View Full Version : Shortwave
- Re: ( OT ) Most Muslims are de facto terrorists
- Bushie is so dumb he made these guys look good!
- Bushie's mommy has something to say........
- Hurricane Watch Net
- NYC Pirate on FM? 87.9
- Palstar R30 Series
- Wanted: Sony 2010 owner's manual
- New Zealand frequency change
- some radio software links
- Linux RX 320 controller update
- signals at 5700khz ??
- Grey Line example: Monaco Radio...
- North Korea in English 15180 @ 1:00 UTC
- Is there still a voice longwave station in Cleveland, Ohio?
- Sept 6 '04 Logs
- cfcx
- Receiver Location In Posts
- Damascus in English on 13610 @ 21:12 UTC
- Yaesu FRG-100 TCXO-4
- Trans-Pacific MW and Tropical Band Loggings
- Re: Bushies records still missing?????????
- List Logging
- Radio Free Syria
- Re: ''Mission Accomplished'' pilot killed on training mission
- GE Superadios for Dummies [ GE Super Radios I - II - III ]
- Panasonic RF-2200 - Recent News and Info
- Venezuela-Cuba
- Sony icf sw 77
- For all PCR1000 & PCR100 lovers out there...
- Propagation question
- CRTC "Shortwave" Decisions and Rulings (3)
- OT This should be fun. Even MORE Bush 'outings'
- 8.981 Mhz USB
- 9990.0 USB lots of spanish traffic ... ??
- Sun Night 1103 Logs
- cumbre dx newsletter
- Overcomer religion?
- East Asia... Polar, Transatlantic, or Transpacific?
- Re: It must be obvious by now that Lloyd has truly left
- New WiNRADiO Group
- I.D. help request.
- More 1103 Logs
- Re: Osama Bin Laden Found Drunk Maine State Police / Virus
- National HRO-500 parts.
- Hurricane Ivan
- Why Tecsun/Degen cheaper?
- AOR AR5000 Alberta Users
- FOR SALE Drake R8 and Palomar Loop
- Was:Re: The Sports Radio:Sounds like spaam to me
- Re: Why would anybody vote for Bush? --Is it ever possible to find so many suc
- Hurricane -Frances
- Is the Icom R20 good on longwave? on AM broadcast? on shortwave?
- How Things Change
- Grundig Majestic Console...
- SW BC Technical info
- Re: Thomas Jefferson's Opinion of George Bush and Company
- Re: The Numbers Only
- Most sensitive portable poll
- Saturday Afternoon Marathon Speed Log
- Amateur Radio Newslineâ„¢ Report 1412 Â* September 3, 20
- News broadcast use of RTTY or SITOR mode B
- Website to ID Frequency
- DE1103 Logs
- Hurricane
- Unid. Chinese station on 7270
- WMR back on the air on 5815 kHz
- DE 1103 Logs
- Paging Frank Cattell re:Yaesu FRG-8800
- very nice tool for calculation frequency / meterband and metric convertor
- Where is the Shortwave NG
- Well (ot)
- Incredible conditions to South Asia
- Whats good on SWL tonight EST?
- The Beeb" to air program on Amateur Radio and 9/11
- Too much clutter on radio
- CBU's 6160 khz SW relay not effective at all : 50 kw and a Horizontal Log Periodic could serve 50%+ of Canada's landmass.
- OT Re: NBC: Bush opens double digit lead over Kerry
- Re: NBC: Bush opens double digit lead over Kerry NOT!
- ( OT) Patriotic Posters
- holy crap
- Voice of Tibet
- Re: NBC: Bush opens double digit lead over Kerry
- Re: 14325 Hurricane Watch Net
- Propagation
- Kaito KA-105
- Special event station 1944/2004
- Radio Minivan Tests
- R75 support
- RW NewsBytes Weekly Digest
- OT Chechnya situation: A return of Stalinism
- ( OT) Why Was Bush Transferred to Alabama Air Nat'l Guard ?
- Special event station 1944/2004
- HLG, Seoul, Korea...
- Eton E10 and E100 on front page of site
- Which MAHA Charger?
- Re: Grayland---ATTENTION GUY !
- Purple Hearts
- ( OT) Strong international Support for Bush in one area
- Taking the Jwin JX - M14 apart . .
- Trans-Pacific MW DX Opening
- Shortwave Jamming Questions
- 'Ol Zig Zag Zell...........he should retire now!!!
- Vanuatu 7260-Low Power
- My latest Radio Shack experience
- Re: Cheney's record on defense spending
- RCI 9.515 Something happening in Russian School
- Heard WOAI San Antonio 1384 Miles Sangean DT-200V
- VKS-737 HF Radio group (Australia) opposes BPL
- FS: Heavy Duty Antenna Wire
- ( OT) Quiet here . . .
- Wellbrook ALA 330S
- Wellbrook ALA 330S
- No more bar codes on baggage?
- Can we use it to remotely disable loud stereos in cars?
- 5890.
- Re: Smile, Who's Lying??? (ot)
- Selcal And Acars ?
