View Full Version : Shortwave
- Edmund Fitzgerald - November 10
- New Yaesu FTdx-5000MP
- Vegas Outdoor DXing for November 8, 2009
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- Vegas Weekend Log November 7-8, 2009
- SPECIAL: Real Nazis Hate Obama
- Re: The Crystal Ship
- Shortwave lists: "look what I've done .."
- Re: Republican Jeremy Robinson gets 3 years of assrape
- Reparations to Indians (or slaves) or smoking crack to get votes?
- Re: Fox News Slammed Silly on SNL
- Re: Fox News Slammed Silly on SNL
- Democrats gouge consumers with double coverage requirements?
- "Pandora nearly beats CBS in Online Radio" Yea, baby - LOL!
- BushcraftGreg Nominated For Distinguished Troll Society Membership
- General Dynamics experiment license WE2XXE
- Rep Dingell more concerned with auto profits than health care?
- Re: Kucinich: Why is it we have Finite Resources for Health Care butUnlimited Money for War?
- What is Harrassment? The arguments to protect freedom of speech.
- Speaker Pelosi just announced that anyone under the age of 28 is achild in the United States?
- Voice Of Russia B09 English Language Schedule
- BBC Worldwide Service B09 Schedule & Frequency Charts
- Re: new kb9rqz merchandise
- GOP alternative could be amended?
- Apathy allowed Democrats to take power?
- Re: Army Exercise
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- Richard Bianchino Logs November 2-6, 2009
- Saif & Kareena Are Gorgeous Couple: Soha Ali Khan
- Fort Hood Shooting was Preventable
- Re: Saif Durbar: Conducting Housing Experiments in Saudi Arabia!
- Rep Castor of Tampa Florida Hallucinating on CSPAN?
- Re: #Gore: 'Civil disobedience has a role to play'
- Congressional Diane Watson wonders why we are angry?
- Re: The Bush Wars that led to the Ft. Hood massacre
- Top News
- Re: President Doofus: "Don't jump to conclusions..."
- Is it The Kraven or The Kraken...?
- Re: Ft.Hood Shooting-Day2
- OT- NOW Orlando Fla. Shooting
- Ft.Hood Shooting-Day2
- Re: OT-Ft. Hood Shooting
- Re: Army Exercise
- Re: Shooter was BushCo Arab
- Re: Kraven's Cook Book Info/Arrest Anniversary Bash
- Re: The MUSLIM Fort Hood Shooters? Led by Army Majjor Malik NadalHasan, a Mental Health Professional
- Soldier turns traitor and commits terrorist act on Fort Hood?
- Re: OT-Ft. Hood Shooting
- Re: OT-Ft. Hood Shooting
- OT-Ft. Hood Shooting
- Kraven's Cook Book Info/Arrest Anniversary Bash
- I thought this was the shortwave newsgroup
- Re: New Contract for America?
- For the Eduardo(s) and Radio World AM haters clubs
- Vegas Outdoor DXing for Nov 3, 2009
- Re: New Contract for America?
- Re: (OT) : Finally the US Senate Democrats Act to ExtendUn-Employm...
- Re: New Contract for America?
- ObaMa0-Pelosi to Health Insurers: Shut Up or We'll Shut You Down
- Health care does not affect the economy
- Doug Hoffman WON THE ELECTION! Thank YOU Mr. OBAMA!
- HD Radio - it's over - LOL!
- Re: #Afghanistan divides Labour Party
- Pirate - 6930
- Approx 9 Weeks Until Kombat Kramer Bangkok Arrest Anniversary BASH
- Re: Rethinking the USA: Breaking up the college cartel
- Re: Rethinking the USA: Breaking up the college cartel
- twelve days of...
- The "Costs" of Medical Care
- Michael Moore vs. Thomas Sowell: A Hate Story
- 'twas the night
- Ex-Soviets enlisted to environmental organizations in the US?
