View Full Version : Shortwave
- Tsunami monitoring
- PC Doctor
- ham radio swap meet
- Pirate 6.924.95 usb
- Ever heard of Eton radios?
- Degaussing Coil As SW or MW Antenna
- No Degen 1103 yet
- Acars Program PDW2 Help
- Re: Did Saddam mimic Saladin?
- 6852 kHz
- 15485
- Diego Garcia
- Santa brought an HQ100C
- Radio Bangkok
- ILG DB B04 Released
- Sydney-to-Hobart yacht race...
- JRL3000F / TL 933 manuals
- News From Sumatra
- ~4800 khz propagation tests?
- Re: OT How close are we to true fascism? How did we get here?
- Southeast Coast (of U.S.) looking for snow tonight!
- Re: Military alert more BS??
- Cambridge international pye shortwave radio
- Re: 7.275....Good show on Zippo Lighters.
- Re: Xmas carols on All India Radio?
- Nice New ICF-SW7600G
- A Love Gift For You! =)
- SW is Fun Again! Merry Christmas!
- So,
- ACARS Usage Question
- Diego Garcia
- Advice for an impoverished beginner.
- Queen's Christmas Message
- Radio IRRS Italy frequency change?
- 3210 at 4:14 UTC
- New station on 756 kHz planned in Åland, Finland
- 6090 at 0120 UTC
- What happened to Turkey on 9460?
- Whole Wheat Radio
- UNID Pirate 6955
- UNID Pirate 6925
- ICOM Lawsuit
- Re: Lucifer's hotpocket
- Loop Antennas, Medium Wave - 120m Band
- Relays from Latvia on 9290 khz
- Yosemite Sam Is Dead
- ILG B04: When ?
- Star Roamer Under The Tree
- Propagation
- Merry Christmas Lloyd Davies
- WMR World Music Radio on the air now
- FS: Racal manuals
- it's back 11.362.hz
- Festival of nine lessons and Carols
- Big Earthquake near NZ might cause tsunamis/listen for SOS's
- Pirate right in Washington under FCC's nose
- Article at Drudge Report
- WWRB on 10100
- FS: Icom R71A with FL44A, FL63A, CR-64, RC-11
- Re: pirate on 6925 USB
- Pirate 6.955
- german christmas music,specials
- A Merry Christmas to all (I hope this link works)
- KPH On Air New Year's Eve
- Is a ICOM 751A decent receiver
- Re: Porsche Designed AM-FM-SW-XM Radios - Models P`7131 & P`7132
- is universal radio insane ???
- Bah ! Humbug !!
- Almost a shortwave...1680 AM Pirate?
- Quick $$$$$
- Hey Cuzz
- Re: on 10500 USB , IS that ARABIC?
- Yosemite Sam Frequencies
- Weird Weather Here
- OnLine Stations Database live on the Internet
- FA: Sony SW-100S Receiver System w/Active Antenna
- Primer On BPL Debate Is Released:
- STATUS : Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium World Band Receiver
- Yosemite Sam
- Eton E1 XM Radio "Up-Date" on Release Date and MSRP Price
- Re: Pirate on 5105
- Re: If you want to enjoy a peaceful and carefree Christmas, don't readthis.
- Re: If you want to enjoy a peaceful and carefree Christmas, don't read this.
- FA: homebrew one tube regens and x-tal sets
- FYI [FA] - Ferrite Rod Loop Antenna VLF 150 - 450 kHz and AM/MW 500 -1750 kHz
- Re: Voice of Antarctica 10520 khz
- LINCOLNSHIRE POACHER booming in on 14487usb
- Crossing the Rubicon
- 3700 Interesting Signal
- BBC News Parody
- FS: Panasonic RF-2600
- Re: HELP! HELP! Osama's got a dirty bomb. Here have all my rights,just keep me safe
- FA : GROVE Active Duck antenna
- FS : Antenex mini trunk lid mount with coax - brand new
- FS : COMET CF-416 DUplexer
- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
- OT sorta. Market for Shortwave Station Memorabilia?
- Pirate 6925
- ARRL Repeats Demand for FCC to Shut Down New York BPL Field Trial
- 200Mbps shock for Broadband over powerlines
- radio mart out of stock ????
- 2 questions.
- Numbers on 6930 usb at 2001 utc
- 20M 4 elem antenna for SALE !
- Say
- 2010 price on ebay
- Klingenfuss 2005 Super Frequency List CD-ROM Question
- Re: A Summary of the Police State bill that Just passed
- For those of you who are paranoid about the upcoming Bush Dictatorship
- (OT) Ding Fries!
- Buy and Sell Vintage Radios!
- great shortwave book for sale
- Numbers on 3292 usb at 0220 utc
- OT You are Fourteen years old. You have money!
- Kol Israel to continue
- WTB: LF Engineering L-400B antenna for VLF/LF
- Diego Garcia
- Acars Freq. Mode: AM ?
- New receiver
- Ebay Sony 2010 Starts At $583
- Re: 49m interference
- What am I hearing on 17326 USB?
