View Full Version : Shortwave
- Bird Brain Brian's Grundig Buzz Aldrin Ltd Edition
- The Mighty KBC
- Which serial numbers are good Eton E1s?
- Here ya go Culie.
- New V24 and M94 numbers stations info pages
- Repair facility for Sony SW-07 (Besides Laredo)?
- Apologies by Obama require that America be punished, it does notdeserve to host Olympics?
- Radio St. Helena Day 2009 will be on Saturday, 14. November 2009.
- Re: A Cure For Cancer? Eating A Plant-Based Diet
- (OT) No more land line phone lines in America.
- Zune HD sales are a flop - LOL!
- Hello, how is everyone?
- 0baMa0© Merchandise
- Pirate - 6925
- Top News
- Attn: Larry-FTA DBS Info
- (OT) front screen door.
- I would like to find out survival nets to find
- Struble's HD Radio airways destruction - NPR agrees to power increase
- Question regarding ICF-SW100 repair
- Bush baby in Atlanta visits HRO
- Question: Who's knowledgable about FRoG-8800's?
- New Sony ICF-6800W Group on Yahoo
- Re: Sunspots match Cycle 24 record
- Bob Struble admits HD Radio sales are a flop - LOL!
- Re: Porno Crap
- Radiointel
- Grundig G3
- Going Out on a Limb (Solar)
- Gov. Sarah Palin SLAMS 0baMa0 / Fidel Castro Praises 0baMa0
- DW via CBR-AM 1010 kHz Calgary, AB
- (OT) : Prez Obama's Afghanistan War -or- Obama-Care© : The USA can no longer afford both . . .
- AUDIOCLIP: RADIOCLUBE DO PARA' (with link, sorry)
- Have you seen Brian Anasta???
- C.Crane CC Radio SW ... On sale
- Profit Stair's Divorce for adultery
- Is the Federal Department of News Next?
- The last time this occured was in 1933
- First radio
- Opinion please, Degen 1103 or Sony SW7600GR
- SPECIAL: Testing new OS
- Top News
- Panadapter mode ?
- "America’s Morning News" [AMN] via KFWB-AM 980 kHz in the LA Area
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- BDXC - Africa On Shortwave Updated
- Chu-Baka...Doper Extraordinaire's view on DOPE
- cuzz dxAce.
- "I assure you NPR listeners are fully aware of your lunatic fringetalking points"
- (OT) North Pole.
- Photo stolen for eBay auction by Chinese seller
- Glenn Hauser vs National Radio Club - what is this????
- Re: G.E.Superadio I
- Obama0’s “Diversity Chief” and the End of Talk Radio
- Re: G.E.Superadio I
- (OT) Where
- (OT) Patrick Swaze has passed away.
- Latin American SW Logs Page Updated
- Re: 9-11 Revisited
- (OT) Return of Planet X
- Listening to a Liar: Part II
- B09 SW Schedule
- N8WWM Convoy lyrics
- Radar Matic
- Saifee Durbar and Bovis Lend Lease: Using Saudi Arabia as a HousingLaboratory
- 9-11 Revisited
- No HD Radio in new iPod Nano1
- Listening to a Liar
- Re: (OT) : Weekly-Up-Date Prez Obama "New World Order" Poster
- Re: EiBi Skeds Updated
- Re: EiBi Skeds Updated
- Doobie Dave...Is this your work...?
- (OT) 'Magic'
- Re: Latest DXpedition in South Africa
- (OT) Free To Air Satellite TV
- (OT) : James Traficant [D-OH] Is Free ! -after- 7-Years as aPolitical Prisoner - Think Green Recycle the US Congress in 2010 !
- Eduardo - the ARRL's case smells of IBOC
- Eduardo - did iBiquity strong-arm DRE/VuCast as a competitor into abuyout?
- Eduardo - did the NRSC and iBiquity strong-arm Clear Channel intoAM-HD?
- Strange Signal at 1625 UTC
- Grove El-Cheapo Antenna Switch; Thought On ?
- The Brainwashing Bunch
- Who would like an electroic cigarette
- Re: Do Nothing party of NO
- User interface observations (rantings) + Grundig G6 :)
- Re: Do Nothing party of NO
- Re: Do Nothing party of NO
- Pushing Buttons here in S.Ontario
- Communist China's national flag to go up in White House
- Chavez minister vows more Venezuela radio closings
- (OT) : Amazing Forest Facts - Think Green America ! - Say 'No' to VanJones
- Saifee Durbar - Using Saudi Arabia as a Laboratory
- 0baMa0 issues Visas for Cubans but not Hondurans
- DX Season!
