View Full Version : Shortwave
- India ?
- Radio Australia schedule
- Antenna wire
- Clandestine 7460
- AIR Tests
- [[[[[ I T ' S ]]]]]
- All India Radio Bangalore
- Sony ICF-7600 analog help
- Re: Keep interested in your own career, however humble.
- (OT) Morning Wonderful Group.
- First Time Reception Reports
- *gulp*
- Radio Galaxy International (News)
- ABC Alice Springs Coming in on 4835 kHz
- For DRM Owners -- Radio Luxembourg Coming In Tonight In Detroit
- Re: How to Use a TV as a Computer Monitor
- Has anyone ever dropped a Grundig S350/Tecsun BCL-2000?
- BPL NPRM Approved
- VOA on 7.415 WBCQ ( Also 7.415 ) gone missing
- Channel Africa: Help on my first long DX
- [ OT ] = A Call for All "MKIA"s - Mister Know It Alls :o)
- The Brother Stair bodycount list!
- DX-342 or DX-351, or Grundig Miniworld 100
- I'm Going To Vote, Are You?
- Antenna Stealth
- DX tests Summary
- Freeradio chatroom
- N8KDV's Address and Phone
- ATS-909 wall wart introduces noise
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Ukraine May Deny Radio Liberty Airtime
- FS: ICOM R71A with Filters
- NASCAR and Nextel, whats the verdict?
- AIR External Services - Latest frequency changes
- Interesting Discussion WWCR 12.160 1:00 EST
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Newbie just got first sw radio receiver
- Is Hal Turner at his demise?
- A silenced media?
- Understanding Shortwave Radio Listening and Antenna Design and Construction
- radio program proposal download
- fabulous Kenwood R-5000 for sale $375 !!!!!
- 2nd hand SW RX'r sought
- (OT ) Sen. John
- FS: RX-320 With LW Mod
- Quick Check of The 16 Meter Band
- Is shortwave a good alternative to cable TV?
- Icom R-71A vs R-75
- 7415AM Amos and Andy!!
- Radio Shack DX-398 for $99 !!!
- 7.385......good show right now
- Radio Rebelde
- Read this, your freedom may depend on it!
- Re: Are Liberty Net & Patriot Net liberal Dems??
- R75 Antenna
- whats on 10330?
- Re: Radio Shack DX-394: How good (or bad)?
- FS: Icom R71A (Modified), and SP3 Speaker
- Ham radio in Saudi Arabia
- WTB DX-160 speaker- HELP
- FS: ATS-909 (DX398) with Kiwa filter for sale
- Phillips/Magnavox D2999 receiver schematic or service manual wanted
- RAI booming in at 0430
- see ya
- Radio Shack DX-400
- Re: A window into MWB and another window into RHF and another...
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Just heard this on the BBC ( 5.975 )
- FA Grundig s350 shortwave
- Hopefully, no kooks will try to hitch this time...
- UTC 0:25 Ottawa
- DX398 Antenna Jack Question...............
- Qst review Sep 2003 search.
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- ... --- ...
- WTOP DX test
- Info for friends in the middle of the trouble in Haiti
- USCG Camspac rescue
- Re: Need PDF manual for ICF-SW7600GR (0/1)
- 7.415 WBCQ On The Fritz ??
- Noise on 7.415
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Loop Antenna on ePay
- Thanks You OHIO!
- Plonk!
- 7415 WBCQ clear (S8) Ottawa CDN 20:16 UTC
- FA: Becker Mexico 2330 Shortwave Car Stereo.
- Degen DE1102 SSB
- [O T] - And Steve And Mike Drive the Welcome Wagon...
- Let it rest, you guys (OT)
- FA Rare Drake RR-1 HF/Marine Receiver Plus More/Auction over today
- RHF: Thanks!
- A Window into RHF
- Re: ILG file
- Art Bell.........the ghost tapers
- BOOK NEEDED !!!!!!
- Shortwave and Satellite Radio in One!
- Q: target
- Can you hear 7.415
- FS Grundig S 350
- (OT) The plan is working!
- Grundig 350 S and Line In
- DX-300
- Rechargeable AA Batteries & Charger
- Revolution in Haiti?
- Kiwa Filter upgrade for Sony 2001D in the UK
- DE1102 battery life update
- Michael W. Bryant-Liar
- Pro 2052
- I'm tired of crummy reception !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- FA/Modified MFJ-1026 works below Medium Wave/Ant. Swap Switch and more
- 11930 Spanish Speaking Radio
- WWV 15 Mhz Spurs
- FYI: Radio Shack in Canada has Grundig S-350 on sale 129.99 $CAN
- New ILGRadio Program
- WTB ( or trade for ) SONY ICF-SW1
- Naiwa worldband radios
- W O W ! $1125 + Change for a 'portable' 24-Band Analog Radio {Batteries-Not-Included :o}
- Billy Tauzin will retire
- WSHB going QRT
- '91 escort car radio won't go above 1600khz.