- 72 hours = 24 work hours = 1440 minutes
- Re: How about that Republican administration-created debt
- Re: When Watermelon Head got busted for Oxycontim he startedpiggingout BIGTIME
- Vegas Weekend Log Oct 31 - Nov 1, 2009
- Outdoor DXing Oct 26 & Nov 1, 2009
- The "What's on guide for shortwave" is here ...
- The Totalitarians Among Us
- Re: Why does this happen?
- Re: When Watermelon Head got busted for Oxycontim he started piggingout BIGTIME
- Re: How about that Republican administration-created debt
- Re: #Personal spending and income show "recovery" is limited to Wall Street
- (OT) : One Year After Election Day : The Verdict on Prez Obama : A Culture of National Debt and Obama-Tax-Slavery©
- Re: #Personal spending and income show "recovery" is limited to WallStreet
- Re: #Japan plans to begin burying captured carbon emissions
- Re: #Japan plans to begin burying captured carbon emissions
- Re: #Personal spending and income show "recovery" is limited to WallStreet
- Los Angeles to Russia on 40 Watts
- Pirate - 6925
- SW Schedules: put all links together
- Richard Bianchino Logs Oct 26-30, 2009
- Latin American SW Logs Page Up dated
- Pirate 6925 USB
- Pirate - 6220
- B09 winter schedules: sw tx, starting on a certain time.
- National Panasonic
- Re: Trick or Treat?
- Setting Your Clocks Back
- Re: Trick or Treat?
- Pandora headed in-dash - bye, bye HD Radio - LOL!
- For Mr. Eric Williams Re WinRadio G305
- When is DX Season going to come to South Florida?
- Does Dick Cheney Support Amnesty?
- My Grundig Satellit 3000 is starting to act up...
- B09 winter language schedules, now with TX location and tx power
- Meet the newest saint for the Church of the Left
- Re: Health Care is not constitutionally based
- Lowe HF-150
- B09 winter schedules...
- iBiquity's fraudulant IPO - LOL!
- Re: ABC plays HBO's lost Obama blather - I thought Charlie Gibson wasgonna blubber over his 'Slobbering Love Affair' with Oboobuh
- IARU Announces “GlobalSET 2009”
- Dismantling America
- Re: Health Care is not constitutionally based
- wha happ to telemon?
- The Mighty KBC - QSL
- New NPR Web Radio
- NPR Labs on IBOC power increase
- The Crystal Ship - QSL
- Aoki B09 Text File
- Akki misses his lucky Mascot Kat
- Fox News has a slant all right, it is called a gravity feed flush?
- More noise from lamps.
- Vegas Weekend Log Oct 24-25, 2009
- Re: (OT) Yeahhhhhh,,,
- Vegas Weekend Log Oct 24-25, 2009
- Icom R-75 Nearly New $450
- Shortwave Listening Log Oct 20-23, 2009
- Pirate - 6925
- Nobel Prize: Marxism Goes Mainstream
- Pirate - 6925
- Propagation Forecast Bulletin 43
- CHINA-CRI Skeds.
- Pirate - 6925
- Indo Station List
- do'nt forget it
- Bob Struble auditions for the Kennedy Clan - LOL!
- Re: WinRadio G305 & G313 ?
- Top News
- Pick the Struble lie - LOL!
- Hey Out-of-Control radio insiders - HD radio just isn’t needed or wanted.
- All the President's Mao
- Trafalgar Day
- Who needs HD Radio, now that radio has Jelli - LOL!
- NPR backing away from HD Radio - LOL!
- Why an NPR Labs Digital High-Power Study?
- What is the abridgement of Speech?
- Glenn Beck Show Better with the China man at the hotline?
- Top Secret Pentagon Weapon Test Successful?
- (OT) Yeahhhhhh,,,
- Let's do some actual listening and see what happens.
- Join .Net Community
- Comedian Maher still on the air?
- Screw Britain! Tell Gordon Brown to Shag Himself?
- RF that may kll cancer one day
- Keeping it Real, Fox News and Political Opportunism
- Anita Dunn should retake Philosphy? A review of Mao
- "He was standing in the hole waiting for something to develop....
