View Full Version : Shortwave
- Sony SW77 Value?
- ATS 606 - Siemens RK 759
- OT! Re: Bush Is Ready ...
- Kenwood TS-450S/AT with General coverage Shortwave Receiver For Sale
- DRM Reception - Pretty Nice
- dx-394 tuning knob mod?
- Latest ILG Database B03
- The Alex Jones conspiracy!
- Standard Radio Corporation
- Phone line as SW antenna [04-Apr-00]
- Handy Shortwave Chart
- Modified DX-394 and extras for sale
- Re: Help Request: Receiving only 1 Worldband Radio Station: Grundig
- DX-160 Standby Connector
- Shortwave spark rekindled
- Japan
- Re: ILG problems
- Crazy Pirate
- Re: Passport to World Band Radio 2004
- Mossad Numbers
- Liberty Net vs. the BBC
- Regarding my current sw Radio
- How to disassemble Sony CRF-150?
- Re: Walmart is Hell
- Uses for 'dead' DSS system???
- Interesting "Warts & All" review of Icom R-75
- Traders' Net - NOW
- box loop for r.s. dx-394
- SW Portable Listening
- WGN 720 Silent Period-Observations
- Amateur Radio Newsline™ Report 1372 – November 28, 2003
- Re: Replacing the speaker on R/S DX-398???
- RN: End Of The Happy Station?
- Pirate: WNPR on 6955 at 0025-UTC
- WTB Phillips DC-777
- Is there such a thing as a TV broadcasting service on SW? Not SSTV (Slow Scan TV) -- but some modern digital equivalt based on H.323 or MPEG...
- Need advice for a new shortwave radio
- KSL Salt Lake on 26.190 FM now
- RNZI Previews #275. 29 Nov-5 Dec '03
- Hello can someone please help.
- Hal Turner on WBCQ Webste
- shortwave radio freq. from Azores?
- 720khz WGN off air TONIGHT.
- Faith Healers on SWR
- Panasonic RF-9000
- HF-FAX, RTTY - shortwave for dummy sailor: info?
- Pirates - 6955
- 9945 kHz at 2300z?
- US giving SW radios to Afghanistan
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- FOR SALE ; SONY 2002
- Re: The best reception I can get...
- FS: DRAKE R8-A, Mint
- Voice of the Mediterranean closes today
- Test tonight
- USS Geroge Washington Carrier Group -Still Transmitting-
- FRG-100/FT-840 Receive MOD
- ~~~~~~~~LIBERTY NET~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- F.S. National NFM-73
- Radio Australia Booming in on 9.580
- Unknown Broadcast
- How many rrs posters does it take??
- DX conditions improving
- Senator "Daff a sit" Sasser
- Radio China International website all spaced out
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern Calyfornia
- eBay Bidder's = CAUTION { Only Half a } Kiwa MW Air Core Loop Antenna
- FCC Threatens Convicted Killer's Amateur License on "Character Qualifications"
- WANTED: Schematic Diagram/Manual
- What has happened to George
- Inexpensive receivers?
- Wayne Green on C to C AM Live tonight !
- Pirate
- Eddystone receivers
- FA: AOR GW-2 WideBand Preamp GaAs FET
- Panasonic REF-B55
- Drake R8-B
- Poor quality low + High TV channels? How much dB in Preamp?
- FS: Sony 2010
- Kenwood R-1000 vs. Sat 800
- Anybody tried a Versacorder?
- Farrels Confidential Freq List By Kevin Nice: Worth $32 ?
- The Strange Net
- Re: TV amplifier question? Get better signal
- Faux-Sebas
- RS DX-394B: why 2nd LO buffer added?
- 5.105 at 00:00 Who IS This Guy ??
- RWM Time Signal 4996
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern Calyfornia
- New way to afford high priced radios?
- Items on eBay
- Diego Tower 13254
- Panasonic RF-B65 portable receiver with SSB !
- Wanted: Lafayette HE-80
- Ferrite rods on eBay !
- Re: Passport to World Band Radio 2004
- Source For Coax Patch Cables ?
- German QSL card
- WTB Phillips DC-777
- Sat 800 or DX-398 (Sangean)
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern Calyfornia
- FT - Grundig Satellit 800 SW receiver
- Comments/Opinions Please
- lead-in cable through roof
- Trade Gateway 450ROG notebook for high end receiver
- DRM: does it really work ?
- Attic Antenna help?
- BBC - Gays who EAT their "lovers"
- How much should I pay for a new sony 2010?
- Off-topic:SONY ICR-120
- SHortwave QSL of Japan
- Icom R8500 failure
- Amateur Radio Newsline™ Report 1371 - November 21, 2003
- Balun Grounding Question ?
- more WBCQ interference
- Brenda Ann
- Voice of Korea jamming
- DX-390 info needed
- [[[[[ TONIGHT @ 0300 UTC ON 3947.5 KHZ ]]]]]
- interference on WBCQ
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-USA
- Re: Hudson Division Director Race
- Ping Red October
- Comments on the Grundig 2000 "Porsche" radio
- Re: Passport to World Band Radio 2004
- Grundig Help!
