View Full Version : Shortwave
- Pirate - 6839.64
- Pirate - 6850.88
- What rechargeables?
- Kaito KA1103
- Tonight "The Great Liberty Net" will discuss ..
- Sat 800 vs Eton E1 vs Sony 2010
- Re: Same call sign in different areas?
- Same call sign in different areas?
- ILGRadio Shut Down
- Sound on 8240 LSB
- CHU may close next April
- World's first?
- Top News
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- Pirate - The Crystal Ship
- Sort of Radio related
- Re: It looks like Google took N9OGL's web pages down
- Icom R71A FS
- For Sale: Quantum QX AM BCB Loop Antenna
- For Sale: IC-R75 W/Kiwa Modifications
- QSL cards
- No coders geting HF SSB privileges ?
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- Do they still make BEEPERS???
- Does anyone still listen to Brother Stair anymore??
- Drake SW8
- Ping:Guy Atkins
- what became of ILGRadio?
- JRC-245 manual and PS FA
- Grundig Satellit 2100 Receiver +SSB adaptor
- HF150 Software
- Good Places to Buy Shortwave Receivers?
- Re: BBC lies in radio listening figures
- Re: Brenda Ann.
- MediaLine Radio: Garson Krebs Private Eye
- Re: BBC lies in radio listening figures
- Re: Brenda Ann.
- Pirate - The Crystal Ship
- Re: BBC lies in radio listening figures
- Killfile with Google Groups
- Need to sell my radios
- Grundig S350 DL Question
- MINT Grundig YB-500 FS
- MINT Grundig YB-500 FS
- Antenna impedance matching - old Grundig tube receiver
- ICE flights...
- dx-398 speaker needed
- AFN - Diego Garcia
- Top News
- Drake R8B - eBay
- Best MW radio and antenna
- ------>>> IT'S .......
- when to listen
- CBers fight on person,,,one dead
- Re: Drake R8B sell for $2025 on ebay!!!
- firedrake logs and recordings
- Pirate - 6925
- Ship/marine traffic HF radio (BC-221).
- wall hangers for shortwave qsls?
- Things are GREAT!
- Radio Intel Site
- Re: The Pundit Parade: Times and Frequencies
- sangean drm for jan 2007
- US Military planning to kill shortwave radio.
- 6.969 Mhz @ 1:50 UTC
- Pirate - The Crystal Ship
- Pirate radio dj gets 4 years
- Vertical Antenna And ALA 100 Comparisons
- Repair SW77 or buy new Sangean Super
- Grundig-S350DL-Moderated Yahoo group
- More loop comments
- Grundig Satellit800
- Mysterious Radio Hiss Blamed On Space Weather
- Satellit 800
- Icom R75
- Satellit 800
- Starz Movie channel commercial
- Sputnik I,49 years ago today...
- ping for dxAce re AFN
- Interesting BPL comment...
- review of kaide kk-9 radio
- Re: Request to Omega Radio
- Good AM Medium Wave Receivers?
- Some VERY good active antennas.
- Wellbrook ALA1530+ Vs. ALA100?
- United Nations Radio
- 6000 khz at 1550 UTC
- Quick question [ SW-77 or 2010 ]
- Re: Reliable Numbers Stations-Best freq/time to find?
- Re: Drake R8B sell for $2025 on ebay!!!
- Re: Drake R8B sell for $2025 on ebay!!!
- Tuned In Radio Is For Sale!!!!!!!
- Re: ILG Suspends Operations
- Re: DRESSLER ARA-HDX-100 $350 shipped
- Re: (OT) : Oh No - I Paid Too Much ! - Tale$ from "The eBay" and Beyond . . .
- and yet another antenna question
- Re: ILG Suspends Operations
- Re: ILG Suspends Operations
- Re: ILG Suspends Operations
- No-Coders take things too far..
- Re: ILG Suspends Operations
- Antenna question
- ICOM ICR-70 For Sale
- Re: (OT) : Oh No - I Paid Too Much ! - Tale$ from "The eBay" and Beyond . . .
- question for the group
- Re: (OT) : Oh No - I Paid Too Much ! - Tale$ from "The eBay" and Beyond . . .
- Re: (OT) : Oh No - I Paid Too Much ! - Tale$ from "The eBay" and Beyond . . .
- Where is Y-Man ??
- Where's the Gre8t Lib Net?
- Radio Havana being jammed?
- need recorder and tape recommendations
- sangean ats-505 for sale
- Dressler Going Lower.... $400
- Hey Ken Wilson, a thought
- Fuel for the flame feast regarding loop antenna
- Passport to World Band Radio 2007 Shipment Date Announced
- Kol Israel
- black grundig mini 300
- Radio St. Helena
- Interference to hams by number station.
- Top News
- Radio Polonia
- incredible boom box, incredible auction !
- Dr Who starts its Fall season tonite.
- Interference/Jamming Reduction Antenna for portables
- CFRX 6070
- Wellbrook question
- NIB Dressler ARA 100HDX $450 shipped
- 600M tests
- NEED Beacon shows up on 505 KHz
- DRM signal and reception compared to analogue ....