- Coaches have to watch for what they don't want to see
- (OT) RHF
- A man is not old
- Re: Obama creates 30,000 jobs with $787 Billion tax dollars
- Re: OMG Folks...Look at this Smear
- Re: Minimum Wage Myths? Typical Media Misinformation?
- Re: WinRadio G305 & G313 ?
- Any Idea who is on 10140?
- Re: |||||- The destruction of america - for profit
- Re: WE2XGR/6 --- 507 KHZ
- Re: |||||- The destruction of america - for profit
- Pirate - 6925
- Re: 6290.2 at 0030UTC
- Top News
- Community Service Begins with the Truth (Corrected Copy)
- Community Service Begins with the Truth
- New Zune HDs, with HD Radio, fall to all-time lows on Amazonrankings!
- Re: IBOC : FM HD-Radio - The Trend-to-Watch - Money Making HD-2C...
- Obama’s Resolution to Stifle Free Speech
- HD Radio - buyer beware!
- the poster known as HD Radio Farce
- Rush Limbaugh Setup So Democrats can Wipe Out the NFL and STEAL THEIRBLING?
- Setting Up Rush Limbuagh So that Obama and Steal the NFL Bling Bling?
- Latin American SW Logs Page Updated
- Are You Ready For Some Football?
- Michael Savage Fumbled the Ball?
- Correcting Michael Savage?
- RP2100/CC Crane SW
- Re: The ONLY way I'd go to the White House
- First they came for Fox News
- Demo Crap Administration Fired US EPA Senior Weather Scientist?
- Chicken Feathers Flying, Obama misses more opportunities?
- Ask Not What Your Country Can Do To You?
- Don't Ask, Don't Tell, What's in the Bill?
- Press has not covered the protests! And they complain about FoxNews?
- 6290.3 at 0100 UTC
- We are all used to Chris Matthews Hallucinating?
- The Shiny Object of Realism in Democracy?
- Still Waiting... AOR AR7070
- Working on new view for site, first impressions
- Re: The ONLY way I'd go to the White House
- RTTY news services?
- New Fall / Winter Schedules (b09 ?)
- No Subject
- Voice of Russia
- Re: (OT) : Nobel "Peace Prize" Confirms Prez Obama is NO Jimmy Carter
- Why the GOP loses
- Re: (OT) : Nobel "Peace Prize" Confirms Prez Obama is NO Jimmy Carter
- First listening, couple questions
- ARRL Los Angeles Section News
- Nobel Peace Prize confirms Obama is the new Jimmy Carter
- Top News
- SPECIAL: The Roy Fisk Memorial Health Reform Act
- First listening, couple questions
- Bill Baka according to Baka
- Crony Capitalism Chinese, er, Chicago style
- Adapter for Grundig Yacht Boy 80
- RE: The Power Hour
- Great little review on Yaesu's FT-817
- WRNO off the air again?
- TCS ON AIR Tuesday Evening *2200-
- Baka Plays Grab @$$ at RRSW
- Skip in yet?
- Baka Has Lost All Respect in RRSW
- HD Radio - Trend to watch: Team-branded HD2s !!
- The Mighty KBC - Shortwave again?
- Zune HD failing miserably - Insignia Portable HD Radio also a bust
- WinLink CD/AGW Software/AGW DX Clock/
- Those who want sanctions on Iran smoke crack?
- Top News
- Bill Baka FYI DEA Schedule
- Ace...
- Ping Bill Baka...To Coin A Phrase From a Distinguished Troll SocietyMember
- Bill Baka Discusses Life & Family
- type/length of wire and connectors for external antenna?
- Doper Bill Baka & His 160 IQ
- ugg boots
- No Summer Olympics
- "XXX" [30th] Summer Olympic Games London UK 2012
- Re: Mighty KBC Leaving Shortwave
- ZS6BQI South Africa bagged by cheezy autospotter
- 10.210 - 1132 UCT
- New FCC Chairman Targets internet
- Latin American SW Logs Page Updated
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