View Full Version : Shortwave
- Great Liberty Net 3.931
- Weiner Station on 9330
- Mississippi Rising
- Legendary UFO talk show host Don Ecker to Interview Zecharia Sitchin
- WMPR Pirate 6925 AM
- Voice of Croatia
- Voice of Biafra International
- Re: evolution of looting
- WW2 Radio Compass
- Dutch pirate using 15.070 again
- F.S. olderSW radios
- Kiwa Air Core Loop on Ebay
- OT ''9/11 gave these men everything they could possibly ask for''
- Bali ??
- What radio to buy in the UK
- Handy Shortwave Chart
- Phone line as SW antenna [04-Apr-00]
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Things you learn from tv instead of swl about Katrina
- Kennedys/Bootleggers/Murderers/Rapists
- DSP, DRM and other Mods for the DX-394
- Pirate 6925 AM
- Scientists oppose proposal to ban UTC leap seconds
- DXpedition reports on
- Upgrade from Gurndig TR II
- Upgrade from Gurndig TR II
- Long Wave in Australia
- Slightly OT again; Wind Power
- WSJ Short Wave review
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Suicidalism
- I'm Sipping Coffee on the Euphrates!
- (OT) Emergency Alert!
- Radio Imperial
- TIME to LEAVE the CAR at HOME?
- Electric Outlet Can Be Wireless Internet Link
- WANTED PALOMAR P508 Active Preselector (tunable HF preaamplifier)
- (OT) Texas Emergency Hurricane Hotline Outsourced to India
- Experiences with Miracle Whip Antenna
- Best Hobby Forums / Sites ( )...................#TT324
- Hammarlund HQ-170
- FA: MINT SBE Power Mike, TRIMM Professional Fones!
- FA: Nice ALLIED KNIGHT SPAN-MASTER 2-Tube Regen SW Receiver
- Weird question - radio comparison
- Collins 51S-1 +
- 1st shortwave radio???
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- EiBi Skeds
- (OT) NASA Chief says ,,,,,,,,,
- FS: Yaesu FRG-100
- Re: FCC SHUTS DOWN the 'Boy Broadcaster" from ME
- Signal meter on R8B
- Emergency Alert: Hate Bill Could Be Approved Any Minute.
- Re: Hour of Slack shortwave
- Can someone post the schedule please?
- Woman up a radio tower
- Heathkit SB 610
- (OT) Story of the Day 1
- Private feedback
- Help, need service manual JRC- NRD 535
- Which Serial Numbers correspond to the "most refined" Drake R8B ?
- DRM radios, not for christmas, but 2006 and even summer 2006 ????
- Re: The baking soda solution works!
- Human Aerials Electrical Storm
- Re: Five most important things for top DX
- Re: Favorite Talk Show Radio Host
- Get Smart Past Away
- Sangean ATS909 question
- FA: Sony ICF-SW07
- Favorite Talk Show Radio Host
- (OT) Vets and the COWARD,,, The TERORIST at 1600 PennsylvaniaAvenue
- FA - Grundig YB-400 PE
- Icom 756 Pro II filter settings
- Icom 756 Pro II filter settings
- Nice GPR-90 receiver
- 7875 Australia
- B-05, when do the new schedules take effect?
- Re: The baking soda solution works!
- Radio Communication System
- Re: (OT) : DaviD - Remember : When You Don't Tell the Whole Truth....
- (OT) New Orleans
- I *like* my Sony SW 07!
- Re: The Future and Fate of DRM and IBOC - "The MarketMakers" Will ...
- I need a Uniden BC200XLT MANUAL
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- rechargeable batteries and portable receivers
- FS: C. Crane Co. Select-A-Tenna AM Radio Antenna
- Re: Quick All-in-One Vertical Antenna and Air Core MatchingTransformer and It's a Slinky !
- (OT) Rita
- Reunited with my first radio love courtesy of eBay. But smokey!
