View Full Version : Antenna
- Balun for loopstick antenna
- average signal magnitude not zero
- Mean signal amplitude
- average signal amplitude
- Mini Beams
- Installed M2 Horizontal Loop today - PHOTOS
- whip antenna calculations
- Testing for gain/loss in an antenna
- Low dipole performance question
- IP3
- co phazing 2x 2 meter halo loops
- preamp question
- Flagpole/Vertical Antenna
- Reflector Length??
- Reflector Length??
- How to restore relays of Antenna tuner
- bracket and parts help
- Wrong? - dogie04.jpg (0/1)
- Extending Icom AH-4 tuner control cable
- tax time
- HF and VHF Antenna assistance
- New Aaronia RF- meters
- A 1930's two-pole knife switch
- Free (1GB) iPod - it's a legitimate offer, you just have to check it out
- Free (1GB) iPod - it's a legitimate offer, you just have to check it out
- amateur radio swap meet
- Re: 6 meter conversion
- AARONIA AG offers worldwide first Lowbudget PROFESSIONAL RF & EMF meters
- vertical with tuner at the rig?
- mag mount Impedance changes?
- Fat dipole for FM
- · · · Have You Heard The Good News? · · ·
- Mag Mount 2 Meter for Stealth?
- FA YAESU remote antenna switch FAS-1-4R
- Panasonic RF-2800
- · · · Have You Heard The Good News? · · ·
- FS: Radio Shack 21-524
- "Compound" SWR question
- · · · Have You Heard The Good News? · · ·
- · · · Have You Heard The Good News? · · ·
- · · · Have You Heard The Good News? · · ·
- Groundplane, or something else?
- · · · Have You Heard The Good News? · · ·
- 93 ohm coax
- Coax Antenna Lead
- · · · Have You Heard The Good News? · · ·
- another antenna in a tree ? from a rookie
- 1 to x baluns
- cast iron ground?
- 30M Jpole and antenna analyser question.
- A' little' db extra gain !
- new game for antenna
- Isotron antennas
- RFI: 2M & Aviation band antenna for pick-up truck.
- yagi plans
- Ferrite bead balun for UHF?
- 160M Mobile
- How about a wire 1/4 vertical near a tree ???
- Short lot 80 and possible 160 antenna suggestions
- Newsgroups on Decline? AOL dropping this NG
- Re: Choke Balun Impedance Recommendations?
- roof joy-dipole help -RFI(req for info)
- Tuned dipole Q:
- Odd observation - nonresonant beam
- Yagi plans
- 4nec2 freeware now available for Nec-4.
- Ferrite bead impedance at UHF
- Antenna modeling
- Lightening strike question
- I made a lot of money doing this! Nothing to lose!
- 12 v or 13.8?
- Re: Dual Rhombic
- How does a "cross needle" swr work?
- Swr meter in your base station
- Painting VHF/UHF base vertical?
- Alpha Delta DX-A Help
- OK, now THIS is wierd.....
- 5/8, 1/4 and 1/2 wave help?
- toroid question
- 2nd storey grounding
- ATAS-100 can't tune manually
- ATAS-100 problems with tuning all bands
- Eimac 3-500Z Data Sheets available - FREE
- any fl hamfests?
- Basic Question: How does an antenna tuner work?
- Balun Use/Need
- Experience with Resonant Feedline Dipoles requested
- Alternate material j pole construction question.
- Why a capacitor for a shunt fed antenna (Mobile)
- Wanted Information on 1958 Hy-gain Tribander
- Lucent GPS antenna voltage?
- My 4 1/2 inch antenna
- ANother coax question and update!
- new tower final report
- 21st Century E-Business Money Making Formula
- my wife dumped me and this is my suicide note
- Rg6
- Coax Switch To Switch One Antenna Lead Between Several HF Transceivers ?
- Anyone here of a "SLim Jim" antenna?
- WANTED - B&W "Portable Antenna"
- Pvc ok for boom
- Hex Beam
- Minimum distance above roof
- WANTED: Mosley Mini-33 Tribander Yagi
- PHOTOS - inside Ameritron AL-80B 1KW amp
- Antenna lengths (apart)
- Help Re wireing a Mizuho KX-2 Sky Coupler
- MFJ vs SGC automatic antenna tuners??
- MOS-FET 10 Watt PA
- Is BPL going to take up more spectrum?
- Tuner smoke!
- Tuning an AEA Halo on 6m?
- vertical antenna choices
- cable modems?
- venture 8500 actulator
- Best coax and entry route. (And newbie question).
