View Full Version : Shortwave
- War Of The Worlds 5.975
- Least expensive, Small, Digital, double reduction receiver
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-Orange County
- Need datasheet for Sony CX7961A-1 PLL
- Log Advice
- More pictures of Cullercoats Radio GCC
- 4890 Fishermen
- Australian BPL Information
- So what on at night these days ?
- 2300khz radio show?
- MATEC 615 Info Please
- FS: Sony 2010 shortwave portable.
- Last minute tests...
- Re: DX-398 Memory Question
- NikeSound SS16 10-Band Radio Receiver
- WTB: Used Commercial Buddipole System
- lloyd da toids favorite website
- ICF-2001D without USB/LSB buttons?
- New Zealand: RNZI plans early October return to shortwave
- WTB: Drake R7/R7A receiver
- Good link for identifying sounds on HF
- mod for sangean ATS 505
- Part 9 of 12 hours with RNI
- Anyone help. Power supply question.
- Solar BC Outages
- UTC clock
- Good low frequency condx last night ...
- Radio Free Euphoria
- Got'em, I hope
- GE Super Radio ll Power Switch
- test
- FS: Quantum Loop active antenna
- 4.790 12:55 utc
- antennas any good?
- George Gentry is absolutely KILLIN' today!
- World Tax: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
- Wither beloved "Ecos del Torbes"?
- Drake SW8 Display adjustment
- Indoor active antenna
- Liberty Net Jammer
- Re: [[[[[ Only 9 Hours Until ... ]]]]]
- KENWOOD R-2000 for sale on ebay
- Play the Art Bell Drinking Game tonight !!
- Free - 24-Hour Analog Clock
- Re: Boa's Pit and Lloyd Davies
- Time station STN?
- Spam
- Cullercoats Radio GCC
- Hear a GREAT interview with Lloyd Davies!
- [[[[[ Only 9 Hours Until ... ]]]]]
- Found it :)
- Icom R8500 Capabilities
- Amateur Radio Newsline™ Report 1362– September 19 2003
- Better type URL correctly: privacy issues
- Can shortwave get me WJFK/Redskins games?! ;^)
- DX-398 FM Problems
- Jay Berg
- Jerry Berg
- Antenna question.
- DX tests Summary
- Re: Outdoor SWL antenna options, 2nd fl apartment?
- You'll
- Ten-Tec 1253: regen radio design questions
- Reception
- Dawn of the Dead - Hurricane Swen-A
- Re: FS: Manual, original paperwork for Grundig Music-Boy Universal 206
- Re: for sell
- CW 40m
- EU looking for comments on PLC – 10 days to respond – act today
- PI network antenna tuner
- FS Drake SW 2 with Remote
- Pleae help, need instruction manu for a sony sw100s
- R-75 Wiith Audio Equalizer?
- Looking for pictures and details of Coastal Stations
- will Isabel silence Brother Stair?
- Logging with Radio Control software
- radio advice needed
- Hurricane Monitoring
- Band conditions down today?
- Radio Prague QSL received
- Amateur Radio Operators Ready for Hurricane Isabel
- Hurricane Net ~
- HAARP Running Full Power
- hurricane freq
- Finding a freq's point of origin
- Re: Shortwave Conditions?
- RadioShack DX-398 Shortwave Radio 4 Sale.
- New QSL Received
- update
- New Pro-96 scanner: APCO decoder; 5500 channel scan
- Lloyd Davies shows his true colors
- Well, there goes the AM band. Bell returns
- RFID tags are here!
- Internet Police
- Frequencies for Sydney
- radio marti question
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern Califronia-Orange County
- Global Access Radio Ready for Market
- Amateur Radio Ramps Up Preparations to Greet Hurricane Isabel
- Yaesu FRT7700 ATU
- Hurricane Hunters frequencies ?
- ICF-2010 volume control
- echolink san fran hf gateway 18157.5mhz kq6xa
- Power line carrier application experimental authorization
- Antenna for Wideband reception
- What's this on 8.272MHz???
- Gun Control: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
- ¹ï§Ü¤£´º®ð
- 2003 Passport to World Band Radio for sale $10.95
- Newby question: VFO
- Re: WWVH heard well in Boston MA.
- FRG-7 or Satellit 800
- Speaking of FRG-7
- daft as a loonie
- Hurricane Watch Net to Activate
- Future Kol Israel changes
- WTB Drake SW8 or Sony ICF 2010
- GRUNDIG G4 Executive Traveller - eBay
- Come on down to NIM BUSTERS!
