View Full Version : Antenna
- Full Wave Loop Question
- SGC model SG-230 SmartTuner - Automatic Antenna Tuner on ebay
- Measuring beam radiation pattern
- National Antenna Tuner info needed
- We may set something up! I saw you by accident and I'm interested in you!!!!
- best HF antenna system next to a trailer?
- how to model a loaded vertical ??
- loop antenna question...
- lf to HF preselector design needed
- help with a marine antenna
- Efficiency of Power Amplifiers
- K!MAN Has a Case ...
- Help Identify Tower manufacturer
- Ferrite bar antenna for car radio
- Best wire for FM reception (car antenna)
- FS: MFJ-704 Low Pass Filter
- Ham Antennas At Work During Katrina Aftermath
- Dummy Load experience?
- Advice on building a 6 meter vertical antenna
- Reflector on a quad - Capacitor use?
- Need help with NEC modeling
- passive antenna
- Question on car antenna (in-glass, rear windshield)
- WTT Bearcat 155XL desktop scanner/FOR Broken Winchester 94 Rifle
- assymetrical antenna
- Corrosion on aluminum antenna
- cell phone antenna
- Feeding a wire loop antenna
- Ladder Loc?
- Ground HF
- 80 meter traps?
- Eznec magnetic loop
- 80m Inverted L Initial measurements
- question on yagi de
- EMRP effective monopole radiated power
- Re: Amateur Radio Assistance to Katrina Disaster!
- Mulit-band Hustler 6-BTV question/help needed
- Hurricane Katrina HF Response and Recovery Frequencies
- There are 3 coaxial conductors.
- RE: Amplifier Opinion
- Refurbishing Antennas
- harmonic filters
- BBB Complaint # 414840 against Bozak Antenna
- Re: Amateur Radio Assistance to Katrina Disaster!
- Hey Charlie AD5TH - your tower still standing?
- Antron 99
- Dual Band "on glass" antennas, good or bad?
- Need help to optmise a older Hy-Gain antenna for 2M SSB
- Power radiated from feedlines
- Diamond W-8010 or general advise on shortened dipoles with traps or coils
- Exciter & Transmitter
- Close spaced multiband antenna
- Amplfier opinion
- What's in a dual band 2m/70cm antenna?
- sharing graves
- channel master 9512 control /rotor question
- Diamond W8010 any ideas?
- Super Antennas MP-1 EZNEC model
- FS : high voltage ceramic insulators for wire antennas
- Kenwood 870s and a Loop
- Looking for help regarding satellie antennae
- FS: Diamond X510MA Dual band base antenna. (used)
- modeling question
- R7000 question
- Yagi Stacking question
- posting 20050826
- Blowing up a VLF converter
- OT - Oscilloscope
- Best Antenna for Receiving - NEWBIE
- Anyone here have personal experience with the Micro908 antenna analyst?
- Program HYPERGEO
- TGM Hybrid Quad Antenna's
- Stupid Qestion #362
- Antenna improvements?
- A choke balun is an impedance transformer.
- Re: Earn 12% daily of your investment!!!
- Yaesu ATAS 25
- Hooking up a Powered Antenna to a Boom Box...
- Very happy with my 80 meter loop on higher bands
- source for large bags of Epsom salts for electrolytic grounding system (E PA area or nearby)
- Grounding question
- what is the best filter to buy for my part 15 am.station
- Baluns
- Please help!
- Dick BIRD's (G4ZU) death
- Jetstream 2015F coax
- How do I test a choke balun?
- Info needed TA-33SR Choke coil
- Off topic request for info
- 80 meter loaded vertical versus 80 meter loaded dipole ?
- VF > 1.0???
- 3-phase antenna.
- Off topic. Statistics.
- Using 450ohm ladder line
- indirizzo sito
- Non-techie asks for help................
- Indoor AM Radio Extension
- Looking for Butternut HF9V
- Cushcraft R-7000 traps
- Test Only
- G5RV in horizontal L
- Homebrew HT antenna
- Popular Misconceptions.
- Re: A Sample Of The Supporters Pro-No-Code WT 05-235
- OT getting back in to raaaaaaaaadio housing covenent question
- Short 80m antenna, suggestions??
- MFJ 1777 Antenna Install
- Re: DP-GH62 Mod
- WTB: Tower DFW area
- Beams FS
- New Program. L-match Networks.
- Congrats to K6MHE
- You might be an old timer
- motormovies
- Bigfoot Report & Photo
- Re: Removal of Morse Code from Amateur License Requirements...
- Sony kitchen radio antenna
- 40 Meter local prop theroy question
- 2005 Silverado truck radio install questions.
- 4Mtrs
- Azimuthal maps & antenna Patterns
- Required radials on DX-88
- one and a half meter US amateur band: antennas for 225Mhz, or CH 12-DAB ..
- Looking for Butternut HF9V
- FA: Heathkit Station Monitor SB-614 Oscilloscope
- FA: El-Key Paddle - Very Rare Morse Code Key
- FS: (2) Base antenna's. Cushcraft 6 meter and Diamond dual band VHF/UHF
- Re: Removal of Morse Code from Amateur License Requirements...
