View Full Version : Shortwave
- Propagation
- Congratulations to the American CQ Amateur Radio magazine
- Amateur Satellites Lost in Space
- Red alert issued 23:01 UT 07 Jan 2005
- SWR's transmission 7-8th January 2005
- The oddities of ebay
- Sony 2010 for decoding digital signals
- 5.939.3 Mhz Peru
- Sony 7600GR any thoughts?
- Yemen 9779.7
- Amateur Radio and the Disaster - India
- Re: OT Are the Bush Twins Influenced by the Evil Liberal Press?
- "Cold Heat" Soldering Tool
- Numbers Station 9060 MHZ Am SW band 0705 UTC last night
- Numbers Station 9060 MHZ Am SW band 0705 UTC last night
- FYI: Solar Cycle 23 Graphs - Where are We Now
- ANYONE heard N. Korea lately ???
- Re: (OT) Is David Rickets Influenced By The Evil Liberal Press?
- CPB and NPR "$ponsored" Programming - A National Network that Follows the Money $ $ $
- NRD-345 Circuit Diagram
- Radio 555 raises over 5 million euro in one day!
- Updated shortwave text database available
- Re: Tsunami Made Me Think
- Sony ICF77 serial number
- "Coax-Seal" Sealant & "Stuf" for your Antenna's RF Connections [Weather Proofing]
- some disappointing problem found on DEGEN DE1103.
- Re: Antenna Tuner -vs- Passive Preselector...
- "D" Layer in the Ionosphere
- The Eton 'Elite' E1 XM Radio "Genealogy" Drake SW1 > SW2 > SW8 > GS800M > E1 XM
- Who Is On 11955 kHz?
- Africans great last night (0630z, 6 January 2005); R. Rebelde new 50kW TX
- Shortwave Listener (SWL) Frequency & Schedule Resources that are available "OnLine" { Links / URLS }
- Shortwave Listener (SWL) Frequency & Schedule Resources that are available "OnLine" { Links / URLS }
- 9770KHz...jan6...0830-0900utc???
- 13181 USB at 916 UTC
- E1 Price
- 890 khz 0440
- Received Radio Romania International QSL card
- Wellbrook ALA 330S on MW
- Radio had no warnings of killer waves
- Radio 555 will be on shortwave and Internet tomorrow!
- Victor Goonetilleke says amateur radio saved lives in Sri Lanka
- list of frequencies
- 11780 @ 1:49 UTC ???
- Ham Operator Sets New Miles-Per-Watt World Record
- Who Is On 119955 kHz?
- TV Hum
- FS: Tono Theta 777 RTTY/CW/AMTOR Terminal Unit/ Price reduced!
- Quite Interesting....
- Olympia Radio
- FA: Shortwave Receiver and many different scanners (last day)
- DEA & Customs frequencies
- ILG Password
- timewave dsp 9
- Why Internet radio will "arrive" this year
- goy, goys, goyim
- Re: FREE: $250.00 Cookie Recipe : Here. Now
- RadioShack "Realistic" DX-160 Receiver
- Big Ben at GMT noon, Wednesday
- Top News
- BBC Silence
- Icom IC-M600
- good source for tubes---
- Weird problem with Sangean ATS-909
- FREE: $250.00 Cookie Recipe : Here. Now.
- Holocaust Fund Investigated
- DX-160: Preselector or 9:1 transformer
- Any way to recieve Sideband, RTTY, Morse code and Fax on Kaito KA1001?
- Quake alert 2 - More on animals
- Quake alerts 1 - animals
- Attn : Euro-LW BC DX fans in the U.S.
- RCA 7094 tube for Hallicrafters HT-41
- Milatoons on 7.415
- FS--Radio Shack DX-398
- Somebody
- Help with MUF while traveling listen to the Ham Bands (Delaware to Texas)
- Heil "Clear Speech" DSP speaker
- ILG And Mark Fine's Radio Listeners Data Base (RLDB) Prog. Quest.
- Bangkok Meteorological Radio
- Radio New Zealand, 9885khz at 0830utc
- Radio Australia 15.160
- FA: Many Scanners/Receivers/Shortwave Radios up for Auction
- Offsetable frequency counter
- Are all Nations on Shortwave radio?
- ( OT ) cashing in on a tragedy
- Bangkok Meteorological Radio QSL Received
- Yaesu FRG-7700 display ???
- Torus Tuner Equivalent?
- ILG Database Forbidden Screen
- WTB Mtce manual for Bearcat DX-1000
- Re: My original post about Great Circle
- Diego Garcia
- EH Scott Allwave 23 For Sale Or Trade (AD REWRITE)
- EH Scott Allwave 23 For Sale Or Trade (AD REWRITE)
- FA: ICOM R1 Scanner/Receiver
- FA: Viking International Extended Recorder
- Re: infob3
- Useful Icom IC-R75 [R-75] Links for Facts and Information about the Icom IC-R75 [R-75]
- {©¿©} · A Love Gift For You! ·
- Drake R8B side by side with an Icom 756 PRO III
- The Eton E1 XM Radio -=V=- Grundig Satellite 800 M [ Plus Some History ]
- Phuket Amateur Repeater...
- 5717 usb
- Porta-phobia
- FS--Drake R8A
- Re: A splash and a thump? 14.313's commin back!!
- ILGRadio- username???
- Timewave DSP-599zx Digital Noise Filter?
