View Full Version : Shortwave
- DXing in the Arctic Circle
- Carson Tribute
- Cambodia 11940v
- Long wire antenna
- Mayah Digital 2010 Shortwave Radio
- Radio Cultural Coatan 4780 Khz
- Question about the TEC RX-320
- Receiver specifications
- Where could I get a replcement antenna for my Degen/KAito 1101?
- Where could I get a replacement antenna for my KAito/Degen 1101?
- Got my Tecsun PL-550 - Judah
- Broadcasts in French?
- EiBi Skeds Updated
- test
- Questions -?- Considering a 'small' Shortwave Listener's (SWLs) Antenna
- Re: Solar storm interrupts China's short-wave radio transmission
- Re: WTB MFJ-1025 or MFJ-1026
- Sangean ATS305 or ATS909W
- AIR Republic Day
- Re: Hoax 'Suicide Bomber' Car Ad Takes Internet by Storm
- Radio Melodia, Peru
- 99 Shortwave Radio Stations = Heard on My Grundig S350 Radio by KO6BB
- 31m is dead-Monday Jan 24 0300
- radio-mart changes to private feedback
- WHGW on 6930
- Re: Johnny Carson Dies but has come back to life as a Cylon.
- 6855 - Crystal Ship
- Pirate 6925
- FS: Relaistic DX 440 SW Receiver
- Sony ICF-SW1
- Johnny Carson Died today : (
- Last nights pirate receptinand recording woes!
- 6925 active again!
- Pirate 6925
- Guess I am!!
- Pirate 6925
- LIVE Radios and TV Database
- Bangkok Meteorological Radio
- Modifications to the Icom R-70
- Look How Much Yaesu 100 Went For
- There is a T-Rex in my radio ! ! ! ! ! ! !
- Re: VOA
- WTB: ATS-803A or DX-440
- Flipping the Inverted "L" Antenna 'Back-to-Front' = Better Performance
- 7415 @01:10 UTC
- Re: WABC 770 am NYC was off the AIR
- Question about "pirates".
- SSB in DX-398
- Re: Shortwave Antenna OverLoad - Urban Legend or a sad reality for some . . . What Do I Do ?
- New and different pirate on 6.925 right now (15:19)
- Pirate 6925
- FS: DX-394 & QF-1A Package
- Wellbrook ALA330S received today First impressions
- Re: Five Years Ago Today
- Re: Abu Ghraib abuse firms are rewarded
- Re: If You are going to the Inaugural
- Re: Proof of Liberal Media
- Re: Help with story line..
- Re: Gonzales Supports Assault Weapons Ban
- This is working for me! Just try!
- Re: Bruce and the new, improved Steve
- Re: Took delivery on new YB400PE...
- Re: Sony ICF-SW1S take-apart
- PC Based Oscilliscopes
- Hoooo Weeee!
- Solar storm interrupts China's short-wave radio transmission
- Re: One use for RCI Sackville's transmitters : transmitting the VOA Persian and Arabic services to the Americas...
- Re: radio-mart preparing to screw another buyer
- Re: Bruce and me
- COMMENTS re---DEGEN/Kaito 1103 models
- FCC Chairman Powell Said to Be Resigning
- Re: Questions on Inverted L antenna
- Propagation
- Clear Channel Starts Progressive Talk in Los Angeles February 3
- Re: Clear Channel rolls out more liberal talk radio
- Fw: Radio Strike on the air on 22 and 23 January morning on 7120 kHz AM!
- british tourist
- Re: OT Cheney starting new business using Illegal Mexican labour.
- Past
- DX'ing and Invisible Pet Fence
- Let me go
- on Raglan Road
- Quick check of propagation at 0300 UTC
- Bands coming back?
- WBCQ on 7415 not going long tonight
- Recent Hawaii trip.
- Re: List of Shortwave Frequencies Heard in Various parts of the world
- FRG-100
- Joe Adamov-Moscow Mailbag
- Re: Product Review: Sound Feeder FM transmitter
- Yosemite Sam
- Auroras tonight
- Yesemite Sam
- Help a newbie please.
- How I Heard . . . KGO 810 kHz AM Radio form 745 Miles Away
- Radio Shack DX-394 models.
- Radio Propagation Information from Your "Remote S-Meter" WebSite
- BBC Congo River Program
- Is BPL going to take up more spectrum?
- Very very short waves, or lack of them
- A sad day for tianli
- Propagation at the moment
- Capt America to the rescue!!!
- Announcing the 'new' YASEU VX-5R Radio eGroup on YAHOO !
- FS: MFJ 941D Antenna Tuner + MFJ 204B Antenna Bridge + MFJ 202B Noise Bridge
- FS: Rf Systems MLB Balun
- Radio Flanders...get it while you can
- Interference
- 17.835 dove e'? at 1820 UTC
- FS: Panasonic RF-738 AM/FM radio
- HF Comms
- Yosemite Sam
- Propagation warning - update
- If
- Europa Radio International acquires TX
- Major Geomagnetic Storm Alert
- Sunset for shortwave?
- More News of Radio Amateurs' Work in the Andamans
- World Caledar of Events (January from today)
- Shielded balanced feedline report
- (OT) - Hey . . . If It's "Off Topic" - Most Likely Its DaviD !
