View Full Version : Shortwave
- Omega One Radio
- Top News
- Looking for a Sony CRF-1
- Re: What .. no Liberty Net Proclaimation?
- radio thailand website: account suspended!
- Re: New DX and shortwave listener
- Radio Nigeria
- ICOM R9500
- AM IBOC precludes use of selectable sideband tuning
- Zenith B600 power cord and reel
- Re: 14989.55 AM?
- What happened to the K7VO weblog?
- Re: New DX and shortwave listener
- Re: Dylan's autobiography
- New ICOM? IC-R9500
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- Solar Max
- Re: New DX and shortwave listener
- Icom R75 receiver, Signal Strength Meter
- NBC Port Moresby
- Eton E10 - Brenda Ann
- HSK9 Radio Thailand
- 13.855 @ 14:29 UTC
- Voice of Armenia
- Kol Israel
- Daytime IBOC AM DX nugget
- From the space weather folks
- Re: DRM Shortwave Radio - Has It Died !
- Beefed up version of Palstar R30C/CC?
- Favorite shortwave personality
- strong echo on Voice of Croatia
- This ain't your grandfather's freebanding!
- I need help making a choice (re-post)
- Comparison
- Re: cease and desist
- O.K. People heres my request for a good receiver
- odd FAQ page on Kaito website
- O.K. People heres my request for a good receiver
- O.K. People heres my request for a good receiver
- Dumb question . . . I guess.
- Re: Satellite Radio Facing Bankruptcy?
- Re: El-Cheapo hamfest bum tries the Dell lottery
- Satellite Radio Facing Bankruptcy?
- Wireless: New life for satellite phones worldwide
- Dipole Antenna Question
- News!! Speedy Online Log
- Re: Redsun RP2100
- Comms on 2182 khz
- Re:
- Re: Redsun RP2100
- Re: N9OGL: Exceeding the Part 15 EM limitation for fun and profit
- Re: El-Cheapo hamfest bum tries the Dell lottery
- Re: DRM radio from panasonic
- Re: El-Cheapo hamfest bum tries the Dell lottery
- Maritime Net On 14.3 MHz: Mode ?
- MediaLine Radio: Current edition (12 August - 25 August 2006)
- US Scheme Could Affect Global Communications
- Gerd Niephaus Radio GNPDB database help needed on install
- The DE108 pocket SW radio
- Recording the back of my scanner ... weird voices
- Need link to AM station list again.
- Re: Google spewers enter their final days
- Anyone interested in a Vintage Hollibactor?
- FA: Sangean ATS-803a Portable
- Re: Radio Sultanate of Oman
- Re: Google spewers enter their final days
- Panasonic rf2800 replacement
- R.L.Drake Company
- Any "RAC" members here?
- updates to my web site
- Clandestine-Radio Free Southern Cameroons
- (AIR) Special broadcasts on 15 August 2006, India's Independence Day
- Re: What Happened To Grundig ? - Grundig To The Max !
- Re: What Happened to Grundig?
- Where"s the great Libe Net??
- Voice of Guyana
- eBay terminology question
- Tecsun DR-920 stinks at FM
- GE Super Radio III Tuner Re-Thread?
- Just 1 week, shortwave enthusiasts ..
- Echo Charlie frequency information
- Clandestine-Voice of Biafra International
- To Brenda Re: ETON E-10
- Almost Time For ..
- BBC-Vietnam
- Top News
- Re: What Happened to Grundig?
- British Virgin Islands
- Kol Israel
- Diode snuber
- Re: What Happened to Grundig?
- OT Mother of Satan
- Re: What Happened to Grundig?
- Re: The True Lengths of Slinky and Slinky Jr. Revealed
- help for schematic
- Re: What Happened to Grundig?
- F.A. Mizuho Active HF Preselector
- FA: Degen-DE-1103 very nice
- ts2000
- Is there a high end SW radio from China coming ????
- The Moyabi Story-Africa #1
- Re: Recommendation (new radio, return, Sony vs. Kaito, etc.)
- Re: David Edurado's Laughable Statement - Caught Again
- Conclusive proof Qana was cynically staged
- Wanted: Drake R-4245 or R-77
- I am impressed with my CondoBuster antenna
- McKay Dymek DA100
- Two way radios
- Re: The question was, What portable has the best ssb?
- Transmitting SW antenna question - pls help
- Loop Antennas / minijack works-clips don't / impedence??
- Yosemite Sam??
- FS: Drake R8
- FS Radio Shack AM Loop Antenna
- What frequency can I listen to amateur radio?
- Countdown to Huntsville
- Adding an SO-239 to an SX-100 Mark1
- Grundig YB-500 FS
- Re: Iran's Aug 22 Target: Israel's Nuclear Reactor
- Maybe Democrats will finally figure out it's supply and demand.