- Switzerland for the outside world (will the internet replace shortwave radio)
- FA ESI DB877 Precision 8 Decade Coaxial Dial Resistor Box
- Icom IC-R8500-02, Discontinued!
- Mozilla vs. Netscape ?
- Wal-Mart to start selling DRM radios!
- Great Circle distance
- Diego Garcia
- Papua New Guinea 3.385 mhz
- Re: NPR on Shortwave Schedule & Freqs
- DRM "MOD" for the Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium Radio . . . {Eton E1 XM Radio}
- Drake TR7 Looking for 6kHz AM filter
- 9885khz at 0900utc
- KATQ-1070 Plentywood, Montana
- South Africa 3320kHz @0300
- Diego Garcia not affected by Tsunami
- Last Month's Top Posters from Google NewsGroups to Rec.Radio.Shortwave
- The Broadcast Band in Digital Radio???
- All India Radio, Bangalore, reports requested
- Sony ICF-SW7600 / Sony ICF-SW7600G / Sony ICF-SW7600GR AM/FM Shortwave Radio Information & Links
- FS: Tono Theta 777 stand-alone multi-mode RTTY terminal unit TU
- Re: Hey Lloyd, check this out and remember what you promised!
- Correction SONY ICF-SW7600
- SONY ICW-SW7600 odd model question.
- test
- decoding software?
- Re: (OT) Pat Robertson Explains It All
- WTB: KIWA MultiBand AM Pickup (MAP)
- Re: Radiomart
- OT MONSTER - SUICIDE - AMERICA (lift your voices to the heavens)
- wtb degen de-1102
- Pirate 6925
- Phone line as SW antenna [04-Apr-00]
- Handy Shortwave Chart
- Happy New Year!
- EH Scott Allwave 23 For Sale Or Trade
- Re: Canadians
- Is somebody jamming the BBC?
- Review:Grundig S350
- Review:Grundig FR-200 "emergency radio"
- Re: China - will offer a paltry $2.7 million
- Steve your a bad boy
- Midnight in Moscow
- ILG database problem - help please
- Re: Reduce wireless signals
- WBCQ transmitter is off frequency
- Re: U.S. to give 350 million in aid to tsunami victims...
- Diego Garcia
- U S A. The Voice of WWV becomes a silient key
- FA: AOR AR 8200 MK II
- Radio Heritage Foundation launches web site
- 2005 -1:33
- New Year!
- FA - R. L. Drake SW8 'portable' World Band Shortwave Communications Receiver
- FA: Optoelectronics Scout
- Portables & Tsunami's
- Southern Tip of India
- Poly Rope or Bungee??
- Re: spyware
- 2813kHz USB @ 0330Z unid/unk
- Yosemite Sam's buzzing back?
- Computerest Ways (ot)
- Re: are there two station on 7115?
- Tsunami eyewitness account
- Boycott arnie
- Pirate
- Boycott DxAce
- FA: Radio Shack DX-398
- exciting new active antenna ???
- Paging dxAce: voltmeter certification
- Re: Red Cross: 1 million dead?
- Re: The four essential travel phrases for Sri Lanka
- Propagation
- Earthquake/Tsunami Death Toll
- Waves Up To Fifty Millimeters High!!
- incredible deal on batteries/charger
- Diego Garcia
- 9290 khz - transmitions via Latvia
- What's best receiver
- More Sunammi's
- HF beats BPL, Sat Phones, Mobile Phones hands down!!
- FA: Standard SR Scanner/ Communications Receiver with Band Scope
- FA: ICOM PCR1000
- FA: AOR AR 8200 MK II
- FA: Radio Shack DX-398
- Shortwave Kooks Tsunami conspiracy theories have begun!
- Radio Prague QSL and Fridge magnet received
- Pirate 6925 0030 UTC
- Earth's Rotation (Re:WWV)
- Re: Steve
- AOR 3030
- Amateur Radio "Saved Lives" in South Asia
- Mystery Shortwave Station at 18:00 UTC 14575 kHz
- Re: OT Nobody Likes to Admit They've Been Chumped
- Shortwave Antenna Manual
- Re: Santa Clause like you have never seen him before
- News from Grove Enterprises
- Deutsche Welle Relay Station At Trincomalee, Sri Lanka, Unharmed
- Amateur Radio Role in Tidal Tradegy
- Re: Special programme tomorrow - the future of international broadcasting
- Special programme tomorrow - the future of international broadcasting
- As the year changes around the time zones
- Bad Reception Tonight, NE England
- Steve Quayle / Stan Deyo / California QUAKE coming up ???
- Sangean ATS-404 Disable the beeper. How???
- Zambia on 4965 & 4910kHz
- 41m hot today well b4 sunset ...
- Looking for Phil Henry
- 28 December 2004.Message to Osama.A "Must Read"
- Satellite dishes
- Shortwave??
- Dissertation Research
- Diego Garcia
- Top News
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- Brenda
- SONY SW 55 ISSUES----------------------------------
- "secret" / Cryptic Jews
- New edition of Broadcasts in English
- Strange sig 5050mhz 03:35 UTC
- Earthquake: Will WWV skip or add seconds?
- WTD / WTT Monitoring Times
- Uncle Sap?
- FCC fines CBer $10K even though no license needed
- Korea - Making Radio Waves
- Smile
- ARRL Earthquake News
- Diego Garcia
- Re: It's Torture getting this Oil to Market!
- Shortwave frequencies quiet today
- Diego Garcia
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