- Phillips Magnavox D2999 General Coverage 'portable' {Port-a-Top} Communications Receiver
- Re: HELP! HELP! Osama's got a dirty bomb. Here have all my rights, justkeep me safe
- 41m greyline band scan
- Is Radio Habana Cuba off the air?
- Re: HELP! HELP! Osama's got a dirty bomb. Here have all my rights, just keep me safe
- Time to DX! KFI on reduced power, sadly
- Pirate 6925
- Bush gives award to Canadian military
- Re: HELP! HELP! Osama's got a dirty bomb. Here have all my rights,...
- How was your year radio-wise ?
- Re: KV4FZ Christmas Message
- that ole x-mas spirit !
- LAST DAY: Sony ICF-2010 World Band Receiver
- QSL card from sat tv stations
- Radio Australia/New Zealand broadcasts
- Suitability of an IC-751 for short wave listening
- Hi all - getting back into Shortwave
- (OT) WLS 890 off air
- sick DRAKE R4B
- Say "Cuzz"
- handhaeld
- FA: Minty ICF 2010 SO NICE!
- I can't get nothing
- CHEAP radio - any suggestions?
- Pirate 6925
- From UK: Wanted - Supplier for AN-LP1
- Ink Jet Printers To "Print" Electronic Gadgets?
- Re: OT Humor (was: It Aint Broke So Dont Fix It)
- DEGEN 1103
- FS: Degen 1103 portable
- Propagation
- Free iPod
- Re: 7403308136231514
- Is the US jamming Radio Havana?
- Universal AC Adapter for 1102
- Close to a record price for a Panasonic RF-2900
- Pan American Broadcasting
- Santa on air!
- CQ Amateur Radio magazine
- Scheveningen Radio
- More Countries Gain Access to Extended 40m Band in January
- Voice of Africa
- 4.830 BBC?
- Sony SW7600GR Good For Beacons/CW?
- New Sony 7600GR $130 Shipped From J&R
- GE Superadio I vs, Grundig YB400
- Number stations in Australia
- Office Radio
- E1XM AM/FM Shortwave, and XM Satellite radio
- [OT] UK House of Lords Victory for Democracy
- Lowbander DX-394's on ebay
- 2005 Super Frequency List CD-ROM
- 2.390
- So the Mayan tradition hasn't died out yet
- I don't understand
- Re: Eavesdropping nonsense
- FS : YCOM R-5 Euro version - REDUCED!
- Re: Mystery Radio Signals in Himalayas
- RFI problem solved!
- WMR now on full power
- GPS shutdown in case of terrorism
- surprising
- Column on shortwave
- FS: Radio Shack DX 394 SW Receiver
- R.L. Drake SW-4A, alive and kicking!
- BBC via Guyana?
- Degen DE-1103 memories
- FS : DRAKE R8B SW / HF receiver
- (ot) The Way to Go
- (ot) Canada & Bush Dodgers
- Merry Radio-Mart
- Re: New York Art Show Shuttered After Bush Monkey Portrait
- Sorry for some multiple posts.
- Re: Protesters to turn their backs on Bush
- F.A. GROVE SP-200 Sound Enhancer
- FS Dx392 and dx398
- Antenna question
- 7600GR Question: Good For Chasing Beacons?
- OT Missile Defense = Corporate Welfare
- East Timor
- WHAM AM & FM OLD Databases needed
- Trade For DX-398 or 7600GR
- No Faulkland Island BBCWS Relay Station after 1970's = Faulklands War. There still is not SW Relay Station, and Ascension's coverage is not great...
- Best time for pirates?
- Drake R8B group on Yahoo
- grundig s350
- Calling Falklands
- What is this signal?
- happy holidays!
- The FBI installed mini-transmitters in ALL radios !!!!!!!!!
- Sony SW55 For Sale
- FA: Hour and a half left, lotsa interest in this one! TEN-TEC RX-320DDRM PC SW Radio
- Fantastic new website!!!
- Zambia? 4965KHz @0030Z (tentative)
- 2813KHz USB who?
- example of foolish bidding in action
- radio mart out lies himself this time !!!!!!!!
- Numbers on 8096 khz
- Re: From The Memory Hole
- Re: OT Bush Sends 70 Year Old Retired Army Colonel To Afghanistan On Active Duty
- Re: Eavesdropping on your child is illegal!
- Re: OT Bush Sends 70 Year Old Retired Army Colonel To Afghanistan OnActive Duty
- Re: 3280khz at 0915 UTC
- Re: 27540 khz Packet Net
- Dayton Hamvention at Hara Arena Until 2007
- FA: Sony ICF-2010 World Band Receiver NICE!
- Israel SW reprieve again
- Radio revolution: the DRM way
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- 3261Khz usb @ 00:10 ut
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Free T-Shirts
- RD Gabon is back
- 6925am 2230z
- Two great DX catches
- Interesting Propagation
- Re: Good sunset greyline into Asia on 41m !
- Mauritania - 4845KHz @0300 UTC
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