- Radio Shack Loop
- Reuters-Hezbollah Propaganda War
- F.S. AOR AR8200 MkII
- Re: MT Shortwave Central - The Monitoring Times Shortwave Radio Broadcast "BLOG"
- newbie ask for recommendation
- *FREE* Tours of the VOICE of AMERICA Headquarters in Washington,DC
- Drake R8B FS
- any thoughts on recording stuff off HF
- Valves and Tubes
- Radio Pakistan
- The Reverend Ike . . .
- Grundig RP 5200
- Re: Radio New Zealand
- HCJB: Grant James
- Freq's For Iran and N. Korea In English ?
- How to open a Sony ICF sw-40 ?
- Sony ICF-6800W
- FS: Realistic 12-668 AM/FM portable
- STATION IS ON 13.556.00 MHz. LSB
- for sale and trade radio items
- Maryland-DC QSO Party - Aug 12 & 13
- My Degen/Kaito 1102 SSB Mod
- Cuban Hams Off Air?
- Re: Recommendation (new radio, return, Sony vs. Kaito, etc.)
- Re: Kaito KA33 Active Loop Antenna for both Shortwave and Medium Wave
- The Right Perspective - Tonight 10PM EST
- Re: FA: (2) MATCHED OPT'S- $10- TUBE AMP
- Re: Kaito KA33 Active Loop Antenna for both Shortwave and Medium Wave
- Propagation
- My new HD Radio
- Re: Protest Wars
- Larry Elder Talk Radio Host - The Sage from South Central {KABC 790 AM Radio}
- Hello, I am a noob and need help
- FCC Marks BPL Golden!!!
- WTB:WTB: power transformer
- music shows on shortwave
- Saving the VOA English Service
- Hal Turner is more interesting than the shortwave dead zone
- Any recommendations for a sw radio with good sound for outside use?
- Hurricane Watch Net
- Re: Women Have No Souls according to Syrian President
- RX-340 DSP Serial Output
- WRTH Summer Update
- Any shortwaves with remote control?
- Hurricane Monitoring
- BBC World Service Radio Schedule
- Re: Heard on BBC
- RAE Argentina
- Chuck Harder Returns
- Why tap DRM off IF instead of audio out?
- Radio Damascus
- Recent 'new' Grundig Sat 700, any good tests to check it out?
- Re: Radio Broadcasting History - Birthdays and Events
- Re: Recommendation (new radio, return, Sony vs. Kaito, etc.)
- Tuning SSB on Kaito/Degen 1103
- the new 1106
- Solar Wind and Global Warming
- Inospheric information
- TS Chris aims for Florida
- What's the Mexican Music station on 1160 in Los Angeles?
- iBiquity Digital's Make-or-Break Point Approaches !
- This Month's Top Five RRS Posters
- My new HF antenna
- most impressive looking shortwave portable
- WDCB Radio history information
- Castro Dying?
- Worth buying new receiver???
- Re: Heard on BBC
- What portable has best SSB?
- Hammarlund HQ-180
- BBCWS Adds/Changes Frequencies To Caribbean
- The RF notch filter Dallas Lankford uses
- Another Dallas Lankford article on synch detectors
- Hi there
- SWL Guide for Pocket PC, Palm, etc
- FS: JRC NRD-525 with extras
- iBiquity's Financial Mayhem !
- Redsun RP2100 Review by Jay Allen
- Handy -- and FREE -- audio recording software
- News From Burr
- AIR Latest Changes
- Border Blasters and Outlaw Broadcasters -by- PRI & KUT
- Radio Australia
- end fed antenna reccomendations
- another buying guide
- Spare horsewhip?
- Re: FS: Drake R8
- Re: Radio New Zealand
- Re: Radio New Zealand
- Miniccradio Up In Smoke
- Re: Eton E-10 Up In Smoke
- It's time again for the Great Liberty Net !
- Ten Tec RX-350D discontinued
- broadcast automation software
- Deutsche Telekom/Gambelli Qualify in FCC auction
- BPL Test in Austin TX
- Re: Lindsay of Radio Reference has found another way to rip off his members
- Re: 3185 jammin!!
- RF-2200 on ebay up to $405
- More IBOC Crap
- Active antennas
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- Re: Recommendation (new radio, return, Sony vs. Kaito, etc.)
- Like New s530 High Performance Field Radio
- Geomagnetic Minor Storm to continue (28 July 2006)
- Re: Iran's War - Aug. 22
- FM Format change in Fresno...
- Sony shortwave repair, and reception question--
- ARRL Maryland State Convention this Saturday, July 29, in Hagerstown,MD.
- Stealth Handgrenade
- FS Grundig YB-400PE
- Re: Comparison of E1 with R75 for MW DX
- HD/IBOC article by Mark Ramsey
- Re: more wismen trash
- SW7600G Power Question
- Universal radio shipping rates
- VCR sound quality for taping radio broacasts?
- Reverse Station Lookup
- Re: Recommendation (new radio, return, Sony vs. Kaito, etc.)
- Radio Australia problems(?) 8:00-16:00 UTC Wednesday
- Interesting article on fading distortion
- Ping: wavetrapper
- Re: Recommendation (new radio, return, Sony vs. Kaito, etc.)
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