View Full Version : Shortwave
- (OT) Comet Holmes Now Bigger Than The Sun.
- Conditions tonight
- No HD Radio on Apple's media devices!
- Analog versus DSP
- Re: 6mhz opened to Canda and USA
- Pandora Teams With AT&T, kicking HD Radio in its teeth!
- Tugboat Extravaganza
- shortwave to am radio converter
- The Harry Thomas Show - week in review 11/10/07 - The Media is forced to Report on The Ron Paul Revolution
- Off Topic- Veterans Day.
- Steve DXace
- Serious FM DX Portables
- The 11th Hour . . .
- OT A Helping Hand !!!!
- Sailing vessel Cambio (sp?)
- Pirate: WTCR
- FA Radio Gear
- Pirate(s) - 6925
- Pirate - 6925
- Re: I built new antennas
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- IBOC Crock Fails 'The Litmus Test'
- Re: I built new antennas
- MFJ-1046 / 1048 LW/MW mods
- (OT) HR 1585 Authorizes Plans For Martial Law.
- Drake sw-2 vs. Sw-8
- The HD RAdio lunatic-fringe!
- Live Stream of Pirate freq, 6925 Khz
- Re: The outlook for radio in 2008 is bleak
- You know you're a shortwave fanatic if....
- Interest in HD Radio for the past year taking a nice hit!
- ITC DELTA I deck with DELTA IV record amp-tested/playing-w/interconnect-NICE broadcast NAB cart machine set-radio station
- Re: The outlook for radio in 2008 is bleak
- Re: The outlook for radio in 2008 is bleak
- Top News
- Looking for South Texas Hams
- Receivers
- (OT) : How Do You Say "Sorry - I Don't Read/Speak Arabic" In Arabic
- No wonder, there is a bunch of unsold air-time for HD Radio ads
- BBC Caribbean Report on 9750 kHz @ 11:07 UTC
- group missing
- Indoor Antenna
- In Hawaii-- what is good to receive out here?
- In Hawaii-- what is good to receive out here?
- SWL Links Roundup
- Major Clear Channel Layoffs - the CC Nazies!
- Don't Touch That Dial - answers from consumers only reinforce every digital fear.
- Panasonic RF-2600 Repair
- Re: Aoki B07 List
- Complex Business Transformations: Can IT help?
- The IT Side of the Fun Business
- The Emotionally Intelligent CIO
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for
- South Africa On Now
- Leading Provider of HD Radio Products in Trouble
- Shortwave DX'er .Co .Nr
- farmer Christmas wish list
- Pakistanis getting news?
- HD radio is also a white elephant...
- DXpedition to Queen Charlotte Islands (Haida Gwaii) Article on
- Grey Line
- DxAce
- (OT) Space Shuttle.
- Top News
- Titanic Marconi Wireless.
- Katio Active antenna $30
- IBOC-Shills
- Buuuuuurrrrr
- Eduardo
- DXace
- Live Streaming Pirate Radio off-the-air
- UTC/GMT Unchanged - Warning USA Goes Back To Standard Time
- The Harry Thomas Show - week in review 11/03/07 - Mainstream Media is afraid of The Ron Paul Freedom Train
- World's First Nanoradio.
- Coast Guard rescue comms
- RF Filter PCBs
- Supreme Leader Suspends Constitution and Shuts Down Television Stations
- Double V Shortwave Australia
- DxAce Steve
- To dxAce Re: Aoki B07 List
- The Radio's Whip Antenna - Just What Is It ? - Making It Work Better !
- Microscopic Radio Sets Miniaturization Record
- NorcalDX group wants you!
- Fine Tuning's Proceedings on CD
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- options when upgrading to a serious tabletop
- Re: Icom 756 Pro III vs. NRD-545 vs. AOR-7030+
- Longwave book.
- Re: Icom 756 Pro III vs. NRD-545 vs. AOR-7030+
- Commander Bunny - Kracker Presidential T-shirts on Ebay
- Re: How Good is the Freeplay Baygen Radio?
- Re: Icom 756 Pro III vs. NRD-545 vs. AOR-7030+
- Re: Icom 756 Pro III vs. NRD-545 vs. AOR-7030+
- Re: Icom 756 Pro III vs. NRD-545 vs. AOR-7030+
- Todd Daugherty, N9OGL, receives FCC enforcement letter
- Re: Icom 756 Pro III vs. NRD-545 vs. AOR-7030+
- Re: Icom 756 Pro III vs. NRD-545 vs. AOR-7030+
- Hey Steve, DXace
- Just saw a commercial on TV for Ford's Sync!
- Pirate - 6925
- Eduardo - more good news from Toyota and Hyundai!
- Non-XM-ready Eton E1 to be available from Universal @ $399.95 retail price
- Re: B07 -Schedule- Radio Nederland Wereldomroep (RNW)
- Long wire antenna question
- Grundig G1 (Satellit 1000)
- Let's Play Music Media Trick or Treat, Eduardo!
- Effective IT Contract Negotiations
- is anyone hearing the B07 Voice of Russia frequencies clearly?
- Re: LYQ Non Directional Beacon (NDB)
- Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW) on 6040 kHz @ 10:45 UTC
- Considering purchasing Winradio WR-315e - What do you think?
- Satrad subscriptions up, Eduardo!
- Here's to you, Eduardo!
- Any recommendations for wefax from Colorado?
- Heard Jazz Music on 1410 kHz @ 4:27 AM PDT
- Poland/Polish Radio over shortwave in USA?
- BBC B07 Shortwave Freq. Skeds
- "HD Radio: Not Everyone is Touting its Virtues" - oh yea!
- Adopting Enterprise Virtualization: A Practitioner's Perspective
- Effective IT Contract Negotiations
- Buy and Sell Vintage Radios!
