View Full Version : Shortwave
- CCP Uses Internet to Spread its Ideas
- FA: Zenith R7000-2, Mil-Spec test leads, Uniden SSB CB
- 11 separate acts of treason committed by the White House
- Re: Great news for 101st fighting Keyboardists (new song for 2005)
- Talk about a bunch of cheapskates!
- Janine calls it,
- I say
- Ramsey MW-BCB-SW antenna kit on Ebay.
- Re: Time Lords always win in the end
- Re: Time Lords always win in the end
- Re: Time Lords always win in the end
- CellPhone Jammer
- Re: Time Lords always win in the end
- Catfish
- Re: Now here is a real radio!
- Re: Learning CW to Get on HF
- An NIST Mistake on "Atomic Clock"
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- BBC-Falklands
- Send me to Hell! Devilfinder
- Next Shuttle Launch
- FA - Yaesu FRG-100 Service Manual
- FA - GE SR-3
- Bush Signs Presidential Executive Order? (ref:Terrorists)
- Re: British Police!
- Re: The World's Most Silly Technology Law(CW)
- Radio Shack SW-60 ... Model 12-779
- 5181 kHz - Latin America
- Power demand sparks California Blackout Scare....
- Passing this on
- bush AWOL on terror threat.
- rat shack loop acting as a wave trap!
- SAR comms on 5717 khz
- Did you know China's new destroyers feature Aegis tech copied from U.S.
- I just saw where Lloyd Davies had passed away
- Radios
- Ping Mr. Davies the Time Lord - URGENT ! ! !
- A domestic shortwave broadcasting solution for Canada (DRM)
- BBCWS as source of news when 'away'
- president Picks Fellow Torture Architect.
- FCC proposes to drop CW requirement on HF
- A sad day? Or, a reprieve for amateur radio?
- OT but cool
- FS: Grundig Satellit 700 memory chips
- (OT) TV Dinner
- Zimbabwe to launch new propaganda radio station: pay Russia to jam new station, it is cheaper...
- It's worse than that, he's dead Jim! (James Doohan, RIP
- Koreans stop "broadcasting" at each other across DMZ by blasting speaker?
- FS: WinRadio 1550E
- Joseph Wilson is a true hero; patriot
- Dead SR-150 ???
- FORCE 12 SIGMA-5 Vertical Dipole For Sale
- My Journalism course has arrived. Interview number ONE!
- 9495 Iran - Voice Of Justice with a strong signal
- Web Visitors in China Cheered for the Explosions in London
- How Propaganda Works
- Diodes for RF switches, a review
- NASWA Country List
- CFR's Plan to Integrate the U.S.,Mexico,and Canada
- Radio Tanzania-Zanzibar
- Paranormal website
- FA: Hallicrafters S-40 Parts>Like-New BIRD 43>YAESU Mike
- FA: Collins R-390A Radio Parts>IF Unit, Antenna Relay, Name Tag!
- WTB:::Yaesu FRV-8800 VHF option
- RF Hearing Aids
- China Lake, planes down
- Sgt Ernie
- small shortwave antenna
- For Any Alpha Clock (GMT Aplet) Users
- test
- Wanted: Kiwa Magic Tuning Eye
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Cozumel, Mexico, Any word ??
- Gray Line MWDX is booming this AM
- CKZN-CBU transmission solution :
- Good Guy Alert...........Murray Green
- Harry Helms
- 1945 Trinity "Radio Room"
- OT
- Comms on 5714 khz
- new 2010 upgrades on my web site!
- Satellite tv
- cbs/infinity radio........
- About a week ago
- bush and blair
- bush and blair
- McCurtain
- I hope
- Maryanne Kehoe
- HCJB Australia, Kununurra E- QSL
- CC TV Signal Interrupted by News of Communist Party Withdrawals (CIA / PSYOP activity ??)
- The future of Radio Six via shortwave in North America
- It is FAUX News FOX
- Top Story
- Don't ever
- Loafhead
- I belive in
- I believe
- Rensey baby
- Island in the Sky.
- E-Z Hang Antenna Tool
- Spectrum Protection Bill Sponsor's Article Promotes Amateur Radio's Value
- " Bring Em On !"
- And behold, the mark of the beast was Green
- best shortwave portable ever ?
- Let me
- Anything for Power: The Real Story of China’s Jiang Zemin
- Thousands of Overseas Chinese Consulates Workers Waiting to Escape
- Communist Party’s Efforts To Control and Take Over of Media Outlets
- USS Carl Vinson and Italy
- FA: All Items ending this Sunday>List within>Last Call!
- Antique
- FA: Various items. "Final day"
- Sony 6800w dismantling
- Why are so many sw receivers being discontinued?
- An old familiar name is still quite alive and well..
