View Full Version : Shortwave
- Pastor Peters discusses Fahrenheit 911 @ 16:00 UT on 12.160
- #SWL Chat down or moved?
- Answers to Radio Puzzlers No. 3 thru 7
- Cheat sheet
- RF Noise
- Deutsche Welle - B'04
- AM FM and Satellite threatened by Wireless Internet?
- WYFR back on, barely
- What happenned to these US SW stations...
- PLC / BPL discussed by the EU parliament ! Please mail in...
- eBay:Zenith Trans-Oceanic Royal 3000-1 Shortwave Radio
- Did 9-11 terrorists use 2-way pagers or ICQ ??
- Owner's manual for the discontinued Radio Shack 15-1853 loop
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Almost real-time photos of Mt. St. Helen (volcano)
- First Radio?
- Radio Puzzler N0.7
- My new radio puzzler`
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Recent Tropical Band Loggings
- Radio puzzler No. 6
- Radio Puzzler no.5
- Radio Puzzler No. 4
- Radio Puzzler No.3
- Praize da laaaawd on shortwave!
- Radio Korea International Calendar
- Complete list of licensed US SW stations?
- WTB: Panasonic Shortwave radio RFB50
- Free T-Shirts
- Re: BBC-WS: Tony Blair: Saddam did not have WMDs
- FOR SALE Drake,Tentec,Kenwood,Hy-Gain & Wanted
- Part for Radio Shack DX-392.
- FM radio puzzler
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- PCR-1000 turned into a Desktop radio.
- Dxing on the road
- Re: Andrew Sullivan: "the man-behind-the-curtain moment"
- Re: Another Ann Coulter quote
- Recent RFA Relay List?
- Nice MW catch (for me) last night.
- VOLMET-New York Radio
- Dear Mrs. Bryant
- WBCQ - Radio Six International - October programmes
- Say Mr. Bryant, hope you get this
- Yahoo realisticdx group
- World Music Radio (WMR) bc'ing on 5815
- Shortwave 9290 kHz - This weekend
- Voice International - Winter B-04 schedule
- NOAA National Weather Service Office
- SWR this weekend
- FA Revised:Icom PCR1000 Wideband Receiver w/extras
- EPROM H-ROM JRC NRD-535 (update)
- Propagation
- WTB Hallicrafters HA-10 Convertor for SX 117
- Top News
- Chuck Harder
- Another pirate raid in California
- Tool ID needed
- Handy Shortwave Chart
- Phone line as SW antenna [04-Apr-00]
- Re: Meanwhile...
- Problem with ATS818
- Kudos to Fox News
- gottahavit1995 aka radio-mart naru'd by ebay again
- Yeasu VR-500 and shortwave radio
- NHK World calendars
- how stupid are ebay buyers ?
- Sangean ATS 909
- Inrad filters f. R-5000 Which one ?
- Additional Questions: De-Oxit
- BEFORE you buy....
- BEFORE you buy...
- Pitcairn Island
- Already 4 years !
- UK amateurs poised to get bigger 40-meter band
- r.r.sw readers in Washington/B.C.
- Air America Radio Network comes to the San Francisco (SF) Bay Area on KABL 960 kHz
- Re: Operation American Repression?
- Eton E100 now available in Canada
- Eton E100 now available in Canada
- Your first QSL?
- FA:Icom Pcr1000 wideband receiver
- Radio New Zealand purchases DRM capable SW-transmitter
- WYFR may be off the air for some weeks
- HCJB new schedule
- Feba Radio - Broadcast Schedule
- Winter B-04 schedule for Voice of Turkey:
- Re: $200 million a day.
- Question: De-Oxit vs. others (such as Radio Shack or etc)
- Diego Garcia 13254
- Bush Goggles
- TRX-manager now also supports NRD-535(D)
- EPROM NRD-535 H-ROM version !!
- Question about military frequencies
- Need suggestions for antique radio repair in the Bay Area, California
- Suggestions on shortwave power antenna
-'s 1922 AGAIN! (Radio Related!!!).
- 40,000 USAID SW Radios-What brand are they?
- Re: The dunce
- Re: Realistic DX-200 , need schematic and /or service manual
- Re: Reread as needed
- DRM from Sackville Clear as a Bell
- Re: (ot)The dunce
- Short wave radio still alive through Hurricane Ivan, yahoo and google agree
- Icom R75 Free DSP $50 Rebate
- Re: (OT) Bush's hometown newspaper endorses JOHN KERRY for President.
- US shortwave transmitters
- Stair:Hurricanes God's Judgment
- Terror Level - Raised by ACSA
- Turkey B-04
- Re: Reread as needed
- Re: President George Bush Assasinated
- FA: FM DXing Receiver Kenwood KT-7500 . Ends Oct-03-04 18:55:53 PDT
- Re: (OT) Kerry's Senate Record (Bush's, Bin Laden's Favorite Bank)
- External WinRadio ( 303/313) will be available soon!!
