View Full Version : Shortwave
- dx390
- OT The Pope got me thinkin??
- Hello again - it's been a long journey but now we're back (and on 9290kHz too!)
- Vatican Radio
- Panasonic RF-2200
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-HB
- Re: The UNSEEN WAR / The Way of Balaam
- Re: Communist China planning to invade Taiwan in 2012, says highly...
- Vatican Radio on Pope's condition
- Re: Confirmed: KGB Ordered 1981 Assassination of Pope
- Re: The Pope's impending death
- The Jerry "Springer on the Radio" Show goes Nation Wide USA ! [AM/MW Talk Radio] and that's NO April-Fools-Day Joke :o)
- Re: Tom Delay in MELTDOWN (hooray!)
- Re: New Tax
- Re: The Pope Has Died
- Received my Eton E1 AM/FM Shortwave Receiver with XM Satellite Radio Today... APRIL FOOL'S DAY EVERYONE !
- Re: BBC using Rasbukniks over US Dollars
- Living Will safeguards Patient's medical wishes
- Terri Died for the U. S. Constitution
- Morning Headlines - Schiaivo....
- BLU antenna length
- Re: Brother StairMaster says dinosaurs never existed...
- Phone line as SW antenna [04-Apr-00]
- Handy Shortwave Chart
- FS: Drake R8A, R8 series VHF converter
- Re: Wris****ch with UTC time and local time for SWL/Hams?
- Lowe HF225
- Re: AC Adapter for ICF-7600GR
- Taking Orders
- Re: I don't click on
- Re: Rest in Peace,Terri
- BoingBoing
- Numbers back on 6930mc
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-HB
- Pirate 6875 AM
- Sony AN-LP1
- "How to Become An Antenna Guru"
- HFCC A05
- Petoskey
- This newsgroup is about shortwave radio
- Question to Eric F. Richards, EE
- F/A Panasonic RF4900
- Voice of Nigeria
- Re: AM/MW DXing with the GE Superadio III or the Grundig S350 / Tec...
- Re: AM/MW DXing with the GE Superadio III or the Grundig S350 /Tec...
- Will somebody
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-HB
- BBC in Spanish on 5995 at 0300 UTC
- Chat With Dr Scala
- BBC using British pounds over US Dollars
- BBC using British pounds over US Dollars
- Comms on 12359 khz
- FS - AOR AR8200 MKII B
- RF Systems MTA antenna
- swap wanted
- Buyer's Question - SRIII vs. S350
- WLS-Dan Fogelberg
- Snap it up!!
- Sale/Swap Panasonic RF-4900
- Sale/Swap Yaesu VR5000 (not vr500)
- Great SSB Speakers Cheap
- Re: Sorry,Howard Stern-Goodbye TIVO
- Bayerischer Rundfunk QSL
- BBC from South Africa tonight.
- Numbers Station 6929
- Johnnie Cochran dead
- Sony Canada: ICFSW7600GR
- Pirate Crystal Ship 6855 AM
- Maybe a good deal for someone?
- Re: 6926 LSB Active
- CodeBlueBlog
- NRD 525 / Sherwood SE-3 MKIII For Sale
- QSL AWR Europe collection
- FA: Orban 8000A Professional Broadcst Processors Very Nice!
- 120 meter opening ?
- EiBi A05
- Jackson Mississippi Red Cross Building Ham Radio Meetings
- Remember the Kenwood QR-666 ???
- Terri Bleeding from nose,mouth
- Re: Robin engines M II displays his science
- Odd SW broadcast
- Tiny Ten Centimeter Tsunami Wave Off The Coast Of Australia
- Kaito-1102 info?
- And now for something completely different
- help needed on shortwave
- Anyone know the A05 schedule for Radio Bulgaria?
- Air America Phoenix Rises From Ashes on HBO Thursday Night
- Pastor Peters gaining, Bro. Stair losing AIR TIME ???
- BBC debuts new Dr Who series. (ot)
- Paul Gallo
- sony radios
- Re: Great Easter Hunt RNI 7.415 on now!
- Re: Transceiver or Receiver
- Observation I've made listening to foreign news...
- Re: Disgusting.. revolting.. repellant.. fetid
- Re: BBC runs by buch of STUPIDS
- Re: The Changes at the BBC are much more then just Shortwave
- Pirate on 6939.5
- 17.705 Pirate?
- 6.930 USB at 22:50 Numbers station
- Re: SW Wireless Interference
- Pirate 6900
- Peter Cottontail Pirate
- Peter Cottontail Pirate
- Radio Australia
- Recommend Best MW/AM Band Radio (+ Antenna)
- Pirate
- Kill file update
- Radio Netherlands this morning
- To that SON OF A BITCH
- Pastor Peters on 9.985 now
- AFN conundrum
- OT-Battery question (NiMH)
- Antennas For GE SR111 Need Help
- QSL for Pirates info
- More on Shortwave Receivers... DX'ing, etc.
