View Full Version : Shortwave
- Another newbie inquiry into portable antennas.
- Choosing a FET (2SK19) replacement for 1970s vintage solid stateam/shortwave receiver. Advice Sought
- 14485 USB @ 1:13 UTC ???
- Re: Is AM Radio Harmful?
- AOR AR5000+3 as a SW and BCB AM receiver
- FCC starting out against "Non-commercial" ads
- Wanted: Panasonic RF-B45, RF-B65 or DEGEN DE-1003
- Commando Solo begins relaying Radio and TV Martí to Cuba
- Denmark - World Music Radio update
- Bush Says Anti-Kerry Ads Should Stop
- 13.130
- Yacht Boy 400PE or Sony 7600GR ? - Please help a Newbie
- Re: (OT) When John Kerry's Courage Went M.I.A. - Senator covered upevidence of P.O.W.'s left behind
- FA Ham Radio equipment
- FA: Panasonic RF-500A
- AIR Test Broadcasts...
- Re: U.S. military aircraft transmit Radio and TV Martí to Cuba
- stuff for sale or trade
- Remember?
- OT Dishonest Smear Tactics
- Pan American Broadcasting
- How to stop all the bad posts on newsgroups/if you really want to !
- discone antenna
- Olympics coverage
- Swift Boat Captain Disagrees w/ Kerry Critics
- WBCQ 5105 Upper Sideband Only
- KFI 640 off air for maint 0900 Z
- FA:AEA PK88 Packet Controller
- program to make a circular tuning scale?
- Voice of Turkey 6140 @ 03:00
- I just posted this to alt.politics
- FS: RadioLabs Super ATS-909
- VX-9R?
- All Right You Guys
- Re: SS Practice for GOP convention
- Re: ( OT) XP Service Pack Doesn't Crash
- Coast Guard 8983
- FA: Radio Shack DSP-40 Audio Filter
- Something to Think About
- Re: OT US medics helped design abusive techniques at Abu Ghraib
- Re: Texas Balloon Launch Team (BLT) to fly ham radio and GPS this saturday 10am
- {{{{ Almost time for ..... }}}}}}
- Vintage Tube Radios
- Radio Canada International
- Re: Remote software
- hay Steve--
- Sony ICF-PRO80 correction
- Sony ICF-PRO80 for sale / te koop / a vendre / zum verkaufen
- AIR Test Broadcasts
- Propagation
- BPL - at the War Front (Australia)
- Owners manual Sony ICF-SW1
- Ham Radio 'Only Reliable Communication' at Hurricane Charley Ground Zero:
- Wanted software for Yaesu VR-5000
- FA:Controls and source code for TenTec RX320 software (KF5OJ's)
- Cable Cut
- McGreevey / Cipel: How it all unraveled.
- Attention Mike Terry-UK
- Teaching a shortwave radio class???
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Feedback from the UK requested
- FS: DE1103 and PL-550
- FS: Galaxy R-530 w/Speaker
- (OT) Kerry Campaign Book Ban
- RW NewsBytes Weekly Digest
- Codar PR-30 Preselector
- test
- ( OT) XP Service Pack Crashes
- Athens 2004 on shortwave
- Santa Maria, Azores...
- Radio New Zealand missing on 9615
- HCJB Australia A04 Revised Schedule
- Radio EDXP
- Winradio
- radio labs ATS-909
- OT, but still relevant
- 35 years ago
- Dick Barton
- BBC 15190
- AFRTS 9980 now in ILG premium
- suspended
- FA: Kantronics KAM with accessories ..... low reserve auction
- Anybody know what happened to
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Antarctica
- Propagation
- United Nations Radio
- Kol Israel
- Is AM Radio Harmful?
- Re: NASA Soldering Surprise
- IF Shifting vs. Sync Detection
- Help Spending $1000 on SW Radio
- FA: Icom PCR-1000 W/DSP and Extras!!! NR!!!
- [media] Numbers Stations Now on the 'Net
- Racist God ?
- Best magazines for shortwave listener ?
- Rick Wiles is BACK !
- 3.315 mhz
- Some fun radio reviews
- Sony AN-LP1 antenna available again.
- Why no interference? (technical)
- Propagation
- 9980kHz USB
- Numbers Station Info Wanted
- More AM & cancer (?)
- Radio Australia - 15.515
- Gene Scott, satellites and MW
- Difference between AOR AR-7030 and Sony 2010 ?
- 9980kHz USB
- OT Now taking bets on Venezuelan invasion
- Misc For Sale
- FS Yaesu VR-5000 w/DSP
- FS AOR AR3030
- FS Icom R75 loaded
- Lincolnshire Poacher @ 22:30
- Best indoor shortwave antenna?
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- one week and counting for the two year anniversary !!!!
- Loggings on 3315 kHz
- Keeping the Passover by Pastor Peters on 12.160 MHz
- SW Radio Africa back on 6145 kHz
- Re: Good Ant. Info
- Need Realistic DX-120 Service Manual.
