View Full Version : Antenna
- Two antennas
- R/S RG6 Coax Quality ?
- supply GPS+GSM+WIFI car antenna, GPS+GSM shark fin car antenna
- WiFi Link from top of tower
- Field strength / power / path loss calculator
- Large Antenna
- am/fm tuner,gps lcd screen
- Matching Coax Impedance: To Receiver or To Antenna ?
- Coax Switching Boxes (receive only)
- RF Calculator Tool Online - Solve Antenna Equations and ElectronicCircuit equations
- odd readings from watt meters
- SGC coupler to Dipole feedling question
- Antenna suggestions for Vertex FTL-2011 mounted on Metal andfiberglass railroad equipment.
- ? 75M Inverted Vee GAIN
- Wire Antenna/ Tree interaction
- 2 x 4 to 1 voltage balun in series
- noise canceling Elevator /HF?
- Cobwebb antenna question?
- s il vous plait;;;ici F5MNC
- Online RF & Microwave Engineering Calculator Tool FREE to use
- Sell HID Conversion Kit $45us/pc
- Oddball Antenna Question?
- n8wwm rules with an iron fist
- LPY antenna designs?
- Grounding in Sand
- Shortened radials: which length?
- feedpoint impedance
- Three new Ham Radio sites in March!
- Cheap Muscle Wire to turn antenna
- Edinburgh astronomers deliver 'origins' camera
- Scrape the bottom, Vote for Rodham.
- 100 pages of videos
- 80-10 Helical tapped mobile whip
- Re: The South Pole Telescope
- Looking for an old project based on two half wave vertical dipoles by W7DE...
- Off Topic means it doesn't belong here
- Re: Flagpole J for 10 Meters
- W7EL's Food for Thought: Forward and Reverse Power
- Attn Cel Phone Users
- ttenuation As A Function Of Material, Freq., etc. ?
- OFDMA - PUSC - renumbering
- 100 Pages of New Videos Added
- far radials for verticle?
- tv ant look alike? LP
- Vertical Antenna Performance Question
- Standing wave and power
- High ohm connections
- practical yagi question
- Group Velocity and Velocity Factor
- C42 Radio Set Manual
- EZNEC output Touchstone file?
- Another Stealth Antenna Question
- k0tar - Tom Ring
- Tuning antenna using signal gen and spectrum analyser
- Reg: get free loans
- Aluminum foil capacitance hat
- Zo of two wire open line
- Horizontal loop antenna
- Extreme WebPage
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- Transmissions on Helical Antenna
- 7/8th diameter Heliax
- n8wwm aka mr bindwell outed again
- Determining velocity factor for metal tube?
- Easy work in hour house
- Arrl antenna book cd does not install, help
- SpiderBeam
- WebPage
- How does it feel to use a commercial high gain curtain antenna and being a HF big gun for a weekend..
- Re: Elizabeth is an amazing switch. I first met her as a dom, and the next time I saw her as a slave. In this episode she is a brutal Mistress, which she is by nature - starting early by controlling boyfriends in highschool she moved on and started d
- DAB antenna
- Diodes for UHF
- Bird
- Wilkinson power splitter always necessary?
- 75M loop on 160
- News group protocol - or the Lie Direct
- Waves vs Particles
- Window line billowing in the wind
- G5RV antenna feed line balance.
- Balun vs reactance
- WILSON 5000 HiPower TRUNK Mount CB Antenna NEW
- Magnetic Longwire Balun Question !!
- 70cm reflectometer?
- DE W3TDH I need a portable HF antenna set up.
- Where to buy coax cable
- Technical question re 70 cm baluns
- mfj 259
- Plasmonics, Frustrated Total Internal Reflection, Evanescent Waves, Near Fields, and Antennas
- Standing-Wave Current vs Traveling-Wave Current WAS rraa three-legged race
- Derivation of Reflection Coefficient vs SWR
- Antenna tester.
- So you want to build your very own HDTV antenna?
- VLA news ...
- Where's the energy? (long)
- Death of the auto antenna?
- Re: This N8WWM BDSM collar-me **** is FUN!!!
- wire size
- RF Power Resistors from Caddock
- Broke down and bought one ...
- Poynting Vector in Standing Waves
- THIS IS A MUST MUST MUST SEE!!! Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance
- Proximity effect in two wire open TL
- Standing-Wave Current vs Traveling-Wave Current WAS rraa Laugh Riot continues
- Romney...who cares?
- mixing of signals
- keeping wire antennas up
- Linear Loaded Antennas ??
- Re: Hazel Park (MI) ARC Swap January 20
- Radio Shack BNC 50 ohm terminator as Dummy Load
- Electrosmog antenna ehp 200
- Loop antenna question????
- Governor Romney dismissed role of Amateur Radio Operators in Emergencies.
