View Full Version : Antenna
- Copper tubing capacitors
- Resonant stub measurement
- Force 12 C-3 on 6 Mtrs
- Re: fs: Kenwood kpt50 repeater radio programmer
- Antenna Q as a useful measurement
- Don't do what I did.
- newbie UHF antenna question
- Antennas and the FCC
- antenna coil forms
- FS: SMA Cable Assemblies, $9.90 each, made in USA
- HF antenna for yacht / boat
- tri-band HF beam for portable ops ?
- 2 Meter QUAD - Balun / SWR question
- hey W8JI
- Moxon antenna purchase
- Cellwave/Phelps Dodge antennas FS/or trade
- Wide bandwidth ladder line J-pole for 6-Meters
- is this any good Ast6btv mobile ant
- Dumb question #433,444,007
- FM without 'pink noise'
- Noise level between two ant types
- coverage analysis using TIREM
- Sinusoidal Antenna Currents
- Re: Have any of you mailed this to your ARRL Division directors and SM's yet?
- Re: Have any of you mailed this to your ARRL Division directors and SM'syet?
- 2 element gem quad
- 3 Killed in Fall From Iowa TV Tower
- The Nextlink Spider
- measurements at the antenna
- Buyer Beware - Cobra Ultralight
- Re: Have any of you mailed this to your ARRL Division directors and SM's yet?
- impedance
- impedance
- Re: Have any of you mailed this to your ARRL Division directors and SM's yet?
- Re: Have any of you mailed this to your ARRL Division directors and SM's yet?
- I bought a large capacitance hat for my vertical, but the antenna still gets wet when it rains.
- take it you will have a wait go for it
- Re: Have any of you mailed this to your ARRL Division directors and SM's yet?
- How to model linear loading in shortened dipole of vertical using EZNEC?
- Yet another 6m 3el Quad question
- Quad feedpoint
- End-fed wire question.
- Well, I got my CondoBuster antenna up
- Jury-rigged SMA connector
- FS: High Quality Coax Connectors & Adapters at very low prices
- sealing coax holes in outside wall
- FS Antenna books.
- Choke /BALUN
- source for plug and play phased array "turner" for 6m
- FREE 40 meter QRP transmitters
- 6m 3el quad question
- ICOM IC-V200T Programming Manual Wanted!
- test
- test
- test
- Origins of the Magnetron
- toot tone
- Mobile rigging
- New program. Dipole+Line+Balun+Tuner
- Online antenna calculator
- RF grounding methods for sailboats: A Summary
- Interlacing 2 meter and 70 cm beams
- Motor for remote controlled tuner
- how tall tower???
- APRSpoint: memorial day special
- Need "How to build.." antenna article Jan 06 Monitoring Times
- Please Help me urgently
- I was going through about ten years of ham catalogs, and I noticed a disturbing trend.
- Loose antenna base?
- tower bolts - another question
- converting from dipole/inverted vee to beam
- One of these days. Very Soon now.
- G..g..g..en....genetic???
- Brainteaser
- jeune fille 18 ans innocente
- Re: ebay: Icom 756 PROII Available, Nice !
- FS: UG-58A/U Type N Panel Mount
- Re: What happens if you pipe the output of one radio in to 2 amps?
- Explanation wanted
- Yacht Rf ground and radials
- Special Tower Bolts
- Control Unit for Home Built Rotator from Pitch-Prop Motor
- Question about the uses for an antenna design
- Active HF antennas/DX engineering
- Wanted tube socketts & chimneys
- Is the little ball on top of my antenna the ionsphere?
- sgc dipole?
- Why Markie Spams
- Free QRP xmtr
- Hamvention: Amateur Radio Manufacturers and Unfair Pricing...
- can i use this for satalite working A270-10S Cushcraft 2m/70cm 5 el Yagi
- highest gain hf antenna in the world
- Grounding a metal roof
- seperation in lie of a duplexer at 222 mhz band
- 2.4 GHz Yagi
- Auto-Tuners with balanced antenna?
- Replacing car broadcast antenna for AM/FM/2M/70cm
- Re: ARS License Numbers
- Spark 2006
- New program - HELIX_2
- Running wire close to HF transmit antenna
- HF broadcasting antennas
- Les plus belles jeunes filles du web
- Models on a Hot Tin Roof
- mechanical question, aluminum swaged joints
- End Fed Zepp Antenna
- Incoming signal elevation question
- Online ARRL antenna modeling course
- Flag / Pennant antenna
- Subscribe FREE to the K9YA Telegraph
- F connectors
- continuing real-time solar wind data - public comment
- Dayton
- 100 Ohm Twin Lead
- Singer Stoddart 94592-1 rod antenna coupler info
- FIGHT? Here is another W8JI myth bone!
- WTB Butternut HF6V
- Antenna cables in metallic conduit?
- Magloop Height?
- Bob Grant Tribute, Part 3
- 2 Meter Choke Baluns
- TX to Antenna cable length?
- electromagnetic compatibility trainings/workshops
- Single Element Antenna Performance
- Double Windoms
- HV7CX HF mobile antenna ?