- Greetings
- new military and naval exercise in Italy
- Here is a Question.
- Pirate Ground Zero Radio 6925 USB
- Liberty Net WNFAM? i.e. Mr. Worldly (or wordy)
- I like the way he handles complaints !!!
- 3968 Khz LSB Liberty Net
- 11.175 USB at 01:35
- On E-Bay........Very Interesting!!!
- Florida run by assholes
- SW Radio Africa
- Recommendations for a high-performance SW receiver.
- Re: Radio Shack in Canada
- What is wrong with E-bay sellers?
- RVI Last English Broadcast
- Re: Radio Netherlands weekend daytime North America frequency changes
- SWL & Amateur Radio new Yahoo Group
- For Sale: JRC NRD-525 With Converter
- For Sale: Coaxial antenna switch
- radios, now i begin to understand
- Radio Mi Amigo
- I found the best and cheapest broker in the world
- Independent radio a lifeline for Zimbabwe's opposition
- Peruvian Radio Imperio on 4386,6 kHz
- MORON bike courier in MORON canaDUH!!!
- free starbucks coupons
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-HB
- Transceiver Radio
- For Those Who Recommend/Sell/Buy CCP Degan/Kaito Radios
- Re: Just one picture of the disaster. It is truly horrible.
- More Chinese Residents Buy Shortwave Radios
- Canada Criticized for Silence on China Human Rights Abuses
- Propagation
- Another E1 XM on eBay
- Satellit 900 trivia question
- Repair or Buy New
- Happy Easter Shortwave Loons!
- "Super" ATS 909 for sale
- Prepared Form Card QSL's - good for BCB DX
- More "Soapbox" Letter from other group!!!!
- Rescue operation 8983 khz
- Sony ICF-SW7600GR in Canada?
- Help For Newbie
- Here's a laugh
- KA1101 began eating battery power...
- E1 or Satellit 900
- Looking for Frank Cathell
- Interesting Auction
- RX-320D
- My Soapbox
- Re: radio mart in action
- ORTB Benin 5025
- Radio Uganda 4976
- QSL from Radio Brasil Central
- Re: the captain says goodbye
- Scandinavian Weekend Radio's next transmission
- Eighty years ago this week
- Zenith Trans - Oceanic Royal '1000' Radio.
- Here on the West Coast, there's a constant radioteletype signal going at 7.595.
- R Australia on death penalty
- Clandestine Voice of Dem. Eritrea
- United Nations Radio
- Channel Africa 15285 kHz
- FS: Radio Shack DX-398 (Same as Sangean ATS-909)
- radioiitroya
- Yosemite Sam
- SW receivers in 1980
- Anyone out there using an IC-725 xcvr for SWLing?
- Saudi Arabia
- BBC on science/evolution teaching in the USA
- Sharper image global tuner
- 8983 khz
- two very stupid collectors in a bidding war !!!!!!
- yo quiero TACO BELL !
- Homebrew RX
- Air America HBO Movie?
- Portugal QSL A05 Sked
- Glenn Hauser Broadcasts
- Hamvention Tickets?
- An ode to the late Dr. euGene Scott
- Rush sounds defensive
- Dogpile
- Besides,
- WLO Sitor A 12581.5 USB Mhx.
- Adjustments to BBCWS
- BBC Western Hemisphere
- Re: Phil's portable radio guide.
- Contact Information
- Radio Thailand coming in well..03:42 GMT Wed
- Alex Jones in rare form right now
- Why is the Kenwood R-2000 selling for so much
- Cell Phone Jammer for sale - MONIX MGB-1S
- anyone heard what RCI has said about this issue ?
- CCP Pressures Satellite Company to Stop Uncensored Broadcasts
- Kiwa MW Loop
- FS new wellbrook ALA330S new never installed
- Voice of Nigeria
- Eton E-One-X-M (USA)
- Top News
- who sells the R-75 for $425 ?
- Two shortwave car stereos...
- EiBi Skeds
- US lack of SW recivers in cars: potentially a 1930s-1940s decision to stop 'creeping socialism'...
- 7000Khz active at 7:30U
- Have These People Gone Beserk????
- BBCWS alternative frequencies
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-HB
- HF utility logs 032205
- Radio Origins topic from March 13, Thanks to those who responded!
- Radio Vilnius
- Yosemite Sam back?
- Radio Station Belarus/Radio Minsk
- Radiofonikos Stathmos Makedonias
- 6976 Pirate
- Drake
- Icom R-75 for sale
- Major event
- Radio Vilnius
- Spectrum display for R-5000
- WTT - Scanner for Lowe accessories
- The New York Times Shortwave Article
- Pirate 6925
- Fs: Sam's Photofact Files
- Pirate 6950
- Pirate 6925
- Pirate 6925
- NASA Bent Wire Antenna
- venturer radio
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