View Full Version : Shortwave
- FA: Grundig Satellit International 650
- Michael Moore's Movie
- Pirate 6925
- DX'ing with a Jwin JX -M14
- Strange Antenna in old 73 magazine ?
- 40 Meter Interference - Running Water....
- Did anyone hear Grimeton broadcast?
- (OT) The Perfect Shot?
- Address for Yahoo Antennas Group
- Sony 7600GR question
- Drake R-8 with computer control
- Possible Freq Change for R. Ethiopia
- FS: Degen 1102 receiver
- New Reduced Schedule for Overcomer Ministry
- Possible New Iceland Frequency
- Fwd: Bahrain
- Fwd: Program Changes on WBCQ
- Sat. 800 for $199 @ Discovery Channel
- HF Aero MWARA And LDOC Freqs, Quest.
- Re: Flash.....DxAss Poodle Boy Steve Lare's Popularity has dipped below 10%
- Popular Communications magazine July 2004: BPL article
- 7275 @4:30UTC
- Re: Flash.....DxAss Poodle Boy Steve Lare's Popularity in has dipped below 10%
- Re: R.R.S. Posting Statistics - June 2004
- Re: Flash......DX ASS Poodle Boy Steve Lare Saves America from Security
- 15070 and 6266 npw
- Actor Marlon Brando, KE6PZH/FO5GJ, SK
- Re: CERT says to stop using IE and some **** heads listened! That'sbecause they have **** for brains!
- Saudi Arabia 4790
- FS Sony 2010..$150.00
- Re: A Recent Poll Suggests Michael Bryant is still obsessed with Steve Lare
- Aircraft Carriers (7) in Pacific Official DOD link
- 7 Carriers in Pacific mid-July
- Fishing is Good-Curmudgeon Gets Snagged!
- Re: Poodle Boy Steve Lare gets new Nickname.... DX ASS LOLOL
- Re: A Recent Poll Suggests Poodle Boy Steve Lare's Popularity down to12.5 % in
- Are your neighbors on enemies list?
- BPL goes dark in Cedar Rapids Iowa
- Snoops to slow down/stop e mail?
- Radio World NewsBytes Weekly Digest
- Re: BBC exterminates the Daleks
- Re: We are sorry that our president is an idiot. We didn't vote for him.
- RadioMyWay
- MediaLine for 3 July 16 July 2004
- WWRB new frequency
- Y-Man Says .....
- Re: Sangean ATS 909 problem.
- DX-398 Question
- 2010 76 mhz - 108 mhz ???
- Re: OT. ISP's can read your e-mail.
- Communicating with Coke strings required
- WWRB listener club!
- WWRB testing
- Small In-line audio amp?
- Mountain antenna equipment
- Kudos to Curmudgion for muzzling Steve Lare {Poodle Boy}
- Phone line as SW antenna [04-Apr-00]
- Handy Shortwave Chart
- Received Radio Romania International QSL
- FS:Timewave DSP 599zx
- Re: UnFairenheit 911
- FS: Lafayette HA230 + speaker
- Fahrenheit 911
- hay Steve; ant question?????
- PL-230 problem
- FS: IBM Thinkpad laptop for DXpeditions and Rig Control
- FS: Drake R8 Reduced
- Logs from Northern California, 30 June 2004
- Excuse me. Do you *really* need a license?
- Swap SAT800 for Palstar R30
- Knife Switch
- International broadcasters relay sites
- Brother Stair Leaves WBCQ
- Is there a AM tuner PCI card available?
- Air Force One
- No more gold bugs on WWRB!
- Kiwa Mods?
- Re: I'm Famous! The Life and Times of Steve Lare a 50 something 'tard!
- Bernt Erfjord passes away at age 42
- Drake R8B Encoder Question
- Re: I'm Famous! The Life and Times of Steve Lare a 50 something 'tard!
- New antenna installation.
- Professional car radios installation
- Radio Bengali
- Where the Lare?
- Southern California Shortwave Radio Logs
- DRAKE SW8 Rig!!
- R8 For Sale ending June 28 after 6 PDT
- SW8 For Sale Found
- Research project: Boy/older male relationships
- Ferrite chokes.
- Move Over Steve Lare! Here comes me and my Daleks!
- Re: CERT says to stop using IE, but will the **** heads listen?
- I'm Famous!
- Re: CERT says to stop using IE, but will the **** heads listen?
- Major shortwave xian pay-triot kooks on now
- Help with news server
- Sony SW77 question...
- First Broadcast from the African Union
- Ettiquette Question...
- TROJAN Romainian Teenagers TROJAN
- SPECIAL AUCTION ON EBAY...bookmark site!
- radios and receivers for sale
- Message to Steve Lare
- Further investigation of Eton(Grundig)S-350 drift problem.
- Bryant continues to email
- Message to Bryant
- Tecsun PL-550 or DEGEN DE1103 ? Which one to choose ?
- Radio Tashkent
- Are you busy Sunday?
- Take It Easy Radio
- NEED: baygen freeplay circuit diagram
- The Great Liberty Net Invites You ....
- Diego Garcia
- SE Asia Loggings, June 26
- Southern California Shortwave Radio Logs
- Dual Coax Antenna
- 6.925 at 0140Z
- June 25 UTC Logs
- Help w/ UNID on 17650 at 0415
- Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corp.?
- Latin American SWLogs Updated
- Amateur Radio Newslineâ„¢ Report 1402 Â* June 25, 2004
- Ham Radio Deluxe v1.4 (build 425b) now available
- RW NewsBytes Weekly Digest
- Re: Middle East Radio
- Hammarlund HQ-180A NICE!!!!!
- FS sony 7600GR
- Recommend sw radio for 12-year-old please...
