View Full Version : Antenna
- Designing A Rubber Resistor
- Lil Wil 36 inch 11 meter antenna
- How do aluminum pipe sizes work?
- Incoming radiation angles
- Calculating Coaxial Cable Loss
- horzloopant/Belton ham?????????
- Do you recognize yourself ?
- 6.0 ft offset antenna design wanted
- opinions of GAP Voyager
- Keeping moisture out of 9913 type coax?
- Re: What should I start with?
- Patch Cords
- 3-phase SWR/Power meter.
- Patch antenna on FR4 PCB
- Feeding a doublet
- TV reception challenge
- Diamond Antenna Question
- Open Wire Feeder Switching Ideas ?
- "Homebrew FM tap" for the mobile ?
- Book wanted: Schelkunoff and Friis
- 300 ohm TV ribbon no longer available in city of 1,000,000
- 1/2 of a wavelength inside of 72 ohm RG-59 TV coax
- Auto Ant. Tuner Questions
- Radiio Shack FM BC band convert...
- Broadcast Station Field Strengths..
- Rohn 25G non-guyed?
- TV antenna question
- 80-10 Mtr Hamstick Experiment?
- 160m J-pole?
- Lightning protection for remotely tuned wire antenna
- Oggetto interessante sul sito eBay Italia; numero oggetto 3066313182: Antenna bibanda Comet CA-2x4 MAX 144-430 MHz
- Max Signal gain from my antenna?
- Luggage Rack on Fiberglass Roof
- Seasons Greetings
- How to design antenna for 433.92mhz signal?
- Tuning a folded Dipole?
- W3EDP HF Antenna ?
- Re: Best Ways to *Waterproof* Coax Connections
- w.t.b. mfj-1622 portable antenna
- jury-rigging radio antenna for HDTV use?
- Problem with 40m halfwave off-centre toroidal balun feed
- Mechanically rotating your yagi to change polarization
- Ethernet "thicknet" coax thru walls of house for ham radio antenna
- 2m horz loop where????
- Magnetic field and loop antennas
- Yaesu RSM-2 antenna
- Carolina Cyclone HF mobile antenna
- mag loop
- Interesting listening: W6S/Santa
- Re: Vacation HF antenna.
- Marked All Read HELP! SLINKY
- info. Wanted on ft-901dm
- antenna question
- Rohn tower hinge or 5 ft section...
- S band antenna testing
- plans for vertical 2m/70cm like commercial diamond
- Loading Coils in 20th ARRL Antenna Book
- fat conductor question
- Les Moxon
- loopant n QST where???
- 450^ feedline for 1L 160 Loop
- Rohn Tower help
- Grounds the easy way.
- please recommend any interesting links for hand made SWL antennas
- Loop Antenna Preamp
- Low Power SWR Meter for 2.3ghz and above?
- 80M Loop Antenna Quandry
- Slinky Antenna
- Kenwood TM-741A
- Thanks for the 'input',cl
- Re: No Saddam
- 160 Meter Inverted-L Question
- MFJ 974H Impressions
- Flex-Weave Inverted L
- Omni directional beam :-( ??????
- Need a cost efective tower BADLY
- Antenna propigation
- apartment dwellers antenna
- Wanted Antenna for HT
- Weather caps
- W5GI Antenna
- Question about antenna plug on handheld
- vhf/uhf difference???
- Horizontal loop - balun or no balun ?
- Calculating linear load lengths
- Constructing a 6m dipole balun??
- Is it possible to have a 1:1 SWR?
- Anyone have a secret to finding that Free tower.
- Longwire gauge?
- How to contact me.
- MAKE 5000.00 PER WEEK
- Lightning Arrester
- Tropducting=?weather?
- For Sale: Lafayette SWR/Power/Field Strength Meter
- Quotation
- Directional Radio Transmitter
- Cable for HG-54HD
- What's the cleanest, safest way to run coax through vinyl siding?
- RFI on Cable Phone System
- Connecting Two Antenna's to Same Downlead
- New program: RHO_SWR.exe
- Traveling Waves, Power Waves,..., Any Waves,...
- Remote antenna/tuner recommendations
- G5RV junior question
- Website recommendations
- antenna wire
- Does A sub L vary?
- From multiband dipole to multiple monoband dipoles
- Re: Measuring radiation resistance
- Salt Water Ground Plane
- RG-8 vs. RG-213?
- Source for CB 102inch whip antenna for use to Icom AH-4 tuner
- Advice good 80 meter vertical
- Ionoshpere book FYI
- Icom-IC-R8500 receiver
- TWIMC (you know who your are)
- Gates Radio amplifier
- current/inductance discussion
- the "300/75/50 ohms" of TV ribbon, coax
- remote sensing--- need schematics to build
- Anyone using antennas for NVIS?
