View Full Version : Shortwave
- Army recruiting office expanding its net (literally)
- Licolnshire Poacher heard @ 18:30 UTC
- Radio Revolution, the DRM way
- Watkins-Johnson
- Pirate 6925 usb
- WHYP 6925
- 203 English-language HF Broadcasts audible in NE US (27-NOV-04)
- Jailtime / sales tax / currency exchanges
- Nat'l. Day Prayer & Fasting
- FS: BK Precision Transistor Tester Model 520B
- Keep an open mind.
- FA: Sony SW100
- Cool Antenna
- 3320 khz ?
- 3320 khz ?
- Chemtrails
- N. Korea...correction
- Voice of Korea
- Kol Israel - shortwave broadcasting is due to cease on December 31, 2004
- Re: Need Source of European tubes..
- WHYP 6925
- Etón E10 or E 100
- Belgium - please write to save the English transmissions...
- Radio Finland on shortwave
- Wales Radio International
- Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel
- 2004 Top 10 Gift Ideas
- Wanted Dead or alive Communications receiver,s and radio equipment
- Ham Radio Deluxe v3.1 released!
- Ham Radio Deluxe v3.1b released!
- Best radio for talk radio (semi-OT -- AM/FM question)
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- MW Antenna Tower Calendar
- Too late for DRM on shortwave?
- Re: Interracial Rape Statistics
- IBB wants contractor to help develop Radio/TV Martí
- VOA adds additional Ukrainian programmes during crisis
- China Radio International adds new transmissions via Albania
- Propagation report
- HE3RSI Switzerland
- Reply regarding concern at closure of RVi English programmes
- (AFN) AFRTS Puerto Rico
- WTB: Select-A-Tenna
- 3 days to Stair's trial ?
- Re: Dan Blather sets his giant ego aside, finally announces resignation!
- Change your Fortune with Genuine Feng-Shui items
- 5890 khz coming in well
- A new manual is available
- Re: OT United States invented by heretics
- Shortwave radio Logs from Southern California-HB
- Degen 1103 EBAY website question
- Sony 2010 loses memory, resets itself
- Looking for a program....
- Diego Garcia !!!!!
- OT Not all Republicans have drunk the Kool Aid
- Behrenger Audio Mixer birdies
- Creative TravelSound personal speakers (models & birdies)
- Is This Still a Dipole?
- Noise Canceling Headphones
- Need battery connector for FRG 7
- Things I am thankful for on this day, and every day
- Revolution in Ukraine?
- The Village Idiot Contest: Mike Terry or Al Patrick?
- Re: "The Inevitable Death of Mike Terry"
- Happy Thanksgiving to American friends
- "Kiwi 940" heads to Antarctica...
- WARNING Passport on Liypn's AC converter
- FCC nails NJ FM pirate
- FOR SALE: GRUNDIG SATELLIT 800 / Eavesdropper "SLOPER" SW Antenna/Kaito KA105
- need a yb400 for parts
- 197 English-language HF Broadcasts audible in NE US (23-NOV-04)
- Diego Garcia 13254
- Propagation
- Meters on PRIVATE WELLS !
- Fearless Radio || Internet Radio || No FCC, No Apologies
- Re: OT The real enemy is us
- OT Bush comrade complicit in massive voter fraud
- Doctors help ? ? ? / natural treatments
- For Sale on ebay ICOM IC-R7000
- What country?
- Shortwave Radio
- I'm worried about dxAce
- I'm worried about Tad
- HF reception problems solved (for the most part)
- auction ratings don't matter
- Re: "The Inevitable Death of Ham Radio"
- Re: 9710852385096381
- 190 English-language HF Broadcasts audible in NE US (21-NOV-04)
- two fools in action
- shortwave newsgroup archeology
- Re: 0023097704703739
- Drake R-8 Speaker
- RTV GUINEENNE, Conakry, Guinea
- 6010.1 KHz Unid (Brazil/Colombia)
- PROOF THAT LIBERALS ARE SIMPLE MINDED MORONS ==> Pictures from Fallujah You Won't See on TV
- How many Americans own a SW radio?
- Still having HF reception problems (Nov. 22)
- Looks like a good deal for a beginner portable.
- Recommendations Kaito KA1102
- ILGradio - anyone know when a winter schedule emerging?
- For Sale ICOM IC-R7000 communications receiver HF/VHF/UHF
- NASWA Journal
- Re: FORCED MENTAL HEALTH SCREENING for Children now has passed!
- KFAQ 1170 Tulsa in Central Ohio at noon?
- Ham radio operators struggle to stay on the air
- TV, ADD, Spellcasting, Etc.
- 7190 kHz?
- Antarctica-Amateur radio
- Worcester Labs "Space Magnet" SM-2 Ferrite Loop Antenna
- DIY - Anyone built one of these - KIT : Deluxe Receiver HF Multicontroller (Multicoupler) Kit
- New Kennedy assassination audio!
- "Easy" European DRM Catch For North America
- quote from radio mart in current auction
- radio-mart
- SCGuard your SHOUTcast server
- Re: Shortwave Radio Listening Logs from Southern California
- I'm addicted to Shortwave
- Seeking Comments from Icom PCR1000 Users
- FS: Panasonic RF-2600 !!
