View Full Version : Shortwave
- Can we get this group back to shortwave?
- Pros and cons of Broadband Power Lines (BPLs)
- ----- TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT -----
- Help with Sony ICF-SW1000T with poor sensitivity
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Help the Animals
- Satellite Shortave
- Shortwave Antenna Help
- So, Where's Mikey
- Bible Voice Broadcasting A04
- Radio Santec-English-A04
- Radio Singapore Int. A04
- A04 HCJB
- Degen 1102: fantastic
- eBay: Panasonic RF-3100 31 BAND in Box
- Voice of Vietnam-A04
- Bulgaria A04
- DX tests Summary
- DX test Results
- Liberal buzz words like "outsourcing".
- OT, Take Time-Fun Stuff
- The Unknown Country and DreamLand with Whitley Strieber
- Heard R. New Zealand on 19 MT.
- This Week on "Coast-to-Coast AM"
- Taiwan Shooting (?)
- I Get The Picture
- 12005 KHZ - Radio Tunis and Radio Dubai?
- antenna suggestions?
- WSHB Missed
- numbers station
- Osama? Maybe yes, maybe no!
- SW Antenna
- Radio Taiwan International A04
- FS: CCrane AM Antenna With Twin Coil Ferrite (was Justice)
- W6OBB-Art Bell
- Re: WWVB decoder circuit
- Wayne Green on C to C AM Thursday 3/18
- Schedules?
- Shortwave Strange Sounds
- XEPPM - well, that's that
- Fwd: RTMalaysia A04
- XEPPM - boomin' in
- Fwd: RSI A04
- Fwd: Voice International A04
- Pirate 6.925
- General Newsgroup Question
- Speaking of loops!
- Re: Michael Bryant is a Whale!
- Mongolia
- Radio Shack DX-100 question
- BBC Interval Signal?
- Re: WWVB decoder circuit
- Best Indoor Active Antenna < $100
- Fwd: R Sweden's A04 English Schedule
- Fwd: V of Vietnam A04
- R Tirana A 04 Tentative Schedule
- Newbie question.. Listening to shortwave in East US and Europe only??
- Last November's Solar Flare
- Re: WWVB decoder circuit
- F/S Weller WES50 Solder Station
- WTBQ DX test
- Radio Row
- FS Knight 600A Tube Tester
- FA>>Rare Pierson BCB/Shortwave receiver
- FA>> Hallicrafters SX-110 for parts/restoration
- Birth anniversary of radio inventor Popov marked in Russia
- Unblocked Scanner For Sale-Chicago Area
- A04 schedules
- Grundig 650 or 600
- Good old brother stairs
- Reception looking up? 41 meters
- FA: NEW Radio Shack Double Bow Tie Antenna UHF HDTV 15-623
- 4.386 ID
- F/A: Mar's SP-1000 Linear Amplifier 572-B Tubes
- MW Station List from FCC
- Fwd: R Prague A 04 Summer Schedule
- R Ukraine Intl A04 Summer Schedule
- Shortwave Radio Class
- Indoor SW antennas with Kenwood R5000
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- alex jones ?
- FS: MFJ-1040B Transceiver Preselector
- FS: Stridsberg Multicouplers - HF and VHF/UHF
- Variable voltage power supply lead for Sony 7600G ?
- Re: Fwd: Bible Voice A04 Schedule
- Re: KA1102 on eBay- cheap
- Re: Kazakhstan - Almaty Relays A04
- FA: Super Select-A-Tenna AM Antenna
- Re: 31 meter band
- KA1102 on eBay- cheap
- 31 meter band
- A04 Schedules for Guam - KTWR
- RFPI Tent A04 Program Schedule
- Kazakhstan - Almaty Relays A04
- Fwd: RAI Int'l A04 Schedule
- Fwd: Bible Voice A04 Schedule
- Shortwave and high fidelity speakers and headphones
- AIR BAND on Shortwave radios & scanners.
- Re: Help with Realistic SW-100
- Radios with Stations ID
- FS: AOR3030 ANIB, $400
- Antarctica-LRA36 Radio Nacional
- Re: If I had wanted to live like the old Soviets, I would have moved there....
- FA>> RARE Pierson KE-93 BCB?Shortwave receiver w/manual
- Taiwan-New SW Station
- "Never Miss" Programming
- Dark Matter
- Pastor Pete Peters: potential punishment?
- Desktop SW Loop Antennas?
- Spain's Zapatero Sets Terrorism Fight as Socialists' Priority
- Shortwave Group Is Blackballing Me
- Panasonic RF-3100 31 BAND Radio w/BOX NICE
- Why don't you debate me?
- Re: ? Big Business and Big Oil for John F. Kerry = Something To Think About !
- FA: Shortwave Car Radio
- Socialists win in Spain
- FS: Various scanner and shortwave accessories
- Sony ICF-5900W
- Spain proves terror attacks work.
- Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) Report 1387 * March 12, 2004
- Re: Kerry vows to do nothing
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Re: The Right Perspective
- Re: Spains Spine seems to have softened
- Q: Sony ICF-SW 33 - Who to set Time?
- Some Old Radios (NIB) at Jack Berg Sales Re: Help with name of PSB radio*
- Radio Australia schedule late on 17795 and 21740
- WTD: Schematic "ASTRONAUT 8" receiver
- Re: 1:1 balun construction
- Fwd: Voice of Russia B 03 Schedule
- Fwd: R New Zealand Int'l A04 Schedule
- A04 schedules, QSL and other...
- Re: I need a CW website
- NASA -- 10th planet discovered?
- Re: Michael Bryant's on Crack!
- Fwd: Cairo A 04 Schedule
- Re: What in the Hell
- Re: John Forbes Kerry = "The Billionaire"
- Re: Question for the Group?
- Re: BBC: Arrests in Spain
- Re: FYI: Posting Statistics So Far This Month (Mar-04)
- sangean ats 505p
- Re: New Morse Character Added
- Re: External antenna on Grundig 700
- Re: A04 summer schedules
- DXpeditions
- Re: Tecsun PL-550 selectivity
- Re: Open Apologies to Steve and the NG
- Good News
- sony sw77 questions...
- What is some god tower to buy?
- Power Line Noise - Gone
- I'll Tell You Onthing
- Antenna to use with a hammarlund 110?
- Slice@battlecreek
- Archives
- Atomic Clocks - Transmitter on the Fritz?
- Weekend DX test
- WBCQ 7.415 propagation reports
- Earthlink goes to hell
- Re: Billionaires For Kerry
- Re: Billionaires for Bush
- Early Shortwave Magazine
- Utility Questions
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Blocking all posts containing
- Michigan Quarter
- Radio Espaņa English
- FRG-8800 Circuit Diagram
- Yet Another Bryant Limerick!
- Bryant Limerick, Part 2
- My Limerick: A tribute to Michael W. Bryant
- Got my Degen 1102, Love It
- New Tecsun R-333 arrived today
- Wanted receiver
- Bryant is in love with his sister!
- ICOM 7400 (746PRO) TX DISABLE, SWL use ONLY.
- Republicans Support Welfare for the Rich
- Voice of Turkey - Summer Schedule
- FEBA A 2004
- Re: Michael Bryant's on Pot!
- Re: Where's the NRA on whoring as bush bitches?
- AIR Bangalore 9425
- New Tecsun Dealer
- SP150
- DX tests Summary
- Antenna input please?
- America in the Bible
- John Batchelor Show - Does Anybody Listen ? ? ?
- Six Ideas for "Improving" on the CC Radio Plus CCRadio Plus
- A.Jones infiltrates *Bohemian Grove* on Coast to Coast NOW
- Irwin Schiff on WWCR!
- Steve Lare's on Crack!
- Shortwave moe-ron on 7.490
- Because I Got High-Michael Bryant
- Lowe HF150 Manual
- John Stadmiller Booted Off GCN
- Noise reduction (another view on "grounds")
- Article on Callsigns
- News group question
- Newbie questions from southern Utah
- news
- (OT)MWB At Play
- Satellit 800 questions??
- Roy Fisk: Not Acting Like a Christian
- Shortwave broadcaster in court!
- SSB 6.586
- antenna mini plug
- Masons exposed!!!!
- Fax reception problem - slanted output
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- What's your opinion on Radio Listener's Database software
- New Tecsun R9700DX
- Trans-Oceanic Radios
- XV National Meeting of the ANC - II6CC
- Moscow Mailbag
- Kenwood R-5000
- FS 19 Strand 1/4" OD All copper Antenna Wire
- FA: Dressler ARA60S Shortwave Antenna
- SONY ICF-SW100/ Help with repair
- Radio New Zealand International
- NIM Busters message board goes down yet again!
- Shortwave Atenna Length
- digital wx obs and images with degen and sound card
- Re: Use your computer to build an income stream and retire quickly!
- canadian/american mil/cg and weather?
- Aurora?
- SWL Callsigns
- Flash: Murphy Brown Painter Dead
- WBCQ: Hour of the Time.
- Sony SWF-ICF7600GR for sale on Ebay
- Swiss Radio International leaves SW in October - 500 kW transmitter for sale!
- Flash: Abu Abbas Dead
- Falklands Reminder
- UT-106 vs. RadioCom 4.5 DSP, PCR-1000 Help
- WRTH Amnnouncement
- Audel Shortwave radio
- Re: Read This....Please....
- Finally heard some SSB
- Moving
- Early morning 49m logs, March 9
- The thousand marbles
- WTB: Select-A-Tenna
- HAARPS on 5800 0942 UTC
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