- Form Art Uwinn?
- Desperate for antenna clip art
- Putting old-wives and baffle-gabbers out of their misery.
- Similarity between coils and heart attacks "science"
- Van Gordon G5RV
- Source for outdoor coupler/splitter - 300 ohm flat TV antenna wire ?
- UHF antenna measurements
- Corkscrew Antenna
- Ham Equipment for trade
- current/inductance discusion
- TH7/TH6 and other amateur gear for sale:
- Seeking Butternut HF6V manual
- WTD: Small tower in DFW area
- Gotham Antenna info needed
- Extra Coax?
- Kite antenna with ocean ground -- charge buildup?
- Losses in PI-filter output
- Coax Chart.
- G5RV
- what is this type of antenna?
- RF radiation detector
- Slow Google Sight
- DK3 mounting question
- Hy-Gain Hy-Tower 2" Mast Needed
- 160 Meter Mobile Whip Question?
- Vertical in a tree
- 160 metre efficiency
- Lightning Strokes, Masts & Volts
- Newbie question
- Coax Question
- Grounding for Vertical Question
- 802.11b Range problems
- WANTED: comments on the Elk Antenna 2m/70cm log periodic
- FS: 750 ft. 5/8" 50 OHM Hardline
- Cell phone antenna
- help with T-R switch design
- Re: Theological Rant
- Antenna mast grounding question
- Change of frequency of EM signal
- RG-174a source
- WANTED: Schematic Diagram/Manual
- 25 pf Air Variable Cap Sought
- FA:Terk Model FM2000 Indoor FM Antenna WOW!!!
- Poor quality low + High TV channels? How much dB in Preamp?
- Re: Which aplifier will give me the strongest TV signal?
- FS, Book, 'Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems' & 'Transmission Technology..."
- WARNING! Britney Spears
- Crossed Field Antennas
- antenna supports
- domestic reception issues
- More SAM's from Arrow Antenna
- How far can a antenna see?Highthwise?
- Hy-Gain AV-14AVQ - top radials
- Antenna impendace matching for old tube receivers
- Tram Antenna?
- Source For Coax Patch-Cables ?
- Dipole Next To Home-Is That A Problem??
- Wb site to Cubix Quads
- J Pole questions
- Good Wideband RX Antenna for 25 -1300 MHz ?
- Antenna Restrictions -- What to Do !
- WTB 160m transmatch parts
- Software
- Balun Grounding Question ?
- FA: Excellent working 6 meter gain a great price!
- Digital cable filter spam
- WTB: 2M/70cm Base Antenna
- TV antenna gets cable?
- HF Log Periodic WTB
- You may now use the "F" word on the air
- brainteaser exercise
- HF & VHF antennas for my garage.
- Outwitting Home Owner Associations/Condo Associations Regarding Antennas
- From another newsgroup near You
- What Chain stores or local in Puget sound carry 300/450 ohm twinlead
- New version of APRSPoint available with MapPoint 2004
- General Coverage Attic Antenna Suggestions ?
- Need help on T2FD antenna construction
- stub for 20 meters
- Imaginary Standing Waves?
- Bobtail curtain / half square ?s
- Re: MFJ or Autek......what a fool I am.
- SW Receiver - ext. antenna impedance?
- Re: 80 meter loop feed point ?s
- Why doesn't maximum field strength and minimum SWR occur at the same frequency?
- Earth as a "dipole"
- 1.2Ghz antenna that can be cut for 160mtrs...
- What are the chances of BPL getting defeated?
- Home Made Tower
- Hi-Par LJ-6 6meter beam info needed
- Preamp + adjacent antenna
- Conix 160 Meter Vertical --CQ
- Ground rods in rocky soil
- 2-way splitter
- Re: Etching an antenna onto a circuit board?
- Vet. with a reflector
- WANTED: Hygain Antennas
- TV antenna
- R/S Solderless BNC Connectors: How Can They Possibly Work Well ?
- Alpha Delta DXEE
- Not enough clearance for a Log Periodic - Suggestions? :(
- Re: Position control.
- FS: MFJ 220mhz ground plane $20.00
- Best antenna for portable HF ?
- Re: Alliance tenna-rotor controller!
- Passive Antenna Repeater Revisited
- FS: Cushcraft MA5V Ham Radio Vertical antenna
- no counterpoise
- Cell & VHF/UHF antenna suggestions for fiberglass RVAntenna
- Stoddart, Singer antenna mount wanted
- Re: Current in antenna loading coils controversy - new measurement
- WTB: APU-100 Wellbrooks phase
- 6 Meter Glass Mount ??
- WonderShaft
- antenna
- A question about Quadrafiliar Helix antennas
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