View Full Version : Shortwave
- FA - "Another" Sangean ATS-803A Receiver - Near Mint - Plus Extras
- Anytihig else to do to improve reception?
- 6.940
- I Think I Bidding
- New PCR-1000 update
- RNZI has a nice signal tonight
- Nice 390 on Ebay
- FA - MN-7 "Black Box" for Cush Craft R-7 Multi-Band Vertical
- FA - Sangean ATS-803A Receiver - No reserve
- Stations that I am looking for
- WNYC 820 am
- Re: WTB: World Radio TV Handbook 1980
- Re: Star Radio
- Hurricane Hunter
- Re: OT War On Brains Kicks Into High Gear
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- FA: All Items ending SUNDAY NITE>>All Good but Cheep:-)
- Re: (OT) : DaviD's Fear of being Murdered in his Sleep by hisChildren
- Re: (OT) : The Liberal Sickness {Left-Wing Wack-o-ism} of BeingDav...
- Palstar R-30CC receiver on ebay
- OMG, CBS is doing a pilot of the CBC "Vinyl Cafe" radio show.
- Re: Noisy Bands
- FCC SHUTS DOWN the 'Boy Broadcaster" from ME
- Degen DE1106 ...
- Re: So where are those "Right Wing Nazi ExtremistBroadcasters" now...
- King James Bible Author Speaks Out
- Who does not have a radio?
- Test Equipment Newsgroup
- Gene Scott Still on the Air ?
- Re: Anything good on right now
- Re: Refuge from the wackos?
- RCI / CBC labour problems
- FS: FRG-100 Receiver
- Re: Re: Cindy Sheehan; "This country is not worth dying for."
- For Sale Panasonic RF2900
- Antenna Research Associates Model MLA 1/E Mini-Loop Antenna
- dx400
- Hurricane Watch Net
- New PCR-1000 arrived yesterday
- Ten-Tec SP 325 ??
- [HELP] Anybody know this?
- Extreme Geomagnetic Storm
- Geomagnetic storm, about 3AM EDT (0700GMT)
- Hollow State Newsletter is now online
- variation of number station
- Re: SLee always quotes bible text precisely; too bad Woger fears those quotes
- AOR AR3000AB
- Re: Desktop metal shielded PC case?
- OT American Taliban decrees Fatwa
- KFI Hires Graham
- St. Helena
- using the Degen 31 active antenna...
- WHERE/WHEN do you listen ?
- Tivoli Audio Model 2
- Re: Lardass whined and has his asskickings hidden away!
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Re: Re: Gannon asks Bush "Where am I going to Hide this Big pipe?"
- FA: Yaesu FRG-100 Shortwave Radio - Like New!
- Re: hell is boiling pits of sewage ? (Art Bell slhow)
- Re: Art Bell`s S-meter
- Medium Wave News
- 60 GB IPOD deal found
- Hoka decoders
- CEP/San Francisco
- FA: Drake SW2 shortwave radio receiver-EXC. Condition
- Yaesu FRG-8800 with FRA-7700 - Price for FRA-7700 ?
- Fantastic Balkan - South America Conditions
- Someday you'll pee on your portable radio!!
- A Question for Religious SW Broadcasters
- Licolnshire Poacher herd @ 18:00
- BBC Radio 1 show - number station content.
- Socialist Cindy Sheehan to meet Chinese Communist President
- Time Signal
- Zimbabwe on 6.612 ?
- 9.495 VOIRI
- OT Hunter Thompson Blasts Off Tonight
- ILG data... new files as of Aug. 11
- Australia on 21,740 MHz today
- Re: REALLY shortwave related NG or ML ?
- Mods For A Sangean ATS-505P?
- Iceland
- Glenn Hauser Schedule
- Yikes! HELP!
- Today BBCWS Singapore Coming in nicely
- Sirius Satellite Radio w/ Mobile Kit $20
- Re: (OT) : Big Hole in the 9/11 Commission Report . . . JamieGorel...
