View Full Version : Shortwave
- Rx PC based for a sailboat
- R-2000 RIT Mod
- RCI: Blooper!
- FREE Speech Political Forum Launched!
- Help Request: Receiving only 1 Worldband Radio Station: Grundig YB400PE vs YB300PE or Location Factor
- CAR STEREO - Shortwave
- WANTED: OM ( COPY) for Grundig Satellit 2000
- Signal report for WBCQ tonight at 8
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern Calyfornia
- Re: yaesu FRG 100
- travelling to thailand
- Drake R-8 Communications Receiver
- 8.003 mhz usb
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern Calyfornia
- Pirate 6950 usb
- eBay $1000 for Yaesu FRG-7700 Communications Receiver and More...
- Re: Absorptive Shielding?
- Help on Icom R70 Interfacing via Accessory socket
- Help on Icom R70 Interfacing via Accessory socket
- SWL Antennas A Bunch
- News Flash, McDonald's Widow leaves $200M to Hal Turner!
- WTB: ESKAB 4 kHz IF Filter 9Mhz for and ICOM R71
- Antenna Kits
- Sangean 803A for auction ends 8:39 PM PST
- "2nd Generation" Tecsun BCL-2000 Radios = Grundig S350 ? ? ?
- Is this a great country or what?
- AirNav Suite4
- Ping Y-Man - Again ..
- Ping N0VFP - Urgent ! ! !
- [[[[[ YEP, IT'S ALMOST TIME ]]]]]
- Re: AOL Hates Whites, Too
- Infrared Remote (SWL IR Remote) for R8/A/B
- Infrared Remote (SWL IR Remote) for R75
- Shortwave Dealer In Dallas, TX
- Genius At Riverhead - H.H. Beverage Book
- Amateur Radio Newsline™ Report 1369 – November 7, 2003
- Solor flares and radio propogation
- Can't We All Just Get Along?
- Absorptive Shielding?
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern Calyfornia
- DX test Results
- patcomm review
- Re: Whites Will Become Extinct Without Knowing It, Says UW Prof
- Re: Why do people use anonymous remailers for?
- Bose noise-cancelling headphones
- Planet X Class Flares!
- Drake R8 Question.
- Loop nuts?
- Drake R-8 Communications Receiver
- FS: Wideband Hand Held Receiver
- R Rebelde, Cuba
- updated Allied SX-190 AX-190 info available
- HF Maritime Net
- Some car stereo questions, if you please?
- Re: NW7US Propagation Update: 6-XI-2003 (b)
- Yaesu FRG-100B
- ISS ET Shadow experiment wants you !
- ISS Shadow wants you !
- Anyone else like analog tuning
- FA>> PK232MBX w/ DSP
- Maritime Radio around Halifax Nova Scotia
- Cubic R-3030A
- Yaesu FRDX-400
- Will have FS: 24LC16B sets of three (Sat. 700 memory)
- FS: Realistic TRF AM Radio
- Re: Racist Amateur Radio Operators Daniel L. Jeswald (W4NTI) & Charles D. Braham (N5PVL)
- Radio Litoral, Honduras
- Hallicrafters SX-110 opinions?
- Re: KWZ 30
- Radiomaste P30 antenna
- Spectrumwide HF noise on both my radios
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Redifon 551: Schematics or Service Manual needed
- RFPI solution : (namechange) "Radio For Global American Conquest"
- Sunstorms??
- Any Good Or Needed For Listening Only ? : WiNRADiO WR-LWA-0130 Long Wire Antenna Adapter
- Help with GE P-990a ?
- Sony schematic wanted...
- Re: Space Weather - disaster
- need AOR AR-2002 service manual
- 2nd generation DRM receiver due out in December
- 2nd generation DRM receiver due out in December
- End of a fine antenna (TorusTuner)
- Thinking about a wideband receiver...
- Antennas for sale-got to clear out some stuff-Kiwa pocketloop-$50.00/
- Solar Flare MW DX
- Re: Major X-Class Flare at 1955Z 4-XI-2003
- 13.730MHZ @23:15 UTC
- Dublin: ABC to make a return
- United Kingdom Coastguard
- X40+ Super Solar Flare
- WTD: Panasonic RF-B65
- Radio Shack DX-400
- books for trade
- Mobile Shortwave Listening
- MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT ! Satellit 800 Breakthrough
- NRC DX test
- 13254 Diego Garcia
- Another monster flare
- Re: 3 X-class flares in less than 24 hours... and counting...
- Shortwave signals on a simple $5.00 portable am-fm receiver?
- Passport2004 Received
- FS: Icom IC-PCR1000 Wide band PC controlled Receiver
- RFPI seige
- Data signal on 6050 around 0000?
- FS: Grundig YB-400PE
- Sun on Fire, Unleashes 3 More Major Flares
- web radio station - off topic
- Where can I buy a NON-Cellular-Blocked radio
- Hal Turner Show
- I need a new Tiny-Tenna!!!
- FS: AOR AR8200 MK III B Hand Held Rcvr.
- FA: Fantastic old Philips Portable 1960's
- FS: Wideband Receiver AOR AR 8200B
- FS: Sony 7600GR Portable SW/FM receiver - Immaculate
- What we're hearing in Puerto Rico
- Scheveningen Radio PCH
- Listen to a interview with Lloyd Davies, the Great Time Lord!!!!
