View Full Version : Antenna
- Through-glass antenna power limits
- Current Unofficial draft
- 50Mhz Antenna Conundrum
- Anti Corona Caps
- Manual or Schematic for Cushcraft "ATV5" Multiband Vertical
- Metal mast for inverted V antenna support--will it work?
- Trying to find out what Ferrite material this is.
- Gaussian antenna planar form
- Dipole exposed to the elements question
- WTT TPL 400-512 mhz amp for slinky dipole
- Linear loaded 40 meter antenna question.
- Cushcraft R3 matching network part detail
- Water burns!
- Not much of an antenna per Cebik
- Screw-on telescopic antenna with loose base?
- Optimized wideband antenna OWA
- Rotors and RF isolation?
- Help Setting Up Unidentified Cushcraft Multiband Vertical
- RoomCap antenna with 2.5 Watt
- End fed aerial designs for 2M and 70cms ?
- Subscript test in html
- Ground mounted Butternut HF6v
- Short antennas - info
- Confused over coax and windom - newbie
- Splitter For Two Scanners And One Antenna ?
- Protection Tip
- Determining Total Gain of an Antenna
- Where to find the 120 radial study ?
- Aircom Plus coax + PL-259 connectors
- HELP! Mystery Antenna ID!
- Losses in balun cores
- Travel Trailer Antenna
- Re: Are pi networks THAT INefficient?
- Re: Are pi networks THAT INefficient?
- Re: Are pi networks THAT INefficient?
- Re: Are pi networks THAT INefficient?
- Re: Are pi networks THAT INefficient?
- Are pi networks THAT INefficient?
- Current balun for reception
- High School looking for IRLP contacts VK, ZL or Asia-pacific
- VHF Ground plane radials
- RF-proof shorts
- mechanical and roof issues
- Force 12 C-3S Manual
- rhon 25 base for sale.
- Antennas too close for comfort?
- Field strength meters
- Efficiency of Vertical
- Standing wave on feeders
- Wireless Internet service antenna, radiation
- Nec2go Antenna Modeling: I will be at Dayton
- Unusual Old Phelps Dodge (or A/S, maybe) 5/8-wave High- band VHF Whip
- Old-Design Antenna Specialists 5/8-wave 2-meter whip
- High noise level except when raining, why?
- Bad News
- Automatic Antenna Tuner
- FS 75/40 Meter Dipole
- Roll your own?
- DC waves??? Magic frequency???
- Tower Shadow Question
- Long inverted V not working well, why?
- Butternut HF6V Matching Stub question...
- RF resistance of braided round conductor
- Feeding Inv Vee antenna
- MFJ window feed through / lightning
- You are either with us or against us
- Elnec and eznec irritations.
- Re: High Sierra Screwdriver
- loking for a couple of details about a colinear desgin
- OCF Sloping Dipole Txmsn Line Input Resistance Measurement
- Unusual 40M "Capacitor" antenna (Compact)
- 2m Antenna Designs ?
- Like radio, how to make TV to receive all channels?
- Re: High Sierra Screwdriver
- Electron ratio to form a radiation field
- East coast tropo DX looks hot right now 22;00 zulu May 9
- How to make an antenna for receiving (only) broadcast AM
- High School Radio Club looking for IRLP School contacts in Asia
- Help with tower transport from DC to NJ?
- Difference in field strength reading using different antennas
- 20 dB gain on 20 meters?!?
- Question on wattmeter
- MIME type for .EZ files?
- What would I hear on a 300 GHz AM Radio Receiver?
- Getting to old to crawl around the attic
- K Factor for 160 M Vertical
- Phase Shift through a 75m Texas Bugcatcher Coil
- FS:Crushcraft traps for a A-4
- Radiate Power Question ?
- Base insulator
- Balun Construction :: Did I do this right?
- Re: with the punce
- Beginner antenna question
- Gaussian cluster antenna array data
- Why are hi-Z transmission lines low loss?
- EZNEC Example of Short Vertical w/ Matching Coil
- Effectiveness of decoupling radials
- Scanned Antennas book by Kraus
- 3,7 to 4,5meter diameter disch
- The Formula
- Distributed capacitance effects Q?
- Current in 1/2WL Dipoles
- Help picking ferrites for Choke Balun
- Impedance transformation question
- Which modeler?
- 10m ground wave expectations
- H F Antenna - BWD-90 VS G5RV
- Reciprocity of vertical antenna
- Unusual Design
- Need a tower...??
- Sloping Wire Question
- MultiNEC 2.2.3
- GAP Challenger
- How to set Sony car stereo from Japanese to US tuning...service manual help anyone?
