View Full Version : Shortwave
- The Romney Smirk
- Shortwave Radio - Google News for Thursday 6 September 2012
- Improved SSB
- about 25 ohm coaxial cable
- Radio St Helena
- U.S.Marine over run by his three dogs......
- Shortwave Radio - Google News for Thursday 30 August 2012
- Romney To End Federal Regulation of Drilling and Mining
- Jew Judge Clears Military for 2003 Killing of Rachel Corrie
- Stom update for that piece of land mass between Clinton and Flowood,Missy Sippy.
- Africa No. 1 - Moyabi, Gabon
- Hurricane Watch Net
- Shortwave Radio - Google News for Thursday 23 August 2012
- Liberals Upset that Gambia Will execute people on Death Row
- Dale Sommers: The Truckin Bozo
- AC adapter question
- Another Bogus Hate Crime
- Another Hypocritical GOP Congressman Apologizes for Nude Swim in Israel
- EMF Killing Fields.
- Shortwave Radio - Google News for Thursday 16 August 2012
- Navy Vet.
- Where's Kevin?
- Radio Makedonias / Voice of Greece (Greek)
- Voice of Vietnam relay via Woofferton
- VOA relay - Pinhiera, Sao Tome 11900 kHz
- Louisiana.
- CITE New Mexico
- The Titantic x 10!
- Shortwave Radio - Google News for Thursday 9 August 2012
- Afternoon shortwave in the midwest
- Mars Rover landing tonight.
- Isn't there some sort of net on later tonight?
- Latest Liberty Net via WB4AIO
- Re: The 13 Most Evil U.S.Government Experiments on Humans.
- Voive of Turkey 9830 kHz in English
- Radio Belarus 11730 kHz
- Top News
- Geo- magnetic storm in progress
- Shortwave Radio - Google News for Thursday 2 August 2012
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- Zanzibar B.C. 11735 kHz good signal today
- WLS 890 - The Drew Peterson Trial
- Send a Military Transport and Bring Mittens and His Shine Box Home
- The Golden Age of Radio: An Unscientific Poll
- $5,700 Per Person In USA
- Penalty For Bank Swindlers in Iran: DEATH
- Eibi's changes
- Solar Storm Expected to Hit Earth Tuesday
- Eat your hearts out.....
- India's power grid crashes. 370 million without electricity.
- Re: HEY ! ! ! !
- Why Mitt Romney is Unlikable.
- Pirate - 6925
- Latest Liberty Net via WB4AIO
- 6925
- Pirate - 6940
- Exposed: Inside the NSA’s Largest and Most Expansive Secret Domestic Spy Center in Bluffdale, Utah
- The danger of open borders with Mexico - short video.
- Pirate - 6925
- Mitt Romney Committing Felony When He Goes To Israel
- Shortwave Radio - Google News for Thursday 26 July 2012
- Looka here ilk,
- Asian Nations Lead World In Crimes Against Wildlife
- Greece Expels Olympic Athlete Over Racist Tweet
- Radio Tanzania 11735 kHz
- Liberalism is The Killer
- RIP - Sherman Hemsley
- Stephnie Brown was Robin #4? for about thirty minutes.
- Radio Whatever (pirate)
- Sheriff Joe blows their cover
- Latest Liberty Net via WB4AIO
- Breaking: 12 dead at Aurora, Colorado cinema shooting, Batman DarkKnight midnight movie.
- Shortwave Radio - Google News for Thursday 19 July 2012
- Google,,, Mississippi helicopter plant to be model for AirbusMobile plant
- ACORN Whistleblower - very articulate young woman spills the beans.
- Re: wanted: Sangean SR-66
- Driftie? 2 questions.
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- What's up with that Solar storm?
- HF radio blackout
- Top sekert 'UFO' at bottom of Baltic Sea.
- Fianal News Bulletin From Bush House
- Just What the USA Needs - More Mississippians
- Jackson Mississippi is in good finacial shape.
- July 11 Logs
- Bobbie the weather girl AFVN TV Saigon
- Radio Thailand 15275 kHz EE 0035 UTC
- RIP Ernest Borgnine
- Bring Back Canada Radio International
- Tuning out - A cold-war stalwart goes out of fashion
- BDXC - Africa on Shortwave Updated
- WGN radio sells vintage record collection
- 10 meters starting to open up
- Top News
- Re: Tecsun PL660 Review
- Shortwave Radio - Google News for Thursday 5 July 2012
- DX-440, no reception of AM or SW signals.
- WTF? Not enough dogs and cats to eat?
- RIP Andy Griffith
- 13 Colonies Special Event Station heard on 7035 psk31
- VOA relay Phillipines 17820kHz @ 0045 UTC
- Happy Canada Day!
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- Re: Latest Liberty Net via WB4AIO
- Re: Latest Liberty Net via WB4AIO
- Proclaiming another episode of"The Great Liberty Nit-Wit-Net" .. June30th, 2012
- Anybody seen DD lately?
- Re: fldigi does WEFAX well
- Top News
- All India Radio on 13640 kHz
- Radio Taiwan Intl. via UAE
- Usual pile-up on 11930 kHz @ 1855 UTC
- BBC - Woofferton, England @ 1830 UTC
- Deutsche Welle - Kigali, Rwanda relay @ 1815 UTC
- Detroit Iron.
- Shortwave Radio - Google News for Saturday 23 June 2012
- Let's start a pool ..
