View Full Version : Shortwave
- 3290khz at 0530GMT
- Art Bell discussing Chupacabra attacks/sightings
- Tenna Phase III schematic needed
- coax loop
- Re: 1776660305223657
- Question about repair on Sony ICF–SW7600G.
- 6925 active
- 6950 lsb
- 6840 numbers
- 6930 am numbers
- Re: Bush's World on CBC/RCI
- Stair / Diary Of A Cult
- 6925 am 0030z
- 6930 (usb)
- Whos on 6950?
- R.G. Stair Court Date 11/29/2004
- AOR LA 320 and LA 350 loops
- Pirate 6955Mc
- 6955 WNPR pirate
- Numbers 6930
- 6912 usb numbers
- numbers 6840 2341z
- paul simon on 6970am 2330z
- Need Service Manual for Sony ICF-6500W
- 6925am 2240z
- E10 Mossad
- AWR specials
- E10 Mossad
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- BPL might not be such a problem after all
- Sony ICF-SW7600GR
- Re: More fighters and greater resources than previously estimated
- Bolivia
- My head hurts bad
- Peru
- IRIB English Service Broadcasting Schedule (B2004)
- Eton E10 & E100 eGroups at YAHOO! Members "Special Announcement"
- Peru - R. Tacna
- Guatemala
- Yawn. What trook so long?
- Afganistan (non)
- No Direct Evidence of Plot To Attack Around Elections
- ARRL Repeats Call for Shutdown of Arizona BPL Field Trial
- Solar Minimum in 2006?
- UK - Two New 5MHz Beacons Soon
- PLT Gets the Go-Ahead in America
- New Radio Netherlands technical schedule published
- Digital short-wave
- Australia. Starting October 31, Radio ``Voice International``
- Russia - Radio Pacific Ocean
- Trans World Radio Swaziland
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Radio Budapest A04
- Bolivian DX
- Tropical logs
- Radio Budapest B04; ADXB-OE QSL-Aktion Extended Until December 31
- "Transistor radio is 50, but there's still so much ahead"
- Listeners Day: Radio Romania International
- Coax questions.
- Propagation
- FA: Racal RA6790/GM w/ Performance Improvements + Extras
- Re: The Appeal of Fascism
- LDE Long deleayed echoe ???
- Presidential Visit
- Steve Quayle 9.475
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-HB
- Sangean 505 ext aerial
- FS: Grundig Satellit 800 Millenium
- Re: sublinqual foams at the mouth while lighting another candle at his hate shrine
- Amateur Radio Newslineâ„¢ Report 1419 Â* October 22, 2004
- Mohamed Atta's Relative Arrested on Terrorism & Money Laundering Charges in Mississippi
- Have a malignancy?
- BPL might not be such a problem after all
- Re: Noisy house wiring?
- CRF 320/330K Gears
- Me and Pixonik and j. stirling and monsieur sandman
- Index of Leading Economic Indicators drop, 4th straight month
- I "heart" pixonik
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Satellit 500 problem
- can some one explain bpl in plain simple terms i'm new to thisgame.
- DRM 3995
- Broadband over Power Lines might not be such a problem after all
- Antarctic Flights
- Re: Fake indignation
- RRI Jambi
- TWEAK !!! There goes the whip antenna...
- noisy house wiring
- Can your pet sue you?
- E10 Mossad 11565
- Startpage for Short and mediumwave radio
- Re: An exercise in lunacy.
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Deutsche Welle - budget cuts looming
- Radio Cairo say major budget cuts looming
- Received new Passport to World Band Radio 05
- Dollar takes a hammering
- Ten-Tec DISASTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ICOM R75 with DSP unit For Sale in Maryland.
- Blood is thicker than oil
- You deserve to be fired.
- Re: O'Reilly and Fox lying about Mackris?
- Talk About BPL on CNBC
- Castro Falls
- Morse code 'alive and well'
- Baseball Smile
- Slide show
- You NY'er ain't saying much
- Radio New Zealand schedule change for 31 Oct 2004 - 27 Mar 2005
- Sangean ATS-505P looking for comments or reviews
- Re: 0617791374065458
- New Zealand missing on 17675
- 6839 numbers
- Satellite Radio Questions
- SW DXing with a crystal radio?
- Taking Politics to the Extreme...
- Chupacabra rampage (Long Island)
- English from Radio Tashkent
- Re: One Guy in a Bubble
- Radio Australia Previews #744; 20-22 Oct '04
- B04 Radio Tashkent International
- Solar minumum here?
