View Full Version : Shortwave
- do you believe this seller ?
- EiBi Sked Updated... again
- Small shortwave sets again...
- Air America Radio: Hypocritical & Desperate
- Degen DE1103 Availability
- EiBi Sked Updated
- Communicatin w/909?
- Collins mech filter for AOR7030+
- Opinions on IC-R9000 please
- I'm Home
- FS: Drake R8A in 9.75/10.0 condition
- Re: UN radio airs anti Easter Bunny broadcast (University Network)
- Memo on the Hallicrafters SX-100
- Notes on Howard Stern
- Replacement dial lamps for Satellit 650?
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Re: "Fat cat" John Kerry owns multiple million dollar mansions
- Ah Good
- Anyone know more about these early offshore stations?
- Pirate radio uk live- visit website
- car radio rack?
- replacement ant for vr-500
- wtb grove ant-36 antenna
- FA: Hallicrafters SX-100 Mark II Shortwave Ham Radio
- eBay fancy prices
- Heathkit SW-7800 madness !
- Audio processing from line-in using Linux
- Re: John Kerry's hypocrisy proves his contempt for voter intelligence
- Troll
- Sangean 909/ Radio Shack DX- 398
- Buy and Sell your Vintage Radios!
- Re: "Bush Ranch" a set for TV Reporters ??
- Easter Weekend Logs
- "Bush Ranch" a set for TV Reporters ??
- Antenna handheld.
- Air America Radio to launch the San Francisco Bay area
- Looking for: SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM NRD-515
- Pitate radio uk live- visit website
- FS: Collins 51J-4 51S-1 R300 parts
- Battery FAQ
- Who is it???
- Amateur Radio Newsline™ Report 1391 – April 8, 2004
- U.S. car radio with LW or SW bands?
- Latvian Caroline programming
- Reminder WWCR DX Block
- Two pirates on now
- test
- Radio Canada International
- China Radio International
- MAY ASWLC Radio Club Meeting
- Weak NiMH battery test?
- Sony AN-1 Manual needed
- Indo / PNG Loggings
- Diego Garcia 13254
- Hong Kong Weather Broadcast - China Sea Yacht Race 2004
- Radio Free Asia A04
- 214 English-language HF Broadcasts audible in NE US (09-APR-04)
- Just Curious..........
- Air America in SF Bay Area
- A composite picture...and it hurts
- M-7000 info needed
- wtb icom r75 software
- BPL interference
- I am getting an Unid on 4810
- High Freq Global Communication System (HFGCS) Questions
- End of an era at swissinfo
- Re: thou bunny's strypes are ye healed (ot but amusing)
- Alex Jones- shoots and scores!!!
- FOR SALE: 107 back issues of SPEEDX - The DX magaine for shortwave listeners
- FS: Zenith Transoceanic R7000-2
- degen 1102 vs. tecsun 230
- DX tests Summary
- DX test Results
- Rare find. Unopened NIB Sangean 803A
- Google
- Ham Radio Deluxe v1.2 final release now available!
- Greece-Macedonia A04
- R. Nacional de Venezuela
- Re: Statement on Spam and
- Degen DE1103
- FS: Sony SW Radio
- Watkins-Johnson WJ-8711A vs ....
- Hong Kong Yacht Race
- Propogation Info
- FA AR3030
- RN 'On Target'
- FCC Invites Comments on Amateur Radio Restructuring Plans
- Hello from Hilversum
- F/S Hallicrafters Model S-38
- Latin America BCB station database?
- FOR SALE: Eavesdropper "SLOPER"/ Brand new in box/$50.00 incl.Shipping
- Switzerland ends 70 years of international broadcasting
- xm........sattelite radio
- Tecsun PL-550 arrived... first impressions
- DE-1102: another eBay'er is selling them for cheap
- Grounding
- WTB: Kenwood R-5000
- ICOM R9000 support group
- Greenland - Interesting!
- Pakistan-English A04
- RFI A04
- Radio Minsk A04
- Radio Australia A04
- Alex Jones interviews the microchip guy!
- Sony CFM-140S
- Air America
- Question for Albert P.
- Humor is good...
- Old equipment
- Maeva FM International
- R. New Zealand
- What are the good freq's for the BBC to North America These Dyas ?
- What is this signal on 6943?
- update on headphones for SWL
- sw-77 yahoo group?
- Announcement: WRLog Shortwave/AM BCB Logging Software v1.20 Released
- Grundig Sat. 600 Pro upgrade
- ABC News Reports...
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- New YB400PE on ebay for 49.00 Buy it now!
- Old schedules on the web - can anyone beat this?
