View Full Version : Shortwave
- Re: Shortwaves Yahoo Group JOIN UP -Its Moderated!
- RW NewsBytes Weekly Digest
- Re: McCain Can't Believe Bush Would Pull Such a Cheap Stunt
- Re: Problem with Sagean 909
- Re: (ot) Wi-Fi distance record
- Re: 40 concerts, 30 cities, 9 battleground states
- Re: Bush is no better than Kerry in this regard
- Re: Bush Steadfast? Not Hardly
- Re: To Be a Bush Supporter...
- Re: check out this ebay radio scam
- Re: My Radio Related Sea Tale
- Re: Air America expanding lineup-adds Mike Malloy
- Re: Has anyone ever seen/used one of these hunks of junk ???
- Re: Technical question: Panasonic RF3100 receiver
- Re: which one is better? YB400 or ICF-SW7600GR
- Re: (OT) Unfit For Duty
- Re: FM stations bleeding into shortwave?
- Re: Chile on 5995 kHz...
- Re: Question of Antenna Size?
- Interested in broadcasting pirates on shortwave?
- Re: lightning protection
- Re: A Fantastic Speech! FOUR WHORE YEARS !!!
- Re: Western BCB DX ??
- Re: random wire tuner
- Re: foobar_test_Ignore_
- 'pips' heard on LW and MW with my ATS-909
- Now a FELONY in FL: Running a pirate station
- Big solar flare
- Halifax area DXers -
- Re: Bush Waffles--Now ''Peace President''
- Southern California Shortwave radio Logs
- SRI farewell English programmes for 12 weeks
- U.S. government plans to use a C-130 military plane for radio and television transmissions against Cuba
- FS: DX-394
- Franken Tops O'Reilly in Arbitrons
- VO New Sudan 9310 tests delayed
- What's With All the Radio and Short-wave Talk?
- Why is this happening? Electronic glitch?
- Opinions....Willco memory for R71A
- FA: pristine Icom IC-R71A receiver with two ssb filters
- Speaking of radios that might NEVER exist....
- Medium Wave propagation question
- Extreme Fringe Reception Or Tropo Or E-skip?
- Junk Radio DX'ing on a Summers afternoon
- FS: Hallicrafters S-40B Dials w/pics$20ppd
- Cellphones HAVE caused airline crashes says expert
- Need a new VOM
- International Parcel Despatch from Singapore to the United States
- Eton E1 XM Radio....price ideas ??? satellite service for.....
- IBC Radio on 7330 ????
- World Band Radio £9.99
- Thinking about buying this radio GRUNDIG SATELLIT 800 MILLENNIUM SHORTWAVE RADIO/any feed back welcome
- Sirius audiovox antenna for house - house antenna or car? Which & where to point?
- More DRM broadcasts for North America
- question for Guy Atkins
- SW PC receivers
- FS:DX398
- New DXing opportuniies in US re-deployment?
- JRC NRD-545 CGD-197 TCXO option
- CRI- Host Dies
- Radio Prague QSL Received
- Amateur Radio Newslineâ„¢ Report 1405 - July 16, 2004
- radios and more for sale !
- FA: SP600/JX21 "BLACK"
- 8997 kHz?
- Cyprus-Bayrak off?
- WinRadio Model 313i
- Icom R75 DSP module
- Israeli air traffic controllers threaten strike over pirates
- Propagation
- An Evaluation of Commercially Available Signal Splitters
- Comparing Four Great Communications Receivers
- (OT) Why Men Are Happier Than Women
- Recommendations? Small Int'l SW Broadcast radio?
- ClearSpeech DSP???
- Cambridge SoundWorks "SoundWorks" Radio 730
- Ham radio operators squawk over BPL
- on topic- SINPO
- - So if it's 10:00 UTC and the frequencies 6.195
- 6190 0900 UTC
- do you need a licence
- Re: (OT) Just a lot of misguided hick goobers!!
- Dreamland on SW
- Re: HOT DANG! I love Saturday night in Glen Dale!
- Re: Anyone using a MFJ1278b?
- UPDATE: Mobile antenna
- BPL does face intense opposition, particularly from the American Radio Relay League
- policescanner web site
- The Great Liberty Net Says ...
- The Great Liberty Net Says ...
- FA: Galaxy R-530 w/Original Speaker, functional PLL
- Carriers going to So. China Sea?
- Try This (ot)
- Protek 6402 Manual
- Roberts R9917
- X class flares today
- Air America Ratings continue to decline
- RW NewsBytes Weekly Digest
- EiBi Skeds
- Another one bites the dust - Chuch Harder is no more
- Rumble on the water
- What to do with lots of receivers and lots of antennas?
- Can you place medta-tags on Usenets posts?
- 1170 (WWVA) West Virginia reception in NYC
- FA: Collins 51J-4
- FS SONY 2010..125.00
- More on that stupid auto SWR antenna.
- Sony 7600GR Antenna question
- 9475 KHz / Bro. Stair, John Stadtmiller, Steve Quayle
- Best Antenna for a handheld?
- FA: Realistic DX-160 Auction Ends in 3 hours currently at $20.50
- VOA employeee mutiny ??
- Mobile antenna
- 12095 at 0200 last night
- Did the profit move?
- JCR NRD-545, or something else?
