View Full Version : Shortwave
- World of Radio
- Re: Comparison of E1 with R75 for MW DX
- Tracking Exercise 6219.4
- Re: IBOC... a bit of engineering sleight of hand that David Eduardo
- The Boatanchor Classifieds
- Re: Free israeli webtv
- Too bad this ebay auction has already ended....
- Re: FCC, Media and Ownership.
- Tom & Carol Valentine ?
- CW?.....semaphore, lets fight for that..I love my flags. I also have 2 cans and a string
- WTB Drake Mint R8B
- Number Stations Please
- Choices, Choices, Choices... CW or CB?
- S10d The Czech Lady
- Re: News report
- Re: Funniest thing on shortwave....
- RESULT: will be removed
- Eton E-10 Up In Smoke
- a longwave thread
- Radio Reference Yahoo group
- No potable water on board transatlantic Icelandic Airways flight
- VOA Shutting Down?
- RTTY, FAX, CW freqs?
- Funniest thing on shortwave....
- Passive Antenna Recommendations
- 6218 khz
- Niger 9705v
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- Re: HD article from Radio World
- FM Radio Rant ....
- Re: Liberty Net Loons
- Re: Does Bill Laterbach still sell the "Tiny-Tenna"
- Re: why do you poeple fear real radio?
- FA: National Panasonic RF-5000 SW Radio
- Radio Taiwan International
- Wellbrook ALA 100 with Rotator - Construction Details
- Kol Israel
- DX-one Pro MKII - Ala 1530
- What is the Excellent station on 12.1770 to 12.185 right now
- MediaLine Radio: Current edition (15 July - 28 July 2006)
- Re: For Pete Gianakopolis - IC-R70 comments/question
- FM transmitter suggestions
- Panasonic rf-2200 and rf-4900 manuals
- New version of Shortwave Log released
- Quantum QX Loop
- Radio Belarus
- Re: For Pete Gianakopolis - IC-R70 comments/question
- World Radio Handbook
- Raising the ghost of the Falkland Islands
- Re: For Pete Gianakopolis - IC-R70 comments/question
- Re: For Pete Gianakopolis - IC-R70 comments/question
- Re: For Pete Gianakopolis - IC-R70 comments/question
- Re: For Pete Gianakopolis - IC-R70 comments/question
- Re: For Pete Gianakopolis - IC-R70 comments/question
- Re: Iran shells Kurds in Iraq
- Voice of Armenia to leave shortwave
- ARDS back on 5050
- Propagation
- Re: Eton/Lextronix emergency radio FRxxx - possible to get in 76 mhz version?
- Re: How to convert a domestic analog FM radio to VHF ?
- IBOC Crap News
- FS Grundig YB-400PE
- RMA69 receiver
- FA: Drake R8B
- Thanks everyone! Gonna buy a Sony 7600GR
- Top News
- Freeplay Lifeline Radios on Sale
- rescue comms on 5717
- Re: News report
- A potential solution to IBOC interference.
- SSB on the sangean ats-505
- Voice of America sucks
- FS: Sony 2010 $225 plus shipping
- Broadcasting Trade Group Wants to Give Low Power FM to Existing AM Stations
- RE: Morse Code
- Re: HD article from Radio World
- Re: Auction the ham bands to the Highest Bidder
- Re: Any thoughts on the Sangean PT-80?
- Re: 30 Steps, Monthy post. Tips for Phonies.
- Re: HD article from Radio World
- Anybody can become a Canadian....
- Re: 30 Steps, Monthy post. Tips for Phonies. Should be : a guide to 2M repeaters.
- Thoughts for a Slow Day
- wanna play UnificationModes
- Re: AP News Alert-Beirut Update
- Winradio g313e and Flex-Radio SDR-1000 Compared
- Re: Any thoughts on the Sangean PT-80?
- WOULD YOU.........
- Re: If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die?
- Re: Email this to your Senators and Congressmen. make the FCC do the right thing.
- Re: CW isn't preventing the modernization of ham radio. Laziness is.
- Re: 30 Steps, Monthly post. Tips for Phonies.
- FS DX-440 Receiver
- Re: HD article from Radio World
- Re: HD article from Radio World
- Re: HD article from Radio World
- Re: Looking for Eimac tube data sheets
- Re: HD article from Radio World
- Re: American Broadcasters Ate a Cyanide Pill Long Ago
- Eye-On-IBOC - Looking for Information about IBOC and HD Radio
- Re: Help Icom R70
- Voice of Croatia, 17 July 2006
- Re: FS: PL-259 silver plated contact & body, Teflon insulation $1.67 each.
- Re: NASA to launch another monkey into space.
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- Re: David -FYI- Mexican Radio Stations Have No Right To Be Heard In The USA !
- Kol Israel
- Re: AP News Alert-Beirut Update
- Re: David -FYI- Mexican Radio Stations Have No Right To Be Heard In The USA !
- Happy Anniversary!
- Re: YAESU FT-817 FT-857 FT-897 KEYPAD
- Has anyone noticed an incrase in number station traffic in the Gulf States (and Levant) in the past 168 hours?
- Radio Nile
- Remember this Zenith Transoceanic ad?
- Floyd tribute?
- rescue comms on 5717 khz
- Country Music 11175
- Re: WWV and other Time Signal Stations
- Re: American Broadcasters Ate a Cyanide Pill Long Ago
- Re: Tinker, tailor, broadcaster, spy
- Re: WWV
- FA: Zenith Royal D7000Y Transoceanic
- Re: American Broadcasters Ate a Cyanide Pill Long Ago
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- Someone Being Jammed on 11..680 ?
