View Full Version : Shortwave
- Kaito KA2100 page at Univ Radio
- Code is very close to dead. Slow Code please read.
- Pirate 6925
- Art Bell
- Degen 1103 used for RTTY/Fax decoder?
- Art Bell's Shortwave Radios.
- Re: Neat (?) Grounding Idea
- Re: Neat (?) Grounding Idea
- Re: Neat (?) Grounding Idea
- Re: TOP POSTERS = Month of December 2006 + For the Year Ending 2007
- Re: Neat (?) Grounding Idea
- It's 2007 - So Now Simply Relax And Enjoy Listening To Your Radio(s) -and- Have A Happy And Prosperous New {News} Year !
- Re: What does it mean when you get an "image" on shortwave?
- Are there 2 different versions of the E1?
- Re: New Year's Resolutions
- Re: WANTED - A Brand New Shortwave Radio with AM Ferrite Rod Antenna & AM-SYNC
- WARNING - Eton E1 Radio Owners 'possible' Bad Wall Warts - Is Your's OK ?
- So You Get The Bright Idea . . . To Use A Car Radio In-the-Home !
- Phone line as SW antenna [12-Jul-06]
- TOP POSTERS = Month of December 2006 + For the Year Ending 2007
- Re: Happy New Year
- Re: What does it mean when you get an "image" on shortwave?
- Re: A very good tabletop radio to buy
- Re: Happy New Year
- Re: 12580 Mhz
- Re: 12580 Mhz
- Re: Canukistan Rules to Allow HD Radio
- Re: Canukistan Rules to Allow HD Radio
- Carrying Case of Sony SW 2010 ?
- Voice of Korea down? COUP D'ETAT?
- Re: Change in ARS numbers Pool - Guesses added 12/30/06 - edited and updated
- Degen 1103 reception questions
- I think I'm screwed
- The coziness of DXing
- Pirate 6.925
- Got my Lo-Kata ADF
- Main Home Radio for Casual Listener
- Main Home Radio for Casual Listener
- Re: I'm getting an interesting, strong station on 2305
- Top News
- Is it true the Eton E1 uses the whip for an AM Antenna?
- Dimmer Switches
- Re: Is there a better desktop SW reciever under than $150 than the DX-394?
- Kaito KA2100 coming to U.S. (Redsun RP2100)
- Re: I'm getting an interesting, strong station on 2305
- Re: YLE Finland to cease shortwave broadcasting on Jan 1st, 2007
- Diego Garcia
- Re: Article On Numbers Stations
- Tivoli Model One - Read the Manual - It Really Helps !
- Re: Art Bell returns to Pahrump NV
- Propagation and Ionsonde
- BBC said...
- Channel Africa on 3345 khz
- Re: A very good tabletop radio to buy
- A very good tabletop radio to buy
- Sony 7600GR - is it feasable to repair/replace External Power Jack
- radio
- Pirate 6925 AM
- Degen 1102 NICE!
- BBC Reception in Los Angeles
- Reach 7027 up on 13927.1 kHz USB in MARS patch
- Happy New Year and Ciao to Saddam
- Re: A very good tabletop radio to buy
- Need Help Idenifying Interference on Voice of Korea Broadcast
- Re: A very good tabletop radio to buy
- Art Bell returns to Pahrump NV
- 3.396 Mhz. Radio Zimbabwe
- RRI Makassar
- HamADF
- WOW - New antenna ROCKS
- New Years eve pirate hunting
- Looking for the Best AM/MW Antenna for the Eton E1 Radio
- Today's News HeadLine via the Voice-of-America-News . . .
- Re: Will covering an antenna with tape negate its effects?
- here's a new one.... just like the old one!
- RG-6 Coax Question
- QSL Log Sheet Template
- Re: Will it harm the 7600 reel antenna to leave it outside? Anyone else do this?
- Shortwave Paper Log Books / Templates?
- Pirate 6935
- Art Bell and Hockey Pucks at 9:00 pm est
- QSL cards
- Re: Regarding acoustic echo cancellation using frequency domain LMS algorithm and subband LMS algorithm
- dxAce
- RRI Nabire
- 3413
- FS: Motorola buyers source guide
- best portable SW radios in past 15 years
- Re: Will covering an antenna with tape negate its effects?
- High Quality {Low Noise} Coax Cable for Shortwave Listening (SWL) Antennas ? - - - Why Not Quad-Shield RG6 !
- New Radio Doesn't Work? Don't Worry - It's the Ionosphere That's Busted
- Disabled Vessel Maersk Scotland on 4125 kHz USB
- Papal Greeting on Vatican Radio
- Re: Merry Christmas to all
- Re: Merry Christmas to all
- JPS ANC-4 question...
- Why does my 7600GR scan and stop at stations with seemingly no broadcasts on it?
- Re: So You Want To Run Your 'portable' AM/FM Shortwave Radio On Batteries . . .
- Entertainment radio reaches its centenary
- Beginner Cant Pick up a Single Station in San Francisco
- Buying Tip - Kaito KA1101 'portable' AM / FM Shortwave Radio
- Re: Merry Christmas to all
- 95% of SW stations I pick up are Christian Gospel stations
- Re: Battle: The new Sangean DT-200VX vs, the old Sangean DT-200V
- Balun vs. Unun
- atomic clock audio stream?
- What is the most effective method for finding SW broadcasts?
- 6925 @ 0115-UTC
- Is this the best way to set up my reel antenna for my 7600GR?