- Audio trouble down at the ol' numbers station?
- 214 English-language HF Broadcasts audible in NE US (01-NOV-03)
- Realistic TRF for MW DXing
- A Couple of Questions About A Crystal Set
- Interferance
- Radio service and operator's manuals for sale
- Wanted: Lowe 225 not working - for parts
- FS Drake R8
- New Huge X8+ Solar Flare And Radio blackout
- Trade 2003 Sat 800 + Radio Shack DX 398 For Tabletop SW Radio
- The Day
- Amateur Radio Newsline™ Report 1368 – October 31 2003
- FT: 2003 Sat 800 + RS DX 398 for Tabeletop SW Radio
- Re: Phone line as SW antenna [04-Apr-00]
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern Calyfornia
- 9935 - strange song
- Ping Y-Man
- DX Handbook - free for download
- London ICF 2001D / 2010D
- SkySweeper new version
- SkySweeper new version
- Sangean 803 / DX 440 Group on Yahoo - 1 year old!
- FS: Manual for Racal RA6790GM Receiver
- Re: Perfesser White
- Re: Grundig's new tiny wind up radio. .. FR 200
- Re: "Smorts the Warts" keeps posting off-topic; the boy just ain't right bright [was: More of "Smorts the Warts" off-topic wacked-off idiocy]
- Phone line as SW antenna [04-Apr-00]
- Handy Shortwave Chart
- DX tests Summary
- James Latham on RFPI now!
- Singing numbers station?!
- Radio Cook Islands: Local Quality 90-Min MP3 Recording Available
- Need Kenwood R5000 Service Manual
- War of the Worlds broadcast
- Lincolnshire Poacher is at it again.
- Ravens wide >> receiver Travis Taylor and his wife wore inappropriate costumes
- Posting.
- Spanish Numbers Station.
- UK Coastal Stations Map
- EiBi Skeds
- Latest NWO plot?
- I ain't getting nothing
- Drake Sw 2
- Need Help Pleas - Sony ICF-SW100 Does not power on
- 8.135 mhz
- Re: NW7US Propagation Update 30-X-2003, 2000Z
- 100-kHz-30MHz Active Antenna
- WTB: Sony SRF-80W
- Effects of solar storm on VHF
- Yep, worst reception ever.
- Justice AM Antenna (from C. Crane Company)
- Evening sky 'Blood Red' -Solar Flares-
- Solar flare propogation today(10/30/03)!
- FA: assortment of Radios & radio magazines
- Re: ??????????????????????
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern Calyfornia
- Help with Sony srf-m40w
- NASA Target HF3/P receiver?
- What we're hearing in Puerto Rico
- New ICOM 8500?
- Re: My new website!
- CB ch19
- Flight changes restricted due to Solar Flare
- For Sale Need Radio Gear
- For Sale Need Radio Gear
- What's on 6055 @ 0000?
- Re: SOLAR FIRE BALL (Sun blows a massive fart)
- hints for quasi-professional cage antenna anyone?
- Verifying North Korea
- Passport 2004
- Where's my shows?
- Praize da laawd for CME's !!
- X11-class flare and major geomagnetic storm 29-X-2003
- Radioshack DX-160
- MW Report
- Newsgroup Recycling
- Rush out of Rehab When ??
- Forgiveness Of Sins
- Judgment Day
- FS/FT Modified Radio Shack DX 398
- pactor 2
- Re: X17 flare, what am I hearing? 1430 kHz Central Ohio
- Re: Listenin in DFW
- The End Is Near ? Report on Solar Flare SW reception..
- Diego Garcia 13254
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern Calyfornia
- ARINC Commercial Air Freq's Quest. (LODOC)
- FS: Radio Shack DSP-40
- Antenna help
- Help Please! Extremely Poor Reception In Turkey
- NW7US Propagation Bulletin - 28-X-2003 Alert
- concorde last flight audio 12mins
- Mega flare! today
- Knight R-100A & speaker, cheap
- Okay I Must Ask: Who Is/Was Sigster?
- Ferrite Magnet antenna ; parts purchase / design question
- letter station 6845 0136utc
- U.S. Slave Reburial Fans Question of Reparations
- Geo - Magnetic storm
- Sony ICFJ1 - too good to be true!!
- Re: Space Weather - "Private" = loser
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern Calyfornia
- DX-394 portable for pre-sale
- Re: Austrian Jews Demand Payment for... Well, for Just Being Jews
- ATS 505
- Timothy McVeigh Sighting
- Kenwood R-5000 $230
- Re: Racist Amateur Radio Operators Daniel L. Jeswald (W4NTI) & Charles D. Braham (N5PVL)
- ( OT) McNabb is tearing up the field
- Question for better antenna mavens than I
- NEWBIE Question
- Is this LORAN?
- Fire Update
- Ferrite Magnet antenna wire ; gauge question
- Amateur Radio Newsline™ Report 1367 – October 24 2003
- R.S. DX-399 (ATS-606) Shortwave Radio - Brand NIB - Last Hours!
- The World is on Fire
- DX test Results
- SWL/Ham magazines for sale
- Wanted: Mckay Dymek
- [[[[[ IT'S ALMOST TIME ]]]]]
- Four Ferrite loop Antenna
- Looking for surplus US Army radio batteries
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