- MLB opinions wanted
- Re: What are ferrite core chokes to improve radio reception?
- Five most important things for top DX
- Air America down to bottom of Barrel,Desperate for Handouts.
- RE: Replacement Antenna for Sony ICF-7600GR - $24.50
- Re: (OT) : Democrat's now being controlled by the Liberal Special I...
- Re: Bush Drinking [ot]
- Re: Tivoli Model 1
- Re: (OT) : Has Americanism Died in the Democrat Party of the USA ?
- Re: (OT) : DaviD - America Teach Your Children Well - To BeAmerica...
- Pirate running propagation test on 11478 right now
- Noisy power lines? BEST solution?
- Re: What About the G5RV 'type' Dipole Antenna made of Slinkys ?
- Re: Bush Drinking [ot]
- How Long Should My "Slinky" Dipole Antenna BE ? - - - How Many Slinkys You Got ?
- FA: Yaesu FRG-7 -Excellent- last day
- Robert Green leaving Radio Netherlands?
- I need a Uniden BC200XLT MANUAL
- Operation Granite Shadow-Bush At Norad?
- Where's The Hurricane Nets Tonight?
- Looking for Pete G.
- Say a Prayer
- Help wth MW catch needed
- FS: AN-LP1 antenna
- Replacement whip antenna for Sony SW7600GR
- Interesting auction of a Sony 2010
- Many Of The Sites Are Made To Look Like Bona Fide Charities.
- Re: Sony SW-07 -- a keeper?
- ( OT) Picture of sea temp. in the Gulf Of Mexico
- Re: FCC SHUTS DOWN the 'Boy Broadcaster" from ME
- Hurricane Rita SW and Ham Frequencies
- Hurricane Hunter 13MHz MARS freq?
- Looking for A Communication radio
- Wellbrook Antenna/ Suggestions?
- Re: ABOUT - Slinky Antennas - More Then You Wanted To Know
- Don't Look Now...
- Jet Blue Flight 292
- R75 & R8B
- Midland Weather Radio WR-300
- Newbie Quest. Meaning Of Term "CAT" ?
- How Radio Helps Keep New Orleans Connected.
- Help with a user manual for ERA Microreader anyone?
- Re: KTRH 740kHz Houston & WBAP 820kHz Ft. Worth TX
- FA: Various electronic equipment
- SkyWire Loop Antenna [Was: Wire loop.] Question
- WWL 870 New Orleans
- Favorite Radio show
- Re: Police Shoot to Kill ? - ok for Stockwell - not for Basra .
- Re: DRM modifications for Sony 2010 /2001D
- Re: For the Longwire {Random Wire} Antenna to Coax Cable"Connectio...
- Re: Problem of nearby transmitter breakthrough
- Re: SW gone on East Coast... geomagnetic storm?
- Longwire {Random Wire} Antenna Kit for a 'portable' AM/FM Shortwave Radios
- For the Longwire {Random Wire} Antenna to Coax Cable "Connection" - - - Think 'Matching Transformer' !
- Re: FA: Yaesu FT-23R@$14, US Army WE BC-454-B Orig. Box@$15
- Re: FA: 2-EIMAC 4CX250B's @$66, BROWN BROS CTL-A COMBI KEY @$88
- Re: antenna kit for a portable SW
- SW gone on East Coast... geomagnetic storm?
- News:Gothic Singles Photos!
- For Sale: Panasonic RF-2200
- Hurricane watch net activated
- Problem of nearby transmitter breakthrough
- SONY SW-77 up for sale
- Am antenna plug
- To tell y'all the Truth,
- The Right Perspective - Now Podcasting!
- Re: Icom R71
- Re: Dirty chinks created HN51 Bird Flu (oto)
- Re: A voice in the darkness...
- Tropical Storm Rita
- car shortwave
- Re: FS dx-398
- Radio Havana today
- Compact analog with full coverage
- Re: 1 Day+ left, all 33 items, most a great deal:-)
- How dense can they all be?