- We were Soldiers Once?
- Cluster Beacons (Russia)
- 7460khz at 0730 GMT
- number station
- 0253z 7977.5 cw numbers?
- Very bad news from Belgium
- Voice of Switzerland prepares to bow out
- Pete Peters on 5.070
- Re: Now Rather Knows "the Frequency"
- Whatever happened to...
- SRI closedown : with ~ 25% of the world's offshore money, Switzerland has no need nor intrest in acknoweging the outside world...
- Re: 3297878279375177
- significance of feedline orientation
- WRCG-1420 DX Test
- Kol Israel, B-04
- Israel B-04 Hebrew, English, Spanish, Ladino
- Full wave loops - alternate design?
- Announcing the 'new' Yaesu FRG-7700 Receiver Users eGroup on YAHOO !
- Diego Garcia 13254
- upgrading super 909
- RVI to scrap English at end of B04
- VOA Delano: 1. Uses Rhombics (still!) 2. Staff needed instructions on not getting fried!
- more numbers 6839
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-HB
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Need Grundig Satellit 208 service manual
- FS: Sangean ATS-505
- FA: Sangean ATS 818 radio
- Very clear reception at 16:00 UTC
- Amateur Radio Newslineâ„¢ Report 1418 Â* October 15, 2004
- Germany 6030 / 7265 about to QRT
- Drake service
- Converting Primetime Files
- Radio Australia 9.580
- new to SW
- NiMH D-battery charger?
- maine sw?
- Radio Austria classical programming
- A reminder...
- Spooks/Spy Station? 3699.5 KHz CW.
- Numbers stations : when enough DRM recivers become avalable, robust mode would be best -- anciallary data streams avalable as well
- Degen 1103 manual
- 6839 again at 0215
- Interesting Propagation: Receiving Point Reyes, CA US Coast Guard
- 5105?
- 6839 numbers
- 6970 USB?
- Re: Sangean DT200V - 9/10 kHz tuning step switch?
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- 7.415 In Spanish ?? ( Pirate ?? )
- television sent out a distress signal
- Special Ramadan broadcasts from Radio Kashmir, Srinagar
- Headphones
- Radio Educacao Rural, Brasil
- Radio Juan XXIII,Bolivia
- Radio Sweden B-04
- International Radio Report
- Grundig satellit amateur 210
- Chinese police in Haiti using HF?
- spanish numbers station 11567 am
- 8136 spanish number station
- Aerial connection
- ext aerial
- Detailed schedules
- Radio Burkina Faso
- Radio Uganda
- Brasil - The tropical 60 meter band is coming to life
- Propagation conditions
- Radio Bulgaria's weekly DX Program
- VOA forbidden to broadcast in the US?
- first radio station
- Grundig S350 for $50 plus shipping
- Sale Is Over
- Cheap
- Pirate on 9640 too
- Lots of Pirates 6925,6950,6955 mhz
- Super 909
- Radio Vilnius?
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Say goodbye to ubiquitos cellfone coverage
- 1710 NRC
- [FS] NRD-525 With Kiwa filter and other mods
- Radio Pardoe?
- BPL - "a step in the right direction"
- Radio Oriente Libre?
- 31.SWLCS DX-Camp
- poland
- whip antaenna on the ats 909
- Brother Stair infests Europe's MW band.
- Heathkit GR-98
- YB400PE vs DE1103
- New missile launch codes in place
- Last Day For Secret Icom Sale R-75 $425
- Ham Radio Attitude
- Chupacabra caprured (WAUI in San Antonio
- Par EF-SWL antenna
- Top News
- Satelite 800 vs. ATS 909
- Icom question for Guy
- Interesting new cheap sw radio
- Was WW2 on Shortwave
- NASB DRM transmissions to North America
- DXpedition reports from around the world
- Jamboree On The Air 16-17 October
- Re: Bye bye sleaze ball Bill O'Reilly
- Win Dutch radio merchandise
- E R I News
- Abbey tribute for Alistair Cooke
- A statement from Eornet Radio
- Radio Japan World schedule via Montsinery
- Brazil loggings
- Bolivia
- Broadband by Power Lines Moves Forward
- newbie here
- Kolbrin Bible ?
- WMR World Music Radio on now
- Addendum to antenna mount 70'
- US Coast Guard on 8983...
- US Coast Guard, 8983...
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