- Internal actions of a radiator
- Universal laws of the sciences
- "Filipino Monkey" in the Gulf Region since the 1980's?
- Circuitry of a radiator
- Why the US airwaves are not free
- Zmatch tuning unit inductance values.
- Airport Tower Comms, and My Receiving Antenna Orientation ?
- folding a dipole in half
- Antennas or urine stream contests?
- Loran C Antenna?
- Education
- Re: Standing morphing to travelling waves, and other stupid notions
- How to make a triode
- electro-magnetic radiation
- How Does A TV Antenna Work?
- Antenna designs for noise cancellation on HF bands
- TLVis1
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- Unusual page--for Art! <LOL>
- Measuring the fieldstrenght nearby is not reliable.
- First sunspot of cycle 24 spotted, gloom and doom predicted :-)
- Re: Mounting 2 Meter ham antenna on Jeep CJ5 Softtop ?
- When Youre Older And Coping With Loss
- meteor shower
- Need some free older "E-Books?"
- Magnetic fields
- Re: Where is the moderator?????
- scanner antenna Ferret 8 question
- Enough
- Need Manual on English for Fritzel Beam FB23 ! TKS
- CQ, CQ, CQ Cecil...
- Re: Get Thunderbird from Mozilla to take back this NG from the disgusting"JOHN****H"perverts!
- On coaxial traps--very kewl!
- Small tuned loops
- Tin Coated Copper Strand Inferior for Wire HF Ant?
- 20/40meter 1/4 Dipole?
- Tee-antenna base loading coil?
- Re: Off Topic : Smoking
- Re: The troubled Mr. Morgan
- downward noise reducing ant?
- internal antenna current flow
- adding an external antenna to my PC mouse
- Need info on a Cushcraft 214 B Junior Boomer
- Happy Holidays
- r.r.a.a WARNING!!!
- Re: New Electricity
- Collins' Curtain Array
- re: another stealth antenna idea
- Wattmeter help
- conceptual questions about antennas
- Stealth antenna idea
- The pursuit of the all band antenna
- Please verify (or disprove)
- Please verify or disprove
- MFJ 1786 High Q Loop
- Standing-Wave Current vs Traveling-Wave Current
- Random vertical antenna
- hypocrite = kb9rqz
- skyhook
- MFJ1734 mounting
- weather image in analog mode ?
- The DAWN of a new age
- Re: Interesting
- Seo Expert Message
- sci.physics.electromag NEEDS YOU!
- Calculating a (fictitious) phase shift; was : Loading Colis
- Front ends ...
- Creating Large Ferrite Antenna tuned to 457khz range?
- The World of Gauss
- Wave Reflection model
- Whip on portable vs Dipole Gain for 2m or 70cm
- Can u need our products such as mmds downconverter and powerinserter/adaptor?
- noise-to-signal ratio
- How to match 190 +j140 to a 50 ohm source?
- Please perform my experiment for yourself
- A Coil is a Coil, Of Curse of Curse
- Quad loop supported by single tower - NEC2 modeling question
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- Midland Full Band T 734
- n8wwm ate all the surplus government cheese again
- It's almost tax time again
- Estate Item FS
- GUT ( Grand unification theory)
- Standing Wave Phase
- Yaesu-857 great for power-line noise locater
- Optimum angle for antenna guy wires?
- The real way to get on top of GOOGLE...
- looking for ideas for mounting 2 meter ground plane
- ferrite antenna design...plz help
- The Bottom Line About SEO Companies
- Coils, why?
- Filter?
- blah, blah, blah... was Loading Coils; was : Vincent antenna, superposition, etc.
- Tom's experiment
- OT - ICE
- g4fgq programs on linux (and other operating systems)
- opinions on an antenna idea
- Matching assembly R3 antenna ?
- Does anyone have a good tutorial on COFDM?
- DLM Comparisons
- 18AVQ details required
- check out this site!
- Tarheel vs High Sierra (Sidekick) antennas
- Bass Fishing Can Get Heart Pumping
- Does an UnUn decouple an antenna from the feedline?
- using an MFJ-941E tuner on all bands?
- Vincent antenna
- What is the proper yagi class for my antenna?
- A Bailey book on TV antennas
- CL-33-M-WARC Kit
- Re: KB9RQZ posts his bio
- OpenPF document format ?
- danm pipes frose agian last nite winter is back
- Why doesn't Mark want to bare the sole responsibility of his actionsof lauding false charges against an innocent ham (Brian Crow) K3VR to FloridaChild Protective Services...
- Wireless packet data transmission
- Games
- Delta Loop Feed Orientation and Angle of Radiation
- Experience with multiband Loops?
- Need electrical help
- Home remodeling services los angeles
- Antenna rotator
- Long Distance Microwave Oven?
- Cell phones packed together
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