- Vintage Pirate Radio Broadcasts available
- Both Sensitive and Selective Radio Receiver for FM Broadcast Band.
- Satellit 700 auction
- Pirate - 6925
- Degan 1103
- YEASU FRG-8800 fails to start up
- Battle: The new Sangean DT-200VX vs, the old Sangean DT-200V
- Schedules that are correct?
- Re: Radio Slovakia International
- Will it harm the 7600 reel antenna to leave it outside? Anyone else do this?
- Top News
- Re: What Albert Einstein said about Radio.
- RF Systems "MLB" {Magnetic Longwire Balun} - What Is It ?
- Help! I can't get many shortwave stations!
- Guerite is a Liar and a Fraud
- Re: Cycle 24
- Re: Cycle 24
- Random Wire - What Lightning Protection??
- Re: So You Want To Run Your 'portable' AM/FM Shortwave Radio On Batteries . . .
- Longevity of Coax and Antennas
- Chinese AR88
- Test gear
- Is "Guerite" actally Paul Kengor, phd?
- antenna questions on r-5000 and r71a
- Impressions of the Eton E-5/Grundig G-5?
- Will I be able to learn the 7600GR?
- Re: The KGB's post-Soviet 'commercialization'
- AM/FM/TV Station Lists
- New shortwave radio, some questions
- DRM question
- AOR ar-7000 opinions?
- The West's rosy image of China is a deception
- Pirate radio station operators protest
- Eton E10 Quick Review
- Who Armed Iraq?
- Communist China: 2nd largest military budget on earth
- Re: Watch January 27th & April 24th
- Sony SW1E
- KAITO 1103 old or new versions?
- Omega One Radio doing Kwanzaa special!
- If only the world knew how much the left wing media are lying to them
- The Left's favorite fat man is back from the trough
- Re: Barack Obama - a Marxist leftist Muslim
- No codes won the battle but not the war
- FS: Drake R8B
- Re: Barack Obama - a Marxist leftist Muslim
- Re: Barack Obama - a Marxist leftist Muslim
- Sangean DRM-40, is it worth the Money?
- Re: FRS Radioes question
- Re: MORKathon
- Re: Grundig YB400PE
- Utility Stations
- Hey Steve (sdaniel13), and Ron Hardin
- drake r8 line longwave dx performance and the r75.
- Re: Grundig YB400PE
- Re: Grundig YB400PE
- The new, Sangean DT200VX- what do you think?
- Moblile HAM radio
- Re: Gay & Transgendered Shortwave Group
- why Bother getting a licence to use a GMRS radio?
- Re: All day all night Eduardo
- INFO : The Grove "Tunerless" All Band Antenna
- Re: All day all night Eduardo
- No More Morse Code?
- Announcement - The Radio-Mart Red Drap Has Faded To Light Grey . . .
- Re: All day all night Eduardo
- What Albert Einstein said about Radio.
- CJRJ-1200 Vancouver, BC
- Re: SWL Shortwave while on a cruise....?
- Re: VoA 11975 1900z
- 4910
- Re: kookathon
- LaVozDeLa Selva 4.824.48 Mhz
- Band conditions sucky worldwide?
- Re: No Code Arrives!
- Need sig report 7415
- Re: well as we down to the wire on the R&O Robeson seems to get more unstable
- Getting ready to hook up a random and hav a question...
- Ebay DX-394 - unbelievable $
- Y-Man to the front desk please
- Re: Keypad Repair
- New USA Amateur Band Plans - Effective Dec 15th, 2006
- Top News
- Panasonic RF-B65 noise
- No Code Arrives!
- Nice site
- K7RA/ARRL Propagation
- Re: Four Dead in Oh-high-oh
- FA HQ-180C/Noise Silencer/More Vintage/SP-600 Parts
- Latin American Skeds Updated
- EiBi Sked
- Icom R75 receive
- Peach 86 up on 13927.1 kHz USB
- Re: you will have all seen the rsults today of K4YZ obessive stalking of Myself One KB9RQZ 9
- U.S. to defend space with military force
- Radio Free Iran
- Shark 21 pbone patch to Coronet Oak Ops, PR
- JRC NRD-545 = Discontinued
- Conditions look rough for tomorrow.
- *original* Grundig 960?
- Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race Radio Skid What freq and time?
- Re: Keypad Repair
- Astronauts Forced to take Shelter from solar storms
- RF question
- Why bother getting a licence to use a GMRS radio?
- Re: Keypad Repair
- Re: Radio Shack Canada Closing Down
- Re: Keypad Repair
- Is There A Better Portable Than the Sony ICF-2010?
- Re: kookathon
- WJ-8718 ?
- Re: Keypad Repair
- Shuttle and Space Station Activity on HF and VHF
- GE World Monitor P2900A
- city SWLing Question
- Is This a Good Time to Buy that Radio?
- Questions of a very beginner.
- CHU Public Notice :
- Sangean says no more shortwave radios
- profit Stair on Shortwave
- USB Shortwave radios
- USB Shortwave radios
- SWL Shortwave while on a cruise....?
- S.O.S... going NUTS over reception problems
- Elad FDM77
- Indonesia - RRI Nabire
- WD2XSH/20 MW beacon booming in on 505.45 kHz
- European MW catches from the USA Midwest
- Re: Landlords
- HFCC B06 Schedule Posted
- Looking for a VLF Converter Kit or Assembled
- HD Radio Question: Software For Decoding ?
- ~~~~~~~ Wet T Shirt Contest ~~~~~~~~~
- Panasonic RF-8000 - WTF???
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