View Full Version : Shortwave
- On the roan again
- OT Blackwell Makes It Official (Ohio Voter Fraud That Is)
- Re: 5596600698956697
- 13254 Diego Garcia @14:35UTC
- AIR Srinigar, 3390
- AIR Port Blair on 4765, Dxpedition
- Re: Urinal voted most important art work
- St. Isidore is Patron Saint for Internet. SW too?
- Gabon Log from West Coast USA
- Opportunity Is Knocking
- Your Sing, Africa, ReSpirit the World
- RFI source
- M I I -&- The "Duh Report" from CanaDuh :o)
- Re: Could proximity to SW radios have effect?
- Re: #BUSH PROTECTS FROM TERROR?? What Record Do We Have Of This?
- Two Washington news items. New combat radios?
- Ergo 4 audio
- DXing with Cumbre on WHRI
- Merry X-MAS to all my shortwave friends...!
- Heard on the radio today
- John Batchelor on WABC radio
- [ot] Bush's Cabinet
- Re: OT When Exactly Does Quagmire Begin?
- Propagation
- I have an off topic question
- BBC Cuts : implications that BBC WS money for leasing a more extensive relay network may cease to exist, aka BBCWS money worthless...
- Inquiry regarding external speaker for shortwave
- 0033 hours...4.160 Mhz
- DX-398 modifications
- new question
- Pirate 6955
- Radio Nigeria, Ibadan
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-HB
- Newby question
- World of Radio
- (OT) - Solve The Beal Conjecture and win $100,000
- Re: OT Lesson From a Real Christian Nation (aka M II is bonkers)
- FS: Service manual Plessey PR2250
- what portable would a old timer dxr buy for dxing and shortwave??
- (OT) test - ignore
- "Life Flight"...
- books for sale
- interesting radio-mart purchase
- (OT) - Can America (USofA) Still"BE" America ?
- Air America lands funding, reups Franken
- (OT) WBZ's David Brudnoy
- SW Radio question
- WTB Lowe HF-150
- FS: Radio Shack DX-392
- Re: 7406592377433175
- Pretty good conditions tonight....
- Radio ILucan - PERU on 5678KHz @0230
- FYI - One Day Sale
- New to group, back into SWL after 14 years!! Couple questions..
- Bangkok Meteorological Radio
- Check out page 26 of this Power Point
- Yahoo Shortwave Radios Group
- Bangkok Meteorological Radio
- $15 (regularly $20) SW radio @ Walgreens
- Does This R8 Look New To You?
- FS:Sony ICF-6700W receiver
- Re: 7661543961579096
- 4.070 854est pirate
- December 7th
- Re: Pirate 6925 12/7/2004 23:05 UTC
- Does anyone have an old shortwave that I could have?
- General Queries about powerhouse QSLs - VOA, BBC, etc.
- Want a Satellit 800?
- Want a Satellit 800?
- invention credit
- Radio-Mart MUSEUM !!!!
- Re: OT Lesson From a Real Christian Nation (aka Scalia is bonkers)
- Grundig Yachtboy 400
- BBC To Cut Staff By Six Thousand
- RRS-WU ? New - Google Groups "Beta" Webpages and Posting Process
- FA : TEN-TEC RX-320D DRM PC SW Radio
- ...beep beep beep beeeeeep - Broadcasting Greenwich Time
- Another reason to go back to radio
- Pirate 6925
- Pirate 6955
- RE: ? for the group
- In praise of the Degen /KAITO 1101
- Radio-Mart goes totaly private
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-HB
- FS: Rohde &Schwarz documentation
- OT Wise Words for These Troubled Times
- newbie question
- Re: Totally O.T.: The B.C.S. Is Total B.S. !!!
- good source for cheap custom crystals?
- Noise Reducing Antennas
- Need help ID'ing an antenna multicoupler
- UTC in my Toolbar
- F.A. Radios & misc
- anc 4
- Transmitter/receiver for golf cart
- Ironman Radio Pirate?
- Frozen tuning cap?
- Anyone here in the UK recently bought brand-new Icom IC-R75 (R-75) from the USA?
- Diego Garcia 13254
- RRI Fak Fak
- Re: AM Loop Query
- FA: Drake R8A
- FA: JRC NRD 535D
- Euronet Radio introducing regular Shortwave schedule
- FA: Omnicrom VLR8 recorder
- Re: zorvdtxqmaplfruz
- 6220 Pirate?
- Bhopal - BBC conned = apologises
- OT The President Wants to Poison You On Behalf of His Friends
- test
- Diego Garcia 13254
- Which digital readout receivers always show the carrier frequency no matter what mode?
- Canada customs denying Degen DE1103 import from China?
- Re: OT If you can't make the messenger a hillbilly, kill him.
- Re: OT-Reason why?
- liypn email please?
- What GC SW radio would you by for about $1500
- 3812 LSB: Special Event
- SWM review of Ten Tec RX-340?
- Guinea -- One of the Last Holdouts
- 6005 @ 2:00UTC
- Kaito-208 review
- Just got the Degen 1103
- BIG loop question?