- Tentec/Globe Wireless RX321
- Turn Your PC into a DSP filter for SWL
- R. Habana 11760
- Ten-Tec RX-340 On Sale!
- Re: 2 Sangean ATS803A's & 1 DX440 for sale
- Radio Kuwait
- Pirate - 6925
- Pirate - 6925
- Pirate - 6925
- FM Radio DXing Tools
- The Harry Thomas Show - week in review 10/27/07 - Fox Media Deception Exposed !
- 14.275 mHz The hits just keep on comming!
- Question about feedline proximity
- The Harry Thomas Special Report - The Hole In The Pentagon Could Not Have Been Made By A 757 ? Part 9 of 23
- DST/Summer Time
- Pirate - 6925
- Pirate - 6925
- Pirate - 6925
- Outboard bfo
- Pirate - 6899
- B07 Schedules Prime Time Shortwave
- Pirate - 6925
- Steve DxAce
- Receiver News - Used AOR 7030+
- the AIM of LIFE
- How to reset a DX-392
- Icom 746 Pro as SW Receiver
- A Significant Sign in the Death of HD Radio - it's over folks!
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- This is Public Service
- FM Radio Sucks! - So says HD Radio maker Visteon
- Denver Radio Sucks
- Radio is dying (and it's about time)
- NAB Is Selling Radio Out (Again)
- Top News
- shortwave radio listening in canada
- Israel Radio Schedule - Winter 2007/2008 B07
- Ydun's Medium Wave "Info" {News} WebSite
- Don't Touch That Dial
- Sad News
- Re: From Passport to World Band Radios website
- Kiwa Website
- Re: Speech intelligibility??
- A trip to Circuit City to find an elusive HD radio
- Received New Passport Today
- ? KJCP ? 1100 kHz - The Neal Boortz Show @ 08:10 AM PDT
- ? KJCP ? 1100 kHz - The Neal Boortz Show @ 08:10 AM PDT
- From Passport to World Band Radios website
- Re: OT, I'll be Damned
- Re: From Passport to World Band Radios website
- AIR B-07 changes
- Amazing Creativity on Ceiling
- A bitch-on-wheels, but not too bad...
- Internet Radio - soon to a WiFi, WiMax, or cell phone enabled device near you, Eduardo!
- help with RF amplifier concept please
- "Sirius wins "Fastest Growing Company" in Deloitte's 2007 Technology Fast 500"
- Radio Japan NHK B07 Schedules
- "Sirius wins "Fastest Growing Company" in Deloitte's 2007 Technology Fast 500"
- B07 Private U.S. Shortwave Station Skeds.
- Re: Oh my, Canada says FM-HD jams, too!
- Oh my, Canada says FM-HD jams, too!
- AVN beacon - 345kHz
- FA: Collins 51S HF Receiver
- FA: HP86222A
- "DAB is a Mess"
- WTD: Heathkit HR-10B mods
- (OT) US Routinely Conducts Experiments On Weather Mod.
- We got noticed!
- Oh my, Canada says FM-HD jams, too!
- (OT) Space Shuttle.
- Re: Speech intelligibility??
- Latin American SW Logs - Updated
- Why Doesn't Ebay shut down Radio-Mart
- ? 820 kHz Heard "Music Of Your Life" Radio Program ?
- DX-440 Case Mod?
- Pirate - Radio Free Speech
- مجموعه كبيرة من الافلام العربية الممنوعه
- -FYI- Two (2) Kiwa MW/SW "Pocket" Loop Antennas
- The Harry Thomas Show - week in review 10/20/07 - FREE Information for FREEdom Lovers !!!
- Re: Crystal Liaison on 7.415
- Whats between 30 000 & 60.000 on SW ?
- (OT) California asked to switch off lights.
- Trafalgar Day
- Your call letters printed on a T-shirt $15 Shipped anywhere in the US 48 states
- Miniaturization mania
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- New "Stop IBOC Now" Site
- Re: iBiquity Relaunches Retail-Training Site!
- ANLP-1 For Sale
- Heard KIDO 580 kHz @ 7 AM
- 2008 Buick, Hummer and Saab to get XM satellite radio
- Re: Top News
- Re: Top News
- And then things went boom-boom
- Ford Focus points the way to mobile audio's future!
- Re: iBiquity Relaunches Retail-Training Site!
- Re: iBiquity Relaunches Retail-Training Site!
- Grundig G5
- Good Question (super glue)
- Magnavox D2999
- DW to cut back DRM transmissions?
- Centrios AM,FM,SW,TV,WX radio
- 9.515 at 1430 UTC
- the sale JODRAN sections basketball shoes. AF1.DUCK
- Last Name needed: RADIO FRANCE INT: 10 Minute Simplified French Broadcast: Valerie Rarorear?
- Another "HD Radio sucks" article
- (OT) bush 24 cents, congress 11 cents,,,,,
- Chinagate: The Movie
- SW receivers, pre-amp's 4 sale
- Sounds like someone speakiihg through a fan blade
- WABC IBOC in Oho
- (OT) Lynne Cheney: Cheney and Obama are distant cousins.
- Getting Started
- VR-5000 radio control software
- re: 300PE Grundig
- What I am trying to do
- OT Thank You Lord
- Re: $280,000,000 more to be ****ed on HD Radio!
- "The HD Alliance throws good money after...bad?"
- Re: $280,000,000 more to be ****ed on HD Radio!
- Re: $280,000,000 more to be ****ed on HD Radio!
- Improve FM reception: any boosters or better antennas to use?
- Re: (OT) : SPAM ALERT ! - Please Do Not Open to Read or Reply.
- CFRX Transmitter
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