View Full Version : Shortwave
- Latin American SW Logs Page Updated
- Liberty Net for Week of February 6-13
- Pirate - 6925
- Pirate - 6925
- Memo To: dxAce
- Liberty Net Reception Report
- 0baMa0's Road to Serfdom
- Piraye - 6925
- Fat kids proudly sending their photos to President Obama?
- High Speed Trains and other programs will fail?
- The Crystal Ship
- Pirate - 6925
- The first order of the Republicans will be to limit Executive Power?
- Top News
- Will record snow falls create flooding?
- Sign the Petition to Reduce Welfare Rolls
- Seizing the moment, why the buzz word "progressive" will fail...
- Hammarlund Historian website partially restored
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- Re: Recommendations - 12 / 13.8v Power Supply, ~ 5 amp?
- One Hundred Quadrillion Snow Flakes were saved or created by RushLimbuagh?
- Demonstrating the theology of history?
- Wanted: Replacement telescopic antenna for Grundig YB400
- John Bryant Obituary
- Peter.
- Re: First Lady Links Childhood Obesity to National Security
- Re: First Lady Links Childhood Obesity to National Security
- Re: AMBER ALERT: Al Gore MIA During Blizzards
- Tea Party Agenda, no property taxes?
- FS: GE Superadio II and rare Sanyo RP-8880 SW Portable
- Recommendations - 12 / 13.8v Power Supply, ~ 5 amp?
- Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, Good Bye!
- RIP - John Bryant, a great DX'er
- Re: Its obvious why Sarah Palin makes them so jealous?
- Haiti Commando Solo Radio
- Re: Looks Like FAUX Snews thought you should not see this
- Its obvious why Sarah Palin makes them so jealous?
- President Obama should announce new fire engagement rules?
- ABC should announce a new series, "Commies, the Next Generation"?
- RIP, John Murtha dies at 77.
- Booster Recovery Comms
- Re: Vinnie S, I mean Vinnie C, you fag liar hidingboi, are you readyfor th Superbowl?
- Shuttle Comms
- Were the Parables of Jesus a Critical Spirit, or Satire as a teacher?
- Iran arrests 7 linked to US Funded Radio Station
- Liberty Net for Week of January 30 – February 6
- Pirate - 6925
- R. Pakistan gives the boot to VOA broadcasts
- Pirate - 6925
- Pirate - 6925
- Re: Looks Like FAUX Snews thought you should not see this
- Pirate - 6850
- Pirate - 6955
- Pirate - 6925
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- Rugby On Shortwave?
- Top News
- UN Small Arms Treaty?
- Health Care & Cap and Trade your Civil Property Rights Debacle?
- The only Job Bill that will work?
- "OT", for Peter.
- Uhhh We families can't spend money like the Fed?
- AC adapter humm
- Chuck Harder "For The People"
- RHF?
- 43 Trillion Blades of Grass were Created or Saved By Rush Limbaughyesterday?
- Populists, Liberals, Democrats, Communists, Progressives, OH MY?
- WWCR moves to 4775khz as of 2/3/2010
- Taliban, Ru$h and the GOP patently wait for Obama's 9/11
- Re: Looks Like FAUX Snews thought you should not see this
- Re: Looks Like FAUX Snews thought you should not see this
- BDXC - Africa on Shortwave Updated
- (OT) Computer DVD-RW Drive E: Troubleshooting Question
- Re: Obama sure knows how to sucker dumb liberals
- Re: (OT) Understanding million, billion, trillion.....
- FS Drake R8 Yaesu FRG-7
- Re: Looks Like FAUX Snews thought you should not see this
- Re: Doctor: Quake victims dying without US airlifts stopped becauseof failure in Florida
- Re: Limpballs says: Re: Haiti arrests 10 US liberals suspected ofchild smuggling for molestation.
- Band opening on 27MHz
- Glenn Beck Nov 19th tv show inspired this song?