- What does an Energy Czar do?
- The Wounded Land: New Video Discusses Impact of Immigration on theEnvironment
- This is your daughter under Obama Healthcare
- Liberal Lies About National Health Care
- Top News
- dfdsfdsf
- (OT) P-38 Can Opener.
- Radio World IBOc shill says the Internet is no threat
- Somewhat O.T.-Cuba
- Obamao's Death Panels to Unravel Lightbulb Savings
- “white polluters” and “white environmentalists” “steering poison into the people of color communities”
- CFRX - 6070
- SPECIAL: Station Fire Fails to Crest Magic Mountain!
- (OT) : Prez Obama's White House is Using the NEA to Produce and Promote Obama-Ganda©
- Zune marketing boss leaves two weeks before Zune HD launch - LMFAO!
- Re: Hope nobody's in the area of that nasty conflagration.. :-/
- Portable Zune HD radio will go on sale September 15
- Re: (OT) : Prez Obama Please Wake-Up 54% of American Citizens Say"...
- Re: Hope nobody's in the area of that nasty conflagration.. :-/
- Re: SPECIAL: William McFadden Rules!
- Re: (OT) : Go Green Recycle Congress ! -was- Federal GovernmentWil...
- Re: (OT) : Democrat Chicanery By-Passing State Laws to Name aRepla...
- Re: Hope nobody's in the area of that nasty conflagration.. :-/
- Federal Government Will Borrow 40 Percent of the Money It Spends NextYear
- Bob Struble - Insignai portable already "on sale" LOL!
- Latin American SW Logs Page Updated
- Glorioso Island - Amateur Radio
- Russian cars/trucks.
- "This aint America no mo"
- Re: Obama as Leninoid
- EiBi Skeds Updated!
- Re: Obama as Leninoid
- Forget death panels, let's talk circumcision panels
- Re: Obama as Leninoid
- Native Americans and the Public Option
- Advice sought on Sony ICF-SW40
- TOTAL 0baMa0 Tse Dung Public Debt Outstanding
- Shortwave car radio blaupunkt
- Patrick Jost - Innovative Radio Designs
- Guess the Quote
- Jongensgat DXpedition in South Africa
- Top News
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- European Shortwave Bands In Cars
- "The Dust Store" shows that Patrick Jost is an architecturalinnovator
- 0baMa0’s Communist Advisor and His Billion-Dollar Army
- FCC Diversity Chief Asked Liberal Fascists to Copy FDR, Take onLimbaugh, Murdoch, Supreme Court
- (OT) Maryanne Kehoe.
- No Myth: Illegal Immigrants Covered under Obamacare
- It is better to give than to receive.
- Vegas Monday-Wednesday DX Log
- FCC 'Diversity' Chief Calls for ‘Confrontational Movement’
- Whatever Happened to The Joker Poster?
- (OT) : Another Obama-Ganda© 1930s Hitler NAZI Post Denying the Liberal-Fascist Realities of 21st Century Liberal-Fascist Methods and Techniques being used by the Obama-Regime© in 2009
- RIP Edward Kennedy
- hitler the conservative:As a master of the "big lie", he was able tobuild substantial grass-roots support, based on a platform of anti-Semitismand anti-communism, conservative values
- The aristocrats and gentlemen of the Right who made up the majorityof Hitler's cabinet hated the concept of democracy even more than the Nazisdid, All over Germany thugs in brown shirts took possession of the streetsand roughed up Communists
- Saturday 22.08.09 - Belated Log #3
- Friday 21.08.09 - Belated Log #2
- Thursday 20.08.09 - Belated Log #1
- Vegas Sunday DX Log
- Re: hitler was a conservative:As Hitler himself wrote: "The mainp...
- Ping Bullet Bob Grimey Grimes aka Count Floyd
- Ping: John Plimmer
- Re: hitler was a conservative:As Hitler himself wrote: "The mainpl...
- Re: Hitler, Mussolini, Roosevelt: what FDR had in common with the...
