View Full Version : Shortwave
- FS: Like new Sony ICF-SW100S Mini Portable SW Receiver and Sony AN-LP1
- Who is on 5025 at 0230 utc?
- Jim Conrad Passed Away
- quake / Tsunami / Quayle - 3210 KHz
- Art "Bull****" Bell
- This month's NASWA Journal cover
- ot test
- (ot) I Don't Know
- Re: Can someone put all of "promo-girl's" announcements on a Interval Signals website?
- A visit to AIR Port Blair
- For Sale Sony ICF-SW7600GR *NEW*
- radio mart buys another NRD-515
- Panasonic Model No.RF-2600
- Yahoo groups for DE1105 and DE1107
- can anyone explain this to me ?
- Online versions of old HHGG Infocom game
- Mass Murderer Fired for Extramarital Affair
- Re: I'm hearing a shortwave broadcast on MW
- Australian weather, 6230 kHz
- WRTH latest Winter updates file now available for download.
- Naval Strike Group 6230
- Lowe HF-150 receiver BFO problem
- Weird noises on 27725, 0450 UTC
- Is the patrolman-50 a good VHF reciever?
- South Pac Logs
- Dogpile Search Engine
- Points to Ponder
- Until we meet again....
- I see gay people!
- dxAss: An unmarried man-boy
- eBay: Machlett Transmitting Triode
- Radio Tahiti
- Giuliana Sgrena
- Re: my first post....RAE anyone??
- Quick question
- Burn Baby Burn
- dxAss - N8KDV....
- Pastor Pete Peters Audio & Video Archives
- Re: write rusty dopehead...
- FREE TinyTenna plans.....
- TinyTenna Anonymous - We're here to help.
- Re: Continued good reception - program listening lately
- Re: Pirate 6.925 UTC Mar 6 01:45
- Lowe HF-235 ???
- SFA Church Service Online
- My old Radio
- Naval Strike Group 6230
- Sony TFM 7350 W?
- Re: (OT) : The Canaduhian "Psychosis" of USofA ENVY !
- Re: OT Picture of a platoon of...
- TV set Radio
- Russian HAM Web Site
- My - ICOM 706MKII - For Sale on ebay
- Re: Have you heard the new SW station?
- ICOM 737 Keyer problem
- Liberty Net 3.950
- Cuhulin and David melt down, audio at 11
- Top News
- Get ready "On the Domestic Front" Tomorrow night!
- Utility Informs Ham Radio Club of Preliminary BPL Plans
- Rush Limbaugh back on shortwave?
- Propagation today a little on the weak side
- Who is REALLY the foul-mouthed one in here????
- Let us define "SPAM"...
- Lowe HF-150 carrier insertion point
- Radio New Zealand
- Radio New Zealand A05
- a little help please
- Update!!! Forum for listening/scanning/Ham/Short-wave etc.
- Waterford
- Liberty Net Mentioned in News Article
- James
- Lost Power, Ground Worked
- FA: TRIONYX TR-1000 Freq. Counter>650mhz
- Next weeks topic....
- Canada!
- unIDed CW beacon on ~2804.31
- Utility logs 03-05-05
- Re: IS 14.313 Picking up again?
- Anyone watch Hal Turner on Dateline tonite?
- Don Erickson
- In reply to :"Hams are killing ham radio"
- Bill Laterbach, keep up the good work!
- Re: I'm looking to buy a SW receiver for my husband
- Numbers on 4028 usb
- 3872 khz 03:38
- 9990 KHz
- The Art of War
- DX Radio School - New contest...
- Killfiles
- Forum for listening/scanning/Ham/Short-wave etc.
- Newsreader apologies
- Radio Farda
- Radio Farda
- Radio Farda
- Radio Farda
- Yosemite Sam-An Update!
- BBC Calling the Falklands
- WWRB Testing 15190
- Re: DX Test-WNTP Philadelphia, PA POSTPONED
- Re: DRM Trials in Mexico
- Welcome to the Degen DE1108 radio group!
- Rush and shortwave
- ILG dastabase
- $470 for an FRG-7 !!!!
- Propagation
- BUY an auction house -- for precious metals
- 12.160 Booming into eastern NC @ 16:00 UTC
- Sangean 606A , opening up same
- Re: DX Test-WNTP Philadelphia, PA
- Pastor Peters teaching on PRAYER
- Welcome to {FAQs for} Rec.Radio.Shortwave (AM/FM DXing)
- Does the GREAT LIBERTY NET still come on 3950?
- Mexico
- Why?
- May I get a replacement Tiny-Tenna?
- dxdogcrap
- The Great Hal Turner to appear on National TV!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!
- CBC/RCI 4 police dead in Alberta
- Scriptures FOR AMERICA on at 02:00 UTC / 5070
- Advanced antenna solution for noisey suburban area ???