- Re: Looks Like FAUX Snews thought you should not see this
- Re: PROTESTORS HECKLING OBAMA about GOP spending 'the trilliondollar bank withdrawals are a crime called fraud Mr. GOD'
- Top News
- Re: Looks Like FAUX Snews thought you should not see this
- State of Delusion Address - Jobs Bill is the second stimulus package?
- Glenn Beck exposing Progressives and Bin Laden?
- Latin American SW Logs Page Updated
- Treatment for reducing flu and other respiratory ailments
- New York City Walking Tours
- Pirate - 6925
- Did Sean Hannity make a common error in the media today?
- Temp Contractor President Barack "Hasan" Obama still whining?
- FCC APPROVES HD POWER INCREASE FOR FM (or, there goes the neighborhood..)
- The K7RA Solar Update
- (OT) (ON Topic) Haiti
- SPECIAL: Poodle Blair Still Licks W's Fingers
- The State of Delusion Union Cover Up?
- Gays leaving the military only average 3 a day over 10 years?
- The State of Delusion Address?
- R.I.P Howard Zinn (1922–2010) A Genuine American Hero
- Re: The NEW Constitution preamble V2.0
- (OT) Chemtrails.
- Ronald Federici - Recognized Child Therapy Expert
- SW 8 for sale
- Liberty Net for Week of January 23-30
- Something good happened today for DX...
- Observations/questions about HD Radio
- Earthquake Prone California should just ignore Haiti Earthquakes?
- Class envy, class warfare, begins with Democrats creating it?
- Chief Oui Weed Speaketh with Forked Tongue?
- Gold as a standard? I disagree with Glenn Beck on THIS issue?
- Vice President Biden sends Chinese sign language for the visuallyimpaired?
- Shortwave and the Cold War
- Glenn Beck Show 01-06-2010 85% of US Tax Revenue would go to debt?
- Democrats rig the economy?
- Democrats lost in the shuffle?
- Obama -- It's not about you?
- Pirate 3433khz 0309utc 1/24/2010
- 9475khz WTWW playing rock n roll @2150utc 1/23/10
- Question about matching transformer (9:1 un-un)
- Glenn Beck's documentary on communism explains A LOT.
- 48,000,0000 butterflies were created or saved by Rush Limbaugh today?
- Jive Turkey Apollo "type wanna be" talking about fighting?
- Top News
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- Semi OT question for the group.
- Re: Air America Radio Closing
- GRANDFATHER OUT TOBACCO -- it is not about liberty?
- (OT) Ventura County,California.
- SENATOR Scott Brown wants me to be a WINNER!
- Re: Supreme Court reinstates First Amendment
- Liberty Net for Week of January 9-16
- Re: Some Interesting New Radios
- Liberal Trolls Helping President Obama FAIL!
- WRNO on 7505 coming on less and less now
- (OT) Tiger Woods.
- Radio Habana on 6220 at 0500utc 1/20/10
- Palin has not been "Quailed" by Voodo Speech-O-Nomics?
- End of the road for shortwave?
- Forget the Pick Up Truck? How about forget Obama?
- Rush Limbaugh Saved or Created 8000 mops today!
- Forget the Pick Up Truck? How about forget Obama?
- President Obama's Slight of Hand Promoting College Educations?
- President Obama gave testimony for his own impeachment tonight?
- Crowds cheer while President Obama then admits they caused thecrisis?
- President Obama smirks while delivering his "sitting on thesidelines" remark?
- FA: Near MINT JRC NRD-535D HF Shortwave Receiver Radio
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- Re: so when a cop asks for your radio license
- Fugees No Woman No Cry (dedicated to Haiti?)?
- Hourly skeds updated
- Top News
- Lowe HF225 DC socket polarity?
- Hey Vallerie and Obama, wanna play golf? Congress is my Union?
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- Dr. Arthur Becker-Weidman: INTERVENTIONS NOT USED
- Latin American SW Logs Page Updated
- RE:
- Liberty Net for Week of January 2-6
- Pirate - 6925
- OT - To Solve PTSD Army Should Make Soldiers Junkies?