- Buddipole antenna
- Buddipole antenna
- Buddipole antenna
- Buddipole antenna
- Re: Removal of Morse Code from Amateur License Requirements...
- Variable Attenuator
- Representing Q sections in 4NEC2... How?
- Antennas for Part 15 AM Stations (US)
- Hazards of raised radials
- Test
- W5DXP at the microphone
- A Simple Conceptual Example in Discussing Thin Layer Reflections
- Looking for Butternut HF9V
- Buddipole antenna
- FA: One-Day-Left: IEEE Transactions on MICROWAVE THEORY and TECHNIQUES - 19 ISSUES!!!
- Shunt Feeding a Tower for Top Band
- Feeding ladder line question
- Open ladder line question
- The Reality Compared to Poor Concepts in Discussing Thin Layer Reflections
- Aluminum siding & proximity to loop antenna
- GAP & phased array
- Terrain Analysis : TA from K6STI or equivalent
- F5VKM - New antennas ...
- Is it safe to suspend coax in midair?
- Suggestions?
- Tonna F9FT Satellite Yagi Antenna 20899
- 40 meter pirate radio, qrp need ant ideas.
- How Handle Multiple Open Wire Lines?
- Cushcraft MA5B
- need help understanding this broad band antenna
- Pi network question
- 40 meters added to 5-band Yagi without increasing size or weight
- Rohn 25G & Stuff FS
- monoband 20 into 20/15?
- FA: 1-Day-Left: 19 Issues - IEEE Transactions on MICROWAVE THEORY and TECHNIQUES
- 10 meter dish antenna on ebay
- Tuning the Butternut HF6V for 80 m
- Underground Antenna Experiments on 160 meters.
- Buzzz on my Wellbrook ALA 1530 loop
- ARRL 20 july, FCC Proposes to Drop Morse Code Requirement for All License Classes
- FA: Bencher YA-1 Low Pass Filter 1.5 kw - Like New NR
- How does your Butternut Vertical work ???
- Vertical (Butternut, Titan) vs Carolina Windom
- Re: Raising a 40m dipole.....It's up! Now what?
- Transmission Line
- WTB Cushcraft X940 40m Add On or equivalent
- The Extreme Failure of Poor Concepts in Discussing Thin Layer Reflections
- Raising a 40m dipole
- Amateur question pools and answers...
- formula for UHF element spacing.
- Design of a 900 Mhz coaxial antenna for GPRS
- Short dipole - inductor question
- FA: 19 Issues - IEEE Transactions on MICROWAVE THEORY and TECHNIQUES
- Dipole in the trees
- Balanced vs. Unbalanced Tuner
- UHF antenna for Sat ops
- The Failure of Poor Concepts in Discussing Thin Layer Reflections
- Sort of an antenna question......
- Recommendations for a Vertical
- Looking For Leon, W5GY
- Feeding a Copper Cactus with one coax
- jaycar uhf aerial problem
- The Failure of Poor Concepts in Discussing Glare Reduction
- APRS and voice - mobile configuration
- loading coils for UHF
- HS 1500 Manual
- wideband, broadband. multiband antennas
- Horizontal J-pole?
- Quagi for 446 ?
- EF Johnson Matchstick Vertical
- A sad day? Or, a reprieve for amateur radio?
- Folded dipole for shortwave
- Program METALFLM
- Force 12 Sigma-5 on ebay
- Miller Vertical antenna: anybody have a part no. and price for domestic US sale?
- Exotic coax ?
- 2Mtr Between HF Antennas
- Why you can't solve this 2(bad)
- Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . . . if a . . . .
- Looking for brains my are small
- small shortwave antenna
- What is the MFJ magic circle ?
- Air Force One coax ??
- QUESTION: Roach/Squid Pole Antenna for 10, 20 and 40m?
- Affordable HF antennas
- Hexa-beam radiation pattern ?
- hexa-beam user in ON, F, LX ?
- zepp antenna matchinig method
- Resistor Frequency Response
- lightning protection
- Vertical Radiation Pattern?
- Antenna Aperature
- Quad/ beam for portables activities ?
- what is best for 10-40m windom or g5rv
- GPA 3 Fritzel
- Vertical longwire? Antenna recommendation?
- Pic of Butternut 80, 40, and 30 m coils
- Warning - N9NLU (Dave Schmidt)
- How to get RG-213/U from shack to exterior
- How would yoiu ...???
- Re: Tri-band Combo Vertical Counterpoise
- Coax Cable, Connector & Adapter Catalog
- 20m 5el Yagi Question: Gain vs Height
- Feed point chokes for J-poles: how close?
- Beam tilting
- NEC good for modeling STLs??
- J Pole
- zip cord feeding a g5rv antenna
- OCF dipole ?? Not quite enough space to hang!!
- Gap antennas, elevated radials
- Dipole vs Antron
- T-wave technology
- AD5TH Tower - Storm Damage Photos
- Thank you
- Eznec running under Linux/Win4Lin
- [help] eznec\4 pro
- Butternut HF6V mounting tube with SS radial plate
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