- That
- Odd comms on 5.1675MHz
- uh huh,
- Blueee,Blueeee,my World is Blueeee,,, Grayyy,,, Gray,,,,,
- I know,
- dee dee dee
- wimmins
- Tracy,or whoever,
- Rumor
- Using A AR8600 MKII on HF
- All India Radio to vacate 90 metre shortwave band
- Hurricane Watch Net
- On 9290 khz This Weekend July 16th
- Dead Bands
- Re: CKZN-6160
- Oman-Radio Sultanate of Oman
- 11175 kHz USB: B-1B Bomber has trouble
- Re: To Defeat Terrorism, We Must Defeat Communism
- Re: Zimbabwe blitz 'really about China'
- Radio Furniture?
- FA - Variac - Superior Electric Powerstat - Ends Friday afternoon 7/15/05
- Re: Kaito DE-1106 : Any Information on Radio ?
- GE Pre-Super-Radio ?
- Radio Tanzania-Zanzibar
- See Ya!
- Cold War Back On
- Re: All India Radio weak but readable
- Solar Weather
- STAR Radio / Liberia on 9525 receiving in NJ
- R75 VS Sat800
- Interesting BBC report on the psychology of suicide bombing
- NASA Spaceshuttle Freq`s- MonitoringTimes
- Re: WRTH Summer updates file available for download
- Applet For Displaying GMT ?
- Shuttle scrubbed for the day
- Slovak Radio to end foreign language broadcasting on shortwave by the end of July
- Possible HF freqs for Space Shuttle rebroadcasts
- Re: Can't Ace the truth...
- Re: WDLT 660 Mobile AL, daytime power at night?
- Buy and Sell your Tube Gear!
- good freq for space shuttle launch?
- FA: One or two radio items
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- FA: All New listings, Tram Titan & CB's, Drake Tuner, rare SB-620 panadapter & More!
- Weathermen Sued For Getting it Wrong
- help: ham radio
- BBC Delay on Sensitive Live News
- NASA-Cape Radio
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Article at World Net Daily
- Re: China Radio International New English Schedule starting July 15, 2005
- That's Right -- You're Wrong
- More Devil's advocate
- bush's Military Records
- FS: Sony ICF-SW77
- BPL bad news for Texas?
- A Ture Letter
- al-Qaida is mutating into a global insurgency
- My neighbor's new air conditioner...
- Reception last night and today 7/10
- AM Reception S350DL VS DEGEN DE1103
- WRTH & Passport
- Any 20 meter emergency nets active?
- R-75 status?
- Hurricane Dennis
- Channel Africa on 9685 khz
- Humongous US Enemies List
- Who needs the ARRL, anyway?
- Illuminated UTC clock
- Voice of Justice -Iran?
- Re: ... Hey Y-Man ! ! ! !
- DX Ace - Diego Garcia
- Hurricane NET FREQ
- Re: everyone's quite shocked at the speed at which these thingsare...
- y'all
- New Sync AM Special Interest Group
- Pictures You Will Never See on the News
- Central Birmingham Evacuated ?
- China
- A Fistfull of Dollars
- Hurrican HF Frequencies?
- Doggy
- Army funding chinese radios
- Radio station WIIN
- Where I stand on the move
- FA: WWII Radio, Hammarlund Spkr, Rare CB, SONAR Item, WE Headphones, STUFF all Good!
- Don't
- MW Receiver
- Capitol Hill Blue
- Raiders
- Coast to Coast
- China Warns Global Warming Will Become Extreme!
- Communist China Orchestrates Death Threats Towards U.S. Residents
- WHYP on 6800 kHz
- "Come and Join Us on the Airwaves" Video
- U.S. Citizens Targeted for $Trillion$ U.N. Taxation Plan
- Alan Wiener Worldwide 7.415
- everyone's quite shocked at the speed at which these things are changing
- China Report On Winston Smith's Desk
- Anders
- Yaesu FRG 100 with Temp Comp Crysatl Oven option $350
- Interesting Pattern In Explosions
- What a bargain...
- More activity on 5744...
- 6185 Mexico City
- HF Monitoring - 13927 kHz USB, Thurs, 07 July 2005
- ILGRadio updates
- Hmmm, BBC and other music programs as safety tools?
- Replacement fuses for R-75?
- Euthanasia
- Monitoring Times Review
- This weekend 9290 khz
- Pirate Jenny
- I am confused about this auction
- TAXES in the LAND of the FREE
- Zenith Trans-Oceanic Royal '3000' bulb replacements?
- London Underground explosions
- Chiming bell on 5744 kHz...
- Re: FA: Lets try this>All Seperate links to my newest, Nice stuff
- In search of BBCWS "Bow Bells" interval signal in MP3 (44.1 khz, 16 bits, mono or stereo) -- possibly from Carillon recordings...
- Lobbyists' Role for Public TV Is Investigated
- VOA *IS* Iindependent
- CPB Liberal Bias Study Flawed, Critics Say
- PLEASE Support Uncensored Broadcasts to China
- Fwd: VOA
- Al-Jazeera Launching All-English Channel
- Re: The future of shortwave?
- FS: Kenwood R-2000 for $195 !!!!
- Question
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