- TROJAN Re: My Girlfriends Huge TROJAN
- What a choice!
- You are all old couch sitting tube thumpers
- FS: Yaesu FRG 100
- Re: Fahreneheit 911 by Michael Moore / Review
- Amateur Radio Newslineâ„¢ Report 1401 Â* June 18, 2004
- Interesting story
- Mains adapter for Sony7600GR
- (OT) FatAndHigh 9/11
- Canada-Expanded broadcasts
- Any Takers? Off Topic (way off)
- FS: Drake R8 (eBay)
- Heavy Duty Antenna Wire for sale on ebay
- Question about selling new ICF-2010 on Ebay
- 6973 @ 00:30 UTC ???
- FS: Ten Tec RX-320 Shortwave Receiver
- Recording from a Kenwood R5000 to a PC
- Receiving DRM with the DX-394
- (OT) - Panorama - "The Clinton Interview" Broadcast on BBC
- fuel cell powered shortwave portables !!!!!
- Worldwide DX Club Top News
- DIY antenna- which?
- Shortwave insanity on 9.330 and elsewhere
- Any shortwave pirates in Houston Tx
- 7.490 10:20 PM EST
- Re: ****head Cop
- 12000 kHz @ 23:55
- curmudg@eon SHUT UP !
- Re: Flash---- Steve Lare caught
- What is Z time
- Bush proposes mandatory mental health screening
- Dots Problem Solved
- My Sony has arrived
- Bible Christian Association started the new program in Polish via Juelich
- The Boatanchor Classifieds
- Re: Spam Boy Steve Lare on His Best Behavior Since Being Warned byIserv to Cease and Desist
- 00:00 UTC Egypt s-20 + on 11725
- Comprehensive guide to programs
- 7460 kHz @ 2200z
- who is steve lare? thats all i see in every subject
- New AFN freqs?
- Radio Free Syria
- Re: Steve Lare's Diary - The life and Times of a 52 year old Loser
- Re: Spam Boy Steve Lare on His Best Behavior Since Being Warned by Iserv to Cease and Desist
- FS: Collins 51J-4
- Re: 10330 @ 00:40 UTC... India ????
- Re: Flash----- dxAce aka Steve Lare aka Michael Bryant aka N8KDV is on thin ice at ISERV
- Re: Flash----- dxAce aka Steve Lare aka Michael Bryant aka N8KDV is onthin ice at ISERV
- AIR AMERICA In Deep Financial Crisis
- Re: BBC - "Short wave listening is in long-term decline "
- Skanti R 8001 ?
- Flash---- Iran seizes 3 British Warships?
- Re: Spam Boy Steve Lare on His Best Behavior Since Being Warned by Iservto Cease and Desist
- Too Much Bass On The Speaker
- FS: Drake R8
- Re: The Great Defender of RRS has Spoken :o) Re: Open Message to Curmudgeon
- 10330 @ 00:40 UTC... India ????
- Afternoon Logs
- Re: Silver TECSUN PL-230 ( Good for walking around ?)
- Make your own T2FD
- New HiFer Beacon ID of X?
- The Great Defender of RRS has Spoken :o) Re: Open Message to Curmudgeon
- Open Message to Curmudgeon
- Re: Last Weekend To File FCC Comment
- Eton (Grundig) S-350 drift.
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Re: Bumper Sticker on Steve Lare's 1967 Plymouth Valiant
- Re: Bush Joke Chicken ****
- The Most Exciting Frequency in SHORTWAVE RADIO ! ! !
- A very basic reciever
- SW radio logs from Puerto Rico
- Radio Going to waste
- Re: Bumper Sticker on Michael Bryant's Pathetic Blue Car
- Bumper Sticker on Lloyd's Car
- Drake R8 For Sale
- New to the shortwave bands
- Silver TECSUN PL-230 ( Good for walking around ?)
- tonight again, alfa lima
- Shortwave use in Zimbabwe
- F.S : IC R-75 w/ options
- Re: [OT] Moore Film Title Angers Author Bradbury
- For Trade: Grundig Satellit 650 in excellent shape
- FCC Says Pending 40-Meter Changes will Enhance Spectrum Efficiency
- FINLAND-Not closing yet
- Some Late Night Logs
- FS: Grundig Satellit 650
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Crazy old r.r.s.!
- Any DX160 gurus here?
- Sony ICF-2003. Any Good?
- What is wrong with this picture?
- Re: Pirate Station For Sale
- Re: Homebrew SRIII? (Re: Comparison of six portable radios)
- Re: Reagan/Bush Sr. Diplomats Say Junior Dangerous, Incompetent
- 6234.5 USB tones and digital stuff
- 13725 USB spanish conversation
- ICOM PCR-1000 Radio Receiver
- FS- 3 Receivers
- MediaLine for 19 June to 2 July 2004
- RW NewsBytes Weekly Digest
- FS: Sony ICF-2010
- FS: Radio-Plus Quantum Loop
- Sony 7600G V YB400
- Buffalo on 930Hx in Southern ME
- Why do lady bioligists have faithful husbands?
- 6315kHz - What is ist?
- Don't carry personal electronics to demos
- Re: Watch Steve Lare/dxAce/N8KDV jump through hoops on command. What aMaroon.
- Re: (OT) Reagan/Bush Sr. Diplomats Say Junior Dangerous, Incompetent
- Re: In the Face of Losing his Internet Access Spam Boy/Steve Lare/dxace/N8KDV BITHCES UP
- Any European Must-Buys???
- Is the Glastobury festival broadcast? News story
- Rush Bounced from AFN?
- Re: My Last Post to RRS
- Re: Hi-Fi AM Radio.
- A few logs from my Becker Mexico
- for sale
- Bryants last email to me
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