View Full Version : Shortwave
- 6950 pirate "Grasscutter Radio"
- 6950 pirate "Sunshine Radio"
- 6950.25 pirate "Sunshine Radio"
- Colorado Springs SW/DX group
- good ssb radio
- I first heard of Saddam's capture on:
- Diego Tower
- Re: Be Careful What you Say on The Air Girls
- Sangean ATS-909 Radio Up For Auction on Ebay Now
- Re: Shortwave preacher loons backpeddle ??
- WMPR 6955
- Saddms rcv = grunDIG w/ LOWERSIDEband
- Re: WEDDING BELLS for TINKERBELL in JUNE. Meet Stacey my Signifigant Other
- Superadio II/III FM question for the experts
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern Calyfornia
- Drake R-7A Raffle
- Saddam had a shortwave receiver with him
- Queens's Christmas Message-BBC
- FA: aor 8200 computer control cable and butel software
- FA: AOR AR8600
- BPL discussed on Art Bell show now!
- AOR 8200MK2 For Auction
- Winter's here - Euro LW stations audible (barely) in NE US
- Is Radio Prague Operating At Reduced Power?
- Voice of Captain Ron 6950 USB
- Another pirate-6955
- Radio Free Speech 6950
- Pirate 6950
- I wonder if Trent Lott is busy trying to cover his tracks?
- Lynch The Monkey ....
- Icom R71 MW pre-amp enable modifiaction problem
- Icom R-71A info wanted
- DX test
- Where To Buy Icom R75?
- Saddam the Hamfest Bum?
- Shortwave QSL of Australia
- They captured Saddam!
- FA: Clearing old Ham,PopCom,73 Amateur Mags(Yahoo Auctions)
- Freeplay [Radio] Foundation Ambassador : Tom Hanks
- [[[[[ IT'S ALMOST TIME FOR ]]]]]
- Bah Humbug
- Almost time for..........
- Sony 2010 life expectancy??
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern Calyfornia
- Poor Reception Condition??
- Re: Here is My Resume. Who Am I?
- Pirate on 6950 12/13
- GE Superadio III earphone difficulty - and what is OHM rating
- Re: Here is My Resume. Who Am I?
- VR-5000 group
- Voice of Indonesia
- Re: Here is My Resume. Who Am I?
- SW pirates group is getting bigger and bigger
- bsr turntable
- Sangean WR-1 Table Radio
- Test - do not reply
- Icom R75 or Sony SW77?
- News from STUDIO DX
- Re: A Xmas Wish for WBCQ
- I have a radio in my brain
- Re: (ANOTHER...) XMAS wish for WBCQ
- Yahoo groups
- Newbie: question about old shortwave converter schematics
- Can you have too many radios?
- Kaiwa
- a warning from the CAPTAIN
- Re: I Feel Pretty
- Re: FS: Sony 7600G + RS MW Loop Antenna (Reduced)
- Re: Help Support the Atlanta Gay Men's Chorus
- FT, CC Radio
- DX tests Summary
- Meme from Santa
- capacitors for Hallicrafters S-38,a,b,c,d,e and Zenith T/O
- Shortwave for my car???
- Pda database files of different frequencys
- Re: Any other GAY Amateurs out there?
- Re: Everyone PLEASE JOIN The Rainbow Amateur Radio Association
- Re: Any other GAY Amateurs out there?
- Looking for antenna info
- Re: I Feel Pretty -- please stop this nonsense!
- Re: Want a Scanner, Help me !!
- eBay Item# 3063428776 Anything Special?
- Why You Don't Like The ARRL
- More Wierdness From Alex Jones..
- Failed radio racist Hal Turdner still begging...
- MW Receiver
- WWCR Brother Stair 5770 12AM report
- kaito KA1102 pros and cons
- 3955 khz
- WWCR 5770 KHZ reception report
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- The double standards on this newsgroup and on NIM Busters
- The CBC and Sirius
- Yaesu FT-897
- Re: Call Me Tinkerbell from now on mates
- Re: Call Me Tinkerbell from now on mates
- dx-394 with kiwa filter
- Prophet Stair now on WWCR 5770KHZ!
- Re: Everyone PLEASE JOIN The Rainbow Amateur Radio Association
- Shortwave Radio Logs from SAouthern California
- Shortwave Militialoon kills 2 cops in SC
- Re: Any other GAY Amateurs out there? <- TROLL, Ignore
- WRTH 2004 now out
- JRC NRD-535 - How good is this receiver?
- Has anybody?
- Harvest Radio
- DX302 vs DX300
- Re: Any other GAY Amateurs out there?
- Sangean WR-1?
- Sony-2010 preventative maintenance?