- Need Realistic DX-300 Service Manual.
- Re: Problems With Grundig Yatch Boy 400
- Schematic for Lafayette HA-600a shortwave receiver
- Hurricanes USA
- Drake R8B FS
- FA:TenTec RX320D Software controlled HF receiver
- Protek Oscilliscope
- World Music Radio back on 5815 kHz
- Power Pole Fuse Blowing Out, audio
- Amateur Radio for Old/Blabbermouths
- Hal Turner Article
- Needed : and Australian and NZ equivalants of the VOACAP city database for Finland.
- Winradio 303/313
- EA: Icom PCR-1000 W/DSP and Extras! NR!!!
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- What is shortwave radio? A link....
- Tonite on 5765 ...
- Any Ten-Tec rx-320 users out there?
- Tropical Storm Charley
- Newbie Question - Listening to shortwave on a Flight
- Portable radio station
- For Sale: RadioLabs Super ATS-909
- OT winning more hearts and minds by the day.
- Re: Want S/W radio with remote controls
- Hurricanes
- Radio Comms Forum
- A reminder - its on now
- iss qso on echolink monday 2004-8-16
- Re: radiolabs and radio repairs
- FS: JRC NRD-93
- Solar flare
- Radio Shack clearance on YB 400
- FA:TenTec RX320D Receiver
- 7.591.50 Florida Army MARS
- Developments With Hurricane Charley
- Hurricane
- Amateur Radio BPL Team to Stress Credibility
- Propagation
- Winradio receivers in Linux: A site..
- RW NewsBytes Weekly Digest
- CWdecoder
- Sony ICF 2001 D Vs 7600GR
- Sony 7600GR vs ATS909
- Stealing Knowledge !
- Hurricane Hunters
- Thinking about buying a Satellit 800...
- Sangean Super 909
- Re: Shortwave Reception still bad in the Vancouver Canada area??
- FS or Trade : Receive only JPS ANC-4 noise canceller .... great inexpensive oppritunity for the SWL ...
- Hurricane net...
- Thinking about buying a Satellit 800...
- Top 1000 Shortwave Frequencies
- 14.300 MHz USB
- Re: (OT) Beware
- 2th time request
- FS: Sony ICF2010
- Olympia Radio Pic
- Hurricane Net
- Re: Fantastic Lowe HF-225 for sale
- Favorite hurricaine frequencies?
- Re: Any views on these SW Radios
- Re: (OT) Bush Flip-Flop
- Degen DE-1105 features
- 2.4 Ghz phone stops working? You're spied on!
- Adventist World Radio "Wavescan 2004 DX Contest"
- Informe N°160 - Antena de la Amistad - KBS R. Corea Int.
- Re: A Dx'er and My Hero
- Aim for radio ministry is to reach people globally
- Re: PR - Offshore Music Radio marks Marine Offences Act Day
- Need advice
- Hurricane Watch Net Activation
- Re: Bush reveals spy's identity (again) Did Not!
- Re: Questions from newbie enjoying RF-2900
- Review: $12.95 Coby 9-band AM/FM/SW receiver
- North-Central Florida Mil Logs 8/10/2004
- will 'Charlie' hit Florida?
- Re: FCC fines 2 pirates $13,000 today
- U.S. leak 'harms al Qaeda sting'
- DRM ( design flaw : it does not support an NTP time service, only a very crude Julian Date + GMT descriptor. Support for NTP needs to be added immediatly while DRM is still being designed!
- // Bug alert : Radio Netherlands screen saver works on 'local time' not UTC time for computing daytime illumination of the sun //
- Radio Rossii, Moscow...
- RF Systems Mini-Windom
- Air Force-1 Traffic?
- Bush reveals spy's identity (again)
- ADL seeks to muzzle Christians !
- Re: Longwire question
- Radio Prague QSL received
- USCG Boston 8415
- Re: Canadians stay out of our business
- Internal shortwave cards
- Re: Coast Guard 8983
- NRD-525 ?
- Re: Voice of Turkey
- 5.070 distortion
- M-60X ss Body
- coordinate software needed
- Re: Remember the Fugs + tomatoes
- The Daily Show Exposes ''Most Liberal Senator'' Lie
- WTB: Kenwood TS-830
- Re: Short Wave Regen radio building
- Re: Cheapest source for Sony 7600GR ?
- Radio Weather on NOW at 9.985
- Comparison needed: PL200/230 vs YB400
- Re: Tecsun PL200 and PL230
- Re: Liberal Media Finally Exposes Kerry's Lies !
- A few SW Antenna Questions
- Re: Terk AM-1000 AM Advantage Antenna $39.99 with free shipping
- Re: Strangest thing you have ever built/used as an antenna ???
- tomorrow
- Grundig YB400 vs Degen DE1102
- IRRS-B04 Sked
- 3.385 mhz R East new Britain
- Shortwave newbie..
- Re: SAT 800 Being Replaced
- Re: CR123A batteries?
- Radio Joystick all over Europe!
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