- Anntenna
- Heard on Coast-to-Coast Last Night
- Football on 9.580
- Worlband for travellers
- $$$ The 6 Dollar Investment "PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST" Works ! $$$
- RTTY on 4293 & 8451 ... KODIAK ???
- heterodyne 455 spurious signal on AM
- All India Radio 60 mb usage
- Kol Israel
- Propagation
- Zanzibar
- Re: E1 Vs SW77
- OT Patrick J. Buchanan Sees the Light
- 31 M band very poor
- CFRX-6070
- Grundig Satellit 800
- Qustion on AKD HF3/Sitex Nav-Fax 100 receiver
- (OT) USS New York
- I can barely get Stockholm on 9495
- Where did all the pundits go?
- best pc wideband receiver?
- WTB: Sony CRF-V21
- Just now emailed Pataki,,
- AOR 7030+ vs JRC NRD 545 D
- Re: Jawnny ****ball admits his asshole is LOOOOOOSER
- (OT) Gas and Diesel
- Re: Jawnny ****ball admits his asshole is LOOOOOOSER
- Re: Jawnny ****ball admits his asshole is LOOOOOOSER
- RADIO,,,,,
- Re: Jawnny ****ball admits his asshole is LOOOOOOSER
- Is KOL Isreal still broadcasting
- Re: Jawnny ****ball admits his asshole is LOOOOOOSER
- (ON Topic)
- Re: Greasy Haired Wiseman is "Just a Reggae Performer"
- Re: It can't happen here...
- Securty missalany, wireless network DX ...
- Pics phased array, radio
- Every Grundig Satellit 800 M Owner's Dream . . . a 21" Lazy Susan for AM/MW DXing :o)
- Re: Jawnny ****ball admits his asshole is LOOOOOOSER
- Zimbabwe-Harmonic
- Mel Gibson,,,,,
- RRS All Time Top Posters : Michael W. Bryant - Your History {RIP}
- (OT
- Maybe worth think about, note to Davis
- How's your reception of Radio Belarus?
- Brazilian Electrician in Custody When Shot
- Re: "Bill Clinton and his administration killed three thousand Americans"
- Pan American Broadcasting
- question about reception in a valley...
- One Perfect Pocket Radio?
- Deep **** coming down in London
- Heard some ham operators discussing Matlock...
- Google Earth experts needed -- URL for BALAD AIR BASE + BALAD RELAY STATION (SED -- Salal El Deel)
- (OT)
- FA - Grundig YB-400 - More
- compact fluorescent light interference
- MW DX from Hawaii
- Question for "Lucky"
- Good deal on gell cells
- Antennas, metal objects and HF reception
- Drove through PA this weekend...
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- (OT) Is Taiwan a Possession of The United States?
- Win 2K under attack
- Re: Ya Gotta Love Everyone
- Re: Google Maps experts needed -- URL for BALAD AIR BASE + BALADRE...
- Re: Save Gush Katif!
- That's it! I'm out of here!
- (OT) Waterford Crystal
- Shortave Equipment For Sale and Wanted
- Alex Jones visits Crawford
- Re: "Bill Clinton and his administration killed three thousand Americans"
- Re: Cindy Sheehan; "Cuhulin is not worth dying for."
- Google Earth experts needed -- URL for BALAD AIR BASE + BALAD RELAY STATION (SED -- Salal El Deel)
- Re: Yes, there are a number of religions in Australia
- Eton E1XM Radio "News & Info" / Who has the Eton E1 XM Radio "For Sale" ? / Locating an Eton E1 XM Radio to Buy !
- Heard K1MAN Lately?
- Re: "Bill Clinton and his administration killed three thousand Americans"
- Re: "Bill Clinton and his administration killed three thousandAmericans"
- Re: "Bill Clinton and his administration killed three thousandAmer...
- Sloper antenna installation?
