View Full Version : Shortwave
- Get off you donkey and DX
- ICOM IC-7200 ...correction
- ICOM IC-7200
- The Strange True Story of a Radio Station's Transmitter in New YorkState
- (OT) My back yard crap.
- Mandarmani - the dream DX location near Digha (West Bengal)
- Satellit 800 for sale in Ontario
- Anyone want to bet?
- Radio discussions!
- CCrane Radio Plus
- (OT) Alexander Solzhenitsyn dies at 89.
- WBCQ: schedule changes and the return of "Area 51"
- August Popular Communications
- Re: Phone line as SW antenna [12-Jul-06]
- Re: FYI: Sony 7600gr on sale this weekend at J&R.
- Used Radio Choices?
- Re: GE SR II Versions
- SPECIAL: To Roy: Mister Go
- Earn more and more
- And, one more.
- Here ya go Mike, something to make ya smile.
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- ======> Secret WEB CAMS <=========
- Palstar releases updated version of the R30
- SPECIAL: Is McCain Family Fortune Tied to Notorious Mob Hit
- Re: Phone line as SW antenna [12-Jul-06]
- The worst news this month (and Statistics)
- POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS magazines for sale
- old " monitoring times " magazine for sale
- Radio speaker feet (pads)
- AC adapter for a Kaito KA-1103?
- Cheap HD radios on the clerance rack
- Traditional and Natural Beverage
- Hal Turner Show ends tonight!
- Summary of frequency listings ...
- Future of DRM on SW?
- Chuck Harder : Found on Talkstar Network
- Homes in foreclosure and, yet, HDTV?
- KFI again attempts giant erection
- Hyundai Dual sim phone.
- ICOM IC-7200
- (OT) S. California Earthquake
- Ibiquitys Struble wants to debate but not open to the public.
- Any body DXing this morning?
- Canadian troops as Smart as the Americans
- Find Sofas
- u jut click,u get $1200 only this week
- Actress images and hollywood
- VLF, lightning on the radio?
- Bamako, Mali works if Zulu is not an option
- Antenna's
- Study: Analog Would Suffer from 10 dB HD Power Boost
- Antennas
- 2nd Best Radio Station on the Planet!
- Re: HUGE lot estate clearance-antique radios-phonos-testequip-mics-Grigsby-Grunow, Philco, Majestic, Wards Airline, consoles,tabletops, cathedral, tombstone, bakelite, wooden, plastic-much more- over 50items listed
- MDC QSO PARTY Next weekend
- FREE MONEY - DO TRY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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- Latin American SW Logs Updated
- cnn on blacks
- digital tv in europe: listings
- What's a good LONG lasting shortwave radio...
- Atomic Rabbit Ears ? -prototype- Star Wars Tie Fighter ?
- lot of vintage CB radios-car radios-wood/bakeliteradios-receivers-mics-transceivers-TUBES-estate sale clearance
- I was monitoring
- Amateurs web camchat
- SWBC A08 Rev. 8 and SWLog Build 3127 Released
- Ferrite Rod Antenna article
- CFRX - 6070
- FS: Grundig YB 400PE New In Box
- Hi Guys
- Top News
- EiBi Skeds
- Thank you tax payers!
- Antenna Up and Working Fine
- Satrad merger approved - NO forced inclusion of HD Radio!!!
- eBay R390 meters
- Long distance MW reception
- Poor propagation
- Satellite TV Player
- Hurricane Watch Net - Hurricane Dolly
- (rf) quiet audio amps
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- ADDX Updated Freq. Lists
- (OT) Some thing to think about.
- Radio St. Helena Update
- MEMO TO: RHF dxAce Telemon
- Eibi Skeds Updated
- Anyone know why AM Radio "Hybrid Digital" sounds so bad?
- Bad Ass Barack Hussein Obama II Gets Real {The Sequel}
- "Screw you HD radio" LMFAO!
- Maryland-DC QSO Party Announcement
- Sleep Radio
- Obama in Afghanistan - Radio
- Two brothers follow the early space race on radio.
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- How do You Drive a Grounding Rod in a Sand Box?
- KGED AM 1680 Proves 'Dwardo is Full of Crap
- Good Idea
- Liquid Display
- A religious experience - LMFAO!
- Top News
- Catch of the winter season in South Africa
- 15345 Khz RAE Argentina (tentative)
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- Antenna Down
- Re: (OT) What's up with Jeff Rense's website?
- "FCC Turns Down C3SR & NAB Requests. Case Closed!"
- Fishing Chinese Style
- SPECIAL: To BP Jensen
- SPECIAL: Price of oil determines supply, not the other way around
- (OT) What's up with Jeff Rense's website?
- (OT) : Novarupta - The Most Powerful Volcanic Eruption of the 20thCentury
- OT Here DXace, a little help
- BBC Investigation: China Untrustworthy Treaty Signatory
- How About Rope and Lampposts Made In America?
- This is a test
- Radio Australia 17795
- test
- Test
- OT) The Iowa Floods
- WRTH Summer schedules supplement now available
- Online Mechanical Engineer's Handbook
- How can I tell if mine works?