- for Mark in New Zealand
- Honolulu aeradio
- FEBA Radio 9495
- Another Grounding Question
- HD2IOA Time Signal
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Vinatage offshore radio - MV Kanimbla
- BBC transmitter problems on 5975?
- frequencies on grundig YB-P 2000
- Re: President George Bush Assasinated
- WYFR Situation
- Bro. Stair Listeners ??
- Ferrite gadgets - beads, etc.
- numbers station
- Heath SB-310 mod?
- VOA Thailand, 1575 kHz
- IBRA Radio
- radio-mart is back selling and lying on ebay
- All India Radio-GOA
- Radio Rhino International
- Special broadcast
- Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corp. to stop domestic shortwave
- 2010 with / without Kiwa filter
- Snake Antenna question
- FS: Mint Kenwood R-600
- Navy ULF radio system shutting down
- Tom Clancy film gimmicks get real
- Radio Japan and Australia
- Why do you use a whip antenna?
- Hotly contested R-75
- Transformer for longwire antennas to reduce noise problem?
- Re: Transformer for longwire antennas to reduce noise problem?
- FS - FORCE 12 ZR-3 Vertical on eBay - For pick up in the Denver, Colorado area ONLY
- The station at 91 & 15 fwy - Corona, CA
- Thank you contributors
- MW Logs from Louisville
- Radio Bulgaria DX Programme Script September 24 Broadcast Tips
- Re: (OT) Rasmussen Poll: For the OT concerned
- FS Harris RF-590
- Hurricane Watch Net
- Brazilian Reactivated on 4755
- WRMI and Hurricane Jeanne
- Kiwi radio strong in Alberta Canada
- Its important!
- Help in buying 1st shortwave radio
- 'Spectrum Destructive' technology threatens SWL/Ham/HF radio
- Some possible MW dx stations
- More MW DX logs from NJ with the 7600gr
- Scanning, squelch and life's frustrations
- Hey George
- quick question
- Hurricane Information
- TP Mediumwave Loggings for Sept. 25th
- Re: A good idea from the Canadians.
- Hurricane Watch Net
- POLL: ICF-2010 or ICF-7600GR
- Evening MX DX Log with 7600gr from NJ
- WTB: JRC NCM-515 Remote
- Radio Shack Battery Mess
- Re: Meet Ayad Allawi
- USA 50 KW Stations . .
- AC Adapter for FR200
- Iceland
- Re: ( OT ) Kidnappings;
- Any 50KW mw stations to try for in NYC.. ???
- Iceland 13865
- Amateur Radio Newslineâ„¢ Report 1415 Â* September 24, 2004
- WTB: KIWA Map Unit
- Propagation
- Can I Fix This Radio Knob/Control Myself?
- Hurricane Hunter etc.
- Belarus-Retimed English
- Used Kneisner and Doering KWZ30?
- Kenwood R-5000 (R5000) Receiver - Information and Resources
- Hurricane Watch Net Activation
- DXing in ICF-2010 / ICF-7600GR
- Larry Glick "The Orangutan"
- Is Iceland still on SW?
- Buying an Interceptor 10K Antenna
- FR200
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Grundig Satellite 700 with dead FM band
- Looking to buy a Yaesu VR-500
- Grundig FR 200 Receiver
- Broadband crosses power lines
- FS: Ten-Tec RX 350
- Tropical Band Loggings for Sept. 23: Indonesia & Japan
- Radio Intelligencer
- To Mark: AFI Question - Thanks
- Re: Mr . Prime Minister Ariel Sharon it is time to resign
- FS: an extra Lowe HF-225 agreat receiver !
- FS: Grove SP-200 sound enhancer
- FS: Radio shack DX-300 receiver
- FS: upgraded Grundig S350
- classic shortwave programs
- Grundig FR200 questions
- Who can hear these NYC 50KW mw stations ???
- What Is The "AFI NET" Please ? (Tripoli Signals)
- Re: '60 Minutes' Documents on Bush Report the Truth that Bush is a Total Disg
- Humble and contrite apology to dxAce
- A polite request to contributors...
- A Nice Guy
- (OT) Me and Mike
- Steve Lare: Behave
- Alex Jones vs. Rocky
- Attn: Big T
- Ham Horseplay Frequencies???
- Anyone ever been to Ten-Tec?
- (ot) Please read this
- Military Monitoring Group Growing!
- HHGG new series first px now available in RA
- (OT) Another Michael Bryant Lie
- Hurricane Jeanne
- SWR-(Germany) closes on shortwave
- Icom R75 or Satellit 800 ? Help!
- WTB Drake R8B radio
- Re: Navy launches second Kerry medal probe
- FA : GRUNDIG YB 400 PE 2 days left!
- Re: C-B.S. and Dan Rather biased...
- Kerbango Radio
- DW supports many languages - now Klingon
- predictions
- Off Topic
- FS: RX-320 & LF Engineering H800 Antenna
- dxAce selling the crown jewels..???
- Re: Bush's Desertion is Unrefuted was '60 Minutes' Documents on Bush Definitely
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