View Full Version : Shortwave
- Re: OT, Cylyed today
- Them Austl. know how to party
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- Re: More recycled off topic crap
- Allied A-2515 SW Radio Info Request
- Radio Tanzania Zanzibar
- Communist China Reading ObaMao's Mail
- Re: OT Todays test
- CrAcK Head ObaMao Supports FARC - Marxist Drug Cartel in Columbia ANDNOW HEZBOLLAH
- The man and his last option ( Mysterium Mortis )
- Re: CHU moving from 7335?
- IBM to help build broadband network in power lines
- LYQ Beacon
- CrAcK Head ObaMao Supports FARC - Marxist Drug Cartel in Columbia
- ICOM R75 with CSP/KIWA mods $485 shipped
- Doggy
- SW receivers and moderated forums?
- test-test
- $$$$$ No Selling Products, No Multi-Level Marketing,Total Investment$6 $$$$$$$$$
- Re: Radio St. Helena Day/November 15
- Re: Radio St. Helena Day/November 15
- Dressler ARA-100 FS
- Re: Radio St. Helena Day/November 15
- Re: News Blurb Heard on the BBC...
- Re: News Blurb Heard on the BBC...
- Re: News Blurb Heard on the BBC...
- Re: News Blurb Heard on the BBC...
- Re: News Blurb Heard on the BBC...
- Veterans Day.
- EiBi Skeds Updated B08
- Re: ADDX B08 English Frequency List
- Re Re: more off topic garbage by rhf aka Retired Halfassed Fool
- Georgia congressman warns of Obama dictatorship
- Re: ADDX B08 English Frequency List
- (OT) More crap
- reception report 7.415
- Top News
- Re: Executive Powers and FCC regulations
- Signature
- Is Obama Illegal Alien?
- John McCain concedes defeat to chorus of boos
- Any Hands On Reviews Grundig 750
- Lets Talk Radio
- For those of you that are interested in Journalism
- Pirate - 6220
- Re: More recycled off topic crap
- Arrogant SOB ObaMa0 owes Mrs. Nancy Reagan a sincere appology
- Is this group still alive?
- The Juice has got himselk in a mess now
- Why men die first?
- Re: Governor of Hawaii seals Obama's birth certificate records. Why?
- Re: Obama's Plan for Driver's Licenses for Illegal Aliens
- Re: (OT) : Governor of Hawaii Seals Obama's Birth Certificate Records - Why ?
- Re: The Old Man
- Re: The Old Man
- Re: (OT) "Wasilla Hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus"
- Re: Crap ! Crap ! Crap !
- Hitachi KH3800W Communications Receiver
- Re: DAY 2 end - OMG! ObaMa0 CaTaStRoPhY
- "Fairness" run amok - Censoring Conservative Radio
- Re: The Old Man
- Listen out for Radio St Helena
- Killfile the initials rhf and eliminate 90% of garbage posts
- more off topic garbage from rhf aka retired halfassed fool
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- Re: THE TRUTH ! on Obama's Birth Certificate ( and wouldn't you think Hillary would have said something if it wasn't genuine ? )
- Re: Killfile the initials rhf and eliminate 90% of garbage posts
- Hurricane Paloma - Category 1
- (OT) : Kill-File the Initials "RHF" : Accept No Fake Phony Little'rhf's
- OT...There are Crystal Sets,and then There are These Crystal Sets...
- Uncle Tom Obama Appoints Zionist Jew As Chief of Staff
- Telamon,Telamon
- (OT) Bush, Drunk at the olympics
- DAY 3, Asia - Stocks tumble, lose 10 percent in 2-day rout
- A Promise Kept
- The lens of history and McCain's concession speech
- Re: DAY 2 end - OMG! ObaMa0 CaTaStRoPhY
- Re: We Believe In Obama
- Re: Just wondering
- Re: Just wondering
- (OT) Palin Went " Rogue";
- Re: Boy Am I FROSTED!
- Re: Boy Am I FROSTED!
- Re: Boy Am I FROSTED!
- Re: Boy Am I FROSTED!
- Re: Boy Am I FROSTED!