- ( OT ) Quite a bit... ;-)
- Byrant and N8KDV The Assholes
- You Guys (ot)
- Our Wonderful Group (OT)
- OT a little bit :)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~LIBERTY NET~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Amateur Radio Newsline™ Report 1382 – February 6, 2004
- Radio Intel announcing a slew of small receivers
- What's your opinion? Lowe HF-150(SET)
- Re: Has Anyone cracked the digital Radio software for Digital Radio Mondial? (DRM)
- messing with a car radio
- Buy and Sell your Tube Gear!
- DX tests Summary
- Mystery Station :)
- Antenna splitter
- I ride the short bus!
- Steve/Mike
- Radio one Zambia 4.910 Mhz
- Re: A song about the 2004 election
- Realistic DX-400 Questions
- QSL Received
- W6ELProp Software Questions
- Monthly Shortwave Listeners' Magazine
- Hey, N8KDV
- How to you get one of those SWL callsigns
- FA Drake RR-1 Receiver and FS-4
- FS: Mint condition Grundig Sat 800
- FS Rare Drake RR-1 Receiver and FS-4
- The Radio was Playing WQBA as the Old 1950 Buick "DROVE" from Havana to Miami . . .
- Thank You Massachusetts!
- SSB on KAITO 1102 or DEGEN 1102
- Re: Opinion on Tecsun BCL-2000 or PL-200?
- First Radio
- No shortwave in this group!
- FA: Yaesu FRG100B Shortwave Receiver
- FS: Three NON WORKING SONY IC-2001's
- What is this surgery caled ?
- Re: Sorry! 84462
- ilgsw new version
- Getting Rid of AM breakthu
- RLDB needs new URL for ILG data
- Radio specific battery charging question
- TV interference source
- Grundig S350
- Test (OT)
- Strange Music: 4.05250 MHz AM
- The Word is out that . .
- Degen 1102 arrived
- WWV 15 MHz
- A couple of Sony 7600GR questions
- RAE Argentina 15344.9
- Best antenna to go through triple-pane glass
- Kol Israel
- Easy demo. exper. of EMFs all around us
- Getting my ICF SW77 fixed
- BCB DX-ing
- Shortwave Newsgroup Poll
- MobileDB-based shortwave schedule for the PalmOS
- hehehe
- Anyone know of a store in montreal with a good selection of scanners?
- test
- Two Logs
- Sony 2010 help please
- New ILGRadio database structure causes problems with GNPDB
- FS: Resistors (new, MILSPEC)
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Re: Are we a Ham RADIO NG, or a soap-box ?
- Sangean DT-200V versus DT-210V
- Grundig Yacht Boy (YB) Radios that are offered World Wide under the Grundig Yacht Boy (YB) Brand Name
- FS: Racal RA6790/GM receiver
- Loop Antennas as an Art Form and American Craftsmanship
- AOR 7030+ vs R8B passband?
- FS: SONY ICF-2010 w/ KIWA Filters
- radios wanted for my collection
- Major Press release
- See re-posted pics on
- FS: Mint condition Grundig Sat 800
- 1L6 Solid State new pcb size
- SWL fest March 12, 13
- Superbowl 38 AFN
- 1.947
- Sangean ATS-803A
- AAs vs. AAAs Batteries
- FA: Radio Plus+ Quantum Phaser
- SSTV is men sharing dirty pics!
- GE Superadios for Dummies [ GE Super Radios I - II - III ]
- RRI Fak Fak 4789.98
- Kashmir 4830
- Reception Reports-Free Translation
- Passband tuning or IF shift?
- Phone line as SW antenna [04-Apr-00]
- Handy Shortwave Chart
- Re: Hear the words of Brother Stair!
- new supply of tuning knobs available
- XEJN 2.390 Mhz
- WTB: Sony 2010, SW8, Lowe 150
- Hey Frank
- Re: MW reception Sony 7600GR vs Sony pocket radio
- DX-302 schematic...requested?
- Radio Havana Cuba
- WOrd on Air Flights
- RE: best decoder
- 4.790 14:00 utc
- Dont forget the GREAT LIBERTY NET TONITE!!!!
- 4.789.98 RRI Fak Fak This Late ?
- Why SW?
- Re: 30 meter beacon run this weekend
- SOny ICF-SW07 on sale here
- WOW ! SWL and DX for cheap !
- Radio Collector's Question
- Radio Educación 6185
- REVIEW: "Super ATS-909" mods by RadioLabs
- FS:Yaesu RS232 Adapter
- What's interfering with Vietnam's Sackville tx?
- Radio Stations in the UK and Ireland
- Ain't Having A Good Day (OT)
- The Living God
- Amateur Radio Newsline™ Report 1380 – January 23, 2004
- How many of you actually *use* the memories in your receiver?
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