- Shortwave Radio logs from Southern California
- question about DX-398 settings
- (OT) Spike Lee bashes NASCAR and it's fans
- JCR NRD-545, or something else?
- Shortwave froot-loop pi--ing contest ??
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Re: Questions about the DEGEN 1103
- ( OT ) Outsourcing
- WTT: Grundig SAT800 towards Palstar R-30
- Technical Articles
- Number stations - 6912 & 6840
- How to post off topic
- R71A question
- antenna question
- HF - So much space, so little usage
- Decoding data sigs
- JRC NRD-545 with CGD-197 Crystal Oscillator?
- Newbie Help
- The Big Parade
- Radio Free World
- Filtering bleed-over?
- VOA station at Marathon---cause of 8 Lb rats?
- Re: Sony ICF 2002
- Realistic dx 160 mods needed
- 4790 khz time signal?
- 1.6825mhz I think is playing classic r&b & oldies?
- radio WITH converter
- Yaseu FRG-7700 ???
- OT Another "Mission accomplished"? I sure hope not..
- Re: Improved AM Detector
- Steve Quayle / Terror Alerts / Pwr. Outages @ major airports, etc.
- Speaker Question
- Re: Jon Cunningham reposts old urban legends
- It used to be interesting...
- FS Radios/Decoder
- Don't Panic! There'll be a new series of HHGG on BBCR4 in late September!
- IBRA Radio
- FS: RX-320 With LW Mod
- Radio Argentina
- Voice of Vietnam
- United Nations Radio
- Kol Israel
- Shielded loop for RCVR
- Vatican Radio
- FM Sensitivity of Sangean ATS-818cs?
- JRC NRD-545 with frequency convert option?
- For sale, YB400 and Palstar-AA30.
- +Another risk to solid-state radios?
- Southerb California Shortwave Radio Logs
- Bryants Response
- CoastGuard Freq. 5696khz
- Soames123 is DiverD
- ( OT) Fourth this weekend is...
- ( OT) Fourth this weekend is...
- Commando Solo
- Votre Bush!
- Grayland WA DXpedition Loggings, July 9-10-11
- Kiwa MW Air-Core Loop Antenna {In-the-News} FS / FA
- Degen portables - Continuous cov'g?
- FS/FT: Like New Icom R75
- 31.RMRC-DX-Camp in Langenselbold (Germany)
- Nigeria 17800
- ? Good deal: EBAY- NEW DEGEN 1102 and 1103 SWR - ~$55 + 18 Shipping USD
- New to this groop Hi
- Read It & Weep!
- Terk AM Advantage Loop Antennae for Sale
- Tecsun PL-550
- 6950 sideband
- Southern California Shortwave Radio Logs
- Iceland USB 9980
- KK4TL Says ....
- Y-Man Says ..
- WWV and WWVH metrics near Washington DC via refclock_wwv
- Kiss Radio 9290
- FS: CCrane FM Transmitter on Ebay
- Ten-Tec RX320D PC Shortwave on Ebay
- Damn France, (ot) Troll
- WTB: Panasonic RF-4900 shortwave receiver
- ( Troll) Bush on "Fahrenheit 9/11"
- Unbuilt Ocean Hopper
- question for ebay buyers
- Southern California Shortwave Radio Logs
- Bryant is Curmudgeon
- Bryant is a Loser
- New version of the JRC NRD-545?
- Dems and Enron....
- Audio problem when using an antenna multicoupler, how to solve?
- JRC NRD-545 in New Zealand...
- FS: Icom R71A C0mmunications Receiver
- Sony SW55 is a no-go
- Re: Michael Moores Movie - the Sequel
- Kenwood R2K sold
- Announcing 'hifi-am', to discuss High Fidelity AM tuners and hobbyist transmitters
- Re: Vanity Call fee going up in August
- Icom R75 Only $635 On Ebay
- Update on 12-year-old's SW radio
- 910 KHz images
- Free Hangover Cure
- Troll, What I say
- 7415 Transmitter Offline
- Thanks
- Press Release: Milestone Broadcast - Rock-it turns #1000
- Re : OT 1984 revisited
- Kiwa Pocket Loop or AOR WL-500 Window Loop
- proagagation last night ??
- Panasonic RF-B55
- DX Programs List
- Re: Sony 7600GR Antenna??
- WRTH Summer Schedules new update file now available
- OT 1984 revisited
- Southern California Shortwave Radio Logs
- WTB: JRC NRD-525, Drake R8A
- 8621.5 @ 02:55 UTC
- Re: *Citizens Against Twistedhed* Stupidity
- Re: Sunspots at 1000-year high: BBC News
- Amateur Radio Newsline™ Report 1403 – July 2, 2004
- FS sony 7600GR
- Large In-building BPL networks get ACA Approval
- kenwood yg-445cn-1 filter
- Re: Michael Moores Movie
- Help new to this
- Cheap Short Wave Radio Alert....
- Re: How NOT to Fix Your Radio Tower
- Re: More on the Navy's supposed Carrier exercise
- Comparison of three indoor active antennas
- FA: Sony ICF-7600DS
- FA: Realistic DX-160
- Re: July 05 2004 Logs
- FS: Radio books and speakers
- Radio New York International last night?
- Planninc a car trip
- Sweden Radio Transmitter on Heritage List
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