- 160 Meter Band Balanced Coaxial Receiving Loop Antrenna by KN4LF
- Big flare
- Pirate 6925
- Robert Green, on the air international SW Troll and coward.
- Triax for feedline report
- FS: GE Superadio
- FSK on 289.6KHz
- Yosemite Sam
- Sea Emergency on 2182 kHz USB
- Tsunami Memorial Day New Zealand
- FS: K1FZ KB-2 + KB-3 Beverage Transformers and Ameritron RCS-4
- Wanted Kenwood R-1000
- WTB: Panasonic RF-B65
- Shortwave Under Threat
- icf-sw77 problem
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Propagation
- WV Telescope's Sensitivity (Cassini-Huygens)
- FA: Sony ICF-5900W - Collector Quality
- Norddeich Radio
- Report From Port Blair, Andaman Islands
- shortwave radio schedules for western north america - good until spring
- Nulling QRM
- 3185
- Methinks perhaps the airmen here have WAAAAAAYY too much free time on their hands!!
- linda thompson
- is your cable TV bill or utility bill high enough ?
- Sony SW100 bits?
- FYI - KN4LF Daily LF/MF/HF RX Prop Outllook #2005-03
- FS: JRC NRD 535D w/Kiwa Filter + Timewave 599 DSP + 2 Kiwa premaps + various shack items
- Ebay raises fees in February
- For VE4DX1SMA - Re card swap
- FA HEAVY old shortwave portable 11 bands!!
- Think About Using the CCRadio Plus in your Automobile ?
- Grounding the Home (PC) Computer's Frame and Power Supply ? ? ?
- More Receiver Reviews and Info including 'other' People's WebPages
- Radio Canada retransmit Radio China International : Chinese PTT leases SW transmitters in China, similar model to (via ROSTELCOM)
- Power supply requirements for Lowe HF-150 Europa?
- steal of a deal !!!!!
- Re: why does Radio Canada retransmit Radio Communist?
- opposite sides versus overlapped windings
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- eBay bans use of the word "Degen"
- ZNBC Zambia Lonpath Logging
- social commentary, performance art or smut?
- Battery corrosion
- 1930's Futuristic Shortwave Wood Radio - Searchlight radio - info wanted
- Katanga
- Crystal Set Query
- Shortwave Radio
- Cleaning Inside Old Radio
- FS: GE Superadio III
- BBC in Spanish on 9525?
- bbc
- Mondiale.
- RAE Argentina on 11710 khz
- SSB Transciever wanted (swap) UK
- Re: Random wire antenna.
- SWL Cards
- Voltmeter question...
- Watt meter knob?
- Active Antenna recomendation,s wanted
- OT Bush thinks you're a child
- Quack, Quack
- Icom R71a repair
- So You Put-Up an Outside Shortwave Antenna and Your Neighbors are . . .
- SWL Cards
- Radio Rossii - 6075khz - 1200utc
- Radio New Zealand International, Rangitaiki, 9885khz at 0800utc
- Plea for SW Radios for Andaman People
- The future for capacitors looks good.
- Need case for AOR AR 1000
- Trade For MINT SAT 800
- Kenwood R-2000
- Is the YB-400 a good SSB reciver?
- Lowe receivers discussion group?
- Grove Radio/Television Broadcast Directory on CD-Rom
- Introduction to "AM" Medium Wave DXing - by the Ontario DX Association (ODXC)
- Meaning Of "Mondiale" In DRM ?
- Off Topic crap,,,
- FA ESI DB877 Precision 8 Decade Coaxial Dial Resistor Box
- WANTED: B&W - Portable Antenna AP-10A or AP-10B
- Re: 5601794157219207
- Amateur Radio Under Threat in the UK
- Re: OT Bush's Baby Tax: A Bill for Tens of Thousands of Dollars
- CBS News
- Lowe Receiver Repairs
- Swap Wanted, Preferably in the UK
- Radio New Zealand International 9885khz at 0800utc
- OT Are the Bush Twins Influenced by the Evil Liberal Press? *
- Radio Six International
- Re: Shortwave in my car?
- MFJ Model 1225 Interface Problem.
- radio-mart makes fortune on broken spny radio !!!!!
- looking for a FRG-7000
- Zenith SW radio goes for $50K on EBay. for real.!!!
- grundig yb-400e
- Zenith Stratosphere sells for $50k on ebay
- Anyone know of a good RTTY station that can be recieved in California?
- Re: 6846130907491727
- Re: OT Indulging "Le Donald" Endangers the Personal Security of Every American
- Shortwave and Broadband
- WWRB ?
- BBC Show "Westway" listening online?
- Comparing 2 Radion right now.
- Here is "Why" I am 'skeptical' about DRM and IBOC
- HF-150 gone deaf!
- TV type Ferrite Cores / Ferrite Cores / Magnetic Longwire Baluns (MLBs) and more
- Cellphone RF hazards on Coast to Coast AM 01/13/05
- Liberty Net
- The BBC "noise" is back
- FS: Icom IC-R8500 Wide-Band Receiver
- PowerHouse SW Stations
- QSL received
- Radio Australia website? song ID
- The Doctrine of Balaam
- Antiquities of the Jews
- Radio Netherlands news commentary today
- 50,000 radios to be sent to tsunami-hit areas
- (OT) Ouch!
- decodong.
- RXplus & ILG?
- The Boatanchor Classifieds
- Hiding number stations in the LSB.
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