- Re: It Can't Happen Here (Gimme an ''f'')
- 178 English-language HF Broadcasts audible in NE US
- FA:TenTec 1254
- Radio Plus+ Info
- 6925 active
- PC-based receivers any good?
- npr spy station story
- Realistic DX100
- Has shortwave got a future?
- Listening North of the Border - Radio Canada (CBC) and Radio Canada International (RCI)
- fantastic antenna distribution system for shortwave receivers !
- Peters on 9.985 now
- Radio Related Conspiracy Question
- HeartLand & Grundig YB-400
- RFI Source?
- 110/220 adapter
- Re: Recent Tropical Band Loggings and Receiver Comments
- FS dx398 and dx392 mfj 956
- FA - McKay Dymek DA5 Antenna.....
- 5.085 / Genetics of the Jews
- Best SW stations for news?
- longwave station
- How many Americans own a SW radio?
- Pirate 6920mhz AM
- North Korean Radio Receiver
- Radio Australia 17715, 17795, 21740 and New Zealand 17675
- Kaito KA-208 opinions
- Europirate on 6220
- The Final Ride
- Pirate 6925
- Vertical help WTD
- Dipole advise WTD
- Re: Bush to blue states: Deal with your OWN nuclear waste.
- 15650 Voice Of Greece 1326 UTC??
- Voice of Korea broadcasting schedule
- I can teach anyone how to get what they want out of life.
- Propagation
- test
- BPL News from Australia
- Recommendations for antenna for sony ICF 7600GR
- Eton FR250?
- Keith's RACAL page
- Best SW receiver... After....
- Hot HF condx tonight (Fri 11/19)
- Sony ICF-SW7600GR
- Radio Serbia-Montenegro
- New wave in radio technology
- Pirate WHYP 6925
- Shaken Baby Syndrome - Kill baby / blame parents
- Help And Advice with ICOM IC-R7000 Faulty
- "Girls charged over sickening cake" - CNN article
- 10 days to Stair trial
- 13 y.o. "terrorists"
- Diego Garcia 13254
- PRIVATE??? and U.S. FUNDED??? huh?
- Re: DJ Peel's final radio show (more details)
- Sony 2010 NIB $691?
- BBC missing on some frequencies
- which premium radio?
- Re: (OT) M. Terry, J.DXER & assorted humorless liberals - DO NOTREAD THIS!!! **OFF-TOPIC**
- OT - eBay auction
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-HB
- R-71
- DJ Peel's final radio show to air tomorrow (friday)
- Operation Enduring Freedom - Aftermath
- BBC WS Blooper
- VL8A Alice Springs
- Diego Garcia 13254
- Media Network
- Expanding US broadcasts worldwide
- What is this receiver worth
- How to access the usenet with my radio ? ? ?
- Antenna
- is shortwave radio good for my situation
- Could our hobby be illegal? (secretely)
- WW2 Radio Codes item
- Re: Russia deploying anti-terror nuke missles
- Re: Russia deploying anti-terror nuke missles
- RS DX399 - Perfect time!
- Re: 2305760099610739
- Panasonic RF-5000 (need AC adapter)
- What Is The Best Receiver Made?
- Kol Israel
- Re: Pictures from Fallujah You Won't See on TV
- Re: 6857911515254185
- Re: Bush Most Loved President of All Time
- Diego Garcia 13254
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- FA - McKay Dymek AM5 Tuner, rare & mint....... AM-BCB-DX
- Where to get Sony SW-1S capacitor problem fixed
- It's Mother-Mary on Cheese Toast! (ot but funny!)
- Radio Cairo Egypt on 7260
- RadioYourWay 1-week power pack
- Scan320DB Error
- Pirate 6925
- Numbers In Spanish 7890
- Top News
- DRM Steering Board proposes extension of system
- HFCC B04 Data
- Re: RHF Displays His Card-Carrying Member Status in the Rat-Fink Society
- Fineware RLDB program again?
- Help with HF Condition problems
- Diego Garcia 13254
- Geography, as a US middle school subject has not been a school class since the 1980's [nationwide]...
- Like New Drake R8 From Radio Mart
- Pirate Music 3965 2327 UTC??
- Re: The Man (ot)
- Mini Radio Recommendations Needed
- Noise canceller advice
- PING: John Plimmer
- Norwegian shortwave transmitter noted on the air
- Nippon MBR 789 SW Radio
- Diego Garcia 13254
- Where can I buy Sony ICF-7600G in Raleigh-Durham, NC ?
- Radio Repair Needed
- Re: BPL vs MW & LW
- Radio Belgium ending transmissions in English, French, and German
- US BPL Interference : microjamming in essence - just like the USSR used to jam the SW bands; however, entire broadcast band in US is affected! Goal : eleminate all possible SW broadcast listening...
- who are SW listeners?
- Auction ends in 1 hour! 2 Watt FM Stereo Broadcast 88-108 MHz LCDDigital PLL Transmitter
- BPL vs MW & LW
- Kenwood R5000 port setting
- 2010 and LA350
- Wanted
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