- Old, but important, Quote
- Iranian Government TV Threats and Propaganda Campaign
- 9.580 at 21:55 Gabon Africa
- 7600GR Vs SAT 800
- Radiodif. de la Republique Rwandaise
- My Tenna didn't work so well!!!
- $200 receiver up to $371 with 1 day to go !!!!!
- I think WEBTV say it all.
- Antennas
- mII and David Stinson....
- Pastor Peters to be 1 hr. earlier on Thurs. nights
- Y.S. audio "images".
- I'm sorry about James Larry Ryan: aka cuhulin
- Received "QSL" from WLIK in KY
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- It says
- Cell Phone Users are Killing Everyone
- Re: Hams are killing ham radio.
- FS Icom R5
- Best place to get an R-75 in Poland ???
- ClearSpeech Base Unit
- Cryptome
- Emergency Simulation Broadcast
- Europa Radio International
- WTB: SAT 800 or Sony SW77
- Night 31m logs, March 2
- Holocaust Denial Charges Coming!
- Re: WOR no longer at 1440 Broadway
- Re: Y.S.
- Another rape charge + murder - of 8 + arson
- Rape Suspect in Detroit
- Re: Radio Sawa/Farda on SW
- Jackie Patru, Sweet Liberty is on 5070 kHz
- Catholic Radio Network, Papua New Guinea
- Does Bill Laterbach still sell the "Tiny-Tenna"
- A link to a "Screwdriver antenna".
- Brazilian
- Re: The war against NOISE
- 9985 Booming in eastern NC
- Interference-Reducing Antenna
- Several Interesting Articles
- Robot Insurance for Elderly! / Good Laugh
- Phone line as SW antenna [04-Apr-00]
- Handy Shortwave Chart
- Tecsun PL350 is now for sale
- Lots of info about cool new Chinese radios
- Doc De-Programming in 3 easy steps!
- Sweet Liberty back on
- Radio Havana on 11705?
- Re: Bush shows true colors:Red and Pink
- Re: Saudi Arabia NOT heard last night
- Re: Steve Fossett-Heads Up
- Re: WBCQ 7415
- Yosemite Sam, sans Ace-Hole
- Pacific loggings
- On the Domestic Front Talk Show = Tuesday evenings at 10pm Central!
- I see the same old crap on here!
- 9.330.5
- 9.330.5
- R. Eritrea(!)
- Big Media's anti-pay-TV Campaign from 1967
- Pirate 6925
- Pirate 6925
- Degen 1102 Sleep Alarm
- Dr. Gene Scott's Memorial Service
- Thought on my Super ATS-909
- Will the great Profit Stair take some of Gene Scotts airtime?
- loop antenna questions
- NBD on .245 YZE
- Need Drake R-8 Service Manual
- Re: nondirectional beacon (NDB) Morse code tlk freq 244khz
- Grundig S350 AM BCB DX results part II
- Re: Steven R Lare aka dxAce N8KDV WN8GKJ
- Re: dxhaze
- Re: aka dxHAze
- Number station rock music track.
- Re: Sony AM/FM ICF-S10MK2 Radio
- Re: More Crooked Judges & Democrats
- Yosemite Sam
- Want To Buy Online
- Jackson's Trial
- 5975 Mars Invasion
- protection devices and ground
- Re: NRD-525 Owners, Freebies
- echolink iss live feed 1647utc monday 28th feb 2005
- Motorized Shortwave Antenna
- FA--Drake SW-8(A) 1998 SN
- "The End of Radio"
- History of VOA
- Re: ABC's NASA story
- On 7.415 at 00:10 . . .. WBCQ discusses Propagation
- Jews vs. Zionist state of Israel
- Sony ICF-SW35 info...
- Amazon closeout on YB300PE
- Sony SW7600GR modded for sale -- new
- International Museums Weekend 2005
- Re: All the News That's Fit to Fake
- Multi-Wire [ Multi-Band ] Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antennas
- Re: Wire vs. CB Whip
- $300 for an FRG-7----how stupid !
- Grundig S350 RX: First results
- David J. Smith's Radio Log -- including Shortwave
- 9985 Booming In
- Cleaning out old files
- Eibi Skeds Updated
- Radio Australia 9.580
- The Flu and its Prevention
- David J. Smith on 5.070 @ 12:00 UTC
- Ten-Tec 1254 receiver
- IRC radio monitoring
- Re: Tyranny is when the Criminals take over the Government
- Chile Station loud DX station RTTY now
- Amateur Radio In 2050
- Sudan Radio Service
- Help, Sony AN-LP1: internal loop antennas in steel reinforced buildings
- Pastor Peters
- Re: this group needs to get back to basics
- Pastor Peters on 5070 an hour early.
- Phil Hendrie...
- Drunken Judges
- Vanuatu 7260
- Quakes
- example of incredible ebay stupidity !!!!!
- Dr. Gene Scott
- 2-24-05 Quote of the Day ?
- FA: Drake R8B HF receiver with MS8 Speaker and VHF converter
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