View Full Version : Shortwave
- Nancy Pelosi's Nazis
- Grundig G6 (Buzz Aldrin Edition) - Owners Club
- Re: Coast-to-Coast AM -interviews- Inventor Paul Pantone about theGEEK Engine
- So what happened to the original Apollo tapes, anyway?
- Re: One Word to Describe the Grundig G6 Aviator - WOW!
- More Porkies Khun Brian????
- 0baMa0's Liberal Fascist Utopia Versus You and Your Freedom
- Re: One Word to Describe the Grundig G6 Aviator - WOW!
- FM-HD power increase - iBiquity/Greater Media Caught! LOL!
- grundig g3 initial reactions
- Re: One Word to Describe the Grundig G6 Aviator - WOW!
- A Plea to Brian Anasta from his son Josh.
- Re: rotflmmfao at NOBODY
- Dave Smokin` de Ganja Mon
- New Sangean Radios
- N.KOREA: Something odd about those two freed journalists
- Liberal Fascist Propaganda Machine: Obama – Gates – ProPublica – Associated Press
- Drifter
- SPECIAL: Brownshirt
- Floating on a cloud of love..................
- The Store Once Know as 'RadioShack' : Would Like You To Call It "TheShack"
- Tribute To Krispy, Kombat, Ph.dufus, and Dave
- Our Love of Shortwave and Ham Radios - Your Story
- hi there
- Care Versus Control
- GB4FPR Friday 7 from 1600 Hrs BST tx 502KHz , Rx 502KHz & 3.566 MHz
- Who's The New Douche Bag Here At Rec Radio
- Software Defined Receivers (SDR) Questions
- How about those Dodgers
- Why do we read this forum?
- Bentley Continental Gran Tourismo gone
- SPECIAL: Fascists are scarier than terrorists
- Anyone compared the Palstar R 30 cc with the new Palstar R 30 A?
- (OT) Celebrate Good Times
- Introducing the Sangean ATS909 - Anyone Got It?!
- (OT) : Venezuela - Hugo Chavez - Begins Shutdown of 34 Radio Stations
- Good Bye
- Re: Michael Bryant Arrest - Reminder
- Antenna Options - Way Too Many!!! Help Needed Please
- Opinions Required Please - Quality of Kaito Shortwave Radios
- And All Would Be Quiet On The Western Front If...
- Bob Dob Seems to be a Snob
- Kombat vs PH.dufus; who's the bigger Clown?
- Ph.d DipStick enjoy this shortwave radio dialogue
- Re: Firedrake Logs
- Re: FS: Elecraft K3 with options
- Top News
- Re: INVITATION LIST for the Kombat Arrest Anniverary Bash January 82010
- PING: Telamon
- Re: Mike
- Pirate Log on 6930 at 0615 UTC
- 41 meter Logs @ 0500 UTC, Aug 2
- CUHU WebTV'er Enjoy!..This Radio Is Sweet...
- Grundig G5, Eton E5 and Degen 1103 Repair
- 49 meter Logs: 0200-0230 UTC, August 2
- Re: 'Cash for Clunkers' Language Giving Feds Authority to TakeCont...
- Re: Ping Krypto the Klown
- PING Dr Mike Bryant Ph.dufus
- Re: Ping Krypto the Klown
- Re: Ping Krypto the Klown
- NRA Threats Fail to Block Sotomayor Confirmation
- Stock Market Rallies - Half Way Back, Folks!
- The Nationalization of Your Body
- Democrat Party Corruption will invoke RICO
- Electro-magnetic Pulse
- 'Cash for Clunkers' Language Giving Feds Authority to Take Control ofComputers
- DGS-6090 Missing
- 0300-0400utc logs
- Major FAIL — ObamaCare
- Re: (OT) : Yes in Barack 'Hussein' Obama We Have a "NaturalBorn" U...
- Radio Havana Cuba freqs, 0500-0700 UTC
- Latin American SW Logs Page Updated
- Sangeetpedia – First Ever Multimedia DVD-Rom-Encyclopedia of Indian Music is Released
- Mike, maybe this will make you feel better.