- strange squelch acting.....
- Re: Elimination of CW is a loss in the number of ways we cancommun...
- I got me a signal report of nine pounds on 20 meters, but then the Op corrected himself.
- Looking for UHF only TV Antenna
- 3 Wired Antenna Build.
- Re: Elimination of CW is a loss in the number of ways we can communicate with other.
- HF Mobile - Grounding Antenna when stationary
- If Amloop is LC circuit, what about RLC circuit ??
- New program - PROPGATE
- question: NEC2 w/ ground parms.
- Voltage BalUn Frequency Range
- added 10 nF to my 1500-700Khz ant loop: -->> Result: i'm into LW 216khz !
- J pole question
- Re: measuring impedance - I and V phase, or forward and reflected signal
- Re: measuring impedance - I and V phase, or forward and reflectedsignal
- Re: measuring impedance - I and V phase, or forward and reflectedsignal
- measuring impedance - I and V phase, or forward and reflected signal
- how many receivers per antenna?
- Can you put a ground plane 1/2 wave below the antenna to keep the clean pattern?
- NewB: antenna and ADC howto
- Measuring quarter wave cable length with HP 8405A
- 4:1 balun question
- hf antennas near powerlines
- Gain of 2.4GHz WiFi vertical
- help with rotor brands
- New program - SKYTRIG
- spectral power density
- Icom auto-tune for screwdriver
- RoomCap Antenna
- Insulation diameter vs Impedance OR how to get 20dBi out of a short Dipole
- A little more on missing degrees
- Wanted - NZ Huttons HF Antenna Mobile Base Required.
- Mobile Antenna Question..
- question about caps in tuning loops ..
- May 1st 2006, Civil War Begins
- Re: blame the posters not arrl
- Wire diameter vs Impedance
- Eavesdropping Video Receives 5 Stars Review
- TT-247 and 102 whip for mobile antenna ?
- Calif. agency OKs broadband via power lines test
- Smith Chart inventor
- Missing Degrees in Mobile Antennas?
- Lightning suppressor?
- "interesting" antenna design
- Multi hopping radio waves
- Lightning protection
- Coax Bulkhead
- J_Pole Trials and Tribulations
- how to prevent signal collision @ 2.4ghz
- MFJ Tuner "Current Balun" conversion.
- Radio Warning FM
- DirecTV disk on 2.4 GHz
- APRSPoint new version (3.2)
- 2.4 Gig Wireless Card - No Antenna
- 3 beam comparason
- Antenna love!
- HF Receiving Antenna & Grounds Question
- Velocity Factor and resonant frequency
- mobile loading coils
- question about tunable capacitor: how to mount ??
- Coax House Panel
- Antenna gains
- EZNEC Vertical interpretation
- Choke Balun Torture
- Antennas (?) on military planes
- Satellite telephones, models, providers, paging...
- SST Electronics T-4 Ultra Tuner op manual
- New User_Test
- antennas and rain
- ferrious vs non ferric
- Coax Question
- paint on antenna
- M2 6 Meter Yegis
- 40 meter beam for sale
- Source for antenna?
- Vertically Polorized Omni Slot Antenna
- Antenna Sharing for Marine - Weather Fax/NavTex and SSB-DSC
- Wi-Spy useful for antenna study
- fm receiver design @ 2.4GHz
- A little more 'About' the Flexo SWL Aerial -wrt- Flexo SWL Antenna Questions ?
- 50 years ago - Not antenna related, but probably interesting to many
- nag mount
- fun with loading
- Interesting antenna. Semi-fractal??
- APRSPoint special!
- A warning!
- Hidaka VS33 antenna
- Magnetic antenna base in pickup truck
- anyone who have used Chipcons 2431, with location-based engine algo?
- Mag Mount on aluminum ?
- Thomas & Betts UV Resistant Tie Wraps: Any Experiences With For Out Of Door Usage ?
- Mutual capacitance of an 8 conductor system
- New program. COAX_VLF
- Improving FM in building
- Comet CA-2x4SR
- HF discone ?????????????
- Yet another microwave question
- Grounding Bar Length For Receiving Only Antenna
- RF propagation
- Counterpoise wire length
- 16 el coaxial colinear (2.4ghz) question
- vert distortion?
- Velocity Factor (VP) for RG8X?
- Please explain side lobe statement
- FA: 1-Day-Left: 8 Books: HAM RADIO, SIX METERS, VEC, Electronics, Antennas, etc.
- Feeding 2 VHF Yagis from one coax?
- Gamma. Before somebody tells me.
- 4/13/06 ERT Meeting
- New program. Input Z of twin-lines.
- Given my restrictions, how can I improve my HF antenna?
- DELTA LOOP antenna calculator now work with MMANA
- Fiber Glass (shell) vs Metal
- Brandnew radio and transmitters massageboard
- How get RF through a sealed window?
- pulse radio help
- Transforner Theory
- Unknown coax id help?
- Must 300 ohm feedline be kept completely clear of contact w anything?
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