- End of the SW spectrum Times!
- Great Liberty Net
- Re: new drink?
- Re: (OT) : Greg Says - " Now up against the wall and spread 'em! "
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Recent sun activity
- Re: New Frequency not listed anywhere in cyberspace?
- FA: RARE HALLICRAFTERS HA-6 TRANSVERTER $20, MIL-SPEC Test Leads $100 value $9.99
- Eton "E" {Elite} Model Number Radios : E1XM [E1 XM], E10 and E100
- DRM stations
- Star Radio Coming in loud and Clear on 9525 adesso!
- What Next For Drake?
- Re: Now this is a nifty radio !
- FS Drake R8B
- Bubbler on 18.085MHz USB?
- Re: YB400 OWNER'S MANUAL DOWNLOAD!!!WHERE, PLEASE??? every time i do a search i get into the run-around....
- Kaito amplified loop antenna
- Sony SW-1 oddity
- Re: Now this is a nifty radio !
- Re: BBC Singapore 9740 gone?
- ABOUT - The "Low Noise" Antenna design concepts that were popularized by John Doty :
- OT Rolling Stones get it right again!
- Numbers on 4028 LSB
- FS: Icom R71
- FA:Radio Shack DX390 Shortwave portable (No Reserve)
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Selling My Grundig Satellit 800 Millenium (Box, Book, & All)
- Amarillo,,,,,
- Question for Pete the smart guy
- Re: OT - Racial Slurs in high places
- Re: Just curious about "David"
- Katrina Ham Stories
- Re: DxSoft "TrueTTY" Or "SeaTTY" Opinions On ?
- Re: Sticky meter on Sony ICF 6700 receiver
- Re: FYI - Shortwave Radio Listener (SWL) Groups on YAHOO !
- Re: How dense can they all be?
- NAVTEX Decoders Question ?
- Act Electronics experience
- A Recording of the Bow Bells made in 1926 has been used by the BBC World Service as an interval signal for the English Language broadcasts ...
- WWL Repeat on WHRI 9840 booming into SoCal
- FEMA freq's in N.O.
- HFGCS On 11.175 What Mode ?
- Lincolnshire Poacher
- Re: Savage negro beasts abduct TX 14 year old
- Bow Bells for" Max Power".
- DRM with Sangean ATS-909/Roberts R861?
- Radio Australia/ Radio National on Katrina
- OT From your lips to Satan's ear...
- Katrina Survivor Radio Goes Live In Houston
- OT More Cronyism; Death Toll Coverup?
- Hurricane Watch Net
- Off Topic?
- Re: Savage negro beasts hospitalize Houston school children
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- OT Toxins At Ground Below Zero Coverup
- Re: Savage negro beasts hospitalize Houston school children
- Re: Savage negro beasts hospitalize Houston school children
- Re: The Big 870
- OT President Warns Storm Coming After It Already Hit
- Quick get a Doctor
- Best price on Grundig S350 DL?
- Re: FA: Collins R-390A Audio Module, 4-Various Air Caps, 4-nos 6DQ6B's,
- OT Fox News Sister Station Tells the Truth
- FA: B&W Protax switch, SET-Chrome HEATHKIT KNOBS, 40' asst. Tinned Copper ground straps.
- Re: Best Beautiful Music On The Radio
- -- a BBCWS interval signal...
- One Station "Fixed" Out-Side AM/MW Loop Antenna for "The Big 870"
- Re: FS: Shortwave Radio
- Re: (OT) : What the Governor of the State of Louisiana Failed ToDo...
- Sony 7600 front cover crack
- (OT) Shariah Law Not Allowed in Ontario and Quebec
- OT USA To Use Nuclear Weapons In Preemptive Strikes
- Power Outage Strikes San Fernando Valley
- Nagin Poll
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