- Re: Just wondering
- Re: The Puppet Show Is Finally Over
- Re: DART DRM on 40m from Alaska blocked
- Re: Just wondering
- Re: Liberty Passing Away? Bad Feelings About This!
- Re: Liberty Passing Away? Bad Feelings About This!
- The Great Communicator
- Re: More worthless crap from RHF
- Re: DAY 2 - World markets DOWN STRONGLY AGAIN in response to ObaMa0'sMarxist Mandate
- Re: (OT) : McCain's "My Fellow Prisoners" -and- Obama's "in 57Stat...
- What's a mandate?
- BDXC - Africa on Shortwave
- Re: The Puppet Show Is Finally Over
- I Guess Again
- Spies, lies, Barry and his mom
- Re: Liberty Passing Away? Bad Feelings About This!
- New Names for The U.S.
- Diego Garcia - 4319
- I guess
- Anxiety Over Obama, Recession Hits Dow
- Somewhere....
- Meet Our First Marxist-Leninist President
- Affirmative Action and Gay Marriage
- Re: 1 800 GET-OBAMA
- World markets up strongly in response to Obama's strong Mandate
- Congratulations Obama........
- FCC cracks open white space
- the balls in your court now barack!
- Well ****
- The American People have Spoken and Democracy wins again
- Two Nintey Seven
- Re: Joe
- Re: SW will be more relevant than ever with a fascist in charge.
- Re: SW will be more relevant than ever with a fascist in charge.
- Re: SW will be more relevant than ever with a fascist in charge.
- Re: SW will be more relevant than ever with a fascist in charge.
- Re: SW will be more relevant than ever with a fascist in charge.
- Got Pennsylvania
- Re: Watch Hannity & Colmes on Fox
- It's An Obama/Democrat Tsunami!
- Election night follies on 75 Meters SSB
- Re: Watch Hannity & Colmes on Fox
- A "Sound" Economy?
- Top News
- Re: Obama Promises to Bankrupt Coal Industry
- Captioned Radio
- (OT) Tomorrow We Take Back America
- Re: (OT) : Get Ready for the New "BLAME OBAMA" Blame Game !
- MAC is back! upset on the horizon!
- Re: (OT) : Get Ready for the New "BLAME OBAMA" Blame Game !
- Re: Review: Degen De1123 AM / FM / SW / MP3 Ultra-Light
- Re: Hay Ace!
- Twas the night before the election -
- Re: Shortwave Radio
- Re: Shortwave Radio
- Re: (OT) : Independent Voters Get To The Polls and Just Vote
- Re: Independents breaking for McCain!
- Re: Shortwave Radio
- The Olympics.
- My Final Electoral College Projections
- Re: Independents breaking for McCain!
- Re: Joe
- (SW) : Shortwave Radio
- (OT) : Dave's -warning-about - The Frankenstein's Monster Known asRonald Reagan
- (OT) : latest polls - McCain down only by 1.5% and closing fast!
- What will happen on SW after the election
- Re: Obama's Robin Hood agenda for the world
- Re: Shortwave Radio
- McCain's Zogby Numbers Not Holding Up
- Obama Promises to Bankrupt Coal Industry
- Re: Governor of Hawaii seals Obama's birth certificate records. Why?
- The Right Drives (and listens) By Night
- Re: Obama's Tax Cuts
- Obama's Sturm Abteilung
- Re: SW will be more relevant than ever with a fascist in charge.
- Will Chicken Fornicator ever be back to The Great Liberty Net ?
- Re: 6.915 khz
- Obama 'Muslim' rumour: Ugly, false and out in the open
- Gland
- Re: CRAP / Probably a Virus
- (OT) Powell endorses Obama for President / Cheney Endorses McCain
- Telemon: Use this chart.
- Re: Some old Nit Wit said
- Re: SW will be more relevant than ever after the election
- Re: Rush Limbaugh , the Queen of radio
- Re: FCC Probe Signals Democratic Attack Machine
- Dick Cheney endorses McCain / McCain supporters growing glum...
- Re: Rush Limbaugh Interview
- Re: McCain supporters growing glum...
- Re: McCain supporters growing glum...
- Re: SW will be more relevant than ever with a fascist in charge.
