yaesu FT-990 Group
- Presenting D-Dimond1 antenna
- Presenting D-Dimond1 antenna
- EZNEC model of a 2m Ringo Ranger
- Antenna Modeling (dumb question#305)
- Re: dipole and balun question
- OT - Schematic wanted for a Tripp Lite PR-25
- Re: Free speech
- Re: Free speech
- Coax recomendations
- test 2
- G10 fiberglass rod needed
- can rotator power be used to power amplifier?
- Back to fundamentals
- Cobra multiband dipole (linear loaded) help pse
- Dual Band vertical (2m/70 cm) problem / details
- test
- Notch filter
- Principles of operation for dual band vertical antenna (2m/70cm)
- WTB: Quantum Phaser & Quantum Loop Antenna
- Antenna ID
- Universal Aluminum Tower Question
- One experience with noise
- Problem with dual band antenna
- Antennas And Lightning Induced Voltage Transients
- measuring antenna resonance with an 8405a
- dipole and balun question
- What is a duplexer, diplexer and combiner?
- Ferrite rod antenna theory
- help: antenna inside a box
- hfss for modelling antennas
- how to measure antenna impedance ?
- Short coax interconnections - phase implications??
- Short coax interconnections - phase implications??
- bidirectional 440 yagi antenna
- how to model frequency response of a loaded vertical ?
- My vertical blew down!!!
- hi im crisco kathy
- RAIC Industry Traps
- OFF TOPIC, but how do y'all read these news groups?
- Free Catalog: Coax Cable, Connectors & Adapters
- Ground-Level HF Beam Tuning?
- using a model
- The annual Wireless Innovation Contest announces its call for entries.
- Mobile 2m/70cm antenna
- Screwed up.
- website about DXpeditions ?
- Stacking Satellite VHF and UHF F9FT Antennas
- re: inter-reaction of hf antennas on a small lot
- Am Antenna Help
- C. Crane's Twin Ferrite Antenna
- Beginners Antenna Quest's (for listening only)
- Send spam this way
- DAVE MUNRO(E) Unluckiest guy on the Internet
- Antennas-History (What's Going On?)
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