View Full Version : Shortwave
- ( OT) Sarah Palin
- Top News
- How Ibiquity ripped me off
- Marxist-Leninists Come Out for Obama
- Re: Retailers giving up on HD Radio
- Re: Retailers giving up on HD Radio
- Palin speaking at her Pentacostal Church June 2008
- SPECIAL: Georgia Stepping Stone to Iran
- Re: Radio St. Helena Day 08.
- Hurricanes bring good DX
- Re: Every Palin Is Pregnant With Everything!
- Palin = Wacko!!!!!!!!!
- You Smell ObaMao Tse DUNG!
- Dr.DaviD - PhD, KNOCKED UP!
- (OT) Guitarist, Singer Jerry Reed dies at 71.
- (OT) : DNC Manufactered Lies and Obama Attacks on Sarah Palin'sPregnant Daughter Bristol
- Are Libertarians "Anarchists"?
- (OT) Cuhulin
- (OT) Nikola Tesla.The Forgotten Wizard.
- (OT) Tape Recording Bonanza
- ( OT) The Gun Toting Winner of an Eskimo Beauty Pageant
- Re: I smell a Scandal !
- Taiwan Jammed
- Dxace
- Re: I smell a Scandal !
- Re: internet detektiv in Ludwigshafen surf detektiv detekteiregensburg serie privatdetektiv www detektiv de
- Start of Ramadan
- John McCain is Ruining Sarah Palins Life
- Hurricane Hanna # Category 1
- Hurricane Gustav from Mississippi perpective
- “Uncle” Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright returns
- Sunspot anomaly (no solar puns, please)
- Listen Live WWL NOLA
- New Motion Picture: HYPE The Obama Effect
- Hurricane hunter freqs?
- Hurricane Gustav ** Category 2
- Latin American SW Logs Page Updated
- (OT) Re: What American Han [has] Never Used A Vise-Grip?
- OT UL/CSA counterfeit safety stickers
- OT---The Statistics (and my shame)
- Need help explaining sound problem again.
- No Subject
- Hurricane Gustav * Category 3
- Re: (OT) Re: McCain Should Have Done His Home Work
- SPECIAL: USA founded by liberals
- Hurricane Gustav - Category 3
- Are your filters okay?
- (OT) When is the last day of Summer?
- First Look at McCain - Palin's America
- Re: (OT) : Obama Should Have Done His 'Hillary' Work
- Palin is in the middle of a scandal.....imagine that!
- Hurricane Gustav - Category 3
- What Happened To The Liberty Net?
- FLASH - ObaMao Diaganosed with Terminal Disease
- ObaMao and McCain
- MW Listening Opportunities
- Hurricane Gustav = Category 5
- Hurricane Gustav = Category 4
- (OT) sorry, my mistake.
- Red Winds of Change
- McCain Should Have Done His Home Work
- (OT) for Col., man shortage?
- (OT) Ouch! = Hurricane Gustav
- Anybody DXing
- Andrews EAM
- ObaMao; The Manchurian Candidate
- Hilights of O'Bamas Speech
- Re: (OT) : "The AnointedOne" [BHO] parts-the-waters and Saves New ...
- (OT) MII up in the sky...
- Palin praises Obama's energy plan!!!!!
- (OT) Alaska?
- Re: (OT) Re: Wow !
- Re: Wow !
- RNC may delay the start of their convention
- navtex on 518kHz.
- Top News
- OT Chinese 'QUALITY'
- Labor Day Party for Radio Aficionados
- U.S.Marine Executes 4 Handcuffed Iraqi Civilians
- FA: Panasonic RF-2200 - Very Nice!
- FA: Panasonic RF-2200 - Very Nice
- The very best radio's
- Re: (OT) Obama campaign confronts WGN radio.
- RF A/B Switches - where to get them
- SPECIAL: Arctic Ice Melt Speeding Up
- Colorado, etc., Pigs and Freedom of the Press
- V O Russia
- I Think, they are jamming
- Guess What I Got
- extreme orgasm erotic mind control dirty little secret lyrics
- girls showing of their thongs girls kissing in school girl uncensored
- animal mating clips 2 pac ghetto gospel young girls masturbation
- dogs licking pussy cell phone jammer cartoon futurama
- bubba is back!
- Atrocities Against Civilians: An American Tradition
- Russia Bitch Slaps U.S. Navy *LMAO*!!!
- Vertical or Longwire
- (OT) N'Awlins.
- ( OT) McCain Owes America an Alzheimers test
- ( OT) McCain in a Landslide !
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- Uh Oh . . Hurricane Gustav
- (OT) Alex Jones Goes Batsh't Crazy - Attacks Michelle Malkin.
- RF troubles
- ( OT) Mikes Election Guide
- Re: Tom Kneitel passes away!
- (OT) Hurricane Gustav - HWN Activation Plans
- OT STILL Winning Hearts and Minds.
- Re: Tom Kneitel passes away!
- Have a peek at NIMbusters ham board at all the USENET KOOKS !!
- radio shack magazine
- (OT) Tropical Storm Gustav
- Re: Mounting an Antron 99 in a tricky spot. HELP!
