View Full Version : Shortwave
- Re: Don't Stop Spam Boy/Steve Lare/dxace/N8KDV. You don't need nostinking ISERV
- Re: Cellphone outages coming in FL?
- Het zal toch niet zijn wie ik denk dat het is?
- On the Domestic Front on the air now!
- Looking for inexpensive radio...
- Faraday Cage Grounded Or Ungrounded
- Faraday Cage Grounded Or Ungrounded
- Amateur Radio Newslineâ„¢ Report 1400 Â* June 11, 2004
- Navy causing Noise/interference?
- sony crf-330k
- sony crf-330k
- sony crf-330k
- Digital Superadio eBay Item #2250997161
- Digital Superadio eBay Item # 2250997161
- Tracking Exercise (?)
- Degen DE1102 Basic Operating Manual
- DaVinci Code new twist Bletchley Park
- 7115 at 1:25 UTC?
- 7.415 Bush / Lybia & 9/11 ( Rabbi Spivak )
- A new episode of "On the Domestic Front" coming Tomorrow nite!!!
- Re: Lloyd Davies is too stupid to learn 5wpm morse code
- Arjen Jongeling, een oude bekende
- shortwave receiver wanted
- Chuck Harder Show
- Tatarstan-Russia
- Southern California Shortwave Radio Logs
- digital readout for DX-160
- FS: Drake, JRC, Racal, Wavecom accessories
- 9715 @ 1:34 UTC Uzbek ???
- KA1102 mw performance
- Boy are we lucky! Universal Radio is still around
- Need DRAKE dealer in UK
- Comparison of six portable radios
- I made a nice electronic tool chest today..
- The Car-Radio Synchronous-Detection Blues
- Re: It Can Happen Here ! [Was: Fahreneheit 911 by Michael Moore]
- Remote Control For Drake R8?
- English Schedules?
- Newbie looking for a good SW Radio
- I like my Grundig YP-400PE...
- Re: Lloyd Davies Diary - The life and times of a 30yr old virgin- 6/13/2004
- Southern California Shortwave Radio Logs
- FS Drake SW-8
- Mongolloyd Davies tries to talk tough,
- afternoon logs
- Wireless Institute of Australia issues statement on BPL
- World Music Radio
- Special French?
- Variations on the channel TRF AM tube tuner; and a question
- 11615 @ 16:05 UTC
- FS DRAKE R* reciever
- Test 2
- Friendship Radio
- Icom R75/Loop Antenna.
- (OT) - Chirac Refuses to Check in to The Great Liberty Net
- 15255 @00:31UTC
- 15255 @00:31UTC
- 15255 @00:31UTC
- Update! Filing FCC comment against BPL
- 15255 @00:31UTC
- Re: Constant bandwidth TRF circuit
- Channel-based AM tube tuner (was Re: Designs for a single frequency high performance AM-MW receiver?)
- YEP ..... ALMOST TIME FOR .....
- 7460 @ 22:00 UTC ???
- Re: Sony AN-LP-1 Ant...
- Additions to my web page..
- PX anouncement
- wanted jrc 545 receiver.
- Eton ELITE "Series" Radio - News
- Sony ICF-SW100 User Manual?
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Ham Fest Newington CT This Weekend
- Re: Grundig YB400PE for a bargain!
- tour de france
- 8734.5 USB @ 00:23 What is this ???
- 6110 @ 00:10 UTC nice echo...
- Riches Beyond My Wildest Dreams !
- SAM2800
- Manual for Grundig Satellit Pro 600
- Help.. Shortwave Radio
- School Radio Station
- newbie question
- Just acquired GE P780...
- 14.185 USB
- FS: Sony SW77
- Sangean U1 arrived today
- (OT) - Chirac Refuses to Attend Reagan's Funeral
- Euro 2004 with RDP Internacional
- RW NewsBytes Weekly Digest
- BBC World Service DRM via Bonaire
- Active Antenna With Icom R75?
- Sangean U1 arrived today
- Question about Ferrite Antennas
- What does power line interference sound like?
- Eton E1 XM Availability
- Radio Reloj, Cuba-Anomaly
- Re: Steve's Quotes Vol 5 Thursday Edition
- Hurricane List?
- I'm really getting back into the radio listening hobby now.
- Re: Steve Lare is Warned to Stop Acting Like a Baby or his Supernews Account is Toast
- AM Tube Tuner Kit -- candidate models from yesteryear?
- Ted Rall is a Big Fat Idiot
- Re: OT Backstage Eulogy
- New frequency for Democratic Voice of Burma
- Catholic Radio on shortwave from Papua New Guinea
- Radio Finland may close down shortwave and mediumwave
- R8B Controll software for Windows98
- Change of frequency for Radio Ezra
- ICF - SW40
- Radio Prague QSL Received
- N4PY Ten - Tec Orion Control Software
- Re n8kdv reprimanded by
- losers go elsewhere
- NTIA Claims BPL Could Help Alleviate Power Line Noise
- Jazz over SW
- Single frequency (channel) TRF for AM/BCB reception? Candidate Radios of Yesteryear?
- Parts for a DX-398
- FS SONY 2010
- Loaded SWL Web Page
- Re: Fahreneheit 911 - a theft by Michael Moore
- FS sony 7600GR
- Air Force One callsign when not AF1?
- Coming Soon To A Pole Near You
- (OT) Transit of Venus
- Sony ICF-M410V: 9/10kHz switch and AM reception...
- Sony ICF-M410V: 9/10 kHz switch? AM reception?
- Shortwave Radio Loggings from Southern California
- Sony ICF-M410V: 9/10 kHz switch? AM reception?
