View Full Version : Antenna
- SC
- Minimizing Common Mode Currents by Simple Grounding?
- G5RV and 68ft of coax
- Would you join the ARRL if you found out they were only interested in selling memberships?
- 10 meter 11 meter antenna interaction
- dipole antenna using "chip antennas"
- cardiod antenna @ 2.4GHz
- 10 meter mobile antenna
- odd question
- HF LPF at antenna balun
- FA: M216's VHF 16 ch 8hrs left!!!! Cheap
- i punce in aigain
- Hf Antenna Question
- I like being killfiled.
- A chance to argue about something different
- Has morse code saved any lives recently?
- Routing radio signals around objects
- Re: Wilson 1000 magnet Mount Antenna
- I punced in aigian
- Long boom Vs Stacked elements
- Mark, are you listening?
- Re: i punce in aigain
- Re: Lids, Kids and Space Cadets
- CW isn't preventing the modernization of ham radio.
- Outcome based licensing.
- CW isn't preventing the modernization of ham radio.
- SteppIR's new 40-30M dipole add-on
- FA: K40
- Re: What Is Ham Radio?......The FAQ
- ground radials
- how to eliminate mechanical resonance?
- Amateur License
- Re: What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?
- Re: Passed Tech Exam- Which HT??
- NEC and computer speed
- Need Assembly instructions manual and schematics of Mosley MP-33
- i punce in aigain
- 2 meter yagi
- finco stinger
- Radio Pirates Forum
- Radials -- the same length or not???
- Yagi Height Question
- Half Square EZNEC file
- Yaesu ATAS-100 and ATAS-120
- ifos for FD4 or other antenna
- 80 metre 4-square
- Here the R&O-- FCC if interested.
- Re: New FCC Rules
- Re: shamma lamma ding-dong
- 2m sat beam brand question
- Re: I punce in aigaon
- Half Square question
- Would you go to a doctor that was allowed to take dumbed down medical exams?
- Re: I listen to Omega One Radio
- Re: Here is how we can end all the silly antenna questions on the repeaters and on usenet.
- Re: Hams just want to talk on microphones. They hate skill and everyone that's skillful
- Re: CW-forever Guys are gonna go balistic!
- WTT - kenwood TS-440S w/AT for HF vertical
- dipole length vs db
- Wanting to examine mutual coupling
- Coax Standoffs
- Modelling Antenna Factor of small loop
- It was a mistake for the ITU to eliminate the CW requirement.
- Two Meter FM Wire Antenna Question
- Tower Question
- Blown trap??
- my dad an me pics
- Joining galvanised wire mesh (chicken wire) ground plane
- MFJ-259B failure - Diodes?
- AM Radio
- Re: Here is how we can end all the silly antenna questions on the repeaters and on usenet.
- Re: Here is how we can end all the silly antenna questions on the repeaters and on usenet.
- Homebrew SteppIR Moxon
- building a cepstrum reflectometer
- Lattin antenna
- Why is copper better than steel for wire antenna?
- Problem with off topic postings in antenna newsgroup
- Re: I punce in aigaon
- Re: Here is how we can end all the silly antenna questions on the repeaters and on usenet.
- FS:Hustler 2 Mtr Base Colinear G7-144 Ant
- FS:Hustler 2 Mtr Colinear G7-144 Base Antenna
- Re: my dad an me pics
- i punce in aigain
- See, I told you RRAP is peaceful when KB9RQZ is away.
- Where Does the Power Go?
- MoonRaker EVX5000
- 802.11x, PCMCIA (or USB) adapter with RSSI and external antenna
- Attic Antennas and Foil Backed Barriers
- DRESSLER ARA-HDX-100 $350 shipped
- beam SWR change going from low to high above ground
- 2.45 GHz Helix with a modified GPS Antenna Preamplifier
- 2.45 GHz Helix with a modified GPS Antenna Preamplifier
- Optimising a G5RV
- My Dick is a quarter wave on 144 Mhz
- 20 M vertical ground plane antenna performance?
- true connector(s) losses?
- i punce in aigain
- cushcraft X7 - help
- Preferred calculators for EE use
- Re: Public Service Question
- Inv V metal /fiberglass
- Rhombics
- Dressler ARA 100HDX NIB $450
- my dad an me pics
- AARFPRODUCTS - Spammer, 182 messages to 27 groups
- CW Code Reader recommendation
- High Quality RF Connectors, Adapters & Cable Assemblies @ Low Cost
- interference question
- First homebrew antenna and a question
- Is a contact with a no-code ham a real QSO?
- CW not CB
- Re: Yagi efficiency
- my dad
- using trees as antenna
- radials in immersion in a stream
- 2M HT trip GFCI breaker
- my dad
- Elevation Patterns of Ground Mounted Vertical Monopoles
- I punce in aigain
- Please identify this vertical antenna
- Reflections on good and evil
- 6 meter discone modification
- shamma lamma ding-dong
- Re: I punch in agian
- Check Out Radio Pirates Forum
- Great Liberty Net 3.977 mHz LSB
- Sask. ham radio operator speaks with space station
- Multiband Vertcal Antenna?