- The Obama Timeline
- Obama's socialized health care
- Oh Mike Oh Mike
- Re: (OT) : Since Prez Obama is African-American BHO CAN NOT BERACISTS [.]
- Re: I think he's right
- The Dumbest Arguments Against Health Care Reform
- Passband crashed
- Here Burr
- Re: (OT) : Warning =IF= Obama were a Kenyan versus an American :Jo...
- Re: 0baMa0's Plot Against Anti-Communist Honduras - Sides With MarxistsOver Honduras
- ATTN: Coohoo. Cool Photo
- Re: 0baMa0's Plot Against Anti-Communist Honduras - Sides WithMarxists Over Honduras
- Re: (OT) : MWB - Leap of Logic Warning "burglarizing your own home"
- Re: I think he's right
- Re: Coast-to-Coast AM -interviews- Inventor Paul Pantone about theGEEK Engine
- Steve
- Re: (OT) : MWB - Leap of Logic Warning "burglarizing your own home"
- More Win 7 Stuff
- Re: I think he's right
- (OT) : Zelaya is Legally No Longer the President of Honduras underHonduran Law as prescribed by the Honduran Constitution.
- Re: (OT) : MWB - Leap of Logic Warning "burglarizing your own home"
- (OT) NASA.
- Re: 0baMa0's Plot Against Anti-Communist Honduras - Sides WithMarxists Over Honduras
- Ten Questions for Supporters of 'ObamaCare'
- Fair Recap Price........
- Loop - Longwire Question
- New Health Plan to Cover Illegal Aliens
- 'Impeach' & 'Deport Obama' bumper stickers HERE
- Quick Scan of SW Presets
- BBC : India Launches First Nuclear-Powered Submarine
- Africa DX list
- CFRX - 6070
- Re: "Rense" {Radio} Program Show that is Host-by Jeff Rense -via- ...
- Re: Google spewers enter their final days
- Michael Savage on ban list to 'balance' Muslim extremists
- Radio Log July 26, 2009
- Anyone Hearing CFRX?
- Anyone Else Notice?
- Top News
- Balanced amplifier?
- BDXC Africa On Shortwave Page Updated
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- Re: (OT) : The Obama-Regime© Make Criminals Outof Jewish American ...
- Democrats Intend New Health Plan to Cover Illegal Aliens
- CHU 6660
- GUILTY: Shortwave preacher Tony Alamo to rot in jail
- Hey, RHF! This is hilarious!
- SPECIAL: America's most trusted newscaster?
- More on Windows 7
- Drifter, your back?
- Re: Sarah Palin is Missing!
- Radio Gloat....
- 29.680 MHz AM ??
- please vote for me
- Re: OT Maybe
- Save Money!
- DX440 f/s
- Some More Weekend Logs
- Shortwave Time Signals - Where have they gone?
- Dr. Arthur Becker-Weidman: Center For Family Development
- Re: FS: Sony ICF-7600DS SW Portable with manuals, antenna
- Mission Control: Celebrating NASA and Space Explorers everywhere.
- Pirate Log - KUSA
- Voice of Russia - 9890
- OT Maybe
- RIP - Henry Allingham
- Re: Sarah Palin is Missing!
- John Batchelor Show Expands to Saturday Nights
- Firedrake Log
- Some Saturday Morning Logs
- 9.580 at 1000 UCT
- Top News
- American Freedom Radio [AFR] -aka- Freedom Underground Radio "We ThePeople Radio Network"
- "America’s Morning News" [AMN] via KGIL-AM 1260 kHz from SoCal
- The lost NASA tapes: Restoring lunar images after 40 years in thevault
- Saifee Durbar: A Plan for African Self-Sufficiency
- Passport to World Band Radio(R) in Limbo ?
- Noob questions?
- Schematic request -Realistic DX-400 (20-207) or Uniden CR-2021
- Radio Havana
- Re: The BBC became too PC for me, says veteran Sissons
- (OT) : Typical Obama-Speak© and Classic Liberal-Fascist Rhetoric
- Re: INTRODUCING the first portable HD Radio - Insignia's NS-HD01
- Re: INTRODUCING the first portable HD Radio - Insignia's NS-HD01
- Oh, Eduardo - Major market FM prices keep falling!