- Mystery Radio 6220
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- "Radio" Movie On Now
- FA:DRAKE SPR-4 SW Receiver MINT w/ Original Manual
- Here Mikey, eat away
- Re: Brazil - Trans World Radio inaugurates new shortwave transmitter
- Brazil - Trans World Radio inaugurates new shortwave transmitter
- appreciate the Lowe receiver line
- Propagation
- Antenna Ground Question
- Kenwood R5000 Filter advice
- Air America to Return to Los Angeles
- If you go out in the woods today
- Rem. Hope / Stair UPDATE
- Diego Garcia 13254
- OT Canadian Protestors Greet Herr Bush
- AOR 5000 Relative To JRC NRD 545 ?
- Re: What happened to Bryant?
- FT: Degen 1103
- One antenna, multiple receivers?
- Re: 2390926732660303
- OT Does Cheney own shares in Dow Chemical?
- radio-mart as "Luke"
- ISO Lowes PR-150 PreSelector
- Stair update
- Can anyone suggest some good stations?
- Which is better?
- Re: OT- Do people like DXACE, and Bush Intend To Dominate The WholeWorld By Force and destroy the non-white world? I say yes indeedy! Theywill probably destroy the human race in trying as Hitler did.
- Unid 9870 KHz 1400 GMT
- 9870 KHz 1400 GMT Unid.
- Importing Latest ILG Files Into RLDB (Radio Listeners Database [Mark Fine's]): How, Please ?
- Racal RA17 help
- 7530 Unidentified
- ? for the group
- Scandinavian Weekend Radio
- Radio Traumland
- BBC 15190
- FS Spare parts for Plessey PR-2250 receiver
- New B.B.C. World Service Announcer
- Cell phone technological advance fills a need
- Well then, WHO can you trust if not your GPS?
- Maybe this could be used to keep DXers busy and off NG
- Isla de Pascua (Easter Island)...
- Pop Comm's Gerry Dexter Nostalgia!
- SE Pennsylvania
- Re: Accidental AM-DX 860kHz @ 0305UTC
- 5040kHz - CHINA: Fujian People's Broadcast Service @0140 UTC-
- Radio Havanna Cuba
- People helping people this holiday season
- (OT) Thought this was funny
- antenna suggestion
- Amplified Antennas
- Wow 70 posts today and no politics
- Morris Dees, SPLC & tolerance
- Handy Shortwave Chart
- Phone line as SW antenna [04-Apr-00]
- 7125khz-RTV GUINEENNE, Conakry at 0700 UTC
- Re: Portatop with a tuning knob
- 7125khz-RTV GUINEENNE, Conakry at 0700 UTC
- FS: ICOM R71A Receiver with optional filters
- Spanish speakers at 5300 kHz USB chatting
- ANTI-American propaganda on 5070?
- receivers for sale
- Ultimate Christmas present for dad's and grandad's
- News story: Frog call study (Not OT)
- looks like radio-mart is active in this group ?
- Dead Sony ICF_7600D
- FA: DRAKE SPR-4 SW Receiver MINT w/ Manual
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-HB
- $400 to spend. What receiver should I buy?
- k1man gone from 14.275 ??
- NG Guidelines
- Re: How about a current list of DX shows?
- Sony SW100 / SW100S?
- Lowe receivers -- difference?
- Re: 8108924642543540
- New Radio at Sharper Image
- Who has got any experience with InfoRelation and can advice me.
- re: Is This Still a Dipole con't
- NEW - Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium - WebPages on Grundig Radio . Com
- Up-Dated "NEWS" Eton E1 AM/FM/SW Receiver with XM Satellite Radio
- Pocket scanner with HF coverage?
- RAE Argintina
- Steve Quayle on C2C 3 hrs tonight!
- QSL from Radio Australia
- ISO: Dr. Demento Shows
- can we annoy radio-mart ?
- G200a AKA The Grundig Porsche 2000
- WHYP 6925
- Propagation
- AOR SA7000 Antenna
- Europa Radio International on shortwave
- Help with mod on MW attenuation on ICOM IC-756PRO 2
- Slinky Antenna
- radio-mart stories
- NO days to Stair Trial!
- Today is the BIG Day for the profit ..
- Whatever happened to....
- QSL received
- Degen DE1103 adapter question
- Help - My Lowe HF-225 needs service
- FS Sony ICF-7600GR
- Re: FA: DRAKE SPR-4 SW Receiver MINT w/ Manual
- Is this any good?
- Voice of Korea (N. Korea)
- Grundig FR250 Radio
- Boston's WBIX troubled story
- cool antenna try this one !
- Radio Free Association of America
- Pirate WJAM
- ONE day to Stair's trial!
- Pirate WHYP
- Pirate WHGW
- Casual SW listening
- Radio Marti spams the waves
- An old technology assists new
- Trip to Disney
- Monster is now carried by RAP Shack.
- shortwv
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Lest we forget our furry friends: A new war memorial
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