- Adapting a 132-foot loop for 80M
- Directional antena and beacon for robot guidance
- Re: I punch in agian
- Use of lattice line to feed dipole
- Yagi efficiency
- Here are the new band designations & modes after FCC R & O comes out.
- FYI: 21,000+ Calculators
- Ham House
- GAP resonance shift
- Re: A humble request for "SlowCode" and contemporaries
- Re: A humble request for "SlowCode" and contemporaries
- Do you think discussions on repeaters are as technical today as they were 25 Years ago?
- How to tied down an Antenna pole
- Re: what Code testing realy does to the ARS
- can a beverage be folded?
- More RRAP funny VIDEOS !
- Receive Preamp question
- What antenna for receiving video signal from ISS ?
- hp z3801a wtb help
- Homebrew newsgroup
- Re: license rules
- New Yahoo Discussion Group for Palstar AT-AUTO 1500 Watt Autotuner.
- Circuit diagram wanted for Yupiteru MVT-7100
- Endfeed vertical halfvawe antenna
- Motorhome antenna questions
- Ham radio can help President Bush and America's war on terror.
- 12v regulator?
- Odd Question
- Second hand equipment wanted
- If Democrats are so concerned about global warming and gas prices, Why aren't they riding bicycles?
- How much of a multiband fan antenna has to be fanned?
- Re: good commercial
- Coax Connectors & Adapters - High Quality@ Low Cost
- Re: good commercial
- CW on 6 meters
- Comments re: Antenna lead-in Surge Suppressor experience
- VHF/UHF, preamps and wattmeters
- FS: Motorola spring base HLN4457A for fender mount whips
- Splitting the Signal
- Make your own hardline?
- Help me please
- Question about Coax
- I felt moved to post this
- Modeling Slot Antenna
- New odd question
- Easy antenna question
- Is the code requirement really keeping good people out of ham radio?
- Help fill a hole in my Swiss cheese knowledge of ham radio
- MAXWELL's EQUATIONS OF THE ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!
- Where to buy Panel Antennas above 5.8GHz?
- Bio-TERROR in America: The Government of Torture!
- Looking for 10 element yagi
- Source matching influence on line VSWR
- Could you support making the No-code license one year non-renewable?
- Re: Wilson 1000 Antenna Question, ---->> ROFL, Too good not to share with RRAP.
- How about supporting an 85% passing score for written exams?
- my new antenna
- Re: Are all RG8s created equal? (as promised)
- 8-element butler array spacing
- Mobile antenna shootout results?
- Curious about the I.R.E. Standard Dummy Antenna
- G5RV trimmed for voice?
- improve cellphone reception inside house?
- Modular Design of Breakers Allows for More Compact Substations;
- FS: HP/AGILENT 432A PowerMeter (RF/Microwave), SENSOR INCLUDED, 10MHz - 40GHz or up dep. on sesnor. WORKING PERFECT
- Dipole with standing wave - what happens to reflected wave?
- Is antenna a transducer to 377 ohms?
- KE2QJ mobile matching network?
- 20m "ringo"
- FS: HP/AGILENT 83525A (10MHz-8.4GHz) RFplugin (eg HP8350A/B, etc SWEEP OSCILLATORS) - RF/Microwave, near-new (WORKING), CALIBRATED in 2005. ITEM# REVISED
- Re: cease and desist
- Patent regulations
- J Pole
- Are all RG8s created equal?
- More Long Wire Questions
- dipole 11 meters
- Convert DISH TV antenna for WIFI use. USB or RF FEED?
- Re: Best, reasonably priced SWR meter??
- Olbermann Speech
- Re: Best, reasonably priced SWR meter??
- Alinco EDX-2 Auto-tuner to IC706
- Re: Best, reasonably priced SWR meter??
- Re: Best, reasonably priced SWR meter??
- Antenna Theory
- Trojan horse warning
- PC Board Capacitors at HF
- Palstar AT1500CV/AT1500DT
- Female PL259?
- Flexible Coax for HT instead of remote Mic
- How far can you stretch a discone for receive only?
- the Inside of the loop antenna..........?
- wideband antenna for IC-PCR1500
- Need a single antenna solution for an IC-R3 receiver
- Home made 902 MHz ISM band antennas
- Reg Edwards (G4FGQ)
- light HF beam (not wired) ?
- Ground screen material
- Ethical question
- Cheap vertcals
- Log Periodic ant
- FS: HP AGILENT 83525A (10MHz-8.4GHz) RFplugin (eg HP8350A/B, etc. SWEEP OSCILLATORS) - RF/Microwave, near-NEW (WORKING), CALIBRATED in 2005.
- More 9m Monopole
- Graphical NEC2 application for Linux
- [For Sale]: Grundig 1972 portable, Philips receiver 999, French designed portables, SW, AM, LW, AIR band radio
- about helix antenna design
- You'll probably never have to use CW to save a life.
- Re: Impedance of small delta loop
- Impedance of small delta loop
- Which is the better unit.............
- Loft Antenna
- Manual TET HB33SP
- My beams twist more than Chubby Checker
- test667
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