- Hurricane Watch Net Active
- Bahamas AM Radio
- Wha'sup on 500 Khz ??
- Dear Group, An Apology
- WWV and YVTO on 5 MHz
- Phone line as SW antenna [04-Apr-00]
- Handy Shortwave Chart
- OT see ourselves as others see us...
- 15 Minute Rechargeable NIMH AA's 2000 Ah (Ray-O-Vac)
- Re: Was - What's a RS pathetic.
- Hurricane Frances / Turks & Caicos
- "What's a CB radio?"
- Re: OT Swift Boat Wrap-Up
- Relays from Latvia on 9290 khz
- Tropical Band Loggings for Aug. 31st
- Legal to carry a scanner
- Hurricane Frances
- R75 Software
- Battery Powered Speaker
- HF Log - Satellite Beach FL - Mon. 30 Aug 2004
- Anti-American / Racist / Conspiracy Programming?
- Bush, the ultimate flip flopper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- What's between 2 GHz and 3 GHz?
- Bush Ducks Draft, Hits Sauce
- Denver Clear Channel drops Fox Sports for Liberal Talk
- Kenwood R2000 "RIT" modificaton
- Radio Canada International does not target Seattle on SW!
- Automated QSLs
- Good communications headphones
- Who listens to shortwave radio?
- Active Latin American shortwave broadcasters - April 2004
- HCJB 70 years
- Aero Wx logs
- Another introduction
- Understanding of IF Shift Function vs. use of Notch Filter
- Which is best? Degen 1102 or 1103??
- Is this spam??
- WBCQ 7.415
- Re: I love to HATE
- Anti War Protests Noted on BBC
- Amazing Active Loop Antenna
- Ten Tec SP-325 Receiver
- Re: ( OT ) Re: As the truth about Kerry emerges, the Democrats begin to panic
- Re: the book Kerry doesn't want you to see? My ass!
- I just knew it!!
- Do Vets even know who their friends are?
- ( OT) Protest march in NYC
- Re: OT. Kerry LIES again
- Sony icf-sw07: call ROM date ?
- FA: KENWOOD 570S, PS53, SP23, MFJ962D & Heil mike
- BBC World Service Schedule
- Europa Radio International
- Icom 746pro Testimonial
- Re: As the truth about Kerry emerges, the Democrats begin to panic
- Re: Radio Netherland news magazine is off the deep end
- Radio Australia very strong on 21740 today
- Introducing myself as a courtesy
- Anything on Shortwave Radio tonite?
- JRC NRD 545 vs AR 5000 ?
- Radio Habana Cuba update from Coro
- FCC spectrum upheavals?
- Armenia has increased times for 4810 kHz
- Re: Passport ??
- Gander Radio
- Sony 2010 - Buy It Now $579
- OT - Time for Rummy to Resign
- ( OT ) Non Shortwave related ( Don't read.. )
- SWR Meter
- Shortwave Radio Logs from Southern California
- Junk Shortwave Radio DX'ing ( part three )
- ( OT ) No Comment
- Propagation
- (OT) The Plot Thickens-More Kerry Lies!
- Swift Boat Wrap-Up
- RW NewsBytes Weekly Digest
- (OT) Re: The book John Kerry < SNIP>
- Nice radio >>>> soundcard software page
- Re: Another act of Republican "these laws are for everyone but us":
- Talk radio reaction
- See, ShortWave radio has a place in the future!
- R-75 Anybody bid on this?
- 2805 kz ?
- Passport ??
- Swiftboat fakes!
- The poverty data Bush doesn't want you to see
- Clifton Turner's RX-320 Programs Back on
- (OT) Kerry-Rumsfeld
- Deutsche Welle-75 meter DRM QRM
- god's vote
- Sudanese opposition NDA radio observed on shortwave
- old tube radios
- Re: What the Republican Convention will look like.
- FA: Kenwood 570S, PS53, SP23, MFJ962D Tuner & Heil mike
- Anybody hear Canadian Arctic mil exercise?
- Eton E1 XM ETA @ Universal Radio: 12/15/2004
- Portable powered speaker
- Drake r8b & Winradio 313i comparisons?
- rtty news freqs
- Can anyone ID this radio?
- Re: BushTards can't defend Bush's 1st term failure.
- Radio Minivan
- Pete Peters sermon today.
- Voice of Russia
- is back!
- AIR Delhi on 4870 instead of 4860
- Re: What lies matter, Kerry's or Bush's?
- Radio Habana - Arnie, Where R U?
- Low-power shortwave station briefly on the air in Paris
- FA Stateside Eddystone 670A
- 2 planes crash within minutes of each other..
- Electromagnetic radiation
- No politics
- For sale on eBay: Sony ICF-PRO80 Last day!
- Connect radio to computer
- (OT) Democratic Headquarters
- (OT) Kerry May Recant?
- (OT) Kerry Desperate?
- EiBi Skeds
- Radio Minivan begins service to Maldives on 25 August
- The Way to go
- Atrocities "Peace Kills"
- Antenna tuners
- Re: On The Fence
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