- Sat 700 recharging question- ni-mh
- Three Mile Island
- O'Reilly skewers talk radio (funny)!
- Re: What Liberal Talk Radio Needs to Do - To Survive and Grow [Was: Al Franken on shortwave]
- Re: Pirate 6925mhz 0100 UTC "Smooth Blues Radio"
- University of Oulu radio club OH8TA is operating on Hailuoto island9.4 - 12.4
- hf email
- Drake SW8
- Great Shortwave Receiver. Gets more DX
- Re: WBCQ broadcasts hate against Wiccans
- Hal Turner is gone, but I am still here with my Talk show!
- Pirate 6925mhz 0100 UTC
- Surf Music 7.415
- SW more popular than we think!
- FS Hallicrafters SX-117 Receiver
- Shortwave Radio Leaf Game
- VOIRI English Service, Not on Shortwave Anymore?
- Re: Spielberg now filming The Crusades
- RTM Malaysia-Kuching, 4895
- (repost) broomstick antenna success?
- Grundig Satellit Yahoo group
- broomstick antenna success?
- OT somewhat VOIP
- Re: Happy birthday to me :)
- EiBi Skeds Updated!
- new to group, looking for equipment recommendations
- Swiss Dig in Heels Over Banking Secrecy
- Test
- Radio Slovakia A04
- 209 English-language HF Broadcasts audible in NE US (04-APR-04)
- Randi Rhodes gets Ralph Nader to hang up in an interview
- Shortwave's decline over past five years
- Radio Netherlands ends news bulletins?
- DX 392 Parts Radio Wanted
- sony icf sw-77 or grundig satellite 800
- Test
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Help with longwave logs
- Happy birthday to me. :)
- AFN network in S. Africa
- WBCQ to transmit SSTV
- A-04 frequency registrations
- Swiss Radio International
- One All-Star Radio
- All India Radio Mumbai
- Fire
- Creep
- Re: (OT) A Very Sad Letter
- A04, B04, etc. SW Schedule Designations - Newbie Questions
- 7.278 LSB .1200UCT
- Help reception R. New Zealand in Europe
- Belgian Maeva Radio testing today on 5975 kHz
- European 48 metre shortwave pirates
- Channel Africa A04
- FA....KENWOOD R5000 with Computer Interface
- Radio Andina Hucanamambra
- PNG & Indonesia Loggings
- "Coast to Coast AM" theme song?
- Re: Enjoy your antique cars Mr Weiner
- For Sale: Palstar R30 W/Murata Filters
- Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) Report 1390 * April 2, 2004
- ident help
- Shortwave random-wire antenna question
- Art Bell
- Realistic DX-100 schematic??
- Re: Did You Know (OT)
- HCJB Australia A04
- HCJB Australia A04 Updated Schedule
- Broadcast Band
- Powerline interference
- Radio Netherlands is now offering an email news bulletin.
- Re: "We shoot them down like the morons they are."- Brigadier-General John Kelly, April 8, 2003
- re:Noise from vehicle
- Sell and Buy your Tube Gear!
- 15235kHz at 15:35 UTC ???
- It Works . . .
- re: vehicle noise
- DX tests Summary
- DX test Results
- Malin Head Coast Guard Radio Recording
- OK Mike
- Diego Garcia
- Daylight Savings Time
- Why are Ham Radios so Cheap these Days?
- update webpage
- AFRTS Pearl Harbour
- VOA A04
- BCB DXers...............
- A04 schedules
- Radio Caroline Easter Special
- Mike Terry Blocked
- Radio Tirana A04
- Albania A04
- Keep it Radio please!
- 193 English-language HF Broadcasts audible in NE US (01-APR-04)
- Somewhat Shortwave related
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology
- Dear Melvin the Creep
- Please keep on the topic of radio
- Amateur Radio Deregulated!
- AWR Wavescan A04
- WWRB Power Change
- Channel Africa A04
- Fwd: Sentech A04
- Fwd: Adjusted R Tirana A04
- HFCC A04
- 324-Khz carrier?
- Noise from vehicle
- Deimos and Phobos have moved!!
- Eibi Skeds Updated
- Tajikistan "World Service"
- Oman A04
- Air America
- MEMO: Length of Postings
- Kaito Putt Putts 820khz
- Say Steve, I hate to say this BUT
- Drake SW8 performance
- It works
- Yaesu VR-5000 vs. AOR AR8600MkII
- Re: "We shoot them down like the morons they are."- Brigadier-General
- Re: "We shoot them down like the morons they are."- Brigadier-General John Kell
- AOR AR3030 vs ICOM R71A
- Satellit 800 + Antenna w/ Preselector - Request for comments
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