- tune swr of tram 1180 antenna
- what Z range ?
- longwire attachment question
- best low-temp solder?
- European Craft Makes Safe, Soft Landing on Saturn Moon
- How can this be?
- isolate a master tv antenna?
- Winegard CA-8098
- Sucess !!!!
- Are these antennas any good for both transmit and receive?
- Burying radials with a meat cleaver?
- Discone antenna plans
- Setting up slitting saw for round stock?
- ATU capacitors?
- Re: String up folded dipoles for FM?
- h
- Get FREE Sony Cameras, Palms Treo 650 Smartphone or Sony Vaio K35!!!
- social commentary, performance art or smut?
- What does it take to get into weather sats?
- DOes a ground plane need a choke?
- What determines an antenna's impedance
- Mobile Phone/Cell Phone Health Issue (Sorry, OT)
- manual for pro 57b ?
- ANyone build a corner reflector for uhf
- park ground ?
- Television Antenna
- Copper vs Stainless?
- Yaesu FT-7800 E
- WANTED: B&W Portable Antenna AP-10A or AP-10B
- In a ground plane, what dictates the number and spacing of radials?
- Re: WTB: DPDT latching relay
- Resonant radials
- why are they yagi antennas on some bridges.
- Ice storm - rebuilding antenna farm - advice needed!
- J pole vs ground plane? Which better for base?
- hi swr low loss??
- Planning permission - a lesson from satellite launching?
- park ground?
- radiotelescope and sterility...
- Ground radials -- the practicalities?
- superconducting antenna?
- WTB: latching relay
- Tuning a ground plane
- money
- Resonant and Non-resonant Radials
- Antenna Question
- longwire for portable?
- Why the 4:1 or 9:1 baluns?
- coax from cable company
- OCF Dipole on 20 meters:
- ICOM AH-2 tuner manual
- Want Maxcom Antenna Matcher
- vertical dipole or 5/8 lamda?
- Does a j pole need grounding and/or a balun?
- Tool for flat antenna wire?
- BEST automatic antenna tuner = ??
- More j poll questions
- The planning permission
- Best j pole design and questions
- Best j pole design and questions
- tower update
- EM emissions from auto taillights.
- TS-850S Auto Tuner capability?
- HF antenna and Power line ?
- Re: --------GET A LIFE, DOUGAY... YOU AKC's ARE NITWITS---------
- Re: N8WWM
- hustler antenna
- Source tracking with dish antennas
- A very Popular Misconception
- Need help rigging two poles
- Wireless Innovation Contest - Get your innovation noticed!
- ELF/VLF/LF/BCB ferrite bar antenna?
- discone or scantenna?
- Very pleased with Hustler 5-BTV - photos
- Center Fed " Zepp " with Coaxial Balun ?
- windom questions
- FA: Antenna Engineering Handbook McGraw Hill 2nd edition (c) 1984 and more...
- Stub revisited
- money!!!
- has any body use the ez hang for wire ant?
- money!!!
- Element resistance
- I have a dumb question about antenna building
- Stainless steel elements.
- Loft Antenna
- Plane of folded dipole?
- balun at resonance?
- PLL02a question
- Baluns for RX doublet
- Whazza stub?
- 21st Century E-Commerce Money Making Formula
- 10 watt limit for ducky?
- What is a 'stub'
- stubĀ“s instead of traps
- FA: Antenna Engineering Handbook McGraw Hill 2nd edition (c) 1984
- 30 + J200, 25 - J350 etc Refresher Course ?
- GSM and PCS Dual Band PCB Antenna Design?
- Google Groups
- Antenna building question
- PL-259 vs BNC vs. RCA?
- Decoupling coax transmission line
- Antenna impedance analyzer comparison
- long wire counterpoise vs gnd
- balun polarity?
- best low dipole?
- Antenna building questions
- Re: Need to buy sheets of fiberglass insulation
- Re: more auctions busted today
- Re: Old Wives' Tales & Ground Rods
- I just don't get it - yet?
- Invitation
- AM/FM outside antenna
- Good copper cleaner?
- Bury balanced line?
- FS: LDG Z-11 tuner w/OTT for ft-817...
- G5RV Too Short for 80 Meters ?
- Free quick easy money Amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!
- frequency of Mail Guard?
- TV antenna impedance measurements with MFJ-269.
- giant ham radio & electronic surplus swap meet
- external antenna....
- :-) *** A Love Gift For You! *** (-:
- Latest Version of SmartSmith and the auxilliary Plotting Package
- AM aerial problem
- Newbie question: how many tuners can a single antannae attached to ?
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