- FEMA HF frequencies lighting up for Isabel?
- Sony an-101 help.
- This
- Yaesu FRG-100 CAT control
- Radio Canada International QSL received
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-Orange County
- digi mode info
- Anybody got a $%#^ manual for a KENWOOD RZ-1
- Recent English Shortwave Broadcasts
- Yaesu FRG-7
- Texe Mars
- Hey Cuss Freq.
- Article about PWBR and Larry Magne
- Coup in Guinea-Bissau (W. Africa)
- Speaking of Useful Idiots
- Infrared Remote Control for BC780XLT and BC895XLT
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-Orange County
- Re: Soldiers and Shortwave
- Radio the way it was meant to be
- FRA-7700 Active Ant.
- PC interference discovery
- Libya
- Interference Question
- Lowe HF-235 Pro grade receiver for sale !
- Computer+receiver=noise. How to filter?
- Ten Tec 320 Value
- ¹ï§Ü¤£´º®ð
- 8.002mhz
- Robbery victim requests advice on replacement radio
- FA: Yaesu FRA-7700 Active Antenna
- Another Superadio II question
- Kaito KA1105
- DX-440 problems
- Re: Antenna's for a Icom PCR 1000...
- Realistic DX-392
- Too good not to share
- New software for AR8200 & AR8600?
- It is time for suicide
- Reply from RadioMaryja
- Westway fans
- WABC NYC (Warbling noise)
- FS: US Army BC-342 Receiver
- Noise and Utility Dxing Question
- Good online SW guide?
- I'm looking for a wind-up s/w radio.
- Sangean ATS 404 Problem
- United Patriot Radio Steve Anderson Gets 15 Years
- Rick Wiles IS ON TV !
- hurricane freqs
- Is Shortwave radio dying?
- Pirate WHYP
- Kenwood RZ1 owners manual
- Sangean 818/RS DX-390 singal-strength meter
- Re: Problem with Radio Shack DX-392 (SANGEAN 818CS)
- Superadio II question
- shaft extension
- Re: The Hal Turner Show, without Hal Turner
- The Labor Day Massacre
- Highway Advisory Radio
- Re: DX-398 / AT-909 Antenna Question
- test 2
- test
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-OC
- help -- grundig majestic radio & shortwave reception
- Hey GeorgeF
- North-Central Florida Mil Logs 9/10/2003 & 9/11/2003
- hello this is a test
- More Vessels In Distress, F-18’s diverted to assist
- Real Search & Rescue. SEALORD area
- Any good freqs for Hurricane Hunter aircraft?
- Is This Correct??
- ID Wizard - QSLware - New Version
- Power Grid Vulnerability Revisited
- USS Enterprise Strike Group HF activity
- I think I've got it
- Tried RShack A/B/C video switcher as antenna switcher
- Ground and static protection question
- Black X Flag... Feb. 28, 1993
- EiBi Skeds
- AC Adapter SONY ICF-2010
- ¹ï§Ü¤£´º®ð
- Citizens of the World
- Desktop Radio Dilemma
- help for an old radio
- GE SuperRadio with shortwave?
- Test
- wanted rs dx-150 schematic
- DRM schedule
- SCARY MYSTERY -- who is this on 15.385 @ 1800z Wednesday?
- Slingshot method from hanging a wire antenna.
- Help Need Info on Yaesu FRG 7000 Dial Lights
- 6.925
- FS: Zenith Transoceanic R-3000-1
- AM-Talk radio influencing Arnold's chances in CA?
- New "as-is" item for EBay soon?
- New NRO satellite monitors cellphones
- Re: Lusting After the Olsen Twins
- What's This R-71A Mod ?
- 12.010
- Re: White Men Defend White Women in Indianapolis
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California-OC
- Motorist rescues injured men chased by mob
- Freebie ITU Books
- help - noisy volume control and switches
- 2-channel VOX?
- R-599D
- High performance MW receiver
- Lowe HF-150 Backlight Mod
- Re: How to order Sony part in Europe?
- RNZI : why don't they rent transmitter time from the Russian PTT using Vladivostock / Kamchatka relay station?
- NEW Sony ICF-SW7600GR + Service Manual CD - $148.95
- Distance from computer
- WLO starts new service on West Coast
- 7385 KC- Is "IBC Network" Signal Lousy There, Too?
- Anyone deal with Bavarian Radio?
- Listened stereo in SW
- Radio Tanzania Zanzibar
- FA: Optoelectronics OPTOLINX
- AIR Panaji, Goa
- Hurricane Isabel - MAJOR Atlantic storm (link)
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