- numbers on 11566 AM
- Any of y'all Ham Operators
- 8892 and 11175 during 9/11
- Crystal Ship
- David Frackelton Gleason-Disloyal? FLASH!
- Sangean ATS-505P versus Eton E5
- Middle East conflict frequencies?
- 7/13/2006 IBOC pulled from FCC Agenda !
- FS Realistic DX-440 Receiver
- Re: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #766
- KPH, KSM and others on the air in CW tonight only
- Coastal Morse Stations Return to Air for Anniversary of Death of Morse Code
- Re: Latest RADIOMART ebay scam!!!
- looking for recommendations
- ICFSW7600 receiver
- What next, Taxes for Listening to Shortwave?
- Video on the EMP threat
- HF {Shortwave} Antennas from The-Land-Down-Under {Australia}
- Getting local AM station engineering aware of harmonic problems
- Sept 9+10 - ARRL MDC Section Convention
- Lou Maag is a Radio Reference controling NATZI
- R. Australia schedule ?
- BTW....
- FA: Lowe HF-225 Europa
- Are FA's an automatic flame magnet?
- AM IBOC: another solution in search of a problem
- Re: Grammar question
- This Really Sucks
- radio australia signal is weak
- Palstar R30CC vs. Chinese 339HF
- Piratre 6925 01:15 UTC
- BDXC-Africa on Shortwave List
- Re: Kenwood R-5000, what pilot lamp?
- FA: Zenith Transoceanic 3000-1 AM/FM/SW/LW w/ all Manuals Last Day!!
- Racal 6830
- FA AR8200 computer cable CHEAP!
- SEA HF Aeronautical Term ?
- Station on 4050 khz?
- Radio Habana Cuba
- JRC NRD-545 DSP Receiver For sale
- ILG - new data available July 8, '06
- Re: ETON E1 What a piece of crap
- grE8t LIberY Net 2-nite - Wheeeeee
- shortwave
- Pirate ! 6.925 USB . . . Pirate ! 00:15 UTC Pirate !!
- Reception conditions
- heads up - on air test.
- Loop antenna dilamma
- Propagation
- Top News
- FS Military Grid Dip Meter From 60's
- Russia nixes VOA produced reports
- Re: Radio call letters: What do they mean?
- Expensive QSL's
- 700 WLW responds to IBOC
- FS: Sony ICF-2010 for $240 plus shipping
- Expensive QSL's
- Radio America for Swan Island back in the 1960's
- New DX Show - the "Australian DX Report" on WWCR, Nashville, Tennessee
- Help me find someone..
- Re: Radio call letters: What do they mean?
- Re: Radio call letters: What do they mean?
- Re: Radio call letters: What do they mean?
- Cool Medium Wave transmitter site
- Maryland amateur radio convention
- Undercover radio on 6925 last night
- Add-On Tuning Dimple
- Re: why do you poeple fear real radio?
- Re: why do you poeple fear real radio?
- Re: Thanks mII....
- Re: why do you poeple fear real radio?
- any JRC NRD-545 users can give advice please?
- IBOC at night (WABC)
- Radio Australia Schuedule
- New to shortwave
- Re: Thanks mII....
- Shuttle Progress
- Radio Japan 17825, N. Korea missile launch reported
- NHK says North Korea has test-launched a missile
- Re: Great listening on shortwave
- Cape Radio-Shuttle Launch
- Saturday Shuttle Pre-launch has begun
- Re: 9840 @2247 What am I hearing
- JRC NRD-545 advice please!
- All Politics Are Local = FCC + Broadcast Industry + US Congress = I$B$O$C
- - F Y I - Shortwave and DX Listening WebPages from the Google Directory
- Radio Havana Cuba Frequencies and Broadcast Schedule for Arnie Coro's Dxers Unlimited
- Re: Radio Hobby Links -via- the IBB
- local interference from cable or television
- Re: why do you poeple fear real radio?
- Voice of Armenia
- whats up?
- Re: Why listen to shortwave when you can use the internet to listen
- Shortwave Transmitter Site Archive - Update
- Re: Used Tecsun PL-350 for sale
- Shuttle Launch?
- GE Repro Cathedral - Need Service Manual
- Re: Great listening on shortwave
- Re: Great listening on shortwave
- Re: Why listen to shortwave when you can use the internet to listen
- Re: My 'New' Redsun RP2100 Radio -IF- Radios Are Your Thing - No Explanation Is Required [.]
- STS-121 pre-launch comms on 5711kHz USB
- STS-121 pre-launch comms on 5711 kHz USB
- Cape Radio-Shuttle Launch
- yaesu vr-500 troubleshoot
- question for DXACE
- WTB R-70 Receiver
- Liberty Net Is On 3978 Khz
- Degen DE1103 quality variation
- Used Tecsun PL-350 for sale
- FA: Zenith Transoceanic 3000-1 w/original documentation Last 2 days!
- Cape Radio-Shuttle Launch
- Re: Drake R4245 & R7A
- Re: Shortwave is dead
- Voice of Greece
- VOA - Dixon Relay site
- FS: JRC NRD-515
- Re: Shortwave is dead
- Why listen to shortwave when you can use the internet to listen
- Re: Radio call letters: What do they mean?
- Pirate 6.950
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