View Full Version : Shortwave
- DX-398 / Sangean 909 Speaker Died, need suggestions.
- Netscape
- Re: Steve Quayle is one NOW.
- Re: Beautiful Pictures of some really Great Looking Old Radios
- Pastor Peters 10:00 program / IRS
- Please help w/ Sangean ATS 909
- Three Hours of Good Listening
- Wild Colts
- Re: ARRL FUD about BPL
- Re: $10:95 Jwin JX-M14 9 band SWR ( Anyone heard of K & B )
- Re: ARRL FUD about BPL
- shortwave newbie needs help please.
- FYI: Poor SW Listening Conditions
- Re: ARRL FUD about BPL
- Re: ARRL FUD about BPL
- WTB: RF Systems DX-One Pro
- Re: ARRL FUD about BPL
- Re: Now a possible hurricane??
- White-Westinghouse Radio offered
- Re: Terrible Reception in Arkansas (guess what folks?)
- Re: Terrible Reception in Arkansas
- Where the hell are the frequencies?
- Re: Scanner Master ScanPlus 0-25 MHz Adapter
- FOR Sale.....AOR AR 8200B and more
- FBI can monitor terrorists on their computers
- Cellular interference? Your'e not alone
- Getting started in MW DXing
- Re: Bell+Howell user "manual"
- National Anthem of Australia
- A name change and new website
- FS: Brand new Sony ICF-SW7600GR + Service Manual on CD
- Israel Radio / Kol Israel English schedule changes
- Re: BBC Downfall, Continued
- Re: Communication During Blackout
- Open Letter to W.VA 911 operators
- CHU off the air!
- a message for my admirers
- Blackout Cell Phones
- Liberty Net being jammed tonite?
- Ilg radio software
- Re: for sell
- Cambridge Sounds Works Radio 730
- Communication During Blackout
- What the heck - where did all the mesages go ?
- Grundig Satellit 900
- Re: old-time radio, OTR, shortwave, seek advertisers
- FA: Holaday HI-3510 RF Microwave Monitor
- More WBCQ
- why I do what i do
- WBCQ, PGW, Blind Paul
- RA's signature tune
- Liberal Democrat Emergency preparedness kit
- News to me -- DX-396 has GREAT selectivity!
- Re: Only hours untill....
- Mel Gibson's movie, Jews, and Jessie Jackson
- FS: Icom IC-R75
- CAT control for FRG-100
- RCI Relay Station in Tofino / Uucluet : RCI has not issued press release denying involvement.
- Terrorist FAQ.
- Earn $500 to $700 per Week Downloading FREE Software
- 6924.8
- See Lloyd Davies at the Huntsville Alabama Hamfest tomorrow!
- Opinions on Grundig FR200
- Drake SW8 and Tun4A on Ebay
- OK, so I shouldnt have cut the blue Wire...
- Re: Any AM stations off air?
- FS Fiamm 12V/24Ah Batteries
- Sony ICF-SW55: any fix for stable BFO?
- God is a TERRORIST !
- correction
- All India Radio
- Power Outage in NY!
- HAM radio versus Cell Phones
- NY and Ontario power failure
- Propagation Website
- Solar Max
- Re: Bush Screws Veterans Again
- Re: Anyone ever hear UAE Radio from Dubai?
- slinky beverage
- Radio Canada International goodies
- Announcement: Shortwave Programming Discussion E-list
- Radio Prague QSL received
- Help with XTL Controled Radios
- Jwin radio for ~$10 (rather than ~$20)
- Re: ITT Schaub-Lorenz Viola de luxe
- Re: Rubber Antenna ?
- Shortwave radios's greatest talk show.........
- mIRC Channel For SWL?
- Re: Gilligan Trashed by Fellow BBCers
- If these are your priorities, which radio is for you?
- Jwin radio.. kewl... :)
- Re: external antenna for Sony 7600
- RA Previews #578. 13-15 Aug '03
- AR7030 SYNC Problems
- 15010 khz
- ad: my Icom IC-PCR100 with kewl extras on ebay
- Want to fly ?
- QSL postage question
- Re: Is this how to hook up an AT100 to a DX-394 ??
- Re: This is no time for a month's vacation, Georgie, your war's not won.Our troops are dying.
- Sony ICF 2010 Error 3, even with A/C
- FS:Sangean ATS-818
- 14,010.0 khz unknown SS broadcaster 1800z Aug 12
- Zanzibar
- Head-phone recommendation..
- N2UHC/B on the air
- ARNewsline 1356 - Aug 8 2003
- newbie w/questions on first purchase
- Radio Galkayo (Somalia)
- 6985 khz
- frg7
- 6.120
- A newby question
- Clearing shack.............
- larger pictures of my collection
- WTT: Ten-Tec RX-320 for Icom PCR-100
- SHOW 4 of On the Domestic Front is READY!
- Frank of Queens Arrested!!!!
- Lloyd Davies = Transvestite
- Spanish UNID on 6956
- 5.100 USB fading badly
- New type of signal from Boston Meteo on 9.110 ???