- Re: (OT) Voting wisly
- Galei Zahal - 6973
- Pirate - 6220
- Re: Governor of Hawaii seals Obama's birth certificate records. Why?
- Re: Governor of Hawaii seals Obama's birth certificate records. Why?
- Re: SW will be more relevant than ever with a fascist in charge.
- Re: SW will be more relevant than ever with a fascist in charge.
- Re: Stick a fork in it !
- u just click u get free software
- Re: Latest Zogby Poll!!!!! -- McCain Up By 1!!
- We Owe Respect to John McCain
- Re: Stick a fork in it !
- Re: Former ACORN Staffer Testifies Under Oath
- Indonesian Monitoring List
- Re: Obamao's Marxist College Years
- Re: Ex-CIA Expert: Obama Took Millions in Illegal Foreign Donations
- Re: drive-by media running scared - cnn, msnbc get your depends on!
- Latin American SW Logs Page Updated
- McCain or Obama? - Your Newspaper Endorsements for President
- Re: drive-by media running scared - cnn, msnbc get your depends on!
- Obama's Economic Plan
- Latest Zogby Poll!!!!! -- McCain Up By 1!!
- Re: Grundig Satellit 750
- Drake R7 - Amazing!
- Re: "O"
- Coalition had to figure out how to force digital.
- Re: Rush Limbaugh Interview
- Obama’s Church: It’s Covert Ties to Black Extremism and Communism
- Media's leftward distortion of the issues is pervasive,institutionalized -- and measurable
- Secret Service Jamming?
- Re: Ex-CIA Expert: Obama Took Millions in Illegal Foreign Donations
- Re: Ex-CIA Expert: Obama Took Millions in Illegal Foreign Donations
- Re: fisherman on 4769 lsb
- Halloween pirates
- A Perfect Storm
- RCA 7-2887 Superadio III
- Re: Rush Limbaugh Interview
- Re: FCC Probe Signals Democratic Attack Machine
- Re: War of the Worlds, AM740.
- shocking Obama expose'- (3) Mpeg videos-a vote for evil
- Re: "O"
- Re: I hate Sean Hannity
- EiBi language code - PRU?
- Re: "O"
- WGN's Dr. Milton J. Rosenberg interviews Brian Anderson about the"Fairness" Doctrine
- Re: iBiquity scammers want your opinions - let them have it!
- stop americas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown peoplestop americas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown people stopamericas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown people stopamericas billion dollar a week addicti
- Re: "O"
- Re: Ex-CIA Expert: Obama Took Millions in Illegal Foreign Donations
- Re: No radio topics ANYMORE
- Re: It's a shame
- Re: She wants us back
- stop americas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown peoplestop americas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown people stopamericas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown people stopamericas billion dollar a week addicti
- stop americas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown peoplestop americas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown people stopamericas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown people stopamericas billion dollar a week addicti
- stop americas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown peoplestop americas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown people stopamericas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown people stopamericas billion dollar a week addicti
- stop americas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown peoplestop americas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown people stopamericas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown people stopamericas billion dollar a week addicti
- Re: stop americas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brownpeople stop americas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown peoplestop americas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown people stopamericas billion dollar a week add
- stop americas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown peoplestop americas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown people stopamericas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown people stopamericas billion dollar a week addicti
- Re: stop americas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brownpeople stop americas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown peoplestop americas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown people stopamericas billion dollar a week add
- stop americas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown peoplestop americas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown people stopamericas billion dollar a week addiction to killing brown people stopamericas billion dollar a week addicti
- (OT) : The ObamaStapo© [StaatsPolizei] -aka- Obama Though-Police Tactics {Strategy}
- Re: (OT) : Still NO Explanation for the Missing 6-Months to 2-Yearsin Barack Hussein Obama's Life in Indonesia
- Eduardo - The Magnificent Seven!
- All India Radio - B08
- Re: Joe The Plumber a "No Show" at McCain rally
- Re: "Radio: HD Radio's holiday horror"
- Citadel says not to spend anything more on HD-AM.
- DXing the AM BCB band in ECSS/SSB vs. AM
- KFI transmitter off the air
- SPECIAL: Proof that TV news can't tell the truth
- KCLU 1340 SBA, California
- Top News
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