- Pearls before the Swine?
- Question of moment - SS - S-AM
- Thoroughly clean the monitor screen
- Rush Limbaugh Saved or Prevented 5000 liberal suicides today?
- AM 3 Mhz ?
- Pirate - 6930
- (OT) Tough break for Haiti.
- DX report - 0100utc 1/13/10
- You lunatic Americans elected Barack Obama after he said this?
- Glenn Beck's voice hoarse from smoking crack?
- Democrats Bragg about having a big tent? (Suggested jokes for Lenno?)
- ARRL Sunspot/Propagation Report
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- Re: FA: Near MINT JRC NRD-535D HF Shortwave Receiver Radio
- SW rookie...GE shortwave radio 7-2990A info/manual needed
- Yaesu FRG-7700...ONLY $200
- Ping adults .. was .. Re: How many more daysto go till Brian Anasta publicly apologises to Takin Gthe****?
- Re: Near MINT JRC NRD-535D HF Shortwave Receiver Radio [SPAM]
- Pirate - 6930
- Re: Tea Party rattles America's educated class
- Writing new snake oil book for Democrats called the Spaghetti MapBook?
- OT; American Hero, Ed Freeman, RIP.
- Democrats steal ideas but have no intention of using them? (theylie?)
- Pirate - 6925
- Critical thinking in talk radio?
- How you can save fuel and the environment
- Antenna Supplies on Line????????
- Pirate - 6925
- Amazing!
- I bought me an Elecraft K3
- Pirate - 6930
- 4:1 or 9:1 Balun - How can you tell?
- **PINGING Fred** - check your email
- Re: Thank you, Steve
- RRS's sad case - was - Re: Kraven's here, "Bull Sh%t Boys still here!
- Pirate - 6930
- Antennas, lead in etc.
- PING: The Question Guy (Steve 'Kombat' Kramer)
- WEAK Radio QSL
- With Billion Dollar Presidential Campaigns -- Pork Barrel ProjectsMay End?
- Infidel Diaper Bomber Joke
- Majority shift in Congressional Houses opens door to ethicaldisciplanary actions
- Major BMW HD Radio Problems - LOL!
- Pirate - 6930
- Ten-Tec rx321 information:
- BASH Guest List (prelim) ~ Feel free to invite yourself if not listed
- Yemen
- Re: Nurk_Fred = Bret Delphs = Ron Thompson = Michael Young
- Re: Larbgai = Brian Anasta = Craig Sutton
- say cuzz,
- It Looks Like The BASH on the 8th Is Going To Be a Cracker!
- Pirate - 6925
- Pirate - 6925
- Pirate - 6925
- Re: Second day's toll
- OT Winning even MORE hearts and minds.
- A few Linux (Debian) tech programs:
- Bob Struble Reports "Another Dynamite Year For Digital Radio"
- BDXC - Africa on Shortwave Updated
- Top News
- Happy New Year!
- BBC - Big Ben Full Strike
- Q-Guy Gets Tough...Defends Kombat Kraven
- Latin American SW Logs Page Updated
- New Year - Eastern Australia
- WRTH 2010 arrived in South Africa
- Kombat Kraven's Early Retirement Advisory
- Just say no to advanced scanning machines at air ports?
- New Years Shout Out to BushcraftGreg for the Invite to RRS
- Herman Cain "The Brain" hits home run for Sean Hennity
- Dick Cheney should withdraw his endorsement of Hutchison?
- Singing Tribute to the Kombat Kraven in Celebration of the BangkokArrest Bash
- Can't get much on Shortwave.
- Infidel Bomber on Air plane spends an hour in the urinal?
- Angels set infidel on fire?
- LIttle wonder terrorists waste no time attacking America after TSAleak?
- SW stations in San Diego
- Global Warming and what you can do to against it
- Pirate - 6925
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