- Re: Dancing on Reagan's grave, ****ing on Nixon's grave
- Re: Chaos and Plunder
- Panasonic RF-2200 Q
- Google Maps experts needed -- URL for BALAD AIR BASE + BALAD RELAY STATION (SED -- Salal El Deel)
- Re: Tuned MFJ-1024 Active Antenna
- Impressive Pics
- would you pay $500 for this speaker ?
- Grundig YB-400; Sony ICF-SW7600G /R; Degen DE1103
- Australia on 21,740 MHz
- Re: 7672373362674866
- Man Outed on Radio Show to Receive 270K...
- Radar System Signals New Age Of HAARP
- Re: Snake antennas
- Re: (OT) 83 Degrees
- Re: Panasonic RF-2200 Schematic needed
- Re: Picture of Stagger Lee
- Brian Sx-28
- Thoughts on the Hallicrafters S-120
- Radio Nepal
- Bush Rules!
- Re: 6.973
- Permafrost [OT]
- Buy and Sell your Tube Gear!
- Foreign Government Could End Up Controlling U.S.Radio Frequency
- Kiwa loop for sale on eBay
- Under Cover Radio schedule:
- Best (high end) Grundig Portable of all time?
- Re: Dancing on Reagan's grave, ****ing on Nixon's grave
- Bigfoot photo or Bogus?
- Leading CCP Official Argues for Exterminating U.S. Population
- (OT) So what happened?
- Secure the Borders
- Re: Dancing on Reagan's grave, ****ing on Nixon's grave
- Re: (OT) : "SunLightBulb" Saves the Planet and your Eyes and reduc...
- what sort of wire should i ask for in order to make a credible portable sw antenna? and how much?
- Re: Just one question
- We are acting like Soviets in the '60s
- (OT) Peter Jennings' Unforunate Legacy.
- Re: 4 Star General Fired For Organizing Coup Against Neo-Cons?(watc...
- magnavox phillips AL999 question
- Hit those thrift stores!
- (OT) Three's
- FA - Drake R8B w/ MS8
- FA - Drake R8B w/ MS8
- Panasonic RF-708 Radio
- What's on 9990 kHz? (15:40 EDST)
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- FA: Wellbrook K9AY
- Radio Reveil Paroles de Vie
- Re: 4 Star General Fired For Organizing Coup Against Neo-Cons?(watchCharleston,SC)
- The Mexicans have taken over Texas (ot) genuine mainstream news release
- (OT) Earthquake
- Re: 4 Star General Fired For Organizing Coup Against Neo-Cons?(watch Charleston,SC)
- Peat Bog Thaw: Tipping Point May Be At Hand
- FYI - New AM {Medium Wave} DX Loop Antenna using Litz Wire plus Longwave LW Lowfer DX Loop Antenna
- Customer Support for the Eton E1 XM ? DownLoad the Owner's Manual and more...
- Re: Cruise almost rejected John Travolta in the steam room
- (OT) Laughing and Crying Records.
- Re: one and a half meter US amateur band: antennas for 225Mhz, or CH 12-DAB ..
- Need Home Stereo AM/FM Antenna
- Re: ordered a PCR-1000 today
- WBCQ-Undercover Radio
- Incident At CCrane?
- Re: RF Junkie 'introduces' new SWLZ Balun using "F" Connector for use with RG6 Coax Cable
- Re: RF Junkie 'introduces' new SWLZ Balun using"F" Connector for u...
- Re: Bush 41 failed to stop '93 WTC bombing ,OKC Bombing
- Next edtion of MediaLine Radio (13 August 2005)
- FS FA Sony ICF-SW1000T AM/FM/Cassette Shortwave
- Pirate on 6220
- NEW SONG - "Patriot Radio"
- Being Selective about TRAITORS
- The Best Ever radio PERIOD!!
- ICOM R-75 being re-released with DSP installed.
- DXpedition fun
- Re: Lardass, think of Laura, who dumped you!
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