- Telstar 5 & Home Schooling
- FS: Sony ICF Pro 80
- 6890 khz
- Re: vertical di pole
- Wanted: Racal 6790/GM Receiver
- The insidiousness of gays
- FS: Fine Tunings Proceedings
- Geoff Halligey has passed away.
- Radio Fana, Ethiopia
- Where does the AT-100 hook to ??
- Recommendations
- FS: Grundig Majestic Model 97 (1958)
- R-75; Strange phenomenon
- Program guide for WBCQ
- Re: Treason at the Bush Regime White House
- FS/FT Sangean 505 and Radio Shack DX 399
- Looking for help with an HP 8554B spectrum analyzer plugin
- Tain't No Better
- Re: Treason at the Bush Regime White House
- VNG to go to a museum
- i dont mind the political posts
- Pirate on 6950 USB 0540+ UTC
- Radio Farda (clandestine)
- eBay: Original Sony ICF-5900W NM NR!!
- Al Patrick You Are Right All Non Xtians Shuld Die
- 2182 kHz weirdness
- Re: website?
- Best times for tropical band listening?
- Just got a QSL from RCI International.
- Bush Approval Jumps to 60%-Snakes Panic
- See what Steven K. Gielda Admin of Cotse says about the Troll
- Sony 7600gr- how is this...
- Re: "Mission Accomplished" At least 11 People Killed by Truck Bomb in Baghdad
- Re: Tektronix Vectorscope For Trade
- Re: Grundig Satellit 800 FM question
- Re: College Teacher Blasts Bush
- Re: Bush Moves to Muzzle Our Troops
- Prayer Test!
- Pirate 6.925
- Re: Bush Moves to Muzzle Our Troops
- Re: Bush Bashed in Chicago
- 15010 khz
- 15740 khz
- Tisha B'Av (Ninth of Av)
- Re:OT's Was ( Memo Reveals California Recall as Bush Strategy)
- Re: Happy Hiroshima Day! (technical question)
- FA: Sangean ATS-803A with mods
- Re: This is no time for a month's vacation, Georgie, your war's not won. Our troops are dying.
- Re: Update On Strom He Hasn't Been Told Yet
- Re: A Moral Failure
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-OC
- Re: Full, Final Report: $20 jWIN Radio
- WYFR on 15040 khz
- Good news, Rick Wiles goes goodby.
- Re: FAG Kevin Strom GETS THE BIG BOOT! moan faggit moan!!!
- FA: Vintage SUPER CLEAN Sony ICF-5900W No Reserve!!!!
- Re: 6950 usb
- Re: Bush's policies send state finances into the toilet
- Re: Why shouldn't gay bishops be permitted, Episcopalians?
- Re: Sony SW7600GR Antenna Question
- My attempt to explain EIRP, or why EIRP should not be confused with transmitter power...
- Re: 15.065
- radio related subjects
- DX 394 audio question
- Re: Bush's other "victory". Afghan Political Violence on the Rise!
- Rick's "Prosperity Gospel"
- QSL Storagae
- Scan Master converter
- Short Wave above 25MHZ
- Need: Heathkit SW 717 Alignment Instructions
- RF Systems DX-1 Pro Mark 1
- Clay Douglas / 12.160 MHz on 8/7 @ 08:00 EDT / 12.00 UTC
- 6.210
- Passport
- Scottish shortwave frequencies
- KIPM Win-Win
- Radio Canada International : British Columbia Relay Station ... view the computations!
- Re: Lloyd D, Time Lord?
- Re: It has been rumored...
- Re: hf amateur trans at which receiver
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Re: Lloyd D, Time Lord?
- Profit Stair live call-in NOW 9.475
- More tests on the $9.95 B & H
- Re: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy 3
- Re: Bush fit for duty.. Send him over therre
- Re: Comment: $20 jWIN radio
- Re: SW Transmitter Mfgrs
- RE:NRD-545 update
- Niton Radio "GNI"
- RCI blanking out ? atmospherics ??
- eBay: SUPER CLEAN Sony ICF-5900W NICE!!!!!!
- Please explain the difference
- Re: FAG Kevin Strom GETS THE BIG BOOTH moan faggit moan!!!
- Repair on Sony ICF-SW55?
- RFPI back on 15040 khz
- WTB Realistic DX-100...
- Re: ceramic filter myth
- FAG Kevin Strom GETS THE BIG BOOTH moan faggit moan!!!
- FS: Kiwa Aircore Loop (fixed email bounce problem)
- off-topic, but important
- increase your receivers selectivity
- Comment On This News Group
- Diego Garcia 13254
- FM frequency rang on Sony ICF-SW7600GR radio?
- ?? QRZ ?? passed re-examination?
- Clay Douglas on 9.485
- I'm still looking! Help! TABLE TOP - ANALOG SW RECEIVER...
- Hal Turner near death
- 6925 USB
- (RE:) Degen shortwave radios from China
- FS: C. Crane Select-A-Tenna AM radio booster
- FS: Kiwa Air Core Loop Antenna
- Ed Hare (W1RFI) of the ARRL on BPL replies to comments
- FS: AR AOR8200B w/extras
- Area 51 on at 22:00 UTC
- Radio For Peace International
- Pirate Radio Loggings Database
- George Gentry has new exposes!
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