- BPL problems in Manassas
- My Loop Antennas Page Report from ElectronicDX
- Mackay Marine 3020/3021 extender card, etc
- OT sad tale of the empty hockey seat
- FS: Wavecom w41pc decoder package!
- Interested in high-performance tube-based AM tuner designs
- Stair's frequency and time.
- Re: [OT] Help stop animal abuse; sign online petition
- 11905 @ 1:14 UTC ???
- Re: [OT] John Kerry's home produced this kind of daughter?
- 11800 @ 1:00 UTC Italy in English
- Antennas & Earths
- Re: [OT] Help stop Bonsai Kitten HOAX
- Sony ICF-SW100S for FM
- Sony 620X vs. 640 car SW
- Re: [OT] Help stop Bonsai Kitten / Animal Cruelty sign online petition
- World Music Radio - antenna change
- Re: curmudgeon = poser
- Re: [ OT ] Bush Knew About Leak of CIA Operative's Name
- RDS radio and PC
- "FCC Set to End Our Right to Listen to Foreign Broadcasts . . . and More"
- modifications for Grundig YB 400
- best scanner for HF use?
- SONY ICF-PRO 80 question
- Re: (OT) - We all have a role in Hometown (Homeland) Security and a Better Amer
- Newbie SWL question: Antenna geometry
- Telegraphic reproduction of baseball games
- BBC broadcasting interview w /" Day After tommorow director "
- SW frequencies in Northwest USA
- 7300 @ 23:38 UTC Vatican
- Crossroads festival audio on Sirius, DISH Network
- 7135 @ 23:27 UTC
- 15330 @22:50 UTC VOA getting jammed
- Stupid YB550PE trick
- Re: Carter gets a carrier.
- 15220 @ 22:20 UTC
- FYI: Sat 800 on sale at Amazon for $399 as of 6/6
- Kenwood FM Transceiver?
- FS: Sony 2010 receiver
- Anyone hear The Great Liberty Net last night?
- My new antenna ...
- ( OT ) George Bush )
- Regan Iran-Contra
- logs update
- R-311 Military Short Wave Receiver
- Re: Cause for celebration in Cuba
- FA - Nearly New Grundig Mini-SW Radio - Ending June 7, 2004.
- Whos on 6925@0252utc
- Re: The Greatest President In My Lifetime The BONZO YEARS 1982 Crush This......
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- The Greatest President In My Lifetime
- Digital Water Mark proves WG, Llgpt and Cumudgeon are ass holes
- Stair's Reagan Predictions
- Shortwave Radio in " Day After Tomorrow" is what ?
- Ronald Reagan Died today
- Reagan Dies...
- Shortwave Jamming?
- 13740 @ 20:30 UTC ?????
- 11930 @ 20:00 UTC VOA getting jammed ???
- Shortwave and foreign language
- 11865 @ 19:50 UTC ???
- 11845, 11850 @ 19:45 UTC
- 11820 @ 19:41
- 9855 @ 19:28
- 9665 @ 19:25 UTC
- SigAlert inventor Sigmon dies
- MediaLine for 5 June - 18 June
- Re: Liberty Net: 3953LSB 04:50
- Re: Stevie and Mikey Lare on the verge of losing internet access...
- BBC to carry Premiership football commentaries on the Web
- (OT) Ronald Reagan-Medical Condition worsening
- Re: Steve Lare is Warned to Stop Acting Like a Baby or his SupernewsAccount is Toast
- Re: Steve Lare & Michael Bryant star in Schizophrenic Girls
- Radio Australia Booming
- blue LED's on radio are displays a bad idea
- If you value SW or HAM radio....
- World Harvest Radio Programming heard over WSHB !
- German is back
- Spanish numbers station 6925
- 7.415 being picked up in Capetown, S. Africa
- [ot] Bush's Erratic Behavior Worries White House Aides
- FYI.. Air America Morning Sedition
- Catholic Radio Network, at Vanimo, using 4960, is now operational
- UN: Abuse Could Constitute War Crimes
- FS/FT: Sony SW77 & DX-440
- WTB: Drake R8
- Amateur Radio Newslineâ„¢ Report 1399 Â* June 4, 2004
- Palestinian Radio Stations Broadcast Under Fire
- Re: (OT) - We all have a role in Hometown (Homeland) Security and
- RW NewsBytes Weekly Digest
- Military Monitoring Group Growing!
- Australia 9580
- BPL in Australia: First Hobart and Now Sydney!!!!!!
- More BPL shortwave interference to come
- Stock up on Tinfoil NOW
- Spain on 3.350...
- UNID signal 1.775.5 USB
- Diego Garcia (Always a favourite)
- Australia-Eastern NA
- A revealing receivers performance test : Icom /Aor /Ten-Tec /Racal
- 6.230 usb fishermen
- Flower Pot Antenna a Dual-Band (20m and 10m) 'portable' Antenna
- My Sisters band had a funny name
- Goddes Irina1 on WBCQ 7.415
- Air America -- Good Ratings in NY!
- 7190 & 7225 Tunisa revisited for comparison
- Lets go to Mexico
- WMR 5815 with half power
- Re: Anyone Notice???
- Re: Yoo Hoo Steve Lare, Yoo Hoo. Where are you Steve?
- 123
- Uzbek Village Benefits as a Result of RFE/RL Expose
- Re: Looks like Tenet has resigned (from SW Broadcast)
- Re: Steve's Quotes Vol 4 Thursday Edition
- Receiver advice
- (OT) - We all have a role in Hometown (Homeland) Security and a Better America
- Revolutionary antenna technology reduces size dramatically
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