View Full Version : Shortwave
- McDymek DA-100D Antenna
- Zim jams private radio station
- Rotatable Vertical - Honest
- Sony XR-CA620X shortwave car changer compatibility? Antenna? Cell phone conversations?
- Pirate 6925
- Pirate 6925
- Pirate 6924.9
- Pirate 6924.9
- Problem with tuning knob on Lowe HF 150.
- Good old Dogpile Search Engine
- AOR 7030 on Ebay
- the Fabulous Lowe HF-225E
- Radio Software Induced Madness
- Pirate 6925USB
- Take It Easy Radio 6925 USB
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-HB
- While you are listening to the Liberty Net tonight, read the following headlines from Hal Turners webpage!
- AOR AR3000A comments
- I am playing the Liberty Net on my Shoutcast server!
- Liberty Net 3.958
- Grundig AM/FM/Shortwave/Phonograph Radio
- E-bay...Are we supposed to believe everything?
- Radios and eBay
- Re: Icom R75 vs. Palstar R30 as a DXpedition rig.
- Some weird things happening on 6925 khz
- Radio Tashkent
- G.E.AM/FM/Shortwave Radio
- Re: Satellite-Internet killing shortwave?
- All India Radio on 9445 khz
- Re: DDS based signal generator
- Re: Russian shortwave
- Brenda
- New Message Board
- Beverage on the ground
- Rondi Adamson
- The future of radio
- Why is BBC World Service reducing its short wave provision?
- network cables and QRM
- Dr. Demento this weekend has song made of mixings of Gene Scott
- Radio New Zealand and Tiny Tim
- Why are SW receivers for automobiles not sold in the US? Any idea?
- BBCWS schedules updated
- Sangean PT-80 ProTravel AM/FM Shortwave Radio {Grundig Yacht Boy 80}
- Numbers on 4028 usb at 0325
- Channel Africa 7390 khz
- UHF/VHF listings?
- A Coax experiment
- 7.415 WBCQ Windpower
- 9330 0100 UTC
- Old news to most - might help newbies
- Re: BBCWS Singapore
- Grundig Fr250
- Djibouti Returns ! ?
- Propagation
- For Sale: Mint Grundig Satellit 800 (3rd Generation)
- FS : UNIDEN BC796D digital trunking mobile/base scanner NIB!
- FRG-7700 Fun!
- Re: Marion's Attic Anyone?
- Re: PT-80 Sangean / new to shortwave
- Re: To ALL Winn-Dixie Lovers!
- Say a Prayer for Terri
- Get Goodies of ADF
- Icom R-75 Obituary
- Radio Ukraine booming in on 7440 now
- Demise of the former BBC/DW Caribbean Relay Station ... Carribean real estate costs
- Re: From Pastor Fulcher's website
- More thoughts on the demise of the BBC/DW Carribean Relay Station...
- welcome to my shack, please come in and visit
- Hi Guys. First Time Poster
- Winn-Dixie / Slap / The Story
- RX- 320 D
- World Net Daily
- Israel SW Reprieved Again!
- Good Guys Alert (was "Need Help with my HF-150")
- A Biblical Look at the Farm Problem
- I am in shock over these ebay idiots !
- The U.S. is region number
- R7 FS on eBay
- Lowe HF-150 and DSP
- Re: Ham Radio extinct also? lol
- Re: Kooky Jews might just start World War III on 04/10/2005 ?
- Updated weather page with new forcasting tools
- Question about AM radio reception, equipment, and expectations
- The Day the Shortwave Died
- SW Radios For Sale
- how not to do a radio web site
- Re: (OT) : DaviD - The Judge of "What Is Un-American"
- Re: Tabletop Short Wave Receivers
- 9985 clear as a bell in eastern NC
- Who was on 7.415mhz @1550 EST /2050 GMT on March 15,2005?
- why is the icom r-75 kaput?
- V of Russia
- Mark Holden??
- Chinese TV Pirate Broadcasts Ominous Message to CCP
- does universal know what they are saying ????
- EMR This Weekend
- R. Japan 17825
- a good solution....
- Re: Knight-Kit Star Roamer Discontinued?
- Slinky turns 60
- Help on Looser-Take-All / Winner-Take-All circuit
- Logging Program
- Black Monday, March 14, 2005
- ICOM R75 Discontinued!
- (sort of OT)
- Re: Long Live Tranceivers
- how times have changed in the radio world !
- (OT) The Montage of Betty Boop
- If you have an R8B, then read this !
- AOR 7030 reviewed side by side with Drake R8A/B
- But seriously, where is John Thorpe nowadays?
- WTB: Datong FL-3 or FL-2
- Spanish Numbers 6796 utc 22:37
- Re: History
- Eton E1...Again !