- Turning fiberglass
- Gauss again
- Need HF Antenna advice
- Lurker with S-parameter question
- Propagation in a conductor
- Counterpoise direction vs. Signal direction
- measurement success
- HF vertical
- HF vertical
- Lengths of radials for Diamond X-3200A
- reflection of radio waves
- Where does the far field start on a phased array?
- Most of the free software you can use for HAM/Radio/antenna/ ... (on linux)
- Check Out Radio Pirates Forum
- W9INN Antenna Designs
- Independence of waves
- Flexible/Durable FM Antenna for Jeep?
- Flexible/Durable FM Antenna for Jeep?
- Multi-band dipole question
- W9INN Antenna Designs
- A good RF ground
- Boom construction
- multiband vertical
- Velocity factor
- How to get a place not only for secrits but also for communication.
- GAP Titan DX
- very important for your life...
- Book (and software) sale
- Help with AM Broadcaster
- Patch Antenna - HELP
- Effects of TOA
- Analyzing Stub Matching with Reflection Coefficients
- Satellite vertical vs. horizontal
- Smith Chart program
- Lenght of CONDOBUSTER antenna,
- Off Topic
- Getting an R8 Saturday!
- RF/antennas hands-on book
- all informations delta loop antennas
- probe feed
- CondoBuster - - Good Results
- CondoBuster - - Good Results
- Nested 4 square antennas
- HAMFEST - Chesapeake Va.
- Why S - Parameter at High frequencies?
- Re: Unbelievable... Some people!
- What kind of 1/2 wave antenna is this?
- NVIS Dipoles Directional?
- antenna question
- RF amp help
- high earth resistance
- Watson W-881
- help- CDE H3 rotor + controller
- How much does a counterpoise radiate?
- Can anyone ID this beam??
- Coaxial Cable considerations for HF
- Aerial mounting on Freelander
- Interference
- RG-6 Coaxial Cable for Ham use
- Stealth antenna material???
- Constructive interference in radiowave propagation
- Calculating trap capacitor voltage rating
- Best beam for WARC?
- Distance Between Verticals??
- RG-6 QS, top brands?
- Not understanding some parts of wave refraction
- 4nec2 advice sought...
- Reasonably-priced capacitors for traps
- Convert reflection coefficient to Z
- Lightning 'liability' ?
- gamma match 70cm handheld
- Non technical antenna question
- Phase and Gain for Directional Antenna Needed
- help with hp 8418a ?
- Ellipticity to axial ratio transformation
- I have both the R8 antenna and
- What is the purpose of a DC injector?
- Comparing Tuner Match to EZNEC Impedance Prediction
- a tuned counterpoise system question
- Some thoughts relevant to measuring Tx eq src impedance
- Energy Brain Teaser
- Antenna Theory Question
- analysis and hypothesis question?
- How do I break it to the neighbors
- Is the Superposition Principle invalid?
- MFJ-1795 HF Antenna
- VSWR doesn't matter? But how about "mismatch loss"?
- New MFJ-998 Auto Tuner
- Is Manual Mall Still Functional
- LPDA TV antenna
- Rotation of the polarization question
- WTB: Book - The Vertical Antenna Handbook
- GFCI problem when running high power
- Spacing and Element order for 6 element 10 meter yagi
- MFJ - Mighty Fine Junk or good stuff
- For your bookmarks : Antenna Search, a new search engine for antennas
- home made Mobile Ant
- Ameritron RCS4
- Why?
- interlacing, stacking
- Best tiny directional antenna to get 500m range with at most 100mW at 150MHz?
- al coax
- Balun
- 40 Mtr loading coil for CA-HV
- antenna suggestions ?
- Nutty Antenna Idea -- Complete with Rhetorical Questions
- Litz wire for AM Antenna Rod?
- WTB: Mosley TA-33 Jr WIRC
- New General with dipole questions
- Some ideas ...
- Antennas future
- copper clad steel
- The effect of insulation on small loops
- Revisiting the Power Explanation
- transmission down a tunnel
- Fan dipole..
- Discone element needed.
- (( صــــور )) إيراني يفعل الفاحشة بالأطفال .. أنظـرو ما كان جزاء فعلته
- Hyper-light speed antenna (#6025810)
- Matching a helix antenna
- software oscilloscope
- Log Spiral Grounds
- open - short -- 0 - 180 ??
- Test
- Diamond X510NJ
- Best Yagi impedance
- 3/8 double folded dipole
- Simps and wimps!
- What is displacement current?
- Irregular Gaussian radiation fields
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