View Full Version : Shortwave
- Test
- Re: RF-Hacker fun with the drive-thru window
- Re: life is intrinsically sad
- Radio Prague QSL received
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Kaito KA105
- Virtual ground monopole HF Antenna
- Re: RF-Hacker fun with the drive-thru window
- Trade- new Sat 800 for Sony ICF-6800W rcvr
- Jeremiah 33-3 ministries guy on now!
- Winter only/Summer Only?
- Drake R8B or Japanese Radio NRD-545?
- single IF, but "works as a dual conversion radio"
- Diego Garcia 13254
- Best First SW Radio Question
- Winter is over
- MFJ-1025 antenna phasing unit
- Diego Garcia
- Grounding Rod
- Ferrite Torioids Over AC Line Cords For Interference Reduction Querstions
- Computer Noise
- Re: Hoagland is unqualified to comment
- Attacks on Haitian radio stations
- R-3030A receiver help
- PRO2052 Reverb problem
- FS: Sony ICF-6800W
- FS: Sony ICF-6800W
- Calling N8KDV
- New to Shortwave: DX-394B
- Radio Congo 9610
- ( OT ) but funny
- Sangean, best FM reception: DT-110, DT-200V, or DT-300VW?
- $300 - $400 Shortwave radio
- 6090 Playing CCR
- FOR SALE ! SONY ICF-2010 !! $150 !!
- Sony ICF-SW07 going for $$$$$ on auction site
- Radio Rainbow,The Voice of Peace.
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Jeremiah 33-3 guy back on the air!
- Grundig Sat 900 DEAD.........but.................
- Anyone hear of these, very $$$
- New satellite radio also covers shortwave
- Foster Care Radio
- Ramsey 3500 35MHz Value?????
- PRESS RELEASE: HCDX Online Log 1.0 released
- FS Hammarlund HQ-160 Receiver
- Re: Why You Don't Like The ARRL - More to like than to dislike
- DXing
- Re: How to add crystal oscillator to S-108?
- My new sports show!
- Well Crap!!!!
- London ICF 2010 / 2001D owners
- Re: Choices for a small property
- don't know what these frequencies are
- Profit Stair has given me a personal prediction!
- Tivoli to offer Sirius capability
- needed schematic for MFJ-1020a
- Ebay shortwave radio comment
- FA: National NC-60 Special SW Radio Receiver NR
- RE: sony sw55 has been sold!!!!
- Solomon Islands
- To: "Nobody You Know" Re JRC 545 Notch Tracking
- Kaito KA008 4-way power special price
- FA: Vintage Ham Mags & World Radio TV Handbook WRTH 1994
- Comparision: Grundig 400 vs. Yaesu FRG-100
- Streaming the 3950 Liberty Net on my shoutcast server!
- Radio Congo
- 50's and 60's Radio Broadcasts for sale
- re: my random wire
- 90 and 60 meter good tonight.
- Amateur Radio Newsline™ Report 1378 – January 9, 2004
- An invitation to all me freinds
- "Laser Beam" Sounds on 4.785USB
- Rams v. Panthers 5446.5 USB
- WEEKEND SPECIAL !! DRAKE R-8 with remote control !! $495
- Re: RF-Hacker fun with the drive-thru window
- Transmission on 6950
- F.S. Sony SW55
- 9:1 unun question
- Transmission on 6973.5
- RCI 9515
- Pirate-Radio Free Speech-6955
- Correct Use Of "Notch" And "Notch Tracking" (in general, or for a JRC NRD 545) ?
- Re: Hoagland finds fish Mars !!
- Where's That Station software
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- weekend special on knobs !!!!!
- Re: RF-Hacker fun with the drive-thru window
- 8425 USB mystery signals
- Printer causes SW interference!
- FS:Lafayette HA-230, Spkr
- Ever use one of these (Sony ICF-PRO80)
- Radio Shack PRO96
- Special Deal !!!! on a used radio
- 40 metre band
- Deutsche Welle reception in California ??
- F.S. 2 ( TWO) YEASU FRG-7 /Not working!!
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- Ferrite loop antenna for AM
- What's the best SW deal you ever got?
- Terrible Reception Northwest US???
- Re: Hoagland finds old Chevy Vega car parts on Mars !!
- Hum on WFAN 660?
- Suggestions for a Yaesu FRG-100?
- Kaito KA-1102 comments
- "Hitchhikers Guide to DXing"
- Tecsun R-919
- AN-LP1 w/Sangean 818?
- Walkiing in The Cold
- XM drops commercials on music channels
- WSM Nashville
- Re: what do people think of this filter ?
- FS:new radio shack dx-399
- appropriateness of equipment?