- Albania 9540 utc 22:00
- RIP: R.L. Drake SWL Receivers
- Re: Is shortwave dead?
- Need help with a Lowe HF-150
- Ham transceiver gen. cov. Rx ?
- Drake R8B... Discontinued!
- Re: Maryanne Kehoe died
- BBC 15190 badly modulated
- Re: Where do the battery covers go?
- Re: BBC Broadcasts into US ?
- where does Radio-Mart get all his stuff from ?
- FRG-100 FM pickup problem - solved (long)
- Hey Steve
- Eton E1 XM listing was a scam! Busted!!!
- Tunisia 7225 22:02 utc
- Illegal aliens threaten U.S.medical system.
- Pirate 6926
- Important dates
- Radio Origins in the US
- Is it just me, or...
- Sony ICF-SW77 - value? (UK)
- Want to buy
- Posters Locations
- Help !!! ICOM TV-R7100 TV Adapter
- Liberty Net 3950 KHz
- THIS will solve that pesky Darfur problem...
- Reception this evening BBC, Australia, New Zealand
- Liberty Net 3952 KHz
- Liberty Net 3.963 LSB
- Voice of Russia coming in strong tonight...
- RACAL RA-17C12 with DSP / digital readout
- Pirate 6975 02:30 UTC
- Drake R8B "Limited Availability"
- New Tecsun PL-350 is a winner
- Apparent Pirate 6955 KHz
- Cuts in BBC shortwave services
- Pirate 6925
- It's Nice....
- Pirate 6955
- Re: Check out my blog!
- Radio Australia and New Zealand this morning
- F.S. Icom IC-R75 with extras
- CBC's Promo Girl : video interview
- Fox tv news
- Just now heard on radio
- What's the future of shortwave?
- Clandestine Voice of Democratic Eritrea
- BBC Changes, March 27
- New Zealand changes to Standard Time
- Voyager probes in funding crisis
- drake r8 vs icom r-75
- BBC/DW Carribean SW Relay Station Mothballed: crude oil costs too much....
- Picked up my radio and have it working!
- Fading on 31m
- N.Korea (& China?) on the verge of collapse!
- Fishermen on 4126.4 usb
- Pirate 6955
- Pirate 6955
- Ten-tec R320d
- Pirate(s) 6925
- new grundig E1 on ebay ! is this a scam ?????
- FS: MFJ-1020C
- Norwegian Amateur Stations Gain Access to 5MHz Frequencies
- Jamming of SW Radio Africa
- travel to Europe - any advice
- Propagation
- History
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- Allied A-2515 rcvr
- DSP survey
- Re: Ernst Zundel
- Troubleshooting Radioshack DX-398
- Buy and Sell your Vintage radios!
- What antenna do you use for AM BCB DX?
- 6230 Mil Net
- Ernst Zundel-Correction
- Hey, Al!
- More Australian BPL News
- car shortwave radio
- Royal Log...
- PL-550 for sale
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- What the ^&*% is this?
- Channel Africa 7390 khz
- Opinions on Kaito 1103
- Found my first radio again!
- North Korea 1:00 UTC 15180 kHz
- signal around 25khz
- Want to buy small portable
- West Coast Anomalies
- * * * * * * * All Bloggers Go Here * * * * * * *
- March DX Listening dates (from today)
- 9330, Wednesday 2200 GMT - the station that makes its own QRM
- Re: Degen 1103 vs. Radio Shack DX-440
- Ferrite noise supressors on sale at Parts Express
- James.....
- Radio Thailand
- Aerial
- icom r-75 filters
- Voice of Armenia
- James
- I confess...
- * * * * * * * All Bloggers Go Here * * * * * * *
- Kuwait 13620 18:20 utc
- * * * * * * * All Bloggers Go Here * * * * * * *
- Serial number importance for Sony-2010
- Israeli Air Force Voice Comms?
- 12.160 MHz loud & clear in E. NC. this AM
- WTB - Lowe PR-150 Preselector
- Re: SICK ? Read this
- Re: SICK ? Read this
- FOR SALE: Grundig SATELLIT 800 / Eavesdropper " SLOOPER" antenna
- New Linux Box !
- David J. Smith coming in clear on 5070
- Lowe Pr-150 preselector..........finally repaired
- Helicopter flying noise on 23 MHz
- really neat radio web site
- Is the US about to invade Ramadi?
- Louisiana
- Freebanders around 6990 khz
- Richard E. Davis, passed away.
- Your Favorite Daily SW Program/Frequency?
- Voice of Turkey A05
- Re: 6230 Mil Net
- Pastor Peters teaching on "The Law"
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