- Tecsun Logs
- BBC Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast Imminent
- Shortwave Radio - Google News for Thursday 21 June 2012
- Re: List of comm frequencies in People's Republic of China?
- Top News
- Re: Humans evolved from a prehistoric SHARK from 300m years ago.
- Missy Sippy Warming.
- This thang acting funny.
- The Great Liberty Nit-Wit-Net - June 16, 2012
- Is Y-Man back from his honeymoon yet?
- PAKISTAN - R. Pakistan, 15265 kHz, 1840z
- These 6 Corporations Control 90% of the Media in America.
- USS Ronald Reagan Floating Car Lot
- Something Unique In New Dive On Baltic Sea Mystery Object.
- Tombstones from long ago surfacing on San Francisco beach.
- Shortwave Radio - Google News for Friday 15 June 2012
- Shortwave Radio - Google News for Thursday 14 June 2012
- Re: Humans evolved from a prehistoric SHARK from 300m years ago.
- Re: Humans evolved from a prehistoric SHARK from 300m years ago.
- Rhein-Main Radio Club broadcast.
- Top News
- Vacation Logs
- Pocket Maar
- In Memoriam: Rachel Corrie 1979 - 2003
- Indiana Radiation Mystery Explosions and Snapped Trees.
- profit Stair
- Latest Liberty Net via WB4AIO
- Biggest Whistleblower in JFK Case Ignored.
- Endangered Sumatran Elephants Poisoned
- 45 Years Ago Today: ISRAEL Premeditated Murder of US Navy Sailors
- (OT) Bob Welch
- Re: The Time has come
- Re: The Time has come
- GMT Clock For Desktop ?
- D-Day
- Top News
- British royalty dined on human flesh, 300 years ago.
- Another episode goes unnnn-proclaimed ... :-(
- Randy of the Redwoods (pirate)
- Yahnab (alien broadcast) - pirate
- Re: iPad and sw listening
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- Re: iPad and sw listening
- A poem for the proclaimer
- Where do you think shortwave...
- Ach, and also mit der Tung!
- 12.180 ?
- Fakhreldine Restaurant Café
- Top News
- Watchin
- The New York Slimes at Twilight.
- Elvis crypt up for auction.
- Has anybody tried the amazing Tiny-Tenna?
- Chek-kit-out
- Haha We get the last battleship!
- Progress Mississippi Style: Schools Barred From Handcuffing Students
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- JPMorgan injects $400 million into China unit, eyes expansion
- Radio Free Asia: Two Monks Self Immolate in Tibet
- China And Israel Expand Military Ties In Sign Of Growing Cooperation
- A proclamation - Memorial Day Episode of The Great Liberty Nit-Wit-Net.
- Zanzibar - 11735
- Kowloon's Walled City.
- Proclaimer needed for The Great Liberty Nit-Wit-Net; apply within ...
- Neil Armstrong Breaks Silence On Moon Experences.
- US Submarine fire leaves six injured.
- Lights Out, Detroit.
- Thanks, Again, to Steve Lare!
- Chinese Pet Treats Linked to 900 Dog Deaths, Illnesses
- Hey,
- Needed: Large, detailed photos of the underside of a Hallicrafters SX-25
- Google,,, (or whatever)
- Latest Liberty Net via WB4AIO
- Give the Brother a Break
- Interesting Transmission
- Google,,, Barcelona SCYTL
- E-QSL response from Lao National Radio
- Chicago cop's new weapon
- Chicago and The Battle Of New Orleans.
- Palmdale Case re: Ham Radio. The Truth
- La Chica on the air
- Google,,, Trail of Honor May 2012 Jackson Mississippi
- Google,,, Mississippi Bird Houses
- Latest Liberty Net via WB4AIO
- DX-Antwerp 30th Anniversary Broadcasts?
- Tree Rats (damn squirrels)
- Anti Wallpaper lets cellular and radio through.
- Newspaper Article re: SWL (from Telemon's old stompin grounds)
- WPON (pirate)
- Google,,, Fisker cars famous for fires
- The Strange Death Of A Woman Who Filrd Rape Suit Against George W. Bush.
- Re: Wooo,,, Ahh am tared.
- Top News
- Dutch Radio: The Last Show
- It's ****in rain (that married Irish woman wayyyyy over yonder acrossthe big pond says, ****in rain)
- BBC Thailand relay on 15 MHz
- Re: Florida
- Jessie 'Highjack em' Jackson is in town.
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- Even Chicken Fornicator knows ..
- Yeah cuzz,
- Kentucky Derby 2012
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Latest Liberty Net via WB4AIO
- Canadian Press tells us what really happened in Cartagena zen haven dk
- Pirate - 15880
- Supermoon.
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- Some old tyme nostalgy.....
- Re: How Can we Prove There is a God?
- Guillotine shipment unloaded at Port of Long Beach. Google it.
- A pit bull is Delicious!
- AFN OTA Television is no more
- Kentucky Derby.
- Sound of Hope
- 16.100Mhz followup
- The U.S. once dropped an Atomic Bomb on a South Carolina town
- Top News
- Who always wins in the end?
- 16.100Mhz 1000z-1200z
- 16.100Mhz 1000z-1200z
- BDXC - Africa on Shortwave Updated
- Man sues BMW ,,, Drudge Report.
- help for house-bound
- Family Radio on 6925 AM (pirate)
- Los Angeles County Coroner Dies.
- In just 8 minutes . . . .
- Hot band for today seemed to be 17 meters (amateur radio)
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