- Telefunken Allegro/ AM/SW-1/SW-2/FM
- Telefunken Allegro/ AM/SW-1/SW-2/FM
- QSL shortwave postcards of the world
- In DIRE need of shortwave assistance
- almost time for........
- pirate
- Who do you call to design a SW relay station? ...
- more radios for sale added to my web page !
- The "Not-So-Good" Guys RE: FREE FR-200
- FOR SALE : connex 3300
- QSL from Olympia Radio
- eBay Grundig Satellit 700 "NIB" New High Price $1175 with 2 Days To Go . . .
- Splatter from local AM station
- Grundig Satellit 700
- Air Force 1
- Outwitting Home Owner Associations/Condo Associations Regarding Antennas
- Re: Celt Chic, trolls, HF Guy etc.
- KCLAFM Los Angeles a real radio station?
- Contact Cleaner...
- Celt Chic was warned
- Hey Brenda Ann
- Aurora visible at 38N84W!!!
- Re: No!!! Re: Do Hams get 11 Meters Back
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- General Coverage Attic Antenna Suggestions ?
- Variable capacitor question
- They're HEEERE!
- Re: NW7US Propagation Update: 18-XI-2003
- Pastor John Lewis back again?
- 530 AM - which island, what power?
- The New Anti-Semitism
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Sony ICF-6500W
- The 2003 ARRL Frequency Measuring Test Schedule - just in case any of you are in outer space
- Kaito KA1102 arrived today
- Free Grundig FR-200's
- Re: Celt Chic
- L.A. area listeners....what gives?
- New Yahoo group for radio hobbyists
- Re: Danish radio to replace short wave with Internet and CD services
- Radio Mauritania 4845 (I think)
- Re: No!!! Re: Do Hams get 11 Meters Back
- Re: MIA: Celt Chic
- Holland - Radio Seagull gets a licence
- CODAR Collectors Club
- Re: Ethnopsychopharmacology: A New Field
- AF 1 en route to London at 8am EST
- Icom R71 Help needed, Please.
- !How to fix a Yaesu FRG8800 that has gone 'deaf'.....
- Strange net on 3266usb?
- F.S. National SOJ (Select-O-Jet)
- Free Download "Holy Christmas Deity"
- Icom R-5
- My Yaesu is creating its own interference!
- Heads up-WGN 720
- Perfect data decoder for SWL?
- Radios for sale ! new assortment on my web page !
- R/S BNC Coax Connectors ? Ugh ?
- WBCQ on air
- Re: OT May be of interest.
- opinion piece printed in Orange County Register
- FS Hallicrafters R-46B Speaker
- this is my son
- "Emergency" SW radios
- FA Drake SW 2 with Remote
- FS Rare Drake RR-1 Receiver
- S/W Radio Reviews
- Pre-selectors
- MW in November---It's the best!
- Re: FOR SALE: Radio Shack Astronaut 8
- skysweeper lite
- manual tristar 511 from graymark
- FS Timewave 599zx DSP
- 3947.5 khz @ 0300 UT
- Rawlins Wyoming APRS
- DX-398
- Stigar i Kveom
- Factory Sealed Satellit 700; Mislisted SW-77 Going Cheap On Ebay
- LF: Service Manual for Kenwood R-1000
- New Ham Radio Program Download Link
- FS/FT Drake R-8
- WANTED - Service Manual / Schematic Diagram for the GE Superadio II (2)
- BBC 7160 kHz @ 1700 UTC? Where from?
- FS--Alinco DX70T
- Poor HF Propagation Conditions
- Inside a surge protector
- PCR-1000 available for remote control and listening
- What is it that makes auto radio get great reception
- Re: Is HF gone dead again?
- External Antena
- Unknown Noise: 7290 kHz
- FS: US Version Icom 8500
- R390 Schematics Posted in alt.binaries.e-book
- Drake RR-1 Receiver For Sale
- SWL/RFI noise source discovery
- A "Comparison" the Grundig Satellit 800M -=V=- 650/600
- National Panasonic rf-5000
- wanted: APU-100 Wellbrooks phaser
- DRM transmissions from Flevo
- 350 kHZ ?beacon?
- Source of mysterious noise FOUND!
- Step Up
- FA: Becker 2340AV Shortwave Car Cassette Tuner on eBay
- RA Shepparton off air tonight for maintenance
- IRRS-Shortwave: Special 100 kW broadcasts for the European Social Forum
- La Voix du Sahel
- Re: What makes those old Zenith radios so good?
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern Calyfornia
- RadioShack DX-399 Shortwave (same as Sangean ATS 606A)
- The Late, Great ICOM R 71-A Group Has Returned
- Re: Are we a Democracy, or a Republic ?
- Anything interesting on aircraft bands?
- WWCR shortwave screwball
- BBC World Service Frequencies
- BBC World Service Frequencies
- Test VII
- Radio Japan awful reception
- A Senior Moment Radio Log from Southern Calyfornia
- Radio Marabu on shortwave via Euronet Radio
- Re: Black ABC Radio Host Mocks Dismembered White Teen
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