- Burr and the Typhoon
- Jerico TV and FT-101F
- The end of ShortWave broadcasting? Int'l Herald Tribune
- Obituary - Iva Toguri
- Continuing discussions from a few weeks ago:
- RE: 'Tokyo Rose' Obituary
- Sangean ATS-909 in black
- 'Tokyo Rose' Obituary
- This is
- This is
- This is
- Re: Metal Roof
- Cable Ohm Question
- 70L7 Vacuum Tubes
- Kenwood R5000 lithium battery
- DE11
- DE11
- Shortwave Listener (SWL) Newbee Question - Is My Dipole Antenna Set-Up Right ?
- Re: Degen DE11 vs Tecsun PL200, any opinions?
- Shortwave Listener (SWL) Newbee Question - Is My Dipole Antenna Set-Up Right ?
- Shortwave Listener (SWL) Newbee Question - Is My Dipole Antenna Set-Up Right ?
- Shortwave Listener (SWL) Newbee Question - Is My Dipole Antenna Set-Up Right ?
- Re: Degen DE11 vs Tecsun PL200, any opinions?
- Shortwave-radio era looks short-lived --By Doreen Carvajal InternationalHerald Tribune
- Follow up on my RFI hunt info
- F/A Sony SW-77 (UK)
- Degen DE11 vs Tecsun PL200, any opinions?
- Sony ICF SW77
- Excellent Radio Havana: Bernie Dwyer interviews Philip Agee
- Low-RF Computer?
- Kenwood R5000 lithium battery
- Pirate Radio Stations Challenge Feds
- Radios and freebies from radio_programming at yahoogroups
- CFRX 6070- an easy QSL
- The Best Portable Shortwave Radio?
- Manifold Potatoes
- "Shortwave-radio era looks short-lived"
- J.H. Bunnell & Co.
- Check Out Radio Pirates Forum
- Radio Timtron
- Firedrake
- WYLF in Penn Yan, NY
- Top News
- Pirate 6.925 Sept 212 23:30
- UK - New Internet TV channel to challenge the BBC
- Newb Question - is my Dipole setup right?
- What Shortwave to purchase?
- What Shortwave to purchase?
- Re: Shortwave Listener (SWL) Newbee Question - Is My Dipole Antenna Set-Up Right ?
- Re: Shortwave Listener (SWL) Newbee Question - Is My Dipole Antenna Set-Up Right ?
- Techno Remix of Bizarre CB Transmission
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- Firedrake recordings?
- Anudder OT Shortwave radio post
- WWV. The "Tick".
- Newb Question - is my Dipole setup right?
- Remember pirate radio WFAT in Brooklyn?
- Re: Here's a real ham from 75M
- Re: Here's a real ham from 75M
- Welcome to the WL1030 WideBand Magnetic Loop Antenna WebPage - In Honor of Maarten Hagg
- Re: Here's a real ham from 75M
- Announcement - The Radio-Mart Red Drap Is Now Second Rate - We Now Have Blue-Sky-Radio's Blue-Green Drap Fading . . . Into The Bright-White-Light ! {Come Into The Light !}
- Where's Larry Ryan?
- DX-120
- grundig yacht boy 230
- CW Communicator Help
- Thailand Under Sharia Law!
- Receiver News
- Re: Ham radios don't come with kill-filters or plonk buttons.
- SubTub171
- Re: Art Bell / Cell Phone Tricks
- Free - Tours of the Voice of America
- Re: Art Bell / Cell Phone Tricks
- Radio Thailand, 0200 UTC, 5890 khz
- Re: Ham radios don't come with kill-filters or plonk buttons.
- Hour Of the Time
- Thailand Coup
- Info:
- 11.875 02:50 utc
- Media Ownership.
- Re: What Shortwave to purchase?
- Help with ICOM IC-R75
- Help With CW
- Re: aucoustics
- ARRL Voice Transmissions
- camping out on WWVA doorstep a bad idea?
- Grundig G5?
- Station identification woes
- Impedance of a wire over the earth
- Saddam's Man in Niger
- Re: Nasa administrators were asked what a Canadian was doing on the shuttle crew.
- Kol Israel
- Sony 7600 Or Kaito-Degen 1103?
- A neat little gadget from C. Crane
- Star-Lite A-120 radio
- Yaesu FRG-7 for sale - Excellent !!!
- Voice of Africa
- DEGEN 1103 English Manual
- FA: Preselector for Mediumwave - Palstar MW550P
- Re: Omega One being jammed
- Chinese FireDrake Jammer
- EMR This Sunday -17th of September
- All Female Radio Network to Launch
- radio mart horror story-WILL YOU BE HIS NEXT VICTIM ?????
- Chinese orchestra broadcasts on 15 Sep 2006
- Clandestine Radio Waaberi
- (OT) Radio frequency identification chips under the skin
- DX Audio Clips on the DXPodcast - from Grayland WA
- 1670 Khz Mexican MW station
- Hyper Radio
- AC adapter for Sony ICF7600GR?
- Re: Alpha and Omega, Would N9OGL whine?
- software for the Kenwood R 5000
- Re: ebay competition coming soon !!!!
- Followup on hearing loss
- Sangean DT-200V
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