- Strange, unusual sound
- Guyana-3291.1
- Sun Block
- Re: A letter to WBCQ from Rev ****ass
- SW interference and hot poles (again)
- Got my new R-5000 am filter from INRAD
- FS Hallicrafters R-47 Speaker
- Hillary
- DX380 SW Radio
- RNZI reception
- Radio China Low Modulation
- FS: WAVECOM W4010 Multimode Decoder
- Very good MWDX tonight
- Radio Habana Sounds Like Ka-Ka
- Re: I found My Brain
- Icom R-75 question
- newbie question/KY here
- Tecsun PL-230 (Grundig YB-550) Review (NEW RADIO)
- Wanting to sell your Roberts R881 or R9940?
- superhet alignment ?
- Dear Alex Jones listeners/supporters/disciples:
- My web site
- Deutche Welle
- Radio Australia Booming on 9.580
- DX-398 for sale
- Kaitousa website raises prices
- Ontario Unlisted Frequency Guide
- Re: MW Receiver / Sync Detector
- MW Receiver / Sync Detector
- Magnetic Loop antennas for LF and MF reception
- *PING* - N8KDV
- Favourite radio name.
- WBCQ rebroadcasting Radio Caroline??
- Favorite commercial CW f?
- I found a new forum
- Emergency Radio Options
- WKDK DX test
- Morse Code: One Wonders... and Begins to Think ! [ -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . ]
- Emerson MBR-1
- [email protected]
- Chinese Station 6937
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- Would you like to know more about Heathkit
- O.T. question
- "Hot jazz" on 3295??
- Icom IC-R75 Question
- Hum free power supply design
- 6925-Pirate-Oxycontin Radio
- Do "Pre-Owned" radios get cheaper on EBAY after Christmas?
- test II
- CW Morse Code F ?
- review for Degen 1102
- random wire question
- test/don't reply
- 6950.5
- Pirate-6925-WHYP
- 6.925 PIRATE
- Pirate-6970
- AM DX Test - WRIB 1220 Khz Rhode Island
- Ragnar Radio-6925-Pirate
- Radio Shack DX-397
- Error Message
- News Group for shortwave listeners
- Re: JD HAVRY The Final Word "May Be Dangerous" JJ aka TailGatoraka Radiobuff aka KF4ANC aka leeman aka John aka Kenny aka Brent aka JR akaBJ aka GH aka ...
- Radios for sale
- WBCQ is Rockin'!
- Re: Radio review web pages
- Best Pirate Frequency ?
- Calling N8KDV
- Some afternoon logs
- AS NEW JRC NVA-319 Speaker FS
- Question about all the weird sounds ... and antenna
- FS: New/Unopened Sony ICF-SW07 -- $ 275 Delivered
- Saturday Morning Logs
- SW QSL of Taiwan
- Pirate-6950.5-Radio Free Speech
- Re: Do Hams Tip?
- Pirate-6925
- ecuador radio station
- 7416 Pirate ?
- For Sale: RS DX-398
- Portable SW receiver for Cuba trip
- Pirate-WMPR-6955
- No posts of transmitters in this group...why?
- I think I got it. Roberts R9940.
- Radio review webpages.
- FS: Grundig S350
- Radio review webpages.
- FS: Radio Shack DX-398
- MW daytime dx
- New one for me ... R. Rhino Africa.
- shortwave frequencies
- All India Radio - Great Reception in Detroit at 13:30 UTC (8:30 EST)
- WWVH QSL Received
- SW logbook
- Pirate or Werd Military stuff on 6949.5
- Incoherent , weak pirate on 6.950 & 1/2
- Very cheap Shortwave radios on Ebay
- RLDG and ILGB Data Download
- Infrared Remote Control for NRD-535
- FA: assorted vintage radio,ham,shortwave mags(last day)
- Grasscutter Radio-6950-Pirate
- VOM gone
- FS: US Icom 8500 Price drop
- coments on my recepion post and RDLB what is it?
- Icom R75 programming software etc.
- newbie question
- Tech help Yaesu FT2800M
- Jim Cedarstrom - where is he?
- Adelaide Radio VIA/VK5CRS
- Radio Norway is closed
- Radio Luxembourg DRM Broadcasts Audible in N. America
- Quantifying radio performance
- Happy New Years from Art Bell on Coast-to-Coast "AM"
- Phone line as SW antenna [04-Apr-00]
- Handy Shortwave Chart
- Radio Zambia ?
- Re: Where's the NRA on whoring as bush bitches?
- Left wing/Right wing/Religious Zealots: One stn truly unbiased!
- Big Ben
- New web site coming
- Help with antenna / receiver problem
- Pirate-WHYP-6925
- A Reminder
- FA: DX-394
- Re: Habari gani?
- Portable receiver reviews: Where do you get yours?
- Bob Grove Possum Drop?
- Is FM performance on modern PLL radios "rap" with a capital "C"?
- Re: ICOM IC-R100 full coverage receiver for auction
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