- RN Industrial Action Affects RA
- FS Grundig Satellit 800
- RA Previews #628. 10-12 Dec '03
- BBC Caribbean Report
- Re: Here's another you'll enjoy. My Favorite... < TROLL, Ignore
- Re: Tower Raising Tonight < TROLL, IGNORE
- Sony CRF 320
- Re: Everyone PLEASE JOIN The Rainbow Amateur Radio Association
- Antenna cable loss query
- Re: Want a Scanner, Help me !!
- Congo 9610
- Radio Canada International relayed from RNZI Rangataki? Would you like to see it done?
- Good reading and newbie
- Re: Crackdown on radio owners & users
- Where's Radio Netherlands
- Antenna Learning
- Ramones on 5.975
- Advice on selling Sangean ATS818cs
- Re: Crackdown on radio owners & users
- Re: Crackdown on radio owners & users
- Undercover Radio QSL
- What's the cleanest way to run cable through vinyl siding?
- Sony CRF-150 Steal
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern Californi!
- Whaziz?
- 1620khz WDHP US Virgin Islands LOUD !!
- WBCQ off the air Sunday night?
- RA Previews #627. 8-12 Dec '03
- Re: Asshole Cop
- Re: Asshole Cop
- Unblocked Scanner, DX-398 For Sale $400.00(CHICAGO)
- Pirate-6950
- Re: Asshole Cop
- SX-88-Update
- FA: Yaesu VR-5000 Communications Receiver: Excellent Condition
- FA Globe Patrol Regen Shortwave
- Swiss shortwave reception in Southern Ontario
- test2 - do not reply
- test - do not reply
- receivers
- Radio Netherlands denies misusing public money
- Well
- ACLU Upset at Marines
- ARRL interest in tower restrictions
- Shortwave Antenna
- Re: Type "miserable failure" at a Google search and see what the first hit is... LMFAO
- Liberty Net question for west coaster
- Liberty Net on 9347.5?
- Re: Type "miserable failure" at a Google search and see what the first hit is... LMFAO
- Re: Type "miserable failure" at a Google search and see what the first hit is... LMFAO
- UNBLOCKED Scanner for sale (Chicago Area)
- Let It Snow
- Cheap Antenna "towers." (water pipes)
- 6.160
- Can't wait till ..
- QSL received from Undercover Radio (Pirate)
- FS: DX 398
- Question on Tecsun BCL-2000 SW Radio?
- (OT) Good Weather Info Site
- Channel Africa
- Re: No!!! Re: Do Hams get 11 Meters Back
- Radio Mocambique
- WANTED: Article "HOTRODDING THE RADIO SHACK 12-625 - Ray Cole"
- Apologies for this being off-topic. But this has always been a killer group for info.
- longwire aerial?
- 7.200Mhz
- Israeli Radio on in N America ?
- Recommended headphones for DX-394
- Question on Tecsun BCL-2000 SW Radio?
- Matching transformer question.
- Pirate on 6925
- Shortwave Programming
- Radio Free Speech 6950
- w/t/b/ motorola HT1000 Radios
- Cheap Rxr with 12 kHz IF
- Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) Report 1373 - December 5, 2003
- older short wave radios
- RE: SX-88
- Dan Grunberg's SHORTWAVE RADIO WebPages:
- Looking for good starter radio
- Broadcast on 9.590
- Radio Ethiopia 9560.9
- Rugby Radio Station
- Grundig Corp question
- Dr. Len on Coast to Coast Now!
- Austrian shortwave launches new site...
- 5850
- Radio Vatican on 7305?
- WTB Broken Kenwood R-2000
- 7270
- Radio Free Speech 6950
- Recording on shortwave
- Hip hop on 9645.
- Pirate on 6925
- Hateful words are now "war Crimes".
- Kaito WRX-911 quality control issues?
- AM/FM PC Radio
- FS: Sangean SG-622
- MW Receiver
- Lowe HF225E options.
- Snake-in-the-Attic SWL Antenna
- Undercover Radio 6950
- Target HF3m
- SX-88 on Ebay
- FA: Assorted new/old radios old ham mags long list with pic's
- Diego Garcia-Diego Tower
- Shortwave propagation
- Is there a list like this for DXers?
- FS-RS DX-398
- Re: Heads Up! Jessica Lynch Flight
- ILG database Download
- RA Previews #625; 3-5 Dec '03
- Last call: Drake R8A
- Sony FH-818R
- Sangean DT-200V
- FS: Lowe HF-225, great sound, 4 filters and great front end !!!!!
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern Calyfornia
- attention LOWE SRX-30D owners !
- Antenna Questions
- Sony ICF-6500W
- Good night for higher frequencies?
- Serbia
- Have old tubes, need INFO!
- Pirate Activity
- apartment antennas
- RNZI via Sackville (RCI) -- a good idea whose time has come?
- Radio Australia via Sackville (RCI)? Good idea -- or is RA too isolationist for this?
- TV Broadcasting on SW : multi-DRM digital carriers and H.323 might work, 2 freq. minimum however ---
- couple more short wave radio questions
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