- I stayed up all night again drooling over KB9RQZ on the Usenet newsgroups
- Bedat No. 3 Diamond Steel Ladies Watch 314.011.109
- Skagen Crystals Ladies Watch 558SSL04
- Audemars Piguet Promesse Diamond 18kt Yellow Gold Mini Ladies Watch67361BA.ZZ.1180BA.03
- DRM converter software
- DRM converter software
- SPECIAL: Steve and Roy...WAKE UP!!!
- short wave radio buyers guide books
- AM-loop versus whip antennas
- TOM KNEITEL - SK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- Kaito KA-2100 upgrade
- mII on Youtube
- Steve Lare speaks German!
- SPECIAL: Haunted by Spirits
- Second Best Music Station in the Entire Physical Universe
- (OT) Biden?
- Re: (OT) Is It Bayh?
- Re: (OT) Is It Bayh?
- Re: (OT) Is It Bayh?
- Re: (OT) Is It Bayh?
- Vote for Willard Scott for President in '08
- Tropical Storm Fay
- lets watch for
- Utility freq list.
- Top News
- Anybody consider an Elecraft K3 for SWL?
- 21 August 1968 - Radio Prague
- More Chine Music Jammer
- Reach 200? Calling Mainsail
- Re: Does Hilary have a hairs chance at VP
- Radio Espania 6.055 at 00:00 UTC
- (OT) McCain in a LandSlide
- Plane Crash
- HD Radio Simulated Test Drive
- Hurricane Fay?
- Re:zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
- Second Geenration III HD chip certified and shipping soon.
- R8B is sold
- Checked into the new Coby HD radio - NOT THERE!
- (OT) Jeff Rense.
- Private Seller Offers Exquisite SWL Receiver
- Tropical Storm Fay
- AFN - Florida Keys
- Latin American SW Logs Page Updated
- eBay: BC-655 GE Superadio misc
- Big Announcement! SiPort All-In-One hybrid digital Chip - oh boy!
- EARN MONEY $1500-$5000 PER MONTH
- Active Antennas
- RE: Grundit 800 Serial number .. s8206022508
- SPECIAL: I like Pat Buchannan (sometimes)
- 12.133.5 Mhz USB
- Tropical Storm Fay
- HQ-129 $150
- FA: Kenwood R820 **MINT!!**
- Weekend Logs, pt.3
- Tropical Storm Fay
- Grundig 750 ..First reviews coming in.
- OT Interview
- Weekend Logs, pt 2
- Hurricane Watch Net - Activation Plans
- Earn $500 To $1000 Daily Working From Home.
- Tripple One Upper
- FS TARGET HF-3M 0 to 30MHZ receiver
- Re: WBCQ
- update
- ANTIQUE RADIOS-lot #2-Philco-Olympic-Silvertone-RCAVictor-Majestic-Wards Airline-Admiral-Automatic Radio-Muntz-Carron-GE-more
- A great source of radio interference
- Weekend Logs, part 1
- OT URL checker for suspicious sites.
- The Democratic Party Commits Suicide . ..
- FS MFJ and INFO-Tech equipment
- (OT) Tropical storm Fay forms.
- Russian Black Fleet Active Off Georgia Coast
- (OT) ebay item of the year.
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- Re: Hickham AFB
- What's an R8B worth?
- The Four Years of President John McCain
- OT The enlightened 21st Century + McCain
- 75 Ohms - It's Not Just For TV Anymore
- Basic Antenna Question
- More Chine Music Jammer
- Re: Dody Cowan WBCQ Interview on Radio New York International
- LOT #2 old antique radios for sale-Majestic-WardsAirline-Philco-Silvertone-more
- u just click to get more dollars
- Top News
- "Niles HD radio issues"
- Par Electronics EF-SWL Antenna
- Some Aug 12 Logs
- AIR - Independence Day special broadcasts
- 300 khz sideband for 8VSB seems reasonable...
- Shortwave Schedule on line
- ( OT ) Bush or Batman
- OT Bush promises help for Georgia!
- VOA 17.530
- That you Mike II
- R.I.P. Isaac Hayes
- ( OT) Republican Family Values
- John, MW DX on your RP-2100?
- (OT) Radio Station Robberies
- $40 entry level Halli $163 on ebay
- 4775 KHz
- More Chine Music Jammer
- Heard from China
- August 9, 1945
- FHA Federal Housing Loan
- Some Far East Logs for Burr
- Re: Dody Cowan WBCQ Interview on Radio New York International
- Re: What gives with DRM on SW?
- (OT) John Edwards
- Sunbeams on Our Faith
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- M II, Mike ?
- RFA Politics
- Popping audio when tuning G4000A
- Receiver News: Grundig Satellit 750
- Top News
- EARN MONEY $1500-$5000 PER MONTH
- Sky King etc.
- Expand the FM Radio Band -by- Moving AM's to Old TV Channels 5 & 6 !
- Move Am's to channels 5&6?
- Ardic DX Club (India) - Dxers Guide July - September 2008
- SPECIAL: Seven in ten Germans speak English
- MAURITANIA - Coup in progress
- BDXC Articles on Offshore Radio
- Sony ICF-6800W Repair
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