- Re: (OT) Russian EMP Test 184 in 1962
- Larry Sarner: Crackpot and Quack
- "Climate changes" due to Earth’s magnetic poles reversing themselves
- "Minority" Broadcasters Seek Federal Aid
- Latin American SW Logs Page Updated
- Languages / stations on SW updated
- Red China Won't Turn Green
- Millionaire Allan Weiner cans Johnny Lightning
- Cape Radio - 10780
- Bone conductor radio.
- Who can I send this to for repairs?
- Burr, how's the weather?
- Re: receiver input impedance?
- Carbon Emission Regulations to be Used as Censorship Tool
- Barack Obama Cult: Building a Religion
- WTB: Realistic DX-440/Sangean ATS-803A
- Top News
- Dispute over flag protest erupts in Wisc. village
- [MsgID 100180] Help needed with a Cobra CIR2000a Internet Radio receiver
- FS: Sony car stereo shortwave receiver
- Gore: U.S. Climate Bill, Global Warming, Pave Path to “Global Governance”
- Hating Palin
- The "Progressive" Promised Land
- 0baMa0 Tse Dung Jokes about Plight of Chinese Uyghur muslims
- Re: BREAKING NEWS! iBiquity decalred bankruptcy in 2008! LMFAO!!!
- Re: BREAKING NEWS! iBiquity decalred bankruptcy in 2008! LMFAO!!!
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- Re: receiver input impedance?
- Re: (OT) : Palin Derangement Syndrome -was- Note to Alaska voters
- Re: (OT) : Palin Derangement Syndrome -was- Note to Alaska voters
- Note to Alaska voters
- Open Message to Sarah
- Sarah Palin is Missing!
- OT -- How the Leadership took Palin's leaving
- An Perfect Example of Dr.DaviD's favorite Huffington Post Author
- Was 0baMa0 citizen of world’s most populous Muslim nation? Calls Jakarta his ‘old hometown’
- A CALL TO ACTION: Help Us Fight the Talk Radio Censorship Tricks
- Mortgage fraud 'rampant' - Liberal Fascist Barney Frank wants more!
- Audio books or old timee serial programs on SW?
- SPECIAL: India facing unprecedented water shortage
- Radio Habana, did they discontinue the English service?
- OT scum bag bites the dust
- Nicaraguan troops were moving towards Honduras
- ccradio-swp?
- Why is the U.S. not supporting the rule of law?
- (OT) Breaking News!
- *** CENSOR ALERT *** 0baMa0 Starts Web-scrubbing
- Venezuelan official: Radio licenses to be revoked - 0baMa0 to followsuit!
- 0baMa0 Propaganda Picture Hot Item on the Streets of Communist China
- Sunspot Group Intensifies
- Sony car stereo shortwave on Craig's List
- Top News
- Pirate Log
- Organization of American States (OAS) kicks out Honduras, welcomesCuba - LMFAO!
- (OT) Breaking News
- Re: Radio Bucharest
- Complete North Korea freqs
- Some July 4th Logs
- JP on air
- Ibiquity Digital Radio in My Hometown
- Re: Wellbrook ALA1530 next to a RF Systems DX1 Pro
- Re: EiBi Skeds Updated
- SPECIAL: From Carl Kartcher to Roy
- 15075 at 0227Z
- NY State Democrats Refuse to Stand during Pledge of Allegiance toAmerican Flag
- Honduran sovereignty: who has jurisdiction?
- Re: Helen Thomas: Not Even Nixon Tried to Control the Media Like0baMa0 - Wheels coming off 0baMa0 propaganda bus
- 0baMa0 Dismantles Free Press
- 15.630 Greece
- Lebensunwertes Leben
- 0baMa0's True Colors Shine in Honduras
- 0baMa0 Supports Honduras' Marxist Druglord
- Walkman, at 30, a mystery to teen
- Re: RCI's Maple Leaf Mailbag? Bad radio!
- Brooke Oberwetter: Scientology Spin Doctor?
- Wellbrook ALA1530 next to a RF Systems DX1 Pro
- iBiquity and the NSA?
- Truth
- Re: Language codes
- Re: Language codes
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