- It's Time to Call a Halt to the AM IBOC 'Experiment' and StartTalking Alternatives
- What's Wrong with the Sun? (Nothing)
- U.S. Government Entering Panic Mode
- HD radio application specific integrated chip sets are yet to be found
- YouTube..............
- AM Stereo...
- Second Largest Bank Failure In US History & 90 More Coming!
- Re: Night of Nights IX - Official Announcement
- Re: Night of Nights IX - Official Announcement
- Re: Speaking of Fresno Radio...
- FS - ICOM IC-R7000 R-7000 * UNBLOCKED * Wideband CommunicationsReceiver
- Re: Speaking of Fresno Radio...
- The new trends in fashion
- BBC 15400 testing?
- Re: Speaking of Fresno Radio...
- Air Traffic Control, Manila
- Re: Bush/Congress Genuflect and Obey Their Corporate Masters Again
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- Discuss about books
- Discuss health related issues
- On-the-Radio : The Picken's Plan - How We Can Reduce Our Dependenceon Foreign Oil ?
- Interesting thought/question
- Welcome to Legends 1680AM Radio
- Want to study abroad
- Everything and anything about travel
- The new trends in fashion
- (OT) Re: Bush/Congress Genuflect and Obey Their Corporate Masters Again
- Voice Of Greece 7.450
- Top News
- GM/Toyota slam HD Radio!
- Portables versus Tabletops
- Re: Palstar active loop antenna
- Re: satire
- PCR-2500 problem
- Re: satire
- China Radio International
- Rush Limbaugh Failed Disc Jockey .
- Is B HO a Phoney?
- QSL VOA Madagascar
- SWL Newbies : The Verdict - Magnetic Longwire Balun Is Too Expensive-by- Alan Johnson
- SPECIAL: G8 Summit- Marie Antoinette Redux
- Income sitting at home
- Re: (OT) George Noory and the Space Aleins.
- Re: RF Systems MTA.
- Re: RF Systems MTA.
- In the news: CPB/NPR bilked Congress for HD Radio
- Re: XM Satellite Radio 59 Minutes of Music an Hour . . .
- Re: RF Systems MTA.
- Interesting World Wide DX 7-Band HF Off-Center-Fed Dipole Antenna
- Eduardo – Your view of life is distorted by your greed.
- E-Field Antenna - Model # CTC113
- Re: RF Systems MTA.
- Extra Class Study Guides
- OT it's the pits
- auto remotes
- handbook skanti trp 8752
- auto remotes
- Re: RF Systems MTA.
- Re: RF Systems MTA.
- Kenwood R-5000
- Love affair with AOR 7030
- How China Steals U.S. Military Secrets - Popular Mechanics
- ICOM R7000 R-7000 Receiver/Scanner
- Communist Chinese Assets Have Free Run of USA Ports, Universities,and Defense Facilities
- SWL'ers can still get a call sign!
- A Shocking Video Inside China's Fur Farms
- Will Chicken Fornicator ever be back?
- Re: US removes uranium from Iraq
- ignore test
- China's Violent Treatment of Women
- IBiquity – Where’s the “HD” in “HD” radio?
- For those who want to earn from home
- For those who want to earn from home
- Ballast or grapple hook?
- SPECIAL: Bush takes a big dump in Jefferson's yard
- Founder of G.E. discusses his favorite American radical
- SPECIAL: Birthday Present for Old Schoolers
- Radio Shack, Power Supply Recall !!!!
- Peak Oil and Amateur Radio
- Dangerous Made-In-China Products Timeline
- Rush Limbaugh Failed Disc Jockey
- "Poping" noise on Turn On of Drake R8
- Rush Limbaugh Mr. Patriot
- Rush Limbaugh Family Values Hypocrite
- Rush Limbaugh Drug Addled Hypocrite
- Re: (OT) : Yes The Filipinos Are Proud of Successful Filipino-Americans
- Happy 4th of July! TCS Sched
- Re: K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- Happy 4th to all.
- Limbaugh ain't even in the Top 20
- Pridnestrovie - Voice of Russia
- Rush Limbaugh and Radio
- Top News
- Record of Chinese Atrocities In Tibet
- Re: When Todd and Mark get married, will "she" be Todd Morgan or Mark Daugherty?
- RE: Drake "Popping noise" when first turned on.
- greatest podcast ever
- i
- Olympics Triggering Tragic Chinese Crackdown
- China Equal Opportunity Poisoner
- The Crystal Ship
- HD A-LIE-ANCE oops, we meant last Christmas!
- HD Alliance - Oops, We Meant Last Christmas!
- Ibiquity says it's time to throw your wind-up analog radio away!
- Antennas
- AOR AR3030.
- (OT) Who Wants To Be a Air Gun Guinea Pig?
- Languages on Shortwave
- Low Power iBiquity "HD" radios - Where are they?
- Film Actress
- Ping RHF/Steve etc.
- Receiver News: Interesting ChiCom Rcvr on eBay
- PING: Brenda Ann
- Re: Youtube shows face of Satan hidden in Obama's lecturn seal
- Re: Who Owns America's Wealth?
- Re: :o) BO for President ! {Bumper Sticker}
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