- 10 miles South of Doggie's Couch
- Bye
- Listening to Shortwave without a Radio
- grundig g3 review published
- (OT) : More Obama-Bot© {Liberal-Fascist} Name Calling : Not Facts
- the home of the kosher ham
- Top News
- Pot Heads @ Rec dot Radio Shortwave, UNITE!!!!
- Re: (OT) : Prez Obama's {Obama-Care©} "AllWee-Wee'd Up !" Medical...
- Whose Medical Decisions?
- Propagation Forecast Bulletin 34
- Ramadan
- Re: (OT) : Whose Medical Decisions ? - Your Choice to Live -or- Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel's End-of-Life {Ending-Your-Life} Counseling via Obama-Care© ?
- TRW "Ham Radio" Swap Meet tomorrow, 7 AM.
- Re: Lockerbie/101st
- Re: OT- Secret Police
- Re: The Democrat Blues or Blue Dogs that go Woof?
- Re: Whose Medical Decisions?
- Re: Wednesday Vegas DX Log
- Re: FCC's 'Diversity' Chief May Use 'Back Door' to Regulate Talk...
- Re: Whose Medical Decisions?
- Re: (OT) The trouble with Los Angeles.
- SPECIAL: How dead is this country?
- FCC's 'Diversity' Chief May Use 'Back Door' to Regulate Talk Radio
- What has happened to Brian and his Grundig Aviator G6 (Special BuzzAldrin LIMITED Edition)?
- Former Shortwave Radio Host Admits I was a FBI Informant
- Re: Source for lightning arrestor?
- Re: Weekend Morning Vegas DX Log
- Tuesday Morn Vegas DX Log
- Vegas Morning Balcony DX Log
- Early Morning Vegas DX
- Re: Source for lightning arrestor?
- Can I use wirewound resistors to build an HF attenuator?
- Where Is the Group El Matador {Moderator} ?
- TDA1572 IF Amp
- (OT) Tropical Storm Claudette.
- Re: President Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine
- Looking for Noise Source
- Re: panasonic rf-b65 operators manual needed.
- Top News
- Re: Boing, boing, boing mystery
- Service
- (OT) : Another Stuck in the 1980s Blame Ronnie RayGun Rant -when-It's Now Prez Obama Time !
- (OT) =WRT= Obama-Care© What Does Prez Obama's Science Czar, John Holdren, Have to Say . . .
- Former SW Radio Host Tests the limits of free speech.
- Re: Is there a Group Moderator?
- Re: President Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine
- Re: Simple hint with world radios
- Re: President Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine
- (OT) : Prez Obama on Obama-Care© - Can not a Women Speak-Truth-to-Words ! - Can not a Women Speak-Facts-to-Lies !
- Re: ARRL Propagation Forecast Bulletin 33 ARLP033
- Pro-0baMa0/Zelaya protestors turns violent - HEIL 0baMa0 NAZI's!!
- 0baMa0 Seeks to Marginalize Opponents of Amnesty
- Re: The Store Once Know as 'RadioShack' : Would Like You To CallIt...
- Re: The Store Once Know as 'RadioShack' : Would Like You To CallIt...
- SPECIAL: Whole Foods Boycott Gaining Steam
- Re: RP 2100 memory increase
- Simple hint with world radios
- Re: (OT) : Vaya Con Dios - Les Paul
- 0baMa0's Nazi Straw man: An Old Alinsky Trick
- Private Broadcasters to fund Public Broadcasters?
- (OT) Les Paul.
- HF Aero. Modes ?
- International SWL Registry
- Re: One Word to Describe the Grundig G6 Aviator - WOW!
- WILL OBAMA GO TO OKLAHOMA? - It's starting to feel like 1995 all overagain.
- new links for freq lists, langauge lists
- Doobie Dave Building His Radio TV Stations w/o Plans
- Re: (OT) : White House Threatens to Silence Rush Limbaugh Againfor...
- All India Radio - Kohima, etc.
- PING: Burr, re: your email
- MFJ absorbs Cushcraft
- Josh Anasta How Old Is Your Father Bird Brain Brian...?
- Top News
- PING Stoner Dave
- Re: The Shortwave and Ham Radio Addiction - I Hereby Confess :)
- Re: (OT) : Prez Obama calls upon theObama-Finks© to "Monitor" {Spy...
- Why are'nt you in Thailand Brian????
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