View Full Version : Shortwave
- 2 TMC fixed freq HF receivers FS RARE
- M. Bryant
- Low band noise
- Sudan Radio Service
- Best Radio Pages
- M. Bryant
- Opinions pls: Sony 2010 or Sony SW07
- Papua New Guinea 4890
- CCRadio Mods
- HF Comms Log, Satellite Beach FL - Tuesday 30 Dec 2003
- short wave Reception report Lots of stations received!
- Are they all the same?
- ICF-SW07----$399.88
- Pirate-6975-Radio Free Speech
- Who's hiding behind RN?
- Iranian earthquake
- Book Recommendations
- Pirate-Grasscutter Radio-6925
- Pirate-Sunshine Radio-6925
- Which radio is better
- Kenwood radios
- JRC NRD 545
- Sony ICF-SW07 on sale at Amazon
- Ireland, Denmark and Norway leaving shortwave
- crank/solar sw radio, is this a new item?
- Re: Habari gani?
- Sony ICFM33RDS
- Need Freqs for Realistic DX-302 please!
- Re: Right Wing Patriots or Left Wing Nuts?
- Re: Aero Band radio
- Re: Yahoo Group for Radio Shack DX-394 Users
- Aero Band Radio?
- Test
- YB400PE
- Ohio MARS Net
- Antenna matching
- Ky Army MARS
- DX India Digest
- Re: M. Bryant
- Mckay Dymek DA-100D
- Whats on 4.845?
- Winradio g303i
- FS: Drake R-8 receiver with remote control and more
- Can I listen to HAM stuff on ICF-SW7600GR...
- noise
- Radio Caroline on shortwave to the USA
- RTЙ ceases short-wave transmissions
- Russia pilots DRM
- for sale
- FA: Sony ICW-7600GR - Mint
- Roberts RC818
- PC based RTTY/CW/digital modes decoder M-1000
- HF Log, Satellite Beach - Sunday, 28 Dec 2003
- 120 meter band - is there a trick to it?
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- 1L6 Solid State for Zenith T.O.'s
- AFRTS in Italy?
- Re: Reducing or eliminating Sony 7600GR beep? or 7600G?
- Icom R-75 question
- Lincolnshire Poacher-6959
- Good longwire shortwave attic antenna
- Shortwave schedule for PalmOS, MobileDB
- Eton E1 XM/Grundig 900 listed @ Universal Radio
- non inductive resistors
- BBC Just announced
- Whistling on 12.095
- re: shortwave broadcast schedules.. + comments on short wave in general
- Israel - government approves bill proposal legalizing Arutz 7
- EMR on 9290 kHz today from 1400 uk time
- 6925-Pirate-KIPM
- 6.925
- 6925-Pirate-Radio Gong Calling
- 6925-Pirate-Purple Nucleus of Creation???
- просуществует лидоллар до 2005года?
- Re:another newbie
- HF Log, Satellite Beach FL - Sat., 27 Dec 2003
- 7.415
- vr-5000
- Earthquake in Iran
- Hum when using headphone
- Question, Longwire
- 6.975 / 6.925
- Radio Caroline Broadcasting on shortwave via WBCQ
- Longwave From Europe Last Night!
- Radio Austraila 21740, 2100 to 0000 Hr UTC
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Re:another newbie
- MW Daytime DX
- New Zealand on 9870 at 1700?
- Dedicated to M. W. Bryant-Happy New Year!
- Cool DXing, Sad Lost
- no_id
- Pirate-KIPM-6950
- 6.950 USB
- KIPM-6925
- Pirate-Voice of the Abnormal-6925
- another newbie
- Pirate-Moonshine Radio-6925
- Pirate-Radio Time Machine-6925
- Pirate-Radio Free Speech-6950
- KIPM Still Wiggin out on 6950mhz
- >>>>> ONLY 21 HOURS UNTIL <<<<<
- Got a new sw radio.. and reception comments and questions!
- 02:5 0 UTC Pirate on 6.950
- Earlier cases of Mad Cow in USA ??
- Pirate-KIPM-6975
- Pirate-KIPM-6925
- Cherry Hill horse racetrack- Mad Cow Disease Link found
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- radio shack am loop
- Question On Grundig's 50th Anniversary SW Radio...
- RCI 9515 Splattering?
- New ISP; $1 /Month
- HF Comms Rcvd in Satellite Beach FL - Thurs, 25 Dec 2003
- FRANCE on 183 KHz
- Re: Bye, Bye, David Tolassi
- Radio Pigmeat International 6950
- New Pork Butt audio clips soon to be available
- Nice and inexpensive FM radio on the net
- The best "404" page on the net
- Here comes IBOC
- [none]
- DRM Reception Changes
- A new frequency for BBC World Service
- R. Free Speech on 6974.8 AM
- RadioYourWay (Pogo)
- Norad
- Help You'll Sat 650
- DX-396 Memory Loss
- Radio Prague parodies itself on 31st December
- festivus, Festivus. FESTIVUS !
- How BPL/PLC will affect SWL
- Christmas Day in the ROK
- Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays !
- CW on 9330 MHz?
- Dear Rush
- New SW schedule from RTE in Ireland?
- wtb mfj-1622 antenna
- DX-440 won't operate on batteries
- 1711 Khz ??
- Re: Do I need a Scanner or Do I need a receiver? This girl is confused.
- Your Faithful, but tired, Warrior
- RFI France Blasting in on 17620 at 14:40 UTC
- Diego Garcia-13254
- Re: Announcement: Shortwave Programming Discussion
- U.S. AM broadcast reception in Britian
- Loop antenna question
- True? Dunno...
- Shoutcast 3.880
- IRRS-Shortwave to broadcast with high power over Christmas
- 7545kHz Dutch or Afrikaans?
- FS: Sierra VLF Rcvr/Tunable VTVM
- Wireless Routers & Shortwave Reception
- Great LF Conditions
- The Italian HF Archive
- historical VIBROPLEX Bug Morse Code Key
- AIRCONTROL 9000 bad quality radio
- Grundig Yacht Boy 80 and 400
- ERNIE Alert!
- 3.880
- Hallicrafters calibration??
- XM radio in Asia
- FA on eBay: historical VIBROPLEX Bug Morse Code Key
- Radio Free Speech 6975...etc.
- RE: Mackay 3041A (or is it McKay)
- Is there such a thing as a 128 kbs (even 192 kbs?) data modem for SW?
- W6S/Santa Claus
- FS: US ICOM 8500
- Mackay 3041A
- BBC bias
- UAE radio in Dubai
- Re: ===> COMING !!! <===
- "Music Radio" Pirate on 3910 LSB?
- 6924.95 USB
- CW Beacon on 6925?
- Re: BBC says Be polite to Mr Saddam Be polite to Mr Saddam
- Australia Launches Digital Radio
- FS: Zenith Trans-Oceanic Y600
- Kaito KA - 105 - Anyone test one of these yet ??
- Matching 9:1 transformer in random wire antenna.
- Shortwave through a Stereo
- ===> COMING !!! <===
- Radio for Christmas Gift?
- Pirate radio in the Netherlands becomes legal??!!.
- Some major updates on the webpage of the music pirate broadcaster Alfa Lima international.
- 252 Dublin, Ireland
- sony- ICF-SW77 any comments?
- KNX 1070 off air now 0900 Z
- Terrible Reception Pacific Northwest
- MW Receiver progress report
- Re: Merry Christmas A Christmas gift to everyone
- first day
- A prediction by profit Stair
- This is a lie!
- best portable/desktop shortwave radio
- "Studio DX" Sunday live !
- DX tests Summary
- DX test Results
- Re: I should be able to attach a name and street address to the IP within a few days
- Re: Tell me what you think girls.
- Diego Garcia
- Re: Type Is Kevin Souter Gay? at a Google search and see what the first hit is... ROTFLMAO
- Re: Tell me what you think girls.
- Re: Tell me what you think girls.
- Status of Shortwave.
- Questions regarding the Sony ICF-2010 Operating Instructions,
- Re: Anyone know a Good Doctor to perform a Penectomy
- Grundig Parts?
- 6956.8 Peruvian
- Pirate frequencies
- I'm gonna take on Glenn Baxter with my Talk show!
- Any interesting site on hamemade SWL antennas?
- Re: I'm having a bad hair day girls
- ham radio fruitcakes online
- Radio ORF
- Happy Holidays!
- Re: Anyone know a Good Doctor to perform a Penectomy
- Re: I'm having a bad hair day girls
- Re: Anyone know a Good Doctor to perform a Penectomy
- New music radio
- K1MAN...Radio criminal?? Check this out!!!
- SWL'ers in Madison, WI area?
- Trouble getting started
- AM Mode
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Radio Free NRA
- Re: Do I need a Scanner or Do I need a receiver? This girl is confused.
- Grundig YB400PE Mods??
- Kaito KA 105
- 5.975 BBC & Vietnam
- respect for the Captain
- United Kingdom Coastal Stations
- Listen to the Greatest
- ( Off Topic ) Christmas Celebrations
- Re: Do I need a Scanner or Do I need a receiver? This girl is confused.
- Photo of Grundig 900 with XM satellite capability
- Grundig Parent to Offer AM/FM/SW/XM receiver
- Repairing a sony CRF-V21 Shortwave
- TECSUN PL-230 / GRUNDIG YB-550 Anyone have one? Tell me about it.
- NRD545 v AR7030+
- Sirius satellite gets NFL football
- New Grundig (Eton) MW/SW/FM